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Oookay. This is my first fan fic, so please keep an open mind. It is the

result of 3 weeks of work and severe writer's block. It takes place after

(For Matt, "Ogremon's Honor") Machinedramon is defeated.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, but this storyline, and any new characters

are MINE.


New Allies

By: Foxfire



"Ice Wolf Claw!"

"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Puppetmon cried. His wooden body hit the grass,

smoking, with a thin sheet of ice on him. Finished. Defeated. Inaudible to

anyone, he asked..

"Cherrymon? .. What do those kids have ..that I don't?"

FRIENDS. Came a faint yet strong reply.

The Dark Master disintegrated into bits of data. Matt walked up with a

look of satisfaction on his face.

"Thank you Matt!" Sora exclaimed, running up with the rest of the group.

Matt turned and stared. Five pairs of eyes looked back. Tai's stunned brown

eyes. Kari's sweet innocent ones. Izzy's wide black and calculating.

Sora's sympathetic and understanding. The Digimon's.

And TK's. The wide crystalline blue eyes, the image of an innocent soul

Matt had tried so hard to protect. TK needed him still.

It would be so easy, just to stay.

He walked off.

Left the others. Left his friends. He couldn't face them. Not now at

least. Puppetmon was gone, by his hand. They were safe, for now. He could

of stayed.. but it hurt to much.

Do you know what is hurting you, Matt?

The question tortured him. What's wrong with me?! I keep running, with

nowhere to go. What am I supposed to do? DO YOU HERE ME?!! WHAT AM I

SUPPOSED TO DO!? He shouted silently to the sky.

Matt did the only thing he could think of. He ran. And ran, with

Metalgarurumon loping after him.

He ran until he collapsed, miles away from the others. A faded looking

beach was up ahead. My mind is playing cruel tricks on me. He thought. On

the beach was a peddle boat shaped like a swan.

Matt sat on the beach, his face buried in his arms, sobbing.

Metalgarurumon devolved to Gabumon and walked up to his companion. He

placed a caring arm around the weeping boy.

"What's wrong with me Gabumon?" Matt asked between sobs. Gabumon gave no

reply, but kept his arm around him.

That Cherrymon. Gabumon thought bitterly. He used Matt's insecurities for

his own plans. They failed, but look what it did to him!

Matt fell asleep, with Gabumon keeping watch. Near midnight he awoke.

Gabumon had dozed off. The air was deathly still. Matt gazed across the

smooth black surface of the lake. He tensed. Was someone calling him? No.

Still, he was drawn to the opposite bank.

He roused Gabumon, and they went off in the boat. His harmonica was still

on the beach where it had dropped.

The trekked through the dark forest until they came to a clearing. The sky

was lightening to a pale gray.

"Going soMyuhere?" a voice from the shadows asked.

Matt froze. Why did that voice sound so familiar? He'd heard it


Then it hit him. It was his own.

"You know, you're only running from yourself." a second, female voice


"Who's there?!" Gabumon demanded, standing protectively in front of Matt.

"Chill Gabumon." the first voice asked.

"Show yourselves!" Matt demanded.

"Okay!" the second voice, taken aback, said. "Sheesh."

The female speaker stepped from the shadows. She was his height, wearing a

purple T-shirt, jeans, and boots. Her hair was blue-green, pulled back in

two ponytails. Her laughing bright blue eyes seemed to look right through

him. What startled him most was that she wore a Tag. No crest, no

Digivice. Just a Tag.

The other speaker stepped out next. Matt found himself staring

at...himself. A perfect copy. Same too-cool pose, same wild blond hair.

Their were only two differences. The boy wore only a Tag, and his eyes were

a pale violet.

"Who-Who are you guys?" Matt managed to stammer.

"I'm not your conscience or anything, in case you were worrying." His

double replied with a smirk. His eyes tore holes right through Matt.

"How about being a little less vague, David." The girl crankily told Matt's

double, taking his gaze off the startled Digidestined.

