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Here's a fic I wrote one day....DUH!! Well anyways my name is Jen, I

love the site All That is Ishida. In fact, it's my home page. Anyways,

it said to send the fanfics to you, sooOOoo..............Here's my fic.

It's slightly stupid, kinda funny, and, well, a JEN kind of fic. Do

enjoy. At least my friends liked it. They also thought I was crazy.






Author’s Note: I HATE DISCLAIMERS!! But, (sigh) anyway, I don’t own

Digimon or any of em but THE REST IS MINE!! ALL MINE!! Sorry. You still

there? Good. Well, anyways, I got this stranger idea while I was sitting

through a VERY boring social studies class. Jen is MY character. Eibbor

is Robbie spelt backwards. Robbie is my brother. Both of us DO NOT

exactly act this way in person. Robbie does NOT hate Izzy. Exactly the

opposite. Oh, and a small group of stars like this (****) means one of

the characters is swearing. This (****************) across an entire

line means the story is switching narrations. May I add that I DO NOT

agree with half the things out of my characters mouths. Tai, Izzy, and

Matt are my favourite characters. Tai/Sora all the way, man, and

Mimi/Joe go too. But well, anyway, enjoy the show!!!

Rating:........Um, well, I dunno. All I can say is that maybe younger

kids shouldn’t read this...PG?

Summery: A group of fanfic writers make the digidestined mad by writing

them up stories they don’t like. Seeing that THEY are the ones acting in

these fics, the digidestined protest and make the authors act as the

digidestined in their own stories.

A Personality


Jen: OHHH I’ve got a GREAT fic idea!! I think we shou....

Tori: Another Tai/Sora fic? (Smirks unmercifully)

Kole: Oh, cut it out you guys. Anyway, everyone knows that Izzy and Mimi

go all the way!!

Ronny: No way!! Its Mimi and Matt, and anyway, why can’t we do a darker

fic once in a while???

Sarah: I honestly think Yamato sounds better, and then Koushiro, and

Taichi, NOT Matt, Izzy, or Tai.( Sighs, looking dreamy)


Jen: Shut the **** up, Sarah. Yama rocks. MY fic idea is going to be

great. Its....

Tori: (Rolls eyes) We’ve heard that before. Several times, actually.

Jen: AHEM!! (glares at Tori).........going against all beliefs by

writing a script format!!!!

Chris: Ohhhhh... NOT A SCRIPT FORMAT!!! Sorry.

Eibbor: Chris, could you do that again? My other ear is still intact.


Ryan: All of you, be quiet. Lets just LISTEN for ONCE to Jen.

(Everyone glares at Ryan, except Jen, who smiles smuggly)

Jen: Okay........Well, the digidestined are going to summer camp two

years after they get back to the real world.............AND it’s a

romance story!!

Everyone: Hmmmmmm....That actually sounds..........Okay!!

Eibbor: Okay, but this one had better be good!!



The famous fic writers are busily working when all of a




Jen: Oh, hi Tai. We were just..............


Taaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccchhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiii............. (drooling)

Tori: Ssshhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessshhh.

Ronny: We’re finishing up our latest fanfic, It’s really good!! Though I

would prefer a little more, well, lets at least say something like

tha.............. (Trails off into own thoughts.)

Chris: It has tons of action!! (HUGE grin)

Ryan: Jen’s never had a better idea!!

Matt: JEN?? If its by JEN, then it’ll be a Tai/Sora fic. (Sighs)

Kole: Actually, we’re doing one about all of you!! I’m working on making

it Izzy/Mimi.

Eibbor: BUT, it’s still Tai/Sora romance. No Izzy!! (Smiles happily)

Kole: Stuff it, Eibbor. It’s GOOD!! (very annoyed person alert!!)

Sora: I LIKE Jen’s stories!!

Tai: Me too.


Mimi: (giggles) Oooooh, I know!! (Sora and Tai are blushing BAD)

Kari: Tai?!?!

Sarah: Taichi?

