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Matt’s Oracle

By: Evee Ishida

Matt looked around the ruins of Puppetmon’s mansion. He could see a Daremon and a Floramon searching frantically.

Daremon: "Where is she?!"

Floramon: "I don’t know! She has to be here somewhere!"

Matt walked up to them and helped them look.

Matt: "What exactly is she? Is she a Digimon or a human, like me?"

Floramon: "Both."

Matt what do you mean by that?"

Floramon: "She’s both. Now are you gonna look or what?!"

Matt was very confused by now, but he kept looking anyway.

Daremon: "I found her!"

Matt, Gabumon, and Floramon came over to look.

Daremon: "Help Floramon! Untie her and let’s try to wake her up!"

Floramon hurried to do what she was told. After a while, they had an empty bucket of water by a strange looking human girl. She woke up and shook water off of her like a wet cat. Her tank top and jeans were soaked.

Matt: "Who are you and are you OK?"

The girl nodded in reply.

Daremon: "Kitsuine, are you OK?"

Kitsuine: "Yes. Thank you for reviving me."

Matt thought her voice sounded like a flute. Nice and high.

Matt: "How did you get here, and why did Floramon say you were a human and a Digimon?"

Kitsuine: "I’m your oracle, Matt. I have the power to change into a human-sized Gatomon. You are the only one that has an oracle. You were given one to understand your position in the DigiDestined. You have enough power to be the leader but you have to much to lose if you did."

Matt: "Huh?"

Kitsuine: "You care about T.K. and you are afraid you might lose him if you accepted the responsibility of leadership."

Matt: "Ohhh."

Floramon: "Should we show him?"

Daremon: "I guess. Should we, Kitsuine?"

Kitsuine: "There’s no time like the present."

Now Matt was felling really lost. I mean really, REALLY lost.

Kitsuine took out a pair of Gatomon gloves from her back pocket and put them on. A ripple effect ran across her skin. Where the ripples had flowed over, white, glossy fur grew out.

Matt: "Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba (and it goes on and on) <blink> <blink> <wipe drool from corner of mouth>"

Her face grew furry and her nose became leathery, cold, and damp. Two white fur covered ears shot out of her head as a Gatomon’s tail popped out of back.

Gabumon: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I must protect Matt! Gabumon Digivolve to………………..<beep> <beep>


There was a loud thud as Gabumon fainted. Kitsuine had came over to close Matt’s mouth. She still had her long, black hair but you could hardly recognize her.

Kitsuine: " I’m a human with the ability to turn into a Gatomon."

<Slurp> Matt: "Ohhhhhhh. I’m not lost any more. But how?"

Kitsuine: "A year or two ago I went to collect some herbs for the Gatomon village I lived with. I spotted a Gazimon hanging a Salamon by its hind legs over a river. I put my basket down, sneaked down behind the Gazimon and whapped him over the head with my bonbori."

Matt: "Wassat?"

Kitsuine took off what looked like a round puffy cloud with a long stem attached to it from her wrist.

Yetsaro: "These are my bonbori."

She pulled out an identical weapon.

She handed them to Matt, who turned them around in his hands. He stopped and looked at a blue symbol on the handle of the weapon.

Matt: "Hey! That’s my crest."

Kitsuine: "Yup."

Matt: "How did you become half Gatomon?"

Kitsuine: "Oh yeah. Well, after I knocked the Gazimon unconscious, I went to rescue the Salamon. She was scared to death. I carried her back to where I dropped the basket and asked her where she lived. She happened to live at the same village that I lived I lived at. She turned out to be the chief’s kitten type thing. The Chief granted any wish I wanted. Of course I had to sleep on it. I had a dream that told me I shouldn’t wish my way out of the DigiWorld, but instead to wish to become a Gatomon. I never believed that it was possible or else I would’ve chosen that right away. The next morning I went up to the chief and asked if I could be a Gatomon. He said it was possible and gave me a pair of Gatomon gloves. I tried them on and saw fur rippling all over me, then my vision swirled a bit when my eyes changed shape. And I guess you know that later I got captured as Puppetmon’s play mate. And then you found me.’

Matt: "Ohhhhhh. Nice touch."