"For getting us here Myu sure wasn't a lot of help, Cybra. We were lucky

to have gotten out of that time rift and found- Oh, you're still here." The

last sentence was aimed at Matt.

"What are you talking about? Who's Myu? And I don't recall having a

clone." For some reason the boy (David) grinned.

"This could take a while." The girl(Cybra) said, rolling her eyes.

"MATT!" a voice in the distance shouted as the two new people snapped

their heads around towards the sound.

"Joe!" Gabumon exclaimed.

"Matt!" Joe emerged from the bushes, panting, with Gomamon at his heels.

He walked up to a startled image of his friend. "I knew you'd be here, I

mean with Elecmon seeing you leave in that boat, and finding your


"Dude," said a very startled David, who was holding up his hands to ward

off the ecstatic Joe "Matt's there." He said, pointing over his shoulder at

the real Matt.

"Wah?" Joe glanced from Matt, to David, then back at Matt "I knew cloning

was going to far."

"No, really." David said dryly. Cybra scowled at him.

"Since when are there two Matts?" Gomamon asked.

David sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Here goes nothing." He muttered "About a week ago the two of us and seven

other kids ended up in some strange world.

Before that we(the nine of us), and some other guy were in a museum, in our

world. Then some freaky lady in a black cloak appeared and told us it was

time. Time for what? we wondered. Then the building blew up. I am not

kidding. But we didn't. Everyone else in the museum did. Including our

families." David shuddered, but continued "We were protected by some

shield. At first we thought that the lady had done it, but she told us it

had been terrorists. She said her name was Myu.

The only thing(besides ourselves) that hadn't been destroyed was this huge

mirror. Myu turned it into some kind of portal, and we went through. What

happened to Ron (the other guy) we don't know.

We ended up in some strange place of mist. Myu appeared, and gave us the

Tags. Myu told us that we were needed here in the Digital World, that we

were special in some way. We found out how soon enough. All of us have

these cool abilities."

Cybra continued "She told us about what was go'in on here, and about you

guys, and that we're sort of like you guys' doubles. We opened a doorway

here, but on the way we got stuck in some time-rift, where we found the

ninth and tenth Digidestined-"

"WHAT?!" Matt, Joe, Gabumon, and Gomamon shouted. Cybra looked annoyed

but continued.

"We got out of that mess and came here. We split up to find all of you."

She let the info sink in.

"Whoa." Said Gomamon.





"Tai? I don't feel so good." Kari told her brother weakly.

"You're not getting sick again, are you?" Gatomon asked her.

The main group of Digidestined had just defeated Machinedramon. TK and

Kari had just finished building a little memorial to the Nuemamon when Kari

had moaned.

"Me neither." TK added. Both of them were pale.

"Good thing we have the medicine," Sora said soothingly, coming over to

them. "Both of you can take it."

Kari reached into her pocket and pulled out nothing. She groaned.

"I must have dropped it when Warumonzemon chased us." she looked near

tears. Tai tried to console his sister while Sora fished through her first

aid kit. She pulled out a box of aspirin.

"There's only enough for a dose each." She whispered to Tai "We'll need to

find medicine soMyuhere."

TK and Kari took the medicine. Then the group trudged on, slower than





Mimi sighed for about the tenth time. Had Joe found Matt? She wondered.

Palmon was asleep on her lap, Gekomon and Otamamon snoring beside. The

other Digimon, Elecmon, Meramon, Ogremon, and Frigimon, were scattered

around the small clearing(Frigimon very very far from Meramon). Mimi was

the only one not asleep.

A snap of a twig and a rustle in the bushes made her heart stop, then start

again ten times faster than usual. The minuscule sound also stirred the

other Digimon. Palmon had felt Mimi go rigid, and now she was awake and

ready to fight.

The sound stopped, but no one relaxed a hair. The air was deathly still.

An object whistled through the air. Mimi piped a small scream when it

landed at her feet. She picked it up and examined it.

It was a cross. One of the crosses that Mimi had made to remember the

Digimon that had sacrificed themselves to help the Digidestined.

