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Author's Note: Okiedokie, so this is my first fan fic. I'm a really big

fan of Yamato Ishida, so I decided to write this story, based on my own

personal quote:If you love someone, set them free. If they don't come

back, hunt them down and shoot them! I partly based Pixie's character on

mine, except for all the dramatic stuff like my parents dying in a car

crash. I'm sort of a melodramatic person, so I put it in to add some

emotion. So here are a few Digimon Show tips for all you fans out there:

1)When the theme song comes on, turn the volume up to the max or maybe

just a little loud

2)Dance like a wild party animal!!! Yeah baby!!!

3)Turn the volume back to normal

4)Don't get up(even though you have to use the potty, but commercials

are O.K.)


And remember to stay off drugs 'n alcohol. Take care and BUH-BYE!!! So

now, enjoy Part One of my first fic!!!

Pixie Makato, the Ninth Digidestined

(: written by: Jessa Balcita :)

Introduction:When Pixie arrives in the Digiworld and happens to meet

Matt by chance and sit and watch the stars together, sparks

start to fly. When Pixie sacrifices herself to save Matt from the

brinks of death, their feelings for each other start to become


What will happen?


(scene: while Matt, T.K., and Gabumon are looking for food near a


"Hey!" Gabumon cried from a distance to Matt and T.K. who were way

behind. "You guys! I think I found some food!!" Matt and T.K. ran to the

sound of Gabumon's voice. Suddenly, without warning, Matt trips and

plunges toward the sea. Matt screamed as he fell closer and closer to the

depths of the ocean water. Then, unfortunately, Matt hits his head on a

rock and gets knocked unconscious. T.K. Was watching the whole thing from

above. "MATT!" T.K. cried in horror. "Hold on! I'm going to get help!"

T.K. looked around desperately. He saw a figure standing on the cliff.

T.K. started running toward the strange shadow, crying for help. As he

got closer, the mysterious shadow became clear. The slim figure was a



(scene: on a cliff over the sea, watching the sunset)

The wind combed through and whipped back Pixie Makato's hair as she

stood at the edge of a cliff just above the vast ocean, watching the

sunset. "I wonder where the other digidestined are." she said aloud. She

closed her eyes and tilted her head back to feel the cool wind rushing

upon her face."I've been in the digiworld for a week or something. I

should've been able to locate the crew and my digimon by now." Pixie

thought as she opened her eyes. Suddenly, she heard someone calling for

help. She looked around and saw a boy alot younger than she was running

up to her. He looked worried. As soon as he got to her, he paused for a

minute to catch his breath. "Is something wrong?" Pixie asked the boy. He

looked up at her with tears in his eyes and said, "My name is Takeru

Takaishi, but you can call me T.K. My older brother tripped and fell

into the water. He was knocked unconscious." T.K.'s eyes started to water

even more. "Please. . you gotta help me. Please save him!" He started to

cry. Pixie looked at him and said, "Hi. I'm Pixie Makato. Can you tell

me where your brother fell, T.K.?" T.K. pointed into a direction. "Right

over there. Please save him!!!" Pixie eyed the sea and said, "I'll do my

best. Wait here."

Then Pixie gave a running start and dove into the ocean water.


(scene:Just after Pixie dove from the cliff)

Pixie took a deep breath before she could get under. The salt stung her

eyes as she opened them underwater. There, she could see a blonde boy

her age, sinking deeper and deeper. Possibly a little older. He was

wearing an olive green turtleneck sleeveless shirt, blue jeans, and

brown boots. His hair was spiky, a little messed up. But it looked good

that way. It was a beautiful blonde color. His eyes were closed, so

Pixie really wanted to know what his eye color was. She thought they

would be blue."Wow. He's pretty cute."she thought to herself as she

checked him out for a moment. Then she saw a digivice and a crest. "Is he

one of the digidestined? Guess I'll ask him when he wakes up." Then she

took hold of him and dragged him up to the surface.

When they got to the surface of the water, Pixie dragged him ashore. As

soon as they were on land, Pixie called over to little T.K., who had

been watching the whole time from the cliff.


(scene:After Pixie rescued Matt)

T.K. ran as fast as he could immediately after he heard Pixie calling.

When he reached the place where Pixie and Matt were, she grinned and

asked him, is this your brother, T.K.?" T.K cried, "Yes. He is!!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!Thank you so much for saving him!!!!" Then he threw his

arms around Pixie in a hug. Pixie returned the hug. When they pulled

away, T.K. went over to Matt and hugged him. They heard Matt cough and

sputter. Then his eyes fluttered open. "Look!" T.K. cried excitedly.