Matt was still blushing when Kitsuine finished her story.

Gabumon: "Matt, I had the weirdest dream! I… AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s not a dream! It’s not a dream!"

Matt: "It’s OK Gabumon. She won’t hurt us"

Gabumon: "Are you sure?"

Kitsuine: "I wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it hurt me first."

Gabumon still looked uneasy and wedged his body between Matt and Kitsuine.

Gabumon: "I hope your telling the truth, for your own sake."

Kitsuine: "I also have this strange "attack", and I have been known to let out surges of electricity in desperate measures."

Gabumon backed up into Matt a bit.

Matt had an idea. If Kitsuine really was an oracle, then shouldn’t she have the power to see elsewhere, or in the future?

Matt: "If you are an oracle, where is T.K., and what is he doing now?"

Kitsuine produced what looked like a small palm-sized crystal ball from her herbalist pouch. After she swirled it around a bit, Matt could make out T.K. and the rest of the group riding Kabuterimon. T.K. was almost in tears, and Kari looked like a wet Gatomon.

Matt: "What’s wrong with Kari?"

Kitsuine: "She has a case of phenomena, and they need to find somewhere where they can rest."

Matt: "Why is T.K. looking so sad?"

Kitsuine: "T.K. CARES for Kari. He CARES a lot."

Gabumon: "I hope Kari’s OK."

Kitsuine: "She’ll be OK. T.K. is with her."

All of a sudden, Matt heard a rustle in the bushes. Kitsuine was over there in a flash. When she hopped over the bushes, she had her gloves on and was ready to fight. Matt a Gabumon was over in a few seconds looking at what caused the disturbance. The sight that met them was almost comical. A furry half human was cradling a tiny pink, crying blob.

Kitsuine: "It’s a Punimon that fell from a Cherrymon over there."

Cherrymon: "’Snot my fault! That little brat jumped on me and caught me off guard!"

Matt: "Uh huh… Right … Whatever you say. Umm. Is he… it gonna be alright?"

Kitsuine: "Yupyup. It’ll be better in no time."

Matt was silently laughing at the expression on Cherrymon’s face, while Kitsuine was calming the poor Punimon down. She started to take things from her pouch, like bandages, medical tape scissors, rubbing alcohol, and a small clump of cotton balls. She started to patch the Digimon up. Matt and Gabumon were surprised at how much a herbalists pouch could hold.

Gabumon: "By any chance is there any food in there?"

Kitsuine: "So now you trust me! Don’t worry, I can cook."

After the Punimon was patched up, they took him back to the Garurumon village. Matt asked Gabumon to Digivolve to Garurumon so it wouldn’t take them all day to reach their destination. Matt held out his hand to help Kitsuine on. Nobody seemed to notice the look on Kitsuine’s face except Punimon, who squeaked his distress. Kitsuine could hear his distress call in her head. "Are you OK?" Kitsuine could only hear these calls when someone really cared about her. She answered him with a weak smile that said; "I’ll live."

Through out the ride, Kitsuine turned a pale shade of green. When they stopped, she felt a little better.

They were asked to stay at the Garurumon village for at least a night. They accepted, just for one night though. Kitsuine went into the kitchen to cook dinner for the multitudes of Digimon there, while Matt and Gabumon was ushered off to take a bath. Obviously, not being near a water source for a day or two and only having enough to drink offended the Garurumon’s noses. Kitsuine was to take one later. She didn’t offend them as much. Matt was soaking in the tub with Gabumon, while the Garurumon were washing his fur.

Matt: "Ahhhhhhhhh. I haven’t had a bath this hot since I left home. It feels great!"

Gabumon: "Ahhhhhhhhh. This is wonderful!"

Matt: "Gabumon, what do you think of Kitsuine?"

Gabumon: "Why do you ask Matt?"

Matt: "<Blushing> Oh. No reason. I was thinking… umm…We might as well get use to her… umm… since she has to come along with us."

Gabumon: "Do you like her Matt? Is that why you are asking? Huh Matt?"

Matt: "Is it that obvious?"

Gabumon: "I guess. But I always thought you were into the whole human type."

