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Just Another Pointless Fanfic

By Jessie

The Narrator is in Bold. All the stories are in Italics. All dialogue is in normal print. For a disclaimer, see the bottom of the story. Now on with the fanfic!

The digidestines are meeting in the local park to decide which fanfic they want to star in next.

Izzy- as you all know, we are meeting here to decide which fanfic we're to star in next.

Hey! I just said that!

Tai- Izzy, stop imitating the narrator!

Izzy- Fine. *Sticks out tongue at the sky. *

Mimi comes to the designated meeting place late, as usual.

Mimi- Hi everybody! Izzy, why are you sticking your tongue out at the sky?

Because Tai yelled at him for copying me and now he feels inferior.

Izzy- I do not!

Matt- can we please move on?

Sora- Yes, let us please. Here's a nice fanfic written by Becky. It's called "You don't know until you die".

Mimi- creepy title

All the digidestines crouch over the story while Joe starts to read a portion of it.

Matt pleaded with his blue eyes.

"No Matt. There's no way you're going to get away with it this time."

Sora raised the gun, it's gray barrel glistened in the midnight air. Her index finger pressed down on the trigger as sweat ran down Yama's forehead. A bang was heard, and smoke seeped through the room. When it was settled, to Sora' s surprise, Taichi was laying on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him.

"What have I done! I've killed the man I love!" Sora cried. She knelt down and sobbed over his lifeless body.

Matt opened his eyes and tears welled up in them.

"He saved my life." Matt whispered. He would never forgive Sora, as long as he lived.

"Why didn't you kill me damnit?! Why didn't you kill me?"

Joe looked up and looked around. Mimi, T.K., Kari, and Tai were pale white.

Sora- I'm sorry Tai! I didn't mean to kill you! Wahhhhhhhh! I killed Tai!

Matt- it's only a story, Sora.

Izzy- I personally liked it. It was written extremely well and shows deep emotion.

Tai- that's because you weren't killed!

T.K.- Tai, would you really do that for Matt?

Tai- I don't know. Sora, are you planning on killing Matt?

Sora- No! And if anyone says differently, they're lying!

Matt- you answered too quickly.

Sora- No! I swear!

Joe- let's move on to the next one. We'll keep this one is mind though.

Joe puts the papers down slowly and backs away from it. Then he picks up a brown folder.

Kari- what's the next fanfic?

Joe- it's "Saviors from Above" by Digiboy2000. It looks like a T.K. POV story, only when he's older.

Mimi- Oh! Sounds like a pretty story this time.

We were cornered. Each evil digimon with powers beyond imagination had surrounded us. They were getting ready to attack.

Matt yelled for me to come over to him.

"T.K., whatever happens, I'll protect you. I promise."

Those were the last words from his mouth before the digimon attacked. I shut my eyes and all around me was a dreadful silence as a powerful energy blast hit me. I opened them again, hoping to still see my brother alive and standing there. I quietly sighed as Matt stood up, but then had to hold my breath when I saw Patamon and Gabumon on the ground. Not even moving an inch. "No" I though.

Matt- let's stop this one right here.

Joe- why?

Matt- T.K.'s crying all over me. Can I get a new shirt here?

Sora- that was pretty Mimi, pretty sad.

Izzy-can I get a new shirt too?

Tai- why do you need a new shirt?

Izzy- Mimi's crying all over me.

Tai- let's try a new fanfic.

Joe- Ok, this one is by Jen, and is called "Die, Die, Die".

Kari- this doesn't sound pretty.

Kari blocks her ears and Matt blocks T.K.'s.

Once upon a time, all the digimon and digidestines died. The End

All the kids are pale-faced.

Tai- that one was stupid and pointless.

Kari-and really short

Sora- that girl needs to get her head checked.

Mimi- why do we all die in that story? Why can't we just be in a story where we all go picking flowers and frolic in a blueberry patch?

Matt- Mimi if it was up to you, all we would be doing in stories is frolicking in wide-open fields, picking flowers.

Mimi- what's so bad about that?

Sora- (mumbling) nothing, except no one would read 'em.

Izzy- do we have any fanfics that don't end with one of us dying?

Joe flips through all the fanfics.

Joe- lets see, umm-big explosions, no, umm-we-all-die-on-an-airplane, no, umm- a giant digimon eats us, no, we…

Tai- I guess not.

Izzy- aren't there any fanfic writers that want to write a happy story?

Izzy, I don't think so. The whole reason authors write fanfics, is to put you through torture for our own amusement purposes.

Tai- that's it! I'm starting my own little quest to find a fanfic writer that isn't demented or has a twisted mind. Who's with me?

None of the kids respond. Tai gives them a look.

Sora- I'm with ya Tai!

Matt- of course you are. You're practically in love with the guy.

Tai-grrrrr, Matt, I said, who's with me?

Matt- I am, I guess.

Kari-me too Tai!

T.K.- if Kari is, I will too!

Izzy-okay, I guess I will too. Besides, Tai would get lost with out my laptop and me. * kisses his laptop *

Joe- I might as well.

Mimi- Yeah! I want to come too! Maybe I'll find a fanfic writer who likes pink and wants to come to the mall with me.

And so the digidestines set out on a quest to find one sane fanfic writer. Who knows, maybe on their journey they'll come across a normal author? It's not very likely though…

That's the end of part one. Now I want to put a disclaimer on this thing. First of all I don't own Digimon, yadda yadda, legal junk. Secondly, I made all the authors and stories up, so if it sounds like one of your fan fictions or your pen name, I'm sorry about that.

Basically, I made this up to have fun and stuff so if you're offended by it anyway, again I'm sorry and I didn't mean it. I just had a little too much ginger ale today.

E-mail your comments and stuff to I'd be happy to take your suggestions.

~ Jessie~