Tai and Sora: Oops!!

Joe: (clears his throat, adjusts glasses, whatever) Well, we’ll let you

two figure things out later...

( receives VERY hostile glares from Tai and Sora) ... eh, heh, heh, But

now, Tai, you tell them what we want to say.

Izzy: Yes, I agree.

Tai: Er, um... what we want to say is,


Izzy: Our behaviour is highly irregular. How would you like it if one

story you’re only there to be the genius computer nerd and the other

you’re the world’s most romantic character??

Ronny: When was THAT????

Izzy: Remember?? Mimi??

Ryan: It must have been one of Kole’s fic ideas. RIGHT JEN??

Jen: Um, right.

Mimi: Or how about that fic with you killing off all the characters and

all that violence and.....

Tori: That would be Ronny.

Jen: Right. Kole writes Izzy/Mimi, Ronny writes Dark fics, Sarah writes

about Tai, Chris likes full-out digiadventures, Eibbor writes Anti-Izzy

stories, Tori just argues with me all the time, and Ryan just agrees

with anything I say. And I’m perfect.

Chris: But you never cut the romance!! I’d hardly call that perfect.

Eibbor: Yeah, you’re just stuck on Tai/Sora fics.

Joe: Well, it doesn’t matter who writes what, WE DON’T LIKE IT!! And

besides that, I think I’m allergic to your stories.

T.K.: Matt, is Joe allergic to everything?

Matt:(whispers) No, he just thinks he is.

Tai: AHEM!!....Well, us digidestined got together and we thought we

would let you finish the fic you’re working on now on one condition.

Tori: (warily) What’s this???

Kari: Don’t worry, we’ll tell you when your done. And its nothing bad.

Sora: You’ll find out how WE feel.

Eibbor: Oh, great, just what us fic writers have always wanted. To get

inside the souls and minds of our actors. Hmph.

Mimi: Don’t forget the actresses!! Girl Power!! (Does peace signs) Right

Sora? Kari?

Sora and Kari: Ummm.......yea, right.

Eibbor: So.....Whats up???


The badgered fic flunks finish their story, which is actually quite

good. But the next day...



Ronny: What’s going to happen, I mean, mabey they’ll sick their digimon

on us and it will turn out like all my favourite fics!!

Chris: Um, Ronny, knowing what you read, we DON’T want that.

Kole: I think that knowing Izzy, he won’t let them do that.

Eibbor: That geek does nothing but sit around and work on his computer

all day!! Joe is much better!!

Sarah: As long as we’re on this topic, may I remind you that it’s

KOUSHIRO not Izzy (anime vein) AND that Taichi rocks??


Tori: Oh, shut up.


Jen: I’m not that worried. What’s the worst that can happen??

Eibbor: Don’t ask

Ryan: You’re not worried??? Well, I’m not either.

Tori: You shut up too.

Ronny: You know, Tori, you have a dark streak in you. It could be useful

if it comes down to evil digimon.

Tori: SHUT UP!!!!!!!

Chris: You know, Tori, I for one think YOU’RE WORRIED!!

Tori: Shut the **** up, you ***********.

Matt: Yo, we’re back!!

Joe: Now lets see this story!!

Mimi: OOOHHH!!! let ME see!!

Izzy: Hmmmmm. It IS one of Jen’s better fics!!

Tai: I don’t like it as much as her other fics.

Sora: Me neither.

Mimi: (starts giggling) Ooooooo!!!

Matt: (sighs) May we discuss that later, Mimi? Tai? You tell them.

Tai: Okay, um, we decided that you should know how we feel

sooooo.......we’re making you act in these stories instead of us!!!

Jen: Huh? You mean I have to act in my own story?!?!

Tori: We have to play the characters instead of you?!?! Great, just


Chris: Cool.

Ronny: No, not cool. That fic was dangerous!!

Kole: I get to be Izzy!

Eibbor: Well, I get to be Joe!!

Sarah: There’s only one way to do this right. We’ll draw names out of a


Jen: Sounds good to me.

