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Hey! Call me Puma! Um, here's my fanfic, but cause of hotmail, it messes the

paragraphs up so really, I don't write like this! Honest! Oh well, If it's

messed up and you don't feel like fixing it, I think my fic is also at the

Digimon Garden...who knows if it looks better there. sigh. Anyways, Here are

both parts 1 and 2, you might want to split them up cause they turned out to

be pretty long, oh well! thanx ever so much!




Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the Digimon, or their friends (except for

the ones I

made up). I AM NOT making any money off this story, it’s written just for

fun so, don’t

sue me! I PROMISE that I’ll return all the characters I use in relatively

the same shape.


This story takes place right after the episode "Sora’s Crest of Love," with


still large and in charge. Go easy on me because this in my very first fan

fic. OK, grab

some popcorn and Junior Mints ‘cause here we go!...

"Together We Stand..."

Part One

The lake shore was still and quiet. The pink sky slowly faded into

darkness as

night was cast over the Digiworld. All was calm and the only sound that

could be heard

was the faint tune of a harmonica, echoing off the water. A dim glow of a


could be seen on the lake shore, where the famous Digi-Destoned lay. All

the kids and

their Digimon were sound asleep--due to the excitement of the previous

day--except for

Matt, who sat apart from the group, playing his harmonica.

The fire crackled and sparked, waking Tai from his slumber. He sleepily


at the flames, sitting up to check on the rest of the group. Adding another

piece of wood

to the hungry fire, Tai stood, noticing Matt leaning against a tree.

"Hey," Tai sleepily whispered, sitting next to Matt.

Matt stopped his playing to look over at Tai, "hey," he replied.

There was silence between the two as they stared out at the lake. There


always been tension between the two for one reason or another, usually due

to leadership


Matt was the first to speak, "couldn’t sleep?"

Tai turned to Matt, "I should be asking the same question."

Matt cracked a smile at this, "tough day, huh?" He gestured with his


to their sleeping comrades.

"Yeah," Tai agreed, his gaze falling on their friends. "I’m sure glad

we’re all

together again," he yawned. "It feels right, ya know?"

"I know what you mean," Matt said, "It hasn’t felt ‘right’ since you


then when we all met up again today..."

"It’s like we’re all connected," Tai helped out, "If one of us is missing,

we can’t

work, or fight as well."

"Right," Matt sighed, "Only together will we be able to restore the

Digiworld and

return home."

The two stared out at the rippling water with solemn expressions on their


pondering their thoughts.

"I wonder if we can beat him," Tai mumbled to himself.

"Who?" Matt asked.

Tai sighed, "Myotismon. That threat he made earlier was pretty


Matt put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, "We’ve handled worse, don’t worry

about it. As long as we’re all together, we can handle anything."

"Your right," Tai yawned, turning to look at their sleeping friends once

more. He

sleepily smiled, everything was all right now. They were together, and when

they were

together, they could beat anything. Tai yawned and shut his eyes as he

heard Matt start

to play his harmonica again. This was the first time he had felt at peace

in a long time,

since they had come to the Digiworld. Tai’s last thoughts drifted through

his mind with

the harmonica’s comforting sound... ‘I wonder how long this peacefulness

will last...’

* * *

Not too far away, in the dark of the night, Myotismon paced back and forth


his castle. "These children!" he bellowed. "These puny children have

beaten my evil

Digimon time and time again!" Myotismon grabbed one of the bats flapping

about in the

air and shook it vigorously, "WHY?! WHY DO THEY ALWAYS WIN?!" He threw the

bat across the room and it made contact with the other wall, sliding to the

ground with

little stars circling it’s head.

Myotismon glared at the other bats, who now cowered in fear, when an idea

struck him. "The Digi-Destoned are strong only because they are with their


he grinned to himself. "The Digimon do all the fighting, so if they were


the children would be left defenseless!"

Myotismon looked out the window of his evil castle and laughed sinisterly.

"This," he smiled, revealing his sharp fangs, "is going to be fun."

* * *

The warm rays of the morning sun shone on the lake shore, sparkling like


diamonds. The Digi-Destoned slowly began to wake up.