"You made one too many." A quiet husky voice said. Mimi's heart was at

her throat. She knew that voice. Did she dare hope?


It was him. The Digimon stepped from the shadows. Mimi ran up to him..but

stopped. Another figure was emerging from the shadows. Tall, with a cloak

that resembled bat wings.


The figure glowed, and devolved. Wizardmon watched uninterested, as if he'

d seen this before.

Instead of a Digimon, there stood a girl.

"Mimi?" the girl asked

"The Pink Lady?" another voice said playfully.

"Don't you dare call me that!" Mimi said to the girls. Two girls that she

knew. She ran up and hugged her best friends.

"Rae? Jenn? What happened to you?"





"We're finally on the top!" Izzy announced. He and Andromon had been

messing with the computer.

"I'm glad I can't see down, I'm scared of high places." said Kari. The

medicine was in effect for her and TK.

"Shhhh, someone's coming." Tai said. A sinister laugh filled the rocky

wasteland. Out of nowhere a dark form flew into the sky. The Digimon was

very similar to Angewomon, only clad in black. Instead of a winged glove

there was an out of proportion claw-hand. Red eyes glared at the


"It's LadyDevimon!" Yelped Gatomon. Why, oh why now? I can't fight her, I


Gatomon, digivolve to..Angewomon!

Tentomon, digivolve to..Kabuterimon!

Biyomon, digivolve to..Birdramon!

Patamon, digivolve to..Angemon!

"Let me warp digivolve Tai, I can take down this black and white

nightmare!" Agumon begged. Tai shook his head.

"We need you to save your strength. For when Peidmon comes."

The other Digimon flew up to the threat. LadyDevimon only laughed.

"Fools! Darkness Wave!" she spun in midair and a cloud of darkness flew

at the kids' Digimon. They were almost knocked out of the air.


"Meteor Wing!"

LadyDevimon pushed aside the attacks. Angemon attacked. She dodged.

"Celestial Arrow!" The attack grazed LadyDevimon's shoulder, causing

visible pain.

"Darkness Wave!" the attack hit all but Angewomon square on, draining

their energy and devolving them back to rookies.

Angewomon gasped as her friends hit the ground. The kick came without

warning, and she spiraled through the air.

"Oops, sorry blondie." LadyDevimon mocked. Angewomon didn't know what hurt

more. The blow, or being hit by her former friend. This wasn't the time,

she reminded herself, Kari needed to be protected.

Angewomon struck back. Then the other. Back and forth.

"If that isn't a cat fight, I don't know what is." Sora remarked. Kari was

yelling in the background.

"That's right, get that witch, you're stronger than her! Go get her!"

"Nightmare Scythe!" LadyDevimon wielded a silver blade, and slashed at the

angel. Angewomon cried out in pain, and tumbled. Kari screamed as her

friend fell to the earth.



Something caught the angel. Angewomon was now looking at a winged maroon

mask and bright blue eyes.

Her rescuer was rewarded with a slash in the face. The Myotismon

look-alike yelped, and released Angewomon, who put some distance between


The new Digimon clutched her face. "That's gratitude for you." She said

sarcastically. Angewomon gasped. Around the Digimon's neck was a Tag and

Crest. The symbol was a four pointed star in a circle. A Digivice was on

her belt.

"Lookout!" she suddenly shouted, and knocked Angewomon out of the way of a

Nightmare Scythe.

"Oh no you don't," the Digimon growled at LadyDevimon. "Crimson


The red beam of energy struck LadyDevimon in the face. She glared at the

new Digimon.

"Nightmare Scythe!"

"Crimson Lightning!"

Tai and Izzy watched open mouthed. "Who is that Izzy?" Tai asked. Izzy

took out his laptop and began to type furiously. The analyzer screen

popped up. Tentamon's voice explained.

"Eramon is living proof that looks can be deceiving."

"What else?" Tai demanded. Izzy shook his head. "There isn't anything

else. That's all the information."


The Arial battle continued, with Angewomon back in the fight.