Ryan: Me too, Jen’s right.




Jen: Well, here goes. (Pales) Oh, no!!


T.K.: Matt, what does **** mean?

Matt: ( whispers) Nothing.(shoots Tori a VERY nasty look)

Ryan: All Right!!

Ronny: (sigh) Its going to be a lllloooooooooonggg day

Eibbor: Nononononononononononono nooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Kole: Well, I guess its OK.........

Chris: I don’t get to do ANYTHING!!

Sarah: I get to be Taichi’s sister! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! Hikari Rocks!!

Everybody: (sigh) SHUT UP!!!!

Jen: Do you have any idea what kind of part I wrote for Sora?

Ryan: YOU’RE SORA?!?! ALL RIGHT!! I’m Tai.

Jen: Ohhhhhhhhh noooooooooo............

Eibbor: I-have-to-be-IZZY!!!!(looks disgusted and agonized)

Ronny: I’m Joe. (Is totally ticked off)

Chris: I get to be a crybaby little kid who does NOTHING!!!

Tori:(wailing) I HATE MIMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kole: How do you act if you’re Matt?

Eibbor: You just have to argue with Ryan and say whatever a lot.


The real Digidestined watch, very much amused.


Tai: AHEM...Lets go go go!!!

Jen: (Sigh) Okay

Tai: Okay......ACTION


First scene is the Digidestend meeting up again


J-Sora: Hi guys!! I’m Sora!! I wear a helmet and no one loves me!! I

have a crush on Tai!! Did I mention I’m Sora?



Jen: Sheesh... Its not easy being you, okay? And in this story, you do

like Tai. Humph

Tai: Come on, guys lets get to the story, okay? Enter Ryan


Ry-Tai: Hi, Jen - I mean Sora. I’m Tai, and I’m a leader and there’s

no"I" In team and I have goggles and messy hair and—


Tai: Cut!! YOU’RE NOT ACTING!! I’m Not That dorky.

Ryan: Sheesh... Jen, was I that bad?

Jen: No worse than me. Lets just finish this fic. C’mon; Tori?


T-Mimi: Hi Tai. Hi Sora. How are you? ........I HATE THIS ****

OUTFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT KIND OF ********* WEARS



Everyone: CUUUTTT!!!!!!

T.K.: Matt, I’m starting to like that word!! Wait till I tell all my

friends!! ****,****!!

Matt: (glaring daggers at Tori) Oh,**** T.K., YOU WILL NOT SAY THAT


Tai: Mimi doesn’t swear. AT ALL!!!!


Tori: Why me??????

Ronny: Come on, I talk next!!


Ro-Joe: Hi, gang!! I’m allergic to you!! I brought this math textbook to

help us out!! No, I scared of Math? I HATE



Joe: CUT!! I’m not like that!!!

Everyone: YES YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kari: This is going to take forever!!


E-Izzy:(to himself) What WAS that "DELETE FILE" supposed to mean??? Oh

well, it sure was fun. Oh, uh, hi!! I mean, Hi!! Prodigious!!

Um............or is it prodigEEEious??? Oh, well. I’m a computer geek

and this is my beloved laptop...-HUH!?!?!?!?!? Oooooooppppppsssss!!!!!

Oh well.

J-Sora: What is it Eib-I mean Izzy. I-AM-SORA!!!

E-Izzy: I forgot my laptop on the bus.


Izzy: CUT!!!!!!!!! Oh no MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! (savagely attacks


Kole: Get him!! Go Izzy!!! (Grins BIG)

Sarah: That’s KOUSHIRO!!


Sora: Come on, lets go get Izzy’s computer back.



T.K.: Matt? Now Izzy said that word. I think its my new favourite word!!

****, ****, ****, ****!!

Matt:.....................Ignore him, T.K. AND DON’T YOU EVER SAY


Tori: Sheesh.

Ronny: You know, Izzy, you have a dark streak whi-

Tai: (loudly) Okay, LETS GOOOOO!!!!