"Oh my! What a lovely morning!" Mimi loudly exclaimed.

"Since when have you been a morning person?" Joe mumbled, trying to shade


eyes from the bright sun.

"Since I’m having a great hair day!" Mimi happily replied in her bubbly


Patamon sat up and stretched his wings, nudging TK, "Hey TK, wake up!"

TK opened his eyes a crack and mumbled, "Mom, I don’t want to go to school

today," and fell back asleep.

"Hey guys," Sora whispered to the group, "check this out," she pointed to

the two

sleeping forms of Tai and Matt leaning up against a tree.

"Well," Izzy happily stated, "It looks like they are getting along now."

Gabumon smiled at his sleeping friend, then sniffed the air, "hey! There

are fruit

trees nearby!"

"All right! Breakfast!" Tentomon happily exclaimed, following Gabumon off


gather food.

Tai was peacefully sleeping, when cold water was suddenly dumped on him.


eyes flew open and, after he got done coughing and gagging, he glared

around. Tai

spotted Gomamon swimming in the water, laughing histarically.

"Rise and shine!" Gomamon grinned, waving a flipper at Tai

"Oh, you are so dead!" Tai exclaimed, leaping forward to capture the


"Uh oh!" Gomamon exclaimed and dove under the water to safety.

Tai halted his pursuit, not wanting to get soaked even more, and returned

to the

group, grumbling.

"You look a little soggy there, Tai," Agumon playfully joked to his friend.

"Just wait till I get that walrus back," Tai glared at the swimming


The playful squabbling continued throughout the morning until Tentomon and

Gabumon returned with breakfast. Everyone finally awake, the group sat

around the

dying fire to discuss plans for the day.

"Well, we can’t just sit here and wait for Myotismon to attack," Sora was

explaining, eyeing her de-Digivolved companion, Yokomon. Sora’s Crest of

Love was

what made Biyomon Digivolve, but the negative effects were that her friend

was reduced

back down to a primitive level.

"What do you want us to do? Go looking for him?" Joe said sarcastically.

"That’s not a bad idea," Tai commented.

"WHAT?" Joe was shocked, "are you kidding? Go up against that guy...


"We’re going to have to fight him sooner or later," Matt pointed out.

"Right," Izzy added. This life in the Digiworld was definitely educational


Izzy, but he had a longing for home like everyone else, "Remember what Genni

said, we

can’t go home until the Digiworld is restored, which means we’ll have to


Myotismon sooner or later."

"I’d prefer later," Joe mumbled.

"Do we even know where he lives?" Sora asked the practical question to the


"Probably in some icky, musty, castle with no taste in interior designing,"


added, with a revolted look.

"Actually, you are correct, Mimi," Tentomon added, hovering above her head,

"He lives up over that mountain."

The group turned to face where Tentomon’s claw was pointing to a tall, dark

mountain in the distance.

"You mean we’re gonna go up there?" TK said, amazed.

"Remember the last time we climbed a mountain..." Gomamon warned, glaring

at Joe.

"It’s either that, or wait for Myotismon to surprise us down here," Tai


standing up, "I say that we change from the defensive to the offensive!"

"This isn’t soccer, Tai," Sora added, "It’s not a game."

"I know Sora," Tai said quietly, remembering his run-in with the electrical


field, "but we can’t just stay here, or run. Myotismon is holding quite a

grudge, he’ll

eventually find us."

"I guess we have to go," Matt stood up, looking worriedly at his little


"Anyone else think otherwise?" Tai asked the Digimon and the kids. The


was silent, all eyes focused on the mountain in the distance.

"OK then," Tai said, "Let’s go."

* * *

Myotismon sat in his castle, trying to decide his next move when


entered his chamber.

"My master," the flying Digimon stated, out of breath, "I..."

"SILENCE!" Myotismon shouted, "After all the trouble you caused me, you

DARE to come here?!" He raised a finger, as if he was going to blast


"Wait master! I have important news about the children," he cringed,

awaiting a

blow that never came.

"Hmmm," Myotismon sat in his throne, "this better be good. Continue."

The little Digimon looked relieved, then relayed his information, "I

spotted the

Digi-Destoned on the move, their!"

"But why?" Myotismon pondered, "do they really think they can defeat me?"

"Well, uh...I’ve seen what they can do together, It’s a pretty strong

force, master!"

DemiDevamon replied.

"Indeed," Myotismon added, "which is why I plan to divide and conquer," he

began to laugh. "Besides, I have a team of my own!"

In the back of Myotismon’s throne room, three sets of glowing eyes could be

seen. "Go," Myotismon smiled, "Go do as I have planned."

Throughout the castle, Myotismon’s evil laughter could be heard.

* * *

"My feet hurt! I’m hungry! I’m tired!" Mimi complained while the group


climbing up a steep trail on the mountain.

"Come on, Mimi. we’ve only been walking for 10 minutes!" Joe shot back,


though he was feeling tired himself. Joe had probably the best climbing

skills of the

group, and he was beginning to have second thoughts about this steep


"Hey guys!" Tai called from the front of the group. Tai was looking

through his

mini-telescope with one hand, and was holding on to the mountainside with

the other, "I

think there’s a flat part on the mountainside up ahead!"

"Oh boy, Patamon, we can rest for awhile!" the excited TK said to the


perched on his hat.

"TK, pay attention!" Matt scolded, "you’re gonna lose your balance!"

TK pretended that he wasn’t hurt by the comment, and continued his climb,

silently. Matt could be an awesome big brother sometimes, but he was way


protective. TK wanted so much to be like Matt because he always seemed to

know the

right thing to do and was always there for him.

"We’re almost there!" Tentomon announced happily, flying above the group.

"Finally," Gabumon said, relieved, "I’m not meant for climbing."

There was a sharp ledge, and then the mountain’s edge flattened off into a


clearing. Small shrubs, grass, and even trees caught root on the dry soil,

creating a small

wooded area.

"I believe this large plateau will serve as an adequate resting place,"


inquired, looking about.

"Um, yeah..." Tai obviously never understood what Izzy was talking about.

"How much further do you think we have to go?" Palmon asked Tentomon, who

appeared to know the way...that Digimon always knew everything.

"It should not be too far," Tentomon estimated.

Joe peeked over the steep edge where they had just emerged from, and then

looked up to where they would have to go. "Well, It certainly doesn’t look

as steep

anymore...looks like the worst part if over."

"Is anyone else beginning to think this was a bad idea?" Matt asked the


who were already beginning to sit down and relax.

Tai rolled his eyes at his friend, "now why would you think th..."

Before Tai could finish his sentence, he heard a low rumbling from higher

up on

the mountain. Small rocks began to roll down from the slope above the group

and a

growling could be heard.

"Something is coming down the mountain!" Agumon exclaimed to his friends

over the growing noise.

"Ya think?" Tai added sarcastically, to his friend’s comment. Inside,

though, Tai

was scared. Whenever they meet a new Digimon, it always attacks them,

sending the

group running for their lives. It probably won’t be any different now...

All heads turned to look up the mountainside where three Digimon could be


sliding down the rocks surface. The Digimon’s feet were stationary,

allowing them to

"surf" down the mountain, dodging trees in the process.

The group was frozen in fear, eyes fixed on the oncoming figures. When the

three Digimon reached the plateau, they stopped moving to make a stand

against the


"They don’t look very friendly," Mimi whispered to Palmon, looking warily

at the

Digimon’s glowing eyes. She had a nagging feeling that her pink outfit

would get all

dirty again...ick.

"Oh no!" Tentomon exclaimed, recognizing the trio instantly. "It’s


Sharkmon, and Octomon!"

The stats screen popped up, revealing a picture of the three Digimon:


had neon green armor scales, with a metal plate for a stomach and big jaws.


was gray, with a large fin on the top of his head, and sharp, pointed teeth.

Octomon was

orange, with two long tentacles for arms, and she had purple spots all over

her. While

the stat picture was being shown, Tentomon’s voice could be heard: "It’s

the Terrible

Trio! They work for Myotismon, and you don’t want to mess with them because


never lose!"

"Surrender to Myotismon, children!" Octomon stated, waving her tentacles


their direction.

"No way!" Tai exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"Yeah!" Matt added, "we never lose either!" He carefully inched over


TK to protect him if need be.

"I’m goin’ to enjoy this!" Gatormon rushed forward, his long tail sweeping


Sora’s direction.

"Sora! Look out!" Yokomon exclaimed, in her tiny little voice...

"Yokomon, Digivolve to...Biyomon!"

Sora ducked under Gatormon’s swinging tail and Biyomon flew up above her.

"Spiral Twister, Raa!" Biyomon exclaimed, barely making a dent in

Gatormon’s plating.

"Need some help?" Patamon arrived with Mimi cheering her on in the


Octomon kept trying to entangle Joe and Izzy with her long tentacles,


them and their Digimon towards the cliff’s edge.

Sharkmon started attacking Matt, TK and Tai, who were defended by their


"Pepperbreath! Pa!" Agumon exclaimed.

"Blue Blaster! Ha!" Gabumon added.

"Boom Bubble! Pow!" Patamon finished.

The three forces combined hit Sharkmon head-on, sending him pin-wheeling

backwards. The Digimon regained his balance, and called to his friends


playing around! Let’s get this plan into action!"

Octomon complied and suddenly called on her attack against Joe and Izzy,


slick!" A slick of purple oil was shot from Octomon’s mouth, covering the

ground under

Izzy and Joe’s feet.

"Woah!" Joe exclaimed, "I’m losing my balance!"

Gomamon and Izzy were having just as much trouble and Octomon rushed

forward to shove them off the cliff.

"Izzy! No!" Tentomon shouted, hovering above...

"Tentomon Digivolve to...Kabuterimon!"

Kabuterimon flew down between his friends and Octomon, but the monster kept

coming! Octomon slammed into Kabuterimon with such force that he landed on


ground, sending the whole group over the edge of the cliff, including the

evil monster.

The rest of their friends watched helplessly as the five disappeared over

the cliff’s


"Nooooo!" Tai exclaimed, racing forward, only to be stopped by Sharkmon’s


"Fin Torpedoes, Away!" Sharkmon exclaimed, releasing over a dozen small,

teeth-shaped, torpedoes towards Tai’s location.

"Tai, look out!" Agumon warned...

"Agumon, Digivolve to...Greymon!"

Greymon swung his tail to hit the torpedoes, like a batter would in a base


game, making them explode in mid-air.

Sharkmon grumbled and retreated away into the forest, "come and get me!"



"Gabumon, go after him!" Matt exclaimed.

"Right," Gabumon obeyed...

"Gabumon, Digivolve to...Garurumon!"

Garurumon raced forward after Sharkmon, unaware that he was leaving

Matt--who was busy watching TK--unguarded.

"Let’s go, Greymon!" Tai exclaimed, also following Sharkmon into the


Meanwhile, Biyomon and Palmon were trying to fend off Gatormon...

"Green Fire!" Gatormon exclaimed, emitting a blast from his mouth which

scorched the Digimon a little.

"You don’t play fair, Uglymon!" Mimi shouted.

"Palmon Digivolve to...Togemon!"

"Biyomon Digivolve to...Birdramon!"

The two rushed forward to attack Gatormon.

While Gatormon was distracted, Patamon flew up from behind, "Boom Bubble,

Pow!" he exclaimed, catching the monster off guard.

TK attempted to run forward after Patamon, but Matt held him back, "Stay


TK! Palmon can handle it!"

TK sighed. He just wanted to help, after all, they had to go find their

friends who

fell over the cliff. Angry at his brother, TK ran forward to help Patamon

while Matt was

watching the fight.

Meanwhile, Sharkmon had led Garurumon, Tai, and Greymon away from the rest

into the forest where he continued his attack, "Fin Torpedoes, Away!"

Greymon ducked beneath the torpedoes and growled at the monster, "looks


you missed your target, heh heh heh."

Sharkmon grinned, showing his many jagged teeth and whispered under his

breath, "Have I?" Myotismon’s plan was for them to separate the

Digi-Destoned from

their Digimon, which he had successfully done. Sharkmon watched out of the

corner of

his eye as a dozen torpedoes headed toward TK’s direction...

Matt was watching Togemon attack with a Needle Spray, when he heard a sound

from behind him. Spinning around, Matt saw several small torpedoes heading


something in front of him. Matt looked down to check on TK, who wasn’t


anymore! His mind clicked in a millisecond as his eyes shot forward to see

his little


Concerned for Patamon, TK did not see the torpedoes heading straight toward


"TK! look out!" Matt shouted, running toward him.

Instinctively, TK turned to face Matt, instead of the oncoming danger.

Without a second thought, Matt leapt forward, shoving TK out of the way of


blast. Matt felt a searing pain run through his side as he was flung

through the air, then

all was black.

To be Continued...

"Together We Stand..."

Part 2

The last thing Izzy remembered was Octomon running full force at him. He


something hit him, then had the sickening feeling of falling, and blacked


When Joe saw Kabuterimon fall backwards, due to Octomon, he did what any

normal kid would do...panic. He stood with his eyes fixed on the two

Digimon who slid

towards him, throwing the group off the cliff. Joe knew this was it: his

life as he knew it

was now over. There was so much that he still wanted to do. He had been a

coward his

whole life...and that’s how people would remember him. He would never be

able to live

up to his Crest of Reliability.

Kabuterimon closed his eyes tightly in pain when Octomon furiously slammed

into him. Helplessly, he was propelled over the edge. Opening his eyes, he

saw the

ground coming up fast and then saw the unconscious Izzy. ‘I can’t let this


Kabuterimon thought to himself. Collecting the screaming Joe, Gomamon, and

Izzy on

his back, Kabuterimon began to flap his wings furiously to stop the fall.

Octomon had not planed to go over the cliff herself, but she was caught in


own trap. Noticing Kabuterimon’s attempt at flying, she latched one of her

tentacle arms

onto his leg, hoping that this bug knew what he was doing.

Just a few meters above the ground, Kabuterimon finally began to hover,


down for an easy landing. "That was too close!" he said in his loud,

Digivolved voice.

Joe opened his eyes to an annoying poking on his side. He saw the smiling

Gomamon staring at him, inches away from his face. " I dead?" Joe


"Naw, silly! We’re OK! I knew Kabuterimon could do it!" Gomamon’s

confidence, however, was only on the surface because his insides were

shaking from the

fear he experienced.

Joe noticed that Kabuterimon was setting Izzy’s unconscious form on the


next to him.

"He won’t wake up," Kabuterimon said in a worried tone. He felt weak and

wanted to De-Digivolve back to standard size, but he was their only hope of

flying back

up the side of the mountain. ‘Hang in there,’ he thought to his human


Joe walked up to Izzy and raised the still form’s head slightly, "hey Izzy, gotta wake up," he said quietly.

As if on cue, Izzy made a mumbling noise and opened his eyes a crack.

"That’s it," Kabuterimon encouraged, "you’ll be OK."

Izzy opened his eyes further and looked about at his three concerned


"I’m guessing our fall was ceased by an outside force?" Izzy asked quietly.

"You could say that," Gomamon replied happily, gesturing to Kabuterimon,


have one dedicated Digimon."

"Thanks, Kabuterimon," Izzy smiled at the large Digimon looming over him.

Weakly, Izzy began to sit up, when he felt a sharp pain shoot through his

left shoulder.

Wincing, Izzy assessed his injuries, gingerly feeling his left shoulder with

his right hand.

"I think I sprained something..." for once, Izzy was a loss for fancy

words, due to the

pain he was experiencing.

Kabuterimon felt it too, he knew something was wrong with his friend before


said anything about the injury.

"I’ll worry about it later," Izzy added, regaining his composure, "right

now we

need to rejoin our friends."

"Um..." Gomamon asked the group, "has anyone seen that ugly Digimon we

were fighting earlier?"

"You mean Octomon?" Joe now looked warily around, remembering their

pervious fight.

"Right here, you weaklings!" Octomon was on a small ledge above them,


to attack.

"This is not good..." Joe slowly backed away from the Digimon.

"I’ll take care of this!" Kabuterimon took flight, hovering above Octomon


powered up his energy.

"Electro Shocker!" he exclaimed sending a bolt of energy to hit the


above Octomon.