"Where are you?" Eramon muttered to no one "Now would be a good time."

A bright beam of white light shot out from behind a huge boulder. The

beam hit LadyDevimon squarely. The black Digimon spiraled down to the

rocks. Angewomon couldn't take it anymore.

"NO!" she cried as she swooped down in an attempt to catch her friend.

Eramon, calmly blocked her way. LadyDevimon hit the ground and the impact

made a small crater.

"About time Jenn." Eramon said as the source of the attack made itself

known. A sorceress resembling Digimon holding an opal staff pumped her huge

eagle wings up to where Eramon and a very startled Angewomon waited.

"Miss me, sister dear?" Lunamon asked in a laughing tone. She also wore a

crest and Digivice.

"Is she one of those weird prophetic Digimon?" Patamon asked. Eramon

looking both irritated and amused, shook her head.

"Nope. My sister just has a warped sense of humor. By the way, very nice

first impression." Eramon dictated the last sentence to Lunamon, who

grinned. Izzy finally got the analyzer up (he'd been mesmerized by Lunamon)

and Tentamon's voice explained: Lunamon is Eramon's twin sister. A natural

born trickster.

"Hey! Wait for me." An irritated voice stated, and the owner came from

behind the boulder. It was a Digimon that resembled a jester.

Authors Note: I hate long explanations. So..

Think Batman, the jester girl, all in black.

Thank you.

"Sorry to break up the reunion," LadyDevimon hissed, coming up behind them.

"Nightmare Scythe!"

"Ace of Spades!" the jester Digimon flung a bright green ace at

LadyDevimon, causing no damage whatsoever. She narrowed her blue eyes and

attacked again.

(Tentamon's voice) "Guesstramon lives up to her appearance. This Digimon

loves to play tricks."

The odds weren't looking to good for LadyDevimon. Strategy is everything,

she reminded herself. So if I can't beat them head on...

Her scarlet gaze fell on Kari. That's it! she thought triumphantly. The

Digimon in the air were stunned when LadyDevimon dove towards the ground.

Straight at Kari.


She screamed as the claw hand flew at her. She shielded her face. Then..


The small energy ball sent LadyDevimon off balance, halting her dive. No

one was watching her, however. All eyes were on the Digimon that had

rescued Kari.


And Kari had a deathgrip on him.

"I thought you were dead," she sobbed. He smiled.

"Myotismon can't get rid of me that easily."

"But how..." Tai wondered. He'd seen Wizardmon die by Myotismon's Grisly

Wing. Or had he? Now that he thought about it, Wizardmon had never been

deleted. Before fighting VenomMyotismon the Digidestined had covered his

body with some large cloth they'd found.

"All right now," Lunamon said triumphantly "Let us Digivolve! To mega!"

"Ultimate." Her sister corrected her.

"Ultimate, mega, same difference." Both of the girls' Crests glowed, Eramon

's white and Lunamon's pale lavender. Wizardmon managed to pry Kari off


Lunamon, digivolve to.. a symbol with two triangles overlapping each other

burst over her. Her wings glowed and split into six. The staff changed

into a thunderbolt shaped bow. A silver faceplate with her crest on it

slipped over her face, and her clothing became all white.


Izzy stared, and not just out of fascination.

Guesstramon, digivolve to.. the same triangle crest burst over her. She

flung off her hat, revealing blonde hair, then she glowed white. She

re-materialized resembling Angewomon, but dressed in a plain pale blue

one-piece. A plain faceplate covered her face.


Eramon, digivolve to.. the star-in-a-circle crest burst over the vampire.

A brilliant white light came from her heart, enveloping her. An angel

wielding a silver sword took her place. The faceplate had the crest on it.


Angewomon gasped as her friend began to glow.

Wizardmon, digivolve to.. the star-in-the-circle crest burst -Warmon! A

tall Digimon in a scarlet cloak dressed in black, and a mask that completely

covered his face, stood where Wizardmon had.

"W-Wizardmon?" Kari stuttered, craning her neck up to see his face. She

felt, more than saw him smile.