A bus pulls up......


Bus driver: Is this yours? (Hands Eibbor Izzy’s laptop)

Izzy: GIVE ME THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (grabs laptop and hugs it

tightly) It’s okay.....Mmmmmm

Kari: Can we just GO????

Tai: Sure Kari.....Chris?


C-T.K.: WAAAAAA!! WAAAAAA!! Where’s Matt?? Gosh this bowls

uncomfortable!!! ( sighs) Oh well..... Matt?

K-Matt: I’m here T.K.......You are T.K., right?

J-Sora: Um... Ronny, you talk next.

Ro-Joe: Whaaa????? Oh, sorry.... What’s my line???

C-T.K.: Yes, Kole, I’m T.K.

K-Matt: Okay, thanks.....I mean whatever. Eib-I mean Izzy- can I see

your laptop? I’ll trade in this harmonica for it.

E-Izzy: I would, except IZZY won’t let me TOUCH his computer.

J-Sora: .....I WONDER WHY?????

S-Kari: Possibly because you left it on the bus? AND IT’S


Ry-Tai: Jen- Sora?? Are you enjoying this??

J-Sora: NOT-ONE-LITTLE-BIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tai: Ummmmm.... Jen? Ryan? This script calls for you two to, as Tai and

Sora, to "share a passionate kiss"?

Jen: (Pales)



Sora: It seems clear to me that you two don’t want to do so,


Tai: Maybe WE, as the real people should take your place............

Sora: Sounds good to me!!

Jen: !!! Well, great. I can’t WAIT to get out of these clothes and this

helmet.......Hey, do you two LIKE scenes like this??????


Tai and Sora are making out


Tai: Mmfff??? Oh, well I dunno....

Mimi: (giggles) What did I say??

Ro-Joe: Shut up Mimi. This fic is stupid.

K-Matt: Actually, I think the way we’re acting is stupid.

C-T.K.: Tell me about it. T.K., Next time you’ll have a part where you

DO something.

E-Izzy: By the way, I just noticed something. Where are the digimon??

Matt: Well, ya see, they didn’t want to complain to you-

Jen: AND we haven’t written them in yet.

Chris: ...Oh........Yeah.....THIS IS BORING!!!

Joe: Uh, you guys? Has anyone but me noticed that YOU"RE OUT OF


Sarah: How come YOU never get out of character?

Sora: Hmmmmm.................Well, um, uh.............

Tai: I dunno.

Izzy: It’s quite impossible for us to be out of character when we are

acting ourselves.

Mimi: What’s that mean?

Jen: Oh, I get it. No wonder we act so crappy.

Ryan: Yeah!!!!



Mimi: Yeah???

Ronny: Well, we don’t have digimon or creasts. Maybe we better just

stick to writing?

Kole: Yeah, if we don’t, the results could be fatal.

Izzy: Yeah?!?! No more Lost Laptops? PLEASE go back to


Tai: I can’t stand having my character being butchered like that.

Anyways, there are some parts I LIKE to act out!!

Sora: Me too.

Tori: Can I PLEASE get out of these **** clothes????


Mimi: Hmmph. (Icy) Be my guest.

Chris: Here, T.K. Have you’re bowl back.

Kole: Ya want you’re harmonica, Matt? I can’t play it anyways.


T.K.: Matt, is my hat a bowl???

Kari: Now that I think about it, YES, IT IS A BOWL!!!


Jen: Great. See you guys later!!

Everyone except Sarah: BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah: BYE TAICHI!!! IwannabeHikari.

Jen: Oh, shut up, Sarah.

Eibbor: Now THAT was something I’d rather forget.......What DOES "DELETE

FILE" mean???

Ronny: Tell me that again.

Eibbor: Now THAT was so-

Tori: Shut up.

Kole: "DELETE FILE"!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT "DELETE



Izzy bursts into the room, practically on fire. Eibbor hides behind



Eibbor: THAT "DELETE FILE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP