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Title: A New Beginning

Hi, and this is my story. It's about the beginning of the first Digimon ep.

But there are a bit different changes in it. There's a new DigiDestined in

it and she's realated to Tai, lets just say she's Tai's best friend!^_^ Oh

yes, and there's a new evil, not Devimon, but something else.......oops, I

said too much, just read to find out!

Tai's Mom: Tai honey, can you come here?

Tai: Sure mom, what's up??

Tai's Mom: Your father and I have decided that you're going to summer camp.

Tai: What!? Why??

Tai's Dad: Calm down son, we would like you to go with Kari but you see,

she's sick with a fever. So your

gonna have to go with Tina for Kari's replacement.

Tai: Tina? I thought she had such a schedule to even have time for anything


Tai Mom: We know honey, I called her mother up yesterday and she said it

would be okay. You two *are* best

friends you know.

Tai: Yea, yea, don't remind me.

Tai's mom: What's wrong honey? Did you and Tina have a fight?

Tai: No, it's not that, it's just......never mind.

Tai's Mom: Tai, I.........

*Kari is heard from the bedroom* Kari: Mom! Dad! I need you!

Tai's Mom: Coming sweetie! Look Tai, your friends Matt and the others are

going too. Maybe you could

introduce them to her. It has been a while.....

Kari: Mom! Dad! Hurry up! *cough cough*

Tai's Mom: Okay, we're coming. Tai, start packing, your leaving for camp


Tai: Okay, okay. (Tai walks to his room) *thinking*: summer camp? what a

drag. why do I have to go? Well,

maybe seeing Tina won't be that bad. She's changed so much since her family

divorced.....(Tai starts to get

out his things for camp)

The following day:

Tai's Mom: Hurry up Tai! Your gonna be late!

Tai: Coming!! *finally gets to the door* When’s Tina coming?!

Tai's Mom: She already left. Come on, your gonna be late for the bus, and

your dad and I have to go visit

your grandma.

Tai: What!? Your gonna leave Kari home alone?

Tai's Mom: Don't worry, she's a big girl. Come on, dad's in the car waiting

for us.

Tai: Okay, I'm ready. Both of them walk out the door*

At the bus stop (or where the kids are meeting to go to camp):

Tai: Wow, there sure is alot of people going to summer camp. I guess it

won't be that bad.

Voice: Tai, hey Tai! Over here!

Tai: Huh? *turn his head around. there he sees Sora and the others* Oh, hey

you guys! *Tai runs towards

them* What’s up?

Sora: Nothing much, I guess your parents put you up to this too huh?

Tai: Yea..

Matt: Actually, our parents all thought it would be a good idea.

Tai wasn't listening to Matt, he was searching around the place for someone.

Joe: Hey Tai, who are you looking for?

Tai: Huh? Oh, just a friend.

Voice: Tai! Over here!

A girl with long hair, short jeans and a blouse came calling.

Tai: Huh? Hey Tina! Come Over! *Tai waving towards her*

Tina: Hey Tai, it's been a while....

Tai: Yea...oh, by the way, I'd like you to meet some of my friends. This is

Sora, I think you already know


Sora: Hey Tina. Long time no see.

Tai: Here's the 'self proclaimed cool' one of the group, Matt

Matt: Yo, what's up?

Tai: Thats his little brother over their..

T.K.: Hiya!

Tai: Over their is Joe.

Joe: Nice to meet you. fidgeting with his glasses*

Tai: The one with the giant big hat over there is Mimi.

Mimi: Hey! My hats not big....oh, um... hello.

Tai: And last but not least, here's Izzy. *Pointing to a little red head on

the ground. He is seen typing on a


Izzy:.....Prodigious! Oh, hi there!

Tina: *smiling* It's nice to meet all of you.

Tai: And guys, this is my friend Tina!

Everyone: Welcome to the group!

Tina: Thanks!

Teachers: Okay everyone! On the bus!

All the kids are seen lining up to get on one of the 3 buses.

Inside one of the buses, Tai and all the guys, (Izzy, Joe, Matt and T.K.)

are at one part of the bus, while

the girls are at the other.

Joe: So Tai, who’s your friend? She’s really pretty. *blushing*

Tai: Huh?

Joe: What do you guys think of her?

Izzy: *still typing on his laptop* Huh what? Were you saying something Joe?

Joe: I said, what do you think of Tai’s friend.

Izzy: Oh, she’s okay.

T.K.: I agree with Joe, she’s really purdy!

Matt: T.K.!

Joe: What about you Matt?

Matt: Huh? Oh, um....

Tai: Oh come on you guys. Am I actually hearing this properly or did I just

hear you guys talking about girls

for the first time?

Matt: Hey, don’t look at me!

Joe: What’s wrong Tai? You have a secret relationship with her or something?

Tai: *Blushing* No, of course not! She’s just a friend I know. No big deal.

Matt: Whatever Tai.

With the girls:

Mimi: So Tina, what’s the story between you and Tai?

Tina: Huh? Oh, we’re just friends.

Sora: Man, going to summer camp is such a bore. I’d rather stay home and

play soccer.

Tina: It’s not too bad, maybe summer camp will have sports that might

interest you.

Sora: Pulease, Soccer is my only sport. What about you Mimi?

Mimi: Sports? You mean the games that get you all sweaty and sticky?! Ew,

how gross! None of that

for me!

Sora: What about you Tina?!