LadyDevimon was not happy. It had gone from 4 Champions VS a Mega to 4

Ultimates VS a Mega in a matter of moments.

"Ariel Attack!" The energy blast to the back put her in a worse mood.

"That was Unimon!" Izzy exclaimed "Which means.."

"Mimi!" Kari finished.

Mimi was astride Unimon, with Lillymon beside her. On the ground were

Ogremon, Meramon, Elecmon, Frigimon, Gekomons, and Otamamons.

"Yeah!" the group cheered, then stopped short. Flying behind Mimi were

seven kids their age. SEVEN KIDS FLYING!!!??

It took a few minutes for the Digidestined to absorb the information. In

that time the battle in the sky resumed.

"Darkness Wave!"

"Thunder Arrow!" Celestiamon shouted. She stood on a rock, and released a

brilliant white arrow.

"Heavenly Blade!" shouted Nayamon as she slashed the air, releasing a wave

of energy.

"Magical Blade!" cried Sorsramon. A white blade flew.

"Midnight Spell!" shouted Warmon as a deep scarlet fire came from his

hands. All four attacks plowed into LadyDevimon, visibly weakening her.

"Finish her off Angewomon!" cried Kari to her partner. Angewomon, who was

attempting to hold back tears, flew forward.

"Heaven's-" she began, then saw it. A black crest around LadyDevimon's

neck. Angewomon lunged and snatched the pendant from around LadyDevimon's

neck. The chain snapped. LadyDevimon gave a strangled scream, then fell

to the earth. She hit with a thud. The crest was eradicated.

Angewomon knelt beside her friend.

"Angewomon!" Kari cried as she ran up to her companion. "Be careful! Did

she hurt you? What-" the sight of the angel's face cut her off. Everyone


Kari's crest shone brightly. The light washed over LadyDevimon's broken

form, and her appearance changed completely. She now wore a long-sleeved

black shirt with tattered edges, and black leggings/boots. Purple scarves

were tied around her gloved wrists and ankles. The fierce scarlet eyes

changed to pale glowing blue.

"Ga-Gatomon?" she asked weakly. Angewomon pulled her into an embrace.

"You're all right!" she exclaimed.

"I won't be if you suffocate me."

Everyone stared at the two. "We were friends, before Myotismon." Angewomon

explained a bit nervously.

"What was that black crest thingy?" TK asked.

"A crest of despair." LadyDevimon said, climbing painfully to her feet

with Angewomon's help.

"Don't you mean the crest of despair?" Izzy queried "Or are there more than

one?" LadyDevimon nodded. "Peidmon got his filthy hands on one, and

decided I would make a nice bodyguard. This was the result. Don't be

surprised if you see more of those.""

In a flash, a glowing blue and white vortex appeared out of nowhere.

"I have to go," LadyDevimon said tonelessly "She's calling me. Thank you

for your help." She hugged her friend, then plunged into the portal. It

then disappeared.

"Who was calling, I wonder." Said Biyomon.

Everyone's attention was turned back to the seven flying kids, who were not

flying now, but standing on the ground.

One stood out. She was tall and thin with blonde hair and green eyes. She

wore a loose forest green T-shirt over black leggings. A cocky swagger was

in her stance.

Beside her was a boy that looked remarkably like Izzy. He had a open

orange shirt over a red one, khaki shorts and palmtop computer in his


Then was a girl with pink hair in a ponytail and light brown eyes. She

wore a yellow T-shirt with a sun on it and khaki jeans.

After her was a girl clad in all green, enhancing her deep red hair in a

ponytail that fell past her knees.

Beside her was a boy with messy brown hair and eyes, dressed like he had

come from a game of soccer(minus the cleats)

Next to him was a boy with brown hair and eyes, a black shirt and jeans.

Last was a girl in black leggings, a white tank top under a long turquoise

wide sleeved shirt. Her eyes were silver, and her brown hair had her bangs

like Kari.

Each of them wore a Tag.

"Who are you?" Tai demanded. The first girl grinned.