Matt: "It doesn’t really matter. She might not even like me."

Gabumon: "I think she does. Why don’t you ask her tomorrow?"

Matt: "Are you kidding?!"

Gabumon: "I’m…"

Matt: "She might not even like me! She could love one of the Dark Masters for all I know. She might even hate my guts! You know what? This bath is officially OVER! I’m leaving!"

Gabumon had a surprised look on his face.

Gabumon: " I’m sorry Matt. I didn’t mean to. I just thought that it would be a good idea if you let all your feelings out before they build up and turn you give you a dark heart."

Matt: "I’m sorry Gabumon. I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m really sorry, but I think we should get out now any ways. Our skin is getting all pruny and I’m kinda hungry."

<Knock knock> Matt got up to get the door.

Matt: "I’m coming!"

He opened the door and saw a surprised Kitsuine covering her eyes.

Kitsuine "Towel! Towel!"

Matt: "Oops." <Blushing furiously>

"That was smooth," He thought "Next time, try putting on some pants."

He hastily shut the door and hurried to get a towel on. He went to get the door again.

Matt: "<Still blushing furiously> Sorry."

Kitsuine: "’S OK. I just came to tell you that it’s dinner time."

Matt: "OK. <Growling stomach> Oops. I guess I was hungrier than I thought."

Matt closed the door clutching his empty stomach. Gabumon was laughing his head off when Matt got near the tub, but stopped abruptly when he saw Matt.

Gabumon: "She handled that rather well!"

He and Matt burst out laughing.

Matt: "Gabumon, time for dinner."

Gabumon: "OK. Have you seen my fur?"

Matt: "It’s over there."

Gabumon: "OK thanks. Umm Matt? Where exactly?"

Matt: "Uh oh. There probably not done cleaning it yet."

<Knock knock>

Matt: "I’m coming!"

This time he already had his towel on. He opened the door and saw Kitsuine with Gabumon’s fur in her hands.

Matt: "Never mind Gabumon. It’s right here."

Matt took the clean fur from her and thanked Kitsuine.

Matt: "Thanks. Again."

Gabumon walked over leaving wet paw prints on the wooden floor, as Matt closed the door.

After they both changed, they headed down to the dining room. "Wow. It’s huge." Matt thought. He looked around but couldn’t find Kitsuine. He decided to ask the Chief Garurumon, when he saw her coming out of the kitchen. "She looks different. I can’t put my finger on it though." Matt thought. She came over to Matt and sat down between him and Gabumon.

Matt: "Gabumon? Where KitKit's eyes always like that?"

Gabumon: "I don’t know Matt."

Kitsuine’s eyes where clouded over, and misty. Normally they where a clear brilliant green. Later that night, Matt, Gabumon, and Kitsuine had been ushered off to their room. Their room had three beds with blankets and pillows on them. The Garurumon that had ushered them went to the far wall and opened the window. A long cold breeze ran in. Matt’s hair ruffled, Gabumon held his fur tighter, and Kitsuine huddled behind the two of them. "I thought she loved having winds blow in her face" Matt thought. Matt and Gabumon went to sleep almost immediately. Kitsuine feigned sleep until she was sure that the others were asleep. Then she crept silently towards Matt. When she got there, Matt opened his eyes and blinked rapidly. He reached up to smooth Kitsuine’s hair down. To his surprise, Kitsuine reached for his hand and bit it with shimmering white fangs.

Matt: "What the heck are you thinking!"

Kitsuine hissed and ran out the opened window. A worried look crossed Matt’s face.

Matt: "I’m sorry KitKat! Umm… I mean KitKit! Huh? Gabumon! Wake up! We’ve got to find her!"


Kitsuine had a splitting headache. She tried to move, but she couldn’t. She looked at her ankles and wrists. She let out a moan. Both were manacled to a wall covered with hieroglyphs. She let out another long moan, and tried to break free.

Kitsuine: "Where am I? Where are you Matt? Gabumon?"

A low cackle found its way to her ears, as the familiar figure of Piedmon appeared. She stopped struggling.

Piedmon: "So you’re finally awake. I hope that the sleeping draught in your water didn’t give you too much of a headache. Oh whom am I kidding? I hope it was awful. Don’t you?"

