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Untitled As Of Now, Sorry ^_^;;;

By Karana

Disclaimer: Digimon: Digital Monsters is property of people who are not me.

I don't take credit for anything pertaining to Digimon. I do, however, take

credit for Yumi, Nika, Kitsunemon, Koinumon, Inarimon, WereInarimon,

MetalInarimon, StarInarimon, and all their attacks. Whew!



Chapter I: And So It Begins.Again!



I wander the night, alone. It is better this way. If I am

alone, then I won't hurt anyone. Staring up at the stars, I wonder if _he_

is up there, watching me. With a cold shiver down my back, I know he is. I

curse him for forcing me to do this, while realizing I am completely

helpless to stop him.

And I know I am merely a pawn in his great game, a pawn that will

infinitively be the end.

The end of the DigiWorld. The end of Earth.

And the end of the DigiDestined.



Tai lounged on the couch, watching the TV with a glazed expression. Life

after the adventure in DigiWorld was rather dull. He kinda wished some big

bad guy with a bat fetish would turn up, just so he could meet up with

Agumon again.

~*I wonder how he's doing,*~ Tai thought, ~*Him and all the others too.*~

A merry feminine voice broke into his thoughts. "Why do you look so bored,

Tai?" He looked up to see his younger sister Kari standing by him.

"'Cause I am, Kari. I keep wondering how Agumon and everyone else is doing,

back in the DigiWorld." Kari placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"Cheer up! Sora called and said that her, Matt, TK, Joe, Mimi, and Izzy are

all going to meet in the park today. I told her that we'd definitely be

there. It's gonna be soooo much fun!"

Tai brightened. It _did_ sound like fun, to see all of his friends again.

Of course, he saw Sora at soccer camp, and sometimes he'd pass Matt in the

hallways at school, but it wasn't really the same.

Kari tugged on his hand. "Come on, we have to go! I don't want to be late!"

Laughing, Tai allowed his sister to pull him out of the room and down the




I watched in the crystal orb _he_ was holding in front of me. I glared

hatefully at him for a moment, before turning my attention back to the orb.

It showed a happy little scene: a group of eight good friends meeting in

the park.

I gasped. "They're only kids! How can you expect me to do this to them?!"

He smiled. It was not a kind smile, either. I stared directly into his

eyes, practically burning with anger.

"You know what will happen if you don't do what I tell you. Need I remind

you who is hanging down in my dungeons at this moment?"

My gaze wavered, and I clenched my fists as my eyes slid to the floor.

"You better not hurt them." I growled through gritted teeth.

"As long as you keep your end of the bargain, I will keep mine," he said

smoothly as I eyed him with distaste.

"Now, when all eight DigiDestined are gathered in the park, summon them

into the DigiWorld. Let them find their Digi-companions, it doesn't matter.

You know what to do after that." He purred, grinning evilly.

"Yes." I snarled lowly, hating myself.

"Yes what?"




"Sora! Matt! Everyone! Oh man, it's great to see you all again!" Tai

yelled. He and his sister had changed positions, now Kari was the one being

dragged as Tai raced towards his friends.

"Tai!" Sora shouted happily, giving him a hug.

"So you finally decided to show up." Matt said as a greeting.

"Same old Matt!" Tai grinned, shaking hands with his blond friend. Isn't it

weird how all these kids are Japanese, yet none have hair even remotely

close to black?

TK latched onto Tai's legs. "Tai Tai Tai! Guess what?? Matt taught me how

to cook rice cakes!! I make 'em all by myself now!"

"That's great, little guy!" Tai said, patting TK's head. Kari started as

she discovered Mimi staring at her.

"W-what is it?"

"Your hair! I just love your hair!" Mimi squealed. "Although your wardrobe

could use a little more pink."

Izzy looked up long enough from his laptop to see Tai.

"Oh, hello Tai! Long time no see!" Then he went back to typing.

"Achoo!" A loud sneeze proclaimed Joe's entrance. "My allergies are killing


All in all, it was a wonderful reunion.

Too bad that was all about to change.



Suddenly, there were eight identical blasts of light streaming down from

the sky. In each little beam hung a DigiVice, floating suspended in air.

Tai grabbed his and stared at it.

"What?" He voiced. Matt picked his own out of the air and helped TK get


"Our DigiVices! But why are they here? They disappeared when we defeated

Myotismon." Sora said, blinking. Izzy plucked his DigiVice out of the air

and tapped it.

"These are definitely the same DigiVices we found when we were first

summoned to the DigiWorld. But why have they appeared again? The only

logical explanation I can give is that we are to be summoned to the

DigiWorld again!"

"Really?? Great, that means I'll get to see Patamon again!" TK yelled

happily, smiling up at Matt, who didn't share his enthusiasm.

"But the last time we were summoned to the DigiWorld was because Myotismon

was causing trouble." He said, frowning.

"So if the DigiVices came back." Kari said slowly.

".the DigiWorld must be threatened again!" Tai finished. "So we've gotta go

stop whoever's messing everything up over there!"

The DigiVices hummed and glowed brilliant white.

"Oh no, not agaaaiiiinnnnn!!!" Mimi shouted, just as there was a blinding

flash of light and a loud crack.

The eight kids were gone.