"I'm Vera, and these guys(in order) are Ender, Sarah, Andrea, Aaron, Alan,

and Tara."

"They have these cool powers." Interjected Mimi.

"What kind of abilities?" Izzy inquired. Ender, the one who looked like

Izzy's clone, answered.

"You might have already noticed we can fly," he said dryly "We can also

teleport within a 100 foot radius, manipulate some forms of matter, and if

our doubles' crest is functional, shoot beams of energy."

"Double?" Kari asked, bewildered, and now holding an exhausted Gatomon.

Ender shrugged. "We don't quite understand ourselves. Myu was never too

specific. And," seeing the unsaid questions "I'll explain who Myu is. She

is a being that lives at a higher level of reality, almost like a super

being. She transported us her, but on the way we found-"

"Rachel and I floating in space." A voice cut in.

"Right. When we ended up here, we split up to find everyone."

"Don't forget about Ron," Sarah (pink hair) said "Ron's my brother, and he

was with us when Myu came, but we haven't seen him since."

"How come your hair is pink?" Kari asked her.

"It was black before, but it changed when we came here. Same with Cybra.

Her's went from black to turquoise."

"David and Cybra are the last two members of our gang. They went to find

Matt and Joe." Vera added.

An impatient a-hem turned everyone around to where the 4 mysterious

ultimates had stood. They were gone. In there place were two girls holding

In-training Digimon.

The first had a green tank top with a lighter band around the middle,

jeans, and boots. Her blonde hair was in a high ponytail, and her eyes were

blue. The star-in-the-circle crest was around her neck, and a Digivice was

clipped to her belt. She held what looked like a stuffed animal, a

cartoonish reindeer with chubby antlers and little balls for feet.

The second had a sky blue T-shirt, khaki shorts, and sneakers. She wore

the triangle crest and a Digivice. Blonde hair was pulled into a low

ponytail, and she wore her bangs on either side of her head. She had the

same blue eyes, but they were laughing instead of serious. The Digimon she

held looked like a pink Gatomon, only it wore red boxing gloves, had small

triangles for ears, amber eyes, and a line for a mouth. No nose.

"I'm Jennifer," the second girl introduced herself "This is Kitmon." She

indicated to the Digimon in her arms. "Call me Jenn. And this is my sister,


"Rachel." The second said.

"And I'm Bunomon!" the little reindeer said cheerfully.

"Where's Wizardmon?" Gatomon asked wearily. Bunomon grinned.

"Right here silly! Dontcha recognize me?"

"But how-"

"We'll explain," said Rachel "Everything."





Matt, Joe, Gomamon, Gabumon, Cybra and David were trekking through the

woods, toward the main group. No one spoke.

I can't believe this, thought Matt I'm rushing back to the others because

two total strangers and Joe say its my duty. Maybe it is, but I haven't

found what I'm looking for. Not yet.

Why did Myu have to come select us? I'm about ready to think she arranged

for our families' ends. Cybra thought bitterly We never asked to be heroes.

Can we trust them? Thought Joe I mean, this is a little strange of a time

for them to show up. Is it some trick of Peidmon's?

Twin to the Crest of Friendship, ha, that's a laugh. David thought I didn'

t even tell them Ron and I were friends. We might have argued sometimes,

but still.

Here I am now, shrugging off everyone new I meet. No wonder I don't make

any friends. They probably think I'm some reject, someone who doesn't care.

Maybe that's who I am.

What had happened to Ron? Had he been caught in the explosion? David

refused to consider that.

A sudden light filled the darkening woods. The group stared at the blue

and white vortex that appeared. Some one was in it.

Someone with black hair, and brown eyes shot with gold. He stared at them


David's heart went to his throat. He knew that boy. He'd known him a long

time. He'd last seen him before the explosion in the museum.

David's voice shook when he finally found it.





Dontcha hate cliffhangers? Don't worry, more will come. The next will do

some serious explaining.

I LOVE OPINIONS! E-mail me at Even if you wish to spit

flames at me.