Tina: I don’t know about soccer but Tennis is my game.

Sora: That’s cool, I heard Tennis is a pretty hard sport to play.

Tina: No, not really.

Mimi: Can we talk about something else besides sports? It was so ten minutes


Sora: Why? You have a topic Mimi?

Mimi: Of course I do. Let’s talk about shopping!

Sora: No way Mimi! Not that again.

Mimi: Fine! Hmm.....Hey, what about boys??

Sora: Huh? Boys? Which ones?

Tina: Boys? Oh brother!

Mimi: How about them!? *Mimi points to Tai and the others*

Sora: Um, I think thats alright, they are our friends. Who first?

Mimi: Let’s start with T.K. I think he’s really nice! Don’t you?

Sora: Yea, he is cute. What about you Tina?

Tina: T.K.? I think he’s adorable.

Mimi & Sora: Yea

Mimi: Now, what about Tai?

Sora: Tai? Well, I um, think he’s kinda okay.

Mimi: I think he’s too bossy!

Tina: Tai? Bossy? Only sometimes. But the rest of the time, he’s just plain


Mimi: You go girl!

Sora: Okay, okay, you have a point there.

Mimi: Okay, what about Joe?

Sora: Joe? There’s nothing to talk about. He’s just a worry wart.

Mimi: What about you Tina?

Tina: Huh? Well....I really don’t know much about you guys, I mean, I only

met you guys 15 minutes


Mimi: Joe...Hm...he is a worry wart, but he is such a nerd.

Sora: Okay, what about Izzy?

Tina: Izzy? Who is he again?

Mimi: The one with the laptop.

Tina: Oh yeah.

Sora: Izzy spends too much time on that thing, it’s like his best friend or


Mimi: Yea, but he is smart.

Tina: I think he’s alright.

Tai: Hey you guys, what do you think those girls are babbling about??

Matt: When did you care Tai?

Tai: Shut up Matt! I was just asking.

Matt: Yeah, sure.

Mimi: *giggling* Okay, what about Matt?

Sora: Who? Mr.Cool?

Mimi: Do you know anyone else with that name?

Sora: Sor-ry!

Mimi: He’s pretty cool don’t you think?

Sora: That’s what everyone thinks. What about you Tina?

Tina: Well, I really don’t know.

Mimi: Hey look! We’re almost there! Isn’t that lake look pretty?

Sora: That was fast.

At the camp:

Camp Councilor: Okay everyone! Listen up!

Everyone immediately stopped talking and turned towards the councilor.

Councilor: Since you all are paying attention now, I want you to get into

groups of 8 so we could

assign each group a cabin.

Everyone started to walk off looking for a group to be in.

Tai: Well, we seem to be an okay group right?

Everyone: Yea!

Councilor: Does everyone have a group?

Everyone: Yes!!!!

Councilor: Okay, now we will go to each group and assign you a cabin in the

area. We hope you’ll have a

wonderful time here.

Everyone: YEAH!!

Tai: Okay gang, looks like we’re gonna be near the forest.

Mimi: I’d better not get a rash!

Matt: Oh brother! *rolling his eyes*

T.K.: I hope we can go swimming! *running towards the cabin*

Matt: T.K. be careful!

Tai: We’re here!

Joe: I’m gonna go to the camp’s nurse and ask for a first-aid kit incase

something happens.

Sora: Oh Joe....

Mimi: Wow! Look at all those pretty flowers. I’m going to pick some!

*running to the flower patch*

Tai: I’m gonna go climb that tree.

Tina: I’m gonna find a quite place to read.

T.K.: I’m gonna go explore!

Matt: Stay where I can see you T.K.!

T.K.: Okay!

Izzy: I'm gonna go and try to log onto the net!

Everyone went to their ways for a while until it started to snow.

Tai: Huh!? Wha...snow in the middle of July??

Sora: Wha?

Matt: Huh?

Joe: Weird!

Izzy: What the.....

T.K.: Snow???

Mimi: What's going on?

Tina: What on earth.......

Then suddenly a giant blizzard came out of no where and everyone ran into

the cabin.

After the storm:

Tai: Lets have a toboggan race!

T.K.: Wow snow!!

Matt: Be careful T.K.! *runs after him*

Mimi: Wow! But I didn't bring my fluffy pink snow boots.

Joe: I thought I might get a summer cold but this is ridiculous!

Tina: How weird!

Sora: Brr! I didn't bring a jacket.

Suddenly, everyone looks at the sky and see's something unusual.

Everyone: Wow!

Tai: Hey what's his name....Izzy! Come out and look at this!

Izzy: What is it?

Sora: An aurora?

Izzy: The Northern Star? Thats not natural!

Joe: And you call this natural?

Izzy: Okay, you might have a point there....

A giant portal opens and 9 digivices came falling down.

Tai: Watch Out!!!!!

After the digivices hit, each one floats in the air at each child. Everyone

catches one.

Tai: Anyone know what this is??

Everyone: Nope.

A gigantic wave suddenly appears from the ground.

Tai: Surfs up!!

Matt: Too bad I didn't bring my board!

The giant wave swallows them all. Everyone is seen falling down in between

the wave.

Not the end, only the beginning.....

Well, what do you think? Any comments or complaints? Hope you like it, I'm

still working on part 2 thou. I'll try to finish it up as soon as possible.

Just email me at for any comments or problems

okay? The next part will probably be more action so until next time, bye!


crystal angel,