All Kitsuine could do is groan.

Kitsuine: "What do you want from me? What did you do to Matt and Gabumon?"

Piedmon: "Tsk tsk. Why so many questions from one so young?"

Kitsuine: "Shut up and tell me where Matt and Gabumon are!"

Piedmon: "Shame on you. Oh well. You’ll have to pay for that. Trump Sword!"

Two swords flew at Kitsuine and sent a long shock of electricity threw her entire body.

Kitsuine: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Piedmon: "Well what do we have here? A screamer! I love to hear the sound of an injured person or Digimon!"

Piedmon: "Now if you be a good girl, and tell me where the other DigiDestined are, I’ll spare your life and you can work as my slave, or if you like, one of my nightmare soldiers.

Kitsuine shook her head.

Kitsuine: "I hope you don’t feel bad if I decline. Sky of Lightning!"

Piedmon elegantly leaped out of the way a ball of electricity blew a hole through his castle wall.

Piedmon: "Tsk. you’ll have to pay again. Trump Sw…"

Kitsuine: "Sky of Lightning!"

Piedmon couldn’t leap out of the way because the ball was too big. He took the intended full blow, and smashed a big dent in the other wall.

Piedmon: "Tsk. I’ll have to get you again for that. Trump Sword!"

Kitsuine was too weak to move. That last blast had drained all of her energy. The swords had found their target and sent continuos surges of electricity. In the end she was too weak to moan. "Even being a nightmare soldier is better than this." She thought. Still she didn’t move. She would never betray Matt, Gabumon, or sweet little T.K. or Kari. Even though she never met them, she knew they were too innocent to be killed. After a few minutes, Piedmon came back with a glass of what suspiciously looked like water. Kitsuine was so thirsty she didn’t care what it was. Piedmon walked over, and placed it in front of Kitsuine, and snapped his fingers. The chains on her wrists and ankles lengthened, so she could bend over to drink. As soon as she bent forward, Piedmon turned around and walked into one of the deeper chambers. Kitsuine took deep gulps of the water. On her tongue, the liquid was a little thicker than it should have been, and it tasted metallic. After a few more minutes, Piedmon came back. He snapped and the chains pulled Kitsuine back up again.

Piedmon: "Matt and his pathetic excuse for a Digimon are coming in search for you, or who they think you was you. I want you to destroy them."

Kitsuine: "Yes, Master Piedmon."

Piedmon: "Oh yes. Do you want to know why you're so obedient now? That water you drank was from one of LadyDevimon's wells out back, I think it was from The Well of Obedience. Whoever drinks from it, will be obedient to the person who gave it to them."

Kitsuine: "Thank you, Master Piedmon. I shall destroy the Digidestined you appointed me, but I don't think LadyDevimon will be able to destroy the rest of the fools that trespass on your castle grounds."

Piedmon: "Don't mind about that now. You have to finish your part first. When the crest of friendship is broken, the others will not have enough friendship to even look at each other. It's a wonderful plan, isn't it?"

Kitsuine: "Yes Master Piedmon. No one can out wit you. I shall go now."

Piedmon: "Wait! I didn't tell you my plan yet."

Kitsuine: "Yes Master."


Matt: "Where is she. I didn't mean to scare her off!"

Garurumon: "What exactly did she do to you?"

Matt: "She bit me."

Garurumon perked his ears up.

Garurumon: "Why would she bite you?"

Matt: "How should I know? Oh I hope she's OK!"

Garurumon: "Don't worry, Matt. She can handle anything but Piedmon."

Matt: "That's what I was afraid of. Garurumon! Look over there! In the tree!"

Garurumon: "She looks like she was in a fight with somebody."

Matt: "Oh how did you figure?"

Kitsuine was hanging from the tree. Her hair and clothes were fussed up, and she was crying. When Matt got closer, he could see she had a black eye.

Matt: "Are you OK?"

Matt put her head on his shoulder. She was sobbing so hard; she trembled when he touched her. Garurumon started to chew through the rope that was bound her arms together. As soon as Garurumon was done chewing, Kitsuine threw her arms around Matt. "The plan is going perfectly. In no time I shall have them at Piedmon's castle." She thought

Matt: "Where have you been? I was so worried!"

