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A New Begining

Part Two

Some where in a part of the world. Tai suddenly awoke from the incident.

Tai: Huh? Where am I?

Voice: Hey Tai, Wake up! I’m so glad you finally came!

Tai: Yeah I’m awake....Ah! What the hell are you?! *Jumps up away from the

"thing" *

Thing: You don’t have to be scared. My names Koromon, and we’re partners!

*Jumps into Tai’s hands*

Tai: K..Koromon, That means talking head??

Koromon: Actually, it means brave little warrior, don’t you ever forget it.

Tai: Hold on, what do you mean by us being partners?

Voice: Tai? Tai? Is that you?

Tai: Huh? Hey Izzy.

Izzy: Hey Tai. I’ve got this little pink thing following me....

Thing: Hello, my name is Motimon!

Tai: Ah! Another one?! *Drops Koromon*

Izzy: What do you think this place is Tai?

Tai: I don’t know, but I’m gonna check this place out! *Climbs a tree*

Izzy: You see anything Tai?

Tai: *Taking out his mini telescope* I don’t know, hold on....I don’t

remember us being near the ocean,

or any of those mountains....

Koromon: *Jumps up on the tree* What do you see Tai?

Tai: Nothing that I recognize....Hold on! What’s that!? *See’s a giant red

beetle flying by*

Koromon: What Tai?

Tai: That giant bug thing.....and it’s heading straight for us!!!!

Koromon: What!? *Tai and Koromon falls out of the tree*

Izzy: Tai! Are you okay? What is that thing?

Motimon: That’s Kwugamon, a Digimon you don’t want to meet!

Tai: Yeah...Watch out! It’s heading this way!

Koromon: Watch out! *Jumps at the red beetle* BUBBLE BLOW!

Tai: Oh no! Little guy! *runs towards Koromon* What’s your name...Koromon?

Koromon: Yep, that’s me.

Izzy: It’s coming back this way!

Motimon: Quick! Run for it!

Tai: We are, we are!

Motimon: For humans that have two legs, your pretty slow!

Izzy: It’s gaining on us!

Motimon: Quick, inside this tree!! *runs inside the tree*

Tai & Izzy: Wha? *Looks back, and then runs in the tree*

Izzy: What kind of tree is this?

Motimon: A hiding tree silly.

Tai: Sh! don’t make a sound! *Buzzing noises are heard, the passes*

Izzy: Is it gone?

Koromon: I don’t know...

Voice: You can come out now.

Tai: *coming out of the tree. See’s Sora and Tina together* Sora, Tina! We

were um, thinking up a plan to get

rid of that thing.

Tina: Sure Tai.

Tai: Wha? Even more of those things!

Sora: Oh, you mean them. Meet Yokomon, my personal something rather.

Yokomon: Nice to meet you friends of Sora!

Tina: And this is....what’s your name, Sparklemon?

Sparklemon: Yep! The one and only!

Tina: Right, this is Sparklemon.

Sparklemon: Hello!

Tai: Um, hi.

Sora: Where exactly are we?

Tai: We’d like to know that too.

Then another one of those ‘things’ pop up.

Thing: Hey T.K., over here!

Voice: Coming! Tokomon, there you are!

Matt: T.K. be careful!

Everyone: Huh?

Tai: Hey Matt! You too?

Matt: Yea, I’m here too.

Tai: No, I mean that thing under your arm.

Matt: Oh, you mean this guy? Um...

Thing: Hello, you seem pleasant. My name is Tsunomon.

Tai: Man! There every where!

Voice: Somebody, somebody help me! *Joe runs up to the others* This, this

thing, it won’t leave me

alone! And, and those things! What are they?!

Thing: I’m no thing, my name is Bukamon!

Tina: What are you exactly?

Everyone: (Digimon I mean) We’re Digimon, Digital monsters!

Izzy: Digital Monsters?

Koromon: That’s right.

Tai: It’s nice to meet all of you, my name’s Tai, and this is Sora.

Sora: Nice place you got here, except for the bugs.

Tai: That’s Tina.

Tina: Pleased, I’m sure. ^-^

Tai: The ‘self proclaimed cool’ one over there is Matt.

Matt: No autographs, please!

Tai: That’s Joe.

Joe: I’d shake hands, if you had any.

Tai: Our computer genius over there is Izzy.

Izzy: Hi, do you have internet access?

Tai: And last but not least, this is um.....

T.K.: T.K., call me T.K., and I’m not as small as I look. ^-^ (aw, so


Tai: Well that’s everybody right?

Izzy: Aren’t we missing someone?

Sora: Yea, what’s her name, Mimi.

Tai: Oh yea, I wonder where she is.

Izzy: Maybe she’s out talking a hike, or picking flowers.

Voice: AH!!!!!

Everyone runs towards the screaming.

Izzy: Okay, maybe she’s not picking flowers. * everyone stops *

Tai: Mimi! * Mimi is seen running out behind a tree *

Mimi: AH!!!

A giant red beetle flies out into the air.

Izzy: Oh no, it’s that giant bug again! * Sora runs up to Mimi *

Sora: Are you alright?

Mimi: Oh Sora.... * the red beetle flies at them again *

Tanemon: Don’t worry, Tanemon is here to help!

Tai: Run for it!

Everyone runs away from the ‘Kuwagamon’.

Izzy: Hurry, it’s gaining on us.

Everyone suddenly stops at a foot of a cliff.

Joe: Oh no! It’s a dead end! We’re doomed!

Tina: Don’t say that! We have got to find a way!

Tai: Let’s turn around! * Kwugamon blocks their way *

Matt: At times like these, I wish I brought my bug spray.

Tina: What are we going to do?

Koromon: Stand and fight!

Tai: Wha?

Koromon: Thats right, there’s no other way!

Tina: No way! That things way too big, you won’t beat him!

Tsunomon: We have no choice! * All the Digimon runs towards Kwugamon ready

to attack *

Tai: No wait!!! * runs after them *

Everyone: Come back!!!

Then everyone’s DigiVice began to glow.

Koromon DigiVolve to.....Agumon!

Yokomon DigiVolve to.....Biyomon!

Tanemon DigiVolve to.....Palmon!

Tokomon DigiVolve to.....Patamon!

Bukamon DigiVolve to.....Gomamon!

Motimon DigiVolve to.....Tentomon!

Tsunomon DigiVolve to.....Gabumon!

Sparklemon DigiVolve to.....Fairymon!

Each Digimon ran up to Kwugamon and started the battle each one surrounding


Agumon: Pepper Breath!

Gabumon: Blue Blaster!

Palmon: Poison Ivy!

Tentomon: Super Shocker!

Patamon: Foam Bubble!

Biyomon: Spiral Twister!

Fairymon: Star Gazer!

All the attacks went flying towards Kwugamon, each attack hitting it.

Kwugamon took every hit and

collapsed behind the forest.

Tai: Yeah! You did it!

Each Digimon ran towards their partners.

Agumon: We told you we could do it!

Tai: Koromon or Agumon, you did it! * Hugs him *

Everyone: Yeah!


Tai: Huh?

The cliff they were standing started to crack.

Izzy: Oh no! Kwugamon’s weight must have been too much for the cliff. It’s

cracking up!

Everyone: What!

The cliff cracks through and everyone falls.

Everyone: AH!


Sounds kinda fimiliar huh? I skipped a few parts so you didn't have to read

the thing like a whole episode. Hope thats okay. See you the next time I

finish writing the third part!!

crystal angel