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The Ninth Digi-Destined by Peeka713

Disclamer note:I do not own digimon or matt maybe in my wildest dreams maybe. I also do not own toei or saban or fox-kids so dont sue me you wont get much except maybe my yamato plushie and some assorted notebooks:) Rated:G Description:what happens when matts wish comes true?? What kind of fiction:Romance

Look Matt a wishing star!Said T.k. huh??Matt said as he looked up at the stars.

"Hey Matt make a wish!"T.k. said.

"Okay"Matt said.Matt closed his blue eyes and said to himself I wish I had someone to talk to that understood me.T.k. nice to talk to but theres still things i cant tell him.

The next day everyone woke up early in the morning. Mimi still tried complaining but got up soon after.

"Okay guys lets get moving!"Tai said. Soon they were walking.

Izzy, speaking first, said, "So which way are we headed Tai?

"I think we should head to the north," Tai said as his brown eyes blinked.

Kari was walking by T.k. looking around when she heard something rustleing around. All of a sudden a girl came out runing for dear life.She saw the kids and ran to the closest one which was Matt.She threw her arms around matt.Then she said "please you gotta help me there's this horrible thing after me."

All of a sudden a digimon appeared, "Thats Ginmon he's very powerful and dangerous.Tentomon said.

"All right gabumon time to digivole!"

"Gabumon DIGIVOLED to Garurumon!"

The girl looked up and saw Matt looking at her.She thought to herself, he's kinda cute...

"HOWLING BLASTER!" Garurumon said.Ginmon sank back and dissappeared.

The girl still had her arms around Matt.Matt saw everyone looking at him knowing what they were probely thinking.he got the girl to take her arms off him.

The girl blushed. "Who are you?"Said Sora.

"Oh please forgive me for not telling you my name its Lilly!"

"Well why dont you join us for dinner Lilly??" Joe said.

"You mean its all right??" Lilly said.

"Yea, of course it is isnt Matt??"T.k. said.

"Yea"Matt felt himself blush.

"Oh thanks"Lilly smiled.

After the digi-destined were full they fell asleep. Lilly woke up and notcied that Matt was gone. She looked around. She heard a sound. She listened to the tune, she could tell it was a hermoncia.The tune lead her to Matt.

Matt's blue eyes looked up at Lilly.

"Hey Matt can i sit down???"Lilly asked.

"Sure Lilly".Matt said.

"You know Matt I keep having this strange thought i was brought here for >some big purpose." Lilly said.

Matt's eyes widend, "Really??"

"Yea." Lilly said.

Ohhhhhh could lilly be the person matt wished for is that her pursose or is she also a digi-destined?? Find out on part two of the fic comming up very soon:)!!!

UkyoLuvr: Whew! my first HTML-ized fanfic, congradulate me! I even did grammatical spellchecking and everything! ^_^