"He's waking up!"


(scene:As Matt was waking up on the beach)

Matt woke up to find his little brother, T.K., hugging him. Matt sat

up and looked around the shore. He didn't really remember anything. Then,

it all started coming back to him. "I remember!" Matt thought to

himself. "I fell off a cliff into the water. Someone rescued me. But

who?" Then Matt turned to T.K. who still had his arms around him. T.K.

looked up at Matt and gave him a one of his lopsided grins. "Matt!!!"

T.K. giggled. "You're okay!!!" Then T.K. snuggled closer to Matt. "I'm so

glad you're alright." T.K. said softly. Matt grinned a little and said,

"T.K., did you rescue me?" T.K. pulled away from the hug to look up at

him. "No. She did!!" he said smiling and pointed at something. Matt

turned around to see someone sitting there.

It was a girl about his age. She had beautiful dark brown hair that was

layered about an inch below her chin and went past her shoulder that

curled outwards, she also had long purplish dyed bangs that were way

past her shoulder and almost at her elbow that curled inwards. Her eyes

were a deep dark brown. She was wearing a gray turtleneck 3/4 sleeve

shirt with a baby blue stripe running across the chest and the end of her

sleeves, really baggy dark blue jeans, and combat boots. She had a few

charms under her shirt and she had a power bracelet with many different

gems and beads in it. They stood for love, success, courage, faith,

hope, and power. She had a black bag with her. One similar to Mimi's

bag, only the girl's bag is more modern, and a tiny bit bigger. She was

really pretty. Prettier than any other girl he had ever seen. She was

smiling at him. She ran her fingers through her wet hair and introduced

herself. "Hi. My name is Pixie Makato, but just call me Pixie. What's

yours?" Matt was busy in his thoughts about her, until he realized that

she just asked him a question. "Uhhh. . .hi. I'm Yamato Ishida, but

please call me Matt. Have you met my little brother, T.K.?" Pixie

replied, "Yes. If it weren't for him asking me for help then you would

still be underwater." Matt turned to T.K. and said, "Hey, thanks

squirt." T.K. gave him another cute little crooked grin. "No problem



Then Pixie remembered about the crest and digivice. "Are you one of the

digidestined?" She asked him. Matt looked surprised. He looked like he

was about to answer, but T.K. answered for him. "Yeah!!! We both are.

The rest of them are at the campsite. It's not to far away from here.

You'll probably meet them sooner or later. Gennai told us another person

was going to join our group. Are you the ninth digidestined?" Pixie said,

"Yes, I am. I have my crest and tag and my digivice already. But I

haven't found my digimon, yet. I don't know why. So what does your crest

stand for?" T.K. got up and pulled out his crest to show her. It looked

like a sun and a beam of light. It was golden yellow. "My crest stands

for Hope. Can I see yours? what does it stand for?" Pixie pulled out her

charms and her crest and tag. One was a greenish amber amulet on a brown

string that was embedded in an elegant ebony patterned frame, another

was a small, silver cross pendant hanging on a matching chain. She

pulled out a few others then finally got to crest. Then, Matt moved over

closer so he could get a good look at her crest. It was a candle-like

shape with a flame and two ribbon-like sashes sticking out of it. It was

white. "My crest stands for five things. Sacrifice, Spirit, Power,

Foregivness, and Loyalty. It's a special crest called a Combination

Crest. Gennai gave it to me. I don't have to use all of them at once for

my digimon to digivolve." The she put the crest along with her charms

back in her shirt. T.K. said in amazement, "Wow. Cool crest. I never

knew such a crest existed." Pixie then looked at Matt. "Matt, what does

your crest stand for?" Matt took out his crest. It looked like an eye. It

was blue. "My crest stands for friendship." he said. They all had a

conversation and walked up a very steep hill. Suddenly, a boy with big,

puffy brown hair, and some really funky looking goggles, who had just

killed their conversation, came right out of nowhere. He had an Agumon

with him. He was running, and at the same time smiling and waving. "Hey

guys! Where have you been? We've been waiting for you!!" He called.

Somehow, he looked familiar to Pixie.


Then Pixie recognized him. It was Taichi "Tai" Kamiya. "Hey you guys!!"

He said to Matt and T.K. Then he saw Pixie. Then he turned back to Matt

and T.K. an asked, "Hey, you guys mind telling my what my cousin is

doing here in the digiworld?" Matt got startled. "Pixie's your cousin?"

Tai replied, "Yes. Pixie lives with us. You didn't see her when we all

were back in the digiworld because she was spending a week at her best

friend's house. Her best friend's name is Willow." The he looked at

Pixie. "Now do you mind telling me what you're doing here?" Pixie grinned

and said, "I'm the ninth digidestined!" They hugged each other, then

Tai said, "Gennai told us about a ninth digidestined. I never thought it

would be you." Agumon stared in amazement. "Okay." Agumon said. "Let me

get this straight, Pixie is your cousin, and she's the ninth

digidestined. She lives with you, and we didn't see her because she was

at her best friend's, and she's Matt's girlfriend. I'M SO

CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!" Agumon put both his hands on his head as though he

had a headache and kept whining and moaning until Tai told him to stop.

"Umm, Pixie's not my girlfriend." Matt said, a little annoyed. "Oh."

Agumon said. "I thought she was.

Then the others suddenly appeared. Tai told them about Pixie, and then

they introduced themselves.

"Hello there. I'm Sora."

"HI!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BIYOMON!!!!!!!!!"


"Oh, typical Joe. Be nice to someone for once. Hi. I'm Gomamon."

"Greetings. My name is Izzy."

"Hello. I'm Tentomon."

"HHHHIIII!!!!!!!!!! MY NAME'S MIMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Hiya. I'm Palmon."

"You remember me, Pixie? I'm Kari."

Pixie smiled at Kari and said, "Of course I do."

"Hi. I am Gatomon."

"Hi. I'm Patamon."

"Hi. I'm Gabumon."

"It's nice to meet you all." Pixie said. Then Mimi snottily said, "If

you're the real ninth digidestined, why weren't you here to fight

Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon, Venimmyotismon, or any of the Dark

Masters?? You also might happen to have a tag and crest and a digivice.

Matt looked at Pixie. He couldn't see any expression in those beautiful

brown eyes of hers. "Yes, I do." Then Mimi made a face and said, "Hey,

then where's your digimon? I bet you stole that crest and tag and

digivice. You're a spy, aren't you?" Matt looked at Pixie again. She had

an angry and hurt expression on her face. "NO I DIDN'T!!!!" She turned

away from Mimi and ran down the extremely steep hill. "LIAR!!!!! PLUS,

GET A NEW OUTFIT AND I DON"T LIKE YOUR HAIR!!!" Mimi called after her.

Matt watched Pixie run down the hill at such a rapid speed that he

probably wouldn't be able to catch up with her. Then he turned angrily

toward Mimi. "Why did you have to go and do that?" he snapped at her.

Mimi had that stupid looking face planted on her again. "I don't trust

her." she replied. Matt started to run after Pixie. "Well, I do!!!" he

yelled as he started down.

After a while of chasing, Matt caught up to Pixie. "Pixie!!!" he cried

after her. "Wait up!!" Matt got close enough to grab her elbow, but just

as he reached for it, she pulled away. Then Matt got closer again,

then grabbed her waist. He tripped and fell over her, causing them both

to tumble down. They finally stopped. Pixie opened her eyes, and noticed

that Matt was on top of her. He noticed, too. The stared at each other

for a moment. Then he immediately got off. Pixie got up then walked over

to a rock then sat on it. Matt got up and followed her. She put her face

in her hands in frustration. "Why doesn't anybody trust me?Why does

everybody have to criticize me and be all judgmental?" Matt felt

compassion for her. "I trust you. I like your hair, too. And that outfit

looks great on you." She looked up at him, smiled, and said, "Thanks.

At least somebody does." He grinned at her. "Your welcome. Don't worry."

he confirmed her. "Mimi's not always like that. She just doesn't really

trust you at the moment." Pixie got up from the rock. "I guess you're

right." she said. "I can't blame her. Besides looks really sincere

inside." "Well, that's why her crest stands for sincerity." he said.

"Let's get moving up the hill." They walked over to the foot of the hill

and Pixie said sarcastically, "I hate her hair and outfit, too. That

hat is really big and strange." Matt laughed. "Let's go. The others are

probably worried sick about us." They started up the hill.


(scene:after dinner, they all went to sleep in the cave)

Matt woke up and found out that Pixie wasn't in the cave. He saw

something outside and decided to go check it out. He looked around and

found Pixie sitting on a rock, watching the stars. She looked back and

saw Matt there. "I couldn't sleep." she said as she turned back to face

the stars, as though she had read his mind. "Me neither."Matt replied as

he sat on the same rock Pixie was sitting on. For some reason, he felt

weird. There was something stirring in him. "Why do I feel this way?" he

thought to himself. "I feel so safe and comfortable around her. I also

get this feeling inside of me-like my heart starts pounding faster or

something." He stared at her in the dark blue night while the moonlight

and stars were the only light that shone over the horizon. "She so

pretty. . .hey-why am I thinking about her this way?" He finally thought

of something to say. "So. . . .uhhh. . ." his voice trailed off. "Hey

Matt-" she suddenly said. "Can you keep a secret?" Matt looked at her

surprisingly. "Yeah. Sure. Why?" She continued looking at the stars.

"Because you trust me-and I trust you." she said. "And I'm about to tell

you one of my secrets." Matt looked at their reflection in the pond.

"Sure. I'm listening." "Okay, here it goes. My family died in a car

crash when I was little. My mother and father died right after the crash.

My little brother, D.K., my older brother, Joseph, and I were left."

Her eyes started to get all watery. "I remember floating sown a tunnel. .

.towards a bright light. I saw D.K. and Joseph there. They were both

dressed in white." The she paused for a moment. "Does it sound crazy

yet?" she asked Matt. "No. Not at all." he replied. Then she continued.

"They had wings. Joseph started speaking." She was near to bursting into

tears. "He said, 'Go back. You can't stay here.' I asked him why and he

said, 'Because you have yet to live. You have been born with special

powers-you'll start to develop them sooner or later. But you have to live

and survive. Now go back.' D.K. started speaking, too. 'He's right. Go

back. You have to live. Take care of yourself.' I asked both of them what

would happen to them, and Joseph said, 'Don't worry about us. We will

always be with you-Mom, Dad, D.K., and I. Go now. Hurry-before it' too

late.' I heard muffled voices saying 'I love you' as I started to wake

up." She drew a long breath before she picked up where she left off. "I

found out I was in a coma for 21 days, and that D.K. and Joseph died an

hour before I woke up. Then the hospital called the Kamiya's and told

them about the accident. They let me move in with them, since they were

the only living family I had left. A year after the accident, I started

discovering the powers Joseph told me about." She suddenly started crying

hysterically. "Why didn't they let me go with them? Why?"

Matt put his arms around her and hugged her. "Ssshhhhhhhh." He said

trying to comfort her. "It's okay. It's okay." "Sorry." Pixie pulled away

from him. "I'm a big jerk for crying in front of you." Matt looked down

at her. "Hey-it's okay to let your feelings out. You can do that in front

of me anytime. I know how you feel. My parents went through a divorce. Me

and T.K. were separated. I live with our dad, and T.K. lives with our

mom. We don't really see each other that much." Pixie hugged him.

"Gee-thanks Matt." Then she looked up at him. They were awfully close to

each other. They stared at each other for a moment. "Why do I feel all

weird inside? Like-I have a crush on him or something." Pixie thought to

herself. They both sank deeper and deeper into a romantic embrace.


(scene:in the morning, Pixie starts to rouse)

Pixie awakened to what sounded like a harmonica. She went outside, and

found Matt there. "Hey," she complimented. "That's a really great sound."

She sat next to him. As he looked at her with his sad eyes, she

remembered about last night. She felt herself blushing. He blushed to. He

turned away and said, "Oh. . .ummm. . .thanks." Pixie noticed the

worried tone in his voice. "Are you alright?" she asked him. "I wonder if

he's upset about last night. But it's the way he kissed me that makes me

feel all. . .I don't know. I can't describe it. Hey-wait a minute-I think

know how I feel. Lovesick, is that it? But if it is, why?" she thought

to herself.

Then Tai came out of the cave, startling the two. He stretched and

yawned, then saw Matt and Pixie there. "Ummm. . .hi guys." Pixie waved

at Tai and Matt said, "Hi." Tai looked a little bothered about

something. "Matt, Pixie. . .I have to tell you something. "Matt perked

up a little and said, "Sure." Pixie got up from beside Matt and asked,

"Okay. What is it." It took a few moments of awkwardness for Tai to gain

courage about what he was going to say. He looked around to see if anyone

was watching or listening, then he finally said, "I saw you guys last

night." Both Matt and Pixie jumped and blushed in embarrassment. Tai

continued after they retained themselves. "I heard something-and I

thought it was an evil digimon. I snuck out and hid near the bushes. I

saw you and you-kissing." They got startled. Pixie gazed down at her

feet. Matt spoke up and said, "I swear it isn't what you think-we were

both tired and we weren't paying attention to a actions."

He seemed so calm and serious. These words struck Pixie like a bullet

being shot into her heart. "I can't bear it!! I have to get away from

this conversation!!!" Pixie depressingly thought silently. "Umm. . .Will

you excuse me for a moment please?" She walked away into the forest. Tai

came running after her. "Pixie!!! Hey Pixie-I know you can hear me!!

Stop!!" Pixie stopped and leaned against a tree. Tai could see she was

hurt. "You have a crush on him-don't you?" Pixie looked at him. "No!!! I

don't." Tai had a doubtful look on his face. "Don't try denying it-I

could see it. And why are you crying?" "What? I'm crying?" She thought as

she frantically wiped away her tears and said, "I'm not crying! I just

have something in my eye." She tried her best to smile. "No you don't.

C'mon-just admit it. I can keep a secret." he said. Pixie closed her eyes

then admitted the truth. "Yes. I have a crush on Matt. Ever since the

first time I saw him."


(scene:Tai and Pixie went back to the campsite. Pixie went to get

something and Tai saw Matt)

"Hey Matt!!!!!" Tai waved, but Matt just looked up and ignored him. He

started to walk farther away but Tai caught up to him. "Matt-I know

there's something wrong." Matt looked up at Tai. Tai could see the

sadness in his eyes. "I can't tell Tai. . .unless I could trust him."

Matt thought to himself. "What? Huh? Nothing's wrong! What could possibly

wrong? Nope!!! Nothing wrong here!!!" He said nervously as he laughed

awkwardly put on his I'm-lying-and-I'm





nderstand-her grin. Tai knew that grin anywhere. "It's Pixie isn't it?"

Tai said. Matt's face turned red and he looked away. "Don't try denying

it. I know you really like Pixie-it's really obvious you know." Tai said

with a little smirk. "What?" Matt jumped up. "How?" "It's real simple

Matt. It's the way you act around her and when she isn't around.

C'mon-just admit it. There's no use in lying to me." Matt held back for a

few seconds, then finally spilled out. "Alright. I do really like Pixie.

It all started when I met her."


(scene:back at the campsite)

"Now what? I have to keep to secrets locked up inside of me. Pixie likes

Matt and Matt likes Pixie. They both have feelings for each

other-something that somehow can't be described. I'll have to find out

sooner or later." Tai thought to himself while eating breakfast. He

looked at them both. They seemed like two little turtles-hiding in their

shells along with all their secrets. "There's one thing to do. I'll have

to let theses secrets out at a life and death emergency. Like fighting a

really evil digimon that seems we could not defeat-or if someone's going

to die-specifically Pixie or Matt. But that probably couldn't happen. .

.could it?"


(scene:After breakfast)

Pixie immediately got up as soon as she finished. Then she ran out into

the forest. "Hey!!!" Tai yelled after her. "Where are you going?" Pixie

stopped and turned around. "I have to go find my digimon!!!" she

declared. Then she picked up her pace again. "She runs so gracefully."

Matt thought to himself as he watched her go. He finished a few minutes

later and decided to go for a ride on Garurumon.

In the forest, Pixie strolled along, singing a song she had written.

She suddenly stopped as she heard the pounding of heavy footsteps. A

strange digimon came out of the forest. "Pixie!!!!" It cried as it

nuzzled her cheek. "I've been waiting a long time for you!!! I thought

you would never come!!" Pixie seemed startled by all this. "You've been

waiting for-me?" Pixie asked. The digimon said, "Yes!!! I'm your

digimon. My name is Cheetahmon. I'm so glad you're here!!!" Pixie hugged

Cheetahmon. Then another set of heavy footsteps came by.

"Stay behind me." Cheetahmon advised. "It might be dangerous."


(scene:Still in the forest)

"Matt!" Pixie cried as the shadow became clear. "And Garurumon!!!

Cheetahmon, this is Matt and Garurumon. They're friends of mine. They're

digidestined to." Matt looked at Cheetahmon. Garurumon de-digivolved back

to Gabumon and gave a description of Cheetahmon. "This is Cheetahmon. She

is the fastest of all digimon, going up to way more than 250 miles an

hour. She has white feathered wings which enable her to fly. She can

eliminate almost anything with her attack 'Raging Firedragon'. She is at

champion level. I guess she digivolved to that level when Pixie wasn't

here." Matt raised his eyebrows in amazement. "Wow. She sounds pretty

invincible to me." Pixie walked over to Matt. "Hey-we should be heading

back." He smiled and said, "Sure." Then Pixie walked back to Cheetahmon.

But there was one problem, she went to far like about-20 feet.

"Pixie-what are you doing? Get back here!!!" Matt called after her. Pixie

turned around to face him and got ready to run like a tracker. She put on

a mischievous smile as she called back, "I'm going to brush up on my

gymnastics!!!" Then she gave a running start, did 15 front flips,

jumped and did a summersault in the air, and gracefully landed on

Cheetahmon's back. "Wwwwwwooooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Gabumon held back in

amazement. Matt only smiled. "Hey Gabumon-could you digivolve to

Garurumon so we could ride back to the others?" Matt asked. "Sure, my

friend. GABUMON DIGIVOLVE TO GARURUMON!!!!!!" Then Matt got onto

Garurumon's back. "Okay-let's get moving people. And Cheetahmon-don't go

so fast." All of them rode back towards the campsite-then heard a shrill

scream of bloody murder-just where the campsite was. " Oh no!!!!That

sounded like Mimi!!! She might be in trouble!!!" Pixie cried as she heard

the melody of painful cries. "Matt, " she instructed. "We'll fly ahead,

And you and Garurmon stay on ground. We need to get there as quickly as

we can." Matt nodded. "You're right. Let's go Garurumon!!!" Pixie and

Cheetahmon rose and flew out into the sky.


(scene:Pixie, Matt, Cheetahmon and Garurumon arrived at the camp)

"Mimi!!!" Pixie cried as Cheetahmon landed on ground just as Garurumon

arrived. "What happened?" Sora, Tai, and Joe were there nursing her.

T.K. and Kari watched anxiously sitting on a rock. Sora heard Pixie and

informed her about the bad news. "A digisnake came out and bit Mimi on

the leg with it's fangs. It was poisonous. If we can figure out a way to

cure her-she could survive." Pixie looked at Mimi. Her face was a slight

greenish/yellowish color. Her leg was a faded purple. She looked like she

was going to pass out. The Pixie had an idea. "That's it!!" She reached

into her bag and pulled out a handkerchief, a pocket knife, some

bandages, and a lighter. She carried these items and put them beside

Mimi. "Her leg's swollen. If we don't do something about it she might-not

make it." Joe said with a sad look on his face. Without a word, Pixie

sprung into action. "Joe, how long has it been since Mimi was bitten?"

Joe looked at his watch. "About 2 minutes." Pixie studied Mimi's leg and

then tied the handkerchief a few inched above her wound. "This will slow

down the poison that's flowing in your bloodstream." Then she opened the

pocket knife and lit the lighter. She carefully burned the blade to

remove germs and bacteria from it. Then she informed Mimi, "This may

hurt a little. Look away. Think of something else other than pain. Mimi

gave a weak smile and followed her instructions. Pixie cut a slit where

Mimi had been bitten. Mimi winced a little. Then Pixie bent over and

carefully started sucking out the poison and spitting it out. Palmon went

to go fetch some healing herbs and a plant called, "Lamb's Ear". Pixie

finished just a few seconds before Palmon came back. The others watched.

"Are these the right herbs?" Palmon asked setting the herbs down beside

Pixie. Pixie nodded. Palmon looked worryingly at Mimi. She was beginning

to look way less sick. Pixie grounded all the her except the Lamb's Ear.

"This may sting a little, " Pixie advised Mimi. "But it will heal you

and get the last traces of poison out." The she took the ground-up herbs

and put them on Mimi's cut. Mimi whined a little-well maybe alot. Pixie

smothered it onto Mimi's cut, the wiped the access medicine off. Then

she lay the Lamb's Ear over it and then wrapped it with bandages.

"There." Pixie said dusting herself off as she got up. "It will heal in

about a few days or so."

The others ran over to congratulate her. "Magnifecent!!!" Izzy said.

"Where did you learn that?" Pixie said, "I went to survival camp."

"Ummm. . can I speak to Pixie-alone?" Mimi asked. Tai looked a little

surprised. "Sure." The the others left. As soon as the others were all

back into the cave, Mimi started speaking. "I'm really sorry about

yesterday. I was sort of-well-jealous of you. I don't know why. I really

do like you outfit and your hair. I think it fits you and it looks cool.

And you know what?" Pixie smiled and said, "What?" Mimi returned the

smile. "I really like you as a friend." Pixie accepted her apology. "It's

alright. I like your outfit, your hair, your hat, and I really like

you as a friend, too." With that, both their crests started to glow.


(scene:still at the campsite, Pixie has already introduced Cheetahmon to

the others)

"Okay!!!!! Chop-Chop!!!!! We have to get a mooooove on!!!!!!!" Tai

commanded the others that were actually working and laboring away while

he was standing on a boulder like he was king of the world. "We don't

want any evil digimon to find out we were here do we???!!!!!!!" All of

them stopped and stared angrily at Tai. "What?" They moved closer and

closer to him, like they were going to gang up on him and jump him,

-and it really started to freak him out and scare him to death. "Okay."

he said in a tiny voice. Then he reluctantly got off his boulder then

started working, too. They got the work done quickly. "I'm pooped." Kari

said as she plopped down onto the floor and decided to take a nap. "I

think we should all do the same." T.K. said as he lay down on the ground

and closed his eyes. The others did the same and went off into sleepy

land. Only Tai, Matt, and Pixie were still up. "So. . .uuhhh. . .we're

still up." Tai declared. "I'm so bored." Pixie said hanging her head.

"Soo. . what do you wanna do?" Matt asked while scratching his head. "I

don't know. What do you wanna do?" Pixie asked Tai. "I don't know what do

you wanna do?" Tai asked Matt. "I don't know-hey!!! Where's Cheetahmon?"

Matt asked. "She's in the cave." Pixie said. "And I'm about to die of

boredom." Matt and Tai agreed. "Me, too." "Me, three." They all sighed.

Suddenly Tai spoke up. "So, uh, Matt, what do you wanna do?" Matt

sighed. "I don't know. What do you-didn't you already ask me that?" Tai

looked at Matt. "I don't know-I forgot. We'd better go into the cave and

rest." Matt and Pixie agreed and they all went into the cave to take a



(scene:all the digidestined woke up and were hiking up a mountain)

"MY FEET HURT!!! AND I'M SSSOOO TIRED!!!" Mimi wailed in agony. "Oh-no!"

Joe popped up and said. "I think I'm allergic to Mimi's whining." Tai

agreed. "I think we all are. SHUT-UP MIMI!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mimi jumped and

got scared. "Okay." she said, timidly hiding behind Sora. "Hey Mimi-if

you're tired, you could ride on Cheetahmon." Pixie said. Mimi suddenly

beamed with gratefulness. Then she ran over to Pixie and started to bow

at her feet. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank

you!!!!!!" Mimi cried. "Uhhhhh. . . .okay. . . . your. . .welcome?" Pixie

said as a sweat drop ran down her head. Then Mimi got on Cheetahmon.

"Hey-uh-Pixie?" Mimi asked. "What?" Pixie asked. "Does Cheetahmon bite?"

Mimi finally said. Cheetahmon snapped playfully. "No, Mimi, she

doesn't." Then Tai climbed on top of another big boulder and declared,

"Let's keep going everybody!!!!! Chop, chop!!!!!!" Everybody shot him

angry looks. Tai hung his head and jumped off. Then they continued

hiking. They didn't get very far, until a shadow came out and blocked

their way.


(scene:the evil digimon-and a first is about to happen)

Everybody stopped and stared as the shadow faded and revealed a huge

virus digimon. "Oh no!!" Palmon cried in horror. "That's Batmon!! He's

at ultimate level, and very powerful, too! Not very nice either."

Batmon let out an evil laugh. "I'm just an apprentice to Sorcerermon, a

maximum digimon, the most powerful in the digiworld. I was sent here to

destroy you!" He laughed a cold, heartless laugh. Tai sprung into

action. "Time to Digivolve!!!"

"Agumon digivolve to GREYMON!"

"Gabumon digivolve to GARURUMON!"

"Biyomon digivolve to BIRDRAMON!"

"Tentomon digivolve to KABUTERIMON!"

"Gomamon digivolve to IKKAKUMON!"

"Palmon digivolve to TOGEMON!"

"Gatomon digivolve to ANGEWOMON!"

"Patamon digivolve to ANGEMON!"

Everyone digivolved, except for Cheetahmon. Every digimon used their

attacks(Including Cheetahmon).



"How about some NEEDLE SPRAY!"







All of their attacks failed. Suddenly, Batmon attacked.


It was just about to hit all the digimon. Pixie couldn't bear watching

anyone get hurt. "NO!!!!" Pixie wailed and ran and stood in front of the

digimon and took the blow herself. "PIXIE!!" Matt cried as he ran over to

her. She was unconscious and badly injured. "No." Matt whispered as tears

began to run down his face. Suddenly, a bright light started to shine

from Pixie's crest. "Her crest-" Matt gasped in amazement. "It's

glowing!" Cheetahmon started to digivolve to her ultimate level.

"Cheetahmon digivolve to WICCAMON(pronunciation: wikkahmohn)!"

Izzy started typing on his laptop and found Wiccamon's description.

"Wiccamon is an Ultimate digimon. As quick and slick as Cheetahmon, but

one of the most powerful digimon at the Ultimate level. She looks like a

human, but she is a digimon. She is also a sort of good witch or should

I say 'Wicca' slash warrior. She is a vaccine digimon with a good heart.

Her strongest attack is 'Igneous Rain'. By the way, 'Igneous' means

'Firey'." Tai stared at the digimon and said, "Wow. She's pretty hot."

Everybody turned towards Tai. "TAI!!" "What?"

Wiccamon's wings appeared and she rose into the air, face to face with

Batmon. "For trying to destroy all of us and hurting Pixie, you shall

suffer the consequences." Wiccamon warned Batmon. Batmon chuckled, put a

smirk on his face, and said sarcastically, "Ooohhh, I'm scared." "I

warned you." Wiccamon said as she rose her long scepter and held it into

the air, towards the sky.

The sky turned red and fiery tornado came out of the sky. It entered

Wiccamon's scepter and it started to glow. She twirled her scepter around

and gracefully pointed it at Batmon.


A beam of fire came out of her scepter and hit Batmon. Batmon cried in

pain and collapsed to the ground as he disintegrated to dust. Everybody

cried, "YYYAAAYYY!!!!" in excitement, that is, except for Pixie who

was still unconscious.


(scene:after Batmon was destroyed)

Wiccamon walked over to Pixie, who was still in a deep sleep.

Wiccamon's long black hair was flapping behind her. She waved a hand over

Pixie's face. White sparkly dust came out of her hand and landed on Pixie

and healed her wounds. Then Wiccamon de-digivolved back into Cheetahmon

as Pixie's eyes fluttered open. Then she got up. "What happened?" Pixie

asked, dazed and confused. Matt wiped his tears and smiled in joy. He

started explaining to Pixie what had just happened and that Cheetahmon

digivolved to Wiccamon and de-digivolved back again. After all the

details, Pixie was strong enough to stand again. All the digimon,

except Cheetahmon, de-digivolved.

They continued hiking, though Mimi started whining again and had to

ride on Cheetahmon. They hiked all day, and it started to get dark so

they stopped at a cave near a giant waterfall.

Suddenly, Gennai popped out of the waterfall and scared all the kids.

"I see you have defeated Batmon." Tai was the most jumpy. "DON'T DO

THAT!!!" Everydody screamed at Gennai. "What's this about Sorcerermon,

the maximum digimon?" Matt asked. "Well, the maximum level is a new

level for digivolving. It is the highest and takes place after the mega

level." Gennai informed them. Suddenly, rings the color of each of the

childrens' crest came flying out of nowhere and landed into each rightful

owner's hand. "You will need these for your digimon to digivolve to the

maximum level. They all mean the same thing as your crests do, but

Pixie's ring stands for Heart. Well, slip them onto your fingers and

toodooloo. I have a tea party to attend." Then Gennai disappeared and

everyone put on their rings.


(scene:After Gannai disappeared and everyone set up the camp, Pixie eyed

the waterfall)

"I think feel a challenge coming on." Pixie thought as she looked at the

top of the waterfall. "Hey! Does anybody wanna come and try to climb up

those rocks to the top of the waterfall?" Everyone looked at each other

dumbly. "Okay!! I'll go. C'mon, Gabumon!!!!!" Gabumon ran along after

Matt . "Cheetahmon, fly and follow us. Don't help me though." Pixie

informed Cheetahmon. Cheetahmon flapped her wings and said, "Okay." Then

Pixie, Matt, and Gabumon started climbing the rocks while Cheetahmon

flew up behind them.

They go up the rocks in no time. Then Pixie had another idea. She ran

over to the side of the waterfall and disappeared into the watery mist.

Matt followed her and disappeared into the mist, too.


(scene:after Pixie and Matt disappeared together in the waterfall,

Cheetahmon and Gabumon started talking)

Cheetahmon smiled and snickered as she watched Pixie and Matt run into

the mist. "What is it now?" Gabumon asked. "Look at those two."

Cheetahmon said. "And. . . ." Gabumon said. "They're in love! Can't you

see? They just don't know it. They look so cute together. I bet someday

they'll get together, then get married, then blah die blah die blah die

blah die blah!" Cheetahmon cried. "Those two just as well might be

together forever, that is, if they both find out someway." Gabmon

agreed and said, "Yeah-in fact you're right. I guess we'll have to just

wait and see."


Like it so far? Well, we'll see what happens in Part Two of Pixie

Makato, the Ninth Digidestined. Plus:A Bio of Pixie and Cheetahmon,

coming up!


Jessa Balcita