Kitsuine: "You don't have to treat me like a little kid you know!"

She got off of Matt's shoulder

Matt: "Then you shouldn't have ran off like that!"

Kitsuine: "Now I know why T.K. likes Tai better! You always treat him like a little kid. I'm not even related to you!"

These words pierced Matt's heart like swords. Even though T.K. was his little brother, he wasn't young enough for Matt to worry over him like this. He's been acting stupid to think that T.K. even needed him anymore. This place had changed him from being a little baby, to a rebel like him. If T.K. doesn't need him anymore, then who did? Gabumon needed him, only because they were partners. Matt wanted someone that was almost totally dependent on him. Kitsuine had been like that until now. Now she was just like T.K.

Matt had been thinking about this for so long, that he just hardly notice Kitsuine running farther and farther from him. She had been running in the opposite direction of the Garurumon village. That's how they both were. T.K. and Kitsuine were both running away from him. He wasn’t about to lose this one like his little brother. Matt hopped on Garurumon's back.

Matt: "Follow her, Garurumon!"

Kitsuine had finally reached Piedmon's castle. She pounded three times on the drawbridge, looked over her shoulder, and just as suspected Matt was riding Garurumon towards her direction. The door opened, and as soon as Kitsuine was in, she let out a high pitched scream, and then dropped her voice to a whisper.

Kitsuine: "Master Piedmon, the DigiDestined and his Digimon are on their way."

Piedmon: "Good. Did they see you come in?"

Kitsuine: "Yes. They also heard me scream."

Piedmon: "Wonderful. Get into position, and be ready."

Kitsuine walked over to the pair of manacles she was strapped in only a few minutes before. She walked by LadyDevimon and hissed. LadyDevimon pretended to ignore her, but Kitsuine was persistent, and shot forward a hand, grabbed a large handful of hair, and tugged with all her might. LadyDevimon's head snapped backwards.

LadyDevimon: "How dare you, you little twit!"

Piedmon heard this remark. He had taken Kitsuine under his wing, and let no one harm her. LadyDevimon looked put a fist out in an attempt to hit Kitsuine.

Piedmon: "LadyDevimon! If you touch that girl, I will sentence you to an eternity with Lycanthropmon."

LadyDevimon just hated being punished by Piedmon. "I wish that this little brat wasn't here. I had such a better time without her. Piedmon used to take notice of how I dispatched an unworthy Digimon. Now that she's here, he only sees what I do wrong." She thought.

Kitsuine had strapped herself into the manacles, and was waiting for Matt to burst in. She was face flat on the floor, and LadyDevimon had her foot on her back. A few seconds later, Matt burst in. Kitsuine began screaming bloody murder. When Matt burst in she let him take a glimpse of her then flew into a large oaken door. Matt and Garurumon ran towards Kitsuine.

Matt: "What did she do to you?"

Kitsuine remained silent.

Matt: "Answer me!"

Kitsuine let out a long moan. When Matt lifted her head, he saw a girl with a split lip, two black eyes, and a reddening bruise on her cheek.

Matt: "What did they do to you? <Sniffing>"

Two large tears rolled down his cheeks and onto Kitsuine's face. Matt looked into her eyes, and saw black misty tears roll down her cheeks. Her eyes returned to their normal green. Piedmon burst through the large doors that LadyDevimon had flown into.

Piedmon: "Well, what do we have here?"

Kitsuine struggled to her feet. A stricken look spread across Piedmon's face, which turned into a sneer.

Piedmon: "Turned back, already?"

Matt looked confused.

Kitsuine: "I'll tell you later. Come on, Piedmon! You can take on a little girl, can't you?"

Piedmon lunged at the girl. She quickly leapt out of the way.

Kitsuine: "Come on! I'm over here!"

Matt: "Kitsuine! What are you doing?"

She ran towards Matt and whispered urgently in his ear. Matt nodding understandingly. All of a sudden, LadyDevimon swooped in and grabbed Matt. He let out a terrified scream when she lifted him up into the air. Kitsuine, Garurumon, and Piedmon turned deep shades of green at the next thing LadyDevimon did. LadyDevimon brought Matt's cheek to her face and none to gently kissed him on the cheek.

Kitsuine: "<once she got her voice back>I'm gonna kill you, you witch!"

LadyDevimon dropped Matt on Garurumon's back.

LadyDevimon: "Now you know how it feels like! Come and get me!"

Kitsuine put down her bonbori and put her gloves on.

Kitsuine: "I'll kill you with my bare hands!"

Matt, who was wiping his cheek furiously, blushed until he was almost crimson.

Kitsuine jumped towards LadyDevimon. They were at hand to hand combat, all the time Kitsuine was yelling, "How dare you!" over and over.

The fight was so intense, that Piedmon and Matt stopped theirs to watch.

Matt: "look at them go!"

Piedmon: "Yetsaro looks like she might win."

Matt: "She MIGHT win? She's gonna win!"

Piedmon: "That is true. So sad that I'm going to lose my best Nightmare soldier."

Matt: "Shouldn't we be fighting?"

Piedmon: "Not right now. Ooh. That was some punch."

Matt: "I can't take my eyes off this fight."

Piedmon: "Neither can I."

Kitsuine had a deep scar on her left arm, but LadyDevimon took multiple gouges the face and a stab from her own dagger to her right calf. All of the sudden, Kitsuine took a leap up onto her opponent's back.

Kitsuine: "Energy Drain!"

She clamped her palms down on LadyDevimon's shoulder blades. Her palms reddened and glowed brilliantly. LadyDevimon screamed and writhed in agony. She dropped like a stone with Kitsuine clawing at her back. They both landed with a loud thump on the stone ground. Piedmon and Matt ran over and pried a violent little girl off the crumpled Digimon's back.

Matt: "You can stop now! It's over."

Piedmon: "She would've made a wonderful soldier."

Matt: "Hey! Our fight's not over."

Piedmon: "You're right, but I suggest we rest up. We can't have them fighting while we are fighting. I might destroy LadyDevimon while aiming a blast at you."

Matt: "Point taken."

Matt cradled Kitsuine 's head in his lap.

Matt: "Are you OK?"

Kitsuine: "Yes. Now that I see you I am."

Matt's eyes blurred as uncried tears welled up.

Matt: "I love you."

Kitsuine: "I do too."

Piedmon turned his back and faced LadyDevimon. He bent down and held her hand.

Piedmon: "Are you OK, my darling?" (I shuddered when I typed this)

The crumpled figure rolled over and looked into Piedmon's eyes.

LadyDevimon: "I am, if you got rid of that little brat."

Piedmon: "She turned back, and she's gone with that DigiDestined kid."

LadyDevimon attempted to get up. She fell over and Piedmon practically leapt to save her. They looked into each other's eyes and engaged in a long kiss (Blecccccccch).


Matt and Kitsuine were on Garurumon's back, who was running as fast as he could back to the Garurumon village. Kitsuine had fallen asleep on Matt, who had a really, really happy grin on his face. A few minutes later, Matt had his head down on the back Garurumon's neck, Kitsuine's hands wrapped around his waist, and rain dripping gently on his face. When Garurumon reached the gates of the village, he let out a long howl that acted like a doorbell. Two WereGarurumon opened the gates. One of them took Matt and Kitsuine off Garurumon's back while he DeDigivolved to Gabumon, and carried them into their bedroom. He put them in the same bed because one of the Tsunomon wet theirs. Gabumon was led to the Chief's private chambers for questioning. After an hour, give or take a minute or two, Gabumon came out, and was escorted to his room. He looked around, until his eyes adjusted. He smiled at the sight he saw. Kitsuine was nestled deep in Matt's chest, and Matt had his arms wrapped around her waist.

Gabumon: "Goodnight Matt."

Matt woke up at the sound of Gabumon's voice. So did Kitsuine.

Matt: "Goodnight Gabumon."

Kitsuine: "G'night Gabumon."


This is my FIRST Matt story, so I need lots of comments, and constructive criticism.

I (unfortunately) don't own Digimon, wish I did, Blah Blah Blah.