Large boulders came free and landed on Octomon, breaking off her ledge, and

sending her slamming to the ground, with a pile of rocks on top of her.

"Pro-Digous, Kabuterimon!" Izzy exclaimed, carefully getting on the


back again, "Let’s go find the others!"

With Joe and Gomamon safely onboard, Kabuterimon took off to search for


friends high above.


Sora was watching Birdramon attack Gatormon when she heard Matt’s warning


TK. Turning, Sora saw Matt shove his brother out of the path of a missile.


acted in slow-motion. Horrified, she witnessed the explosion, and saw

Matt’s limp form

go flying through the air, where the side of his head connected with a tree.

"Matt!" Sora exclaimed, running forward. ‘He has to be OK,’ she thought


herself as she reached his side.

Mimi was keeping track of Togemon when she heard Sora’s cry to Matt. She

turned to see Matt’s still form slumped against the side of a tree and Sora

running to him.

Out of the corner of her eye, she also saw the small from of TK huddled on

the ground,

his hands covering his helmet. Next to him was Patamon, a worried look on

his face.

Taking a deep breath, Mimi ran forward to TK, "Togemon, keep fighting!" she


over her shoulder.

Sora arrived at Matt’s unmoving form, and gently turned him over. She


inhaled and her face drained of color when she saw the extent of the damage.


whole left side was scorched and blackened, and Sora noticed that his shirt


beginning to darken with red blood. Noticing the slow rise and fall of his

chest, Sora

became slightly relieved, now knowing he was alive. Quickly digging into

her pockets,

Sora pulled out her medical supplies she had brought along from camp so long


Taking a deep breath, Sora lifted Matt’s shirt and saw that the explosion

had caused

severe burns on his chest, which were the source of the blood. ‘He probably

has a few

broken ribs too...I can’t move him,’ Sora thought to herself, pressing a wad

of bandages

onto the wound. She also noticed a large cut forming on the side of Matt’s

head and

quickly added bandages to that injury too. "Hang in there, Matt," Sora

whispered in a

quivering voice, "Hang in there..."


"Fin Torpedoes, Away!" Sharkmon attacked Greymon with a full force of


Tai winced at the brightness of the explosion, and saw his Digimon fall to


ground, "come on Greymon!" Tai encouraged, "don’t give up!"

Garurumon galloped forward to defend Greymon, "Howling Blaster!" He


a cold blast, which froze up Sharkmon for a few seconds.

Suddenly, Garurumon howled in pain and fell to the ground.

Tai ran up to the fallen wolf to try to find any injuries, "Garurumon,


wrong?" he desperately asked.

The Digimon opened his eyes and focused a worried gaze on Tai, "It’’s

Matt...he’s in trouble...I...I can feel it." Garurumon closed his eyes and


back into Gabumon. "We share life forces..." the Digimon struggled to say

"Matt’s is..."

"Oh no..." Tai’s face turned pale. He hadn’t realized how separated they


become from the rest of the group. "Matt..." Tai said quietly, trying to

locate their

friends through the forest with his eyes.

With Greymon still on the ground, Sharkmon saw his chance and aimed at Tai,

"Fin Torpedoes, away!"

Tai looked up from the fallen Gabumon to see a dozen torpedoes rushing


him. He froze and stared at the oncoming danger when the torpedoes were

exploded in

mid-air by another force. Turning, Tai saw Ikkakumon running forward with


clinging to his side. "Joe! You’re OK!" Tai said, happily, also noticing


hovering above with Izzy on his back, "all right!"

Sharkmon looked a little worried, but he wasn’t going to back down. He had

never lost before, and certainly wouldn’t lose to a group of children. "Fin



Dodging the blasts, Ikkakumon raced forward, "you call those torpedoes?" he

bellowed, "try this on for size! Harpoon Torpedo!"

"Electro shocker!" Kabuterimon added from above.

The force of the two explosions sent Sharkmon flying through the air, over


cliff’s edge.

The three Digimon De-Digivolved back to their normal size and the group

gathered around Tai and Gabumon.

"What’s wrong with him?" Joe asked, concerned for Gabumon’s condition.

Tai stared at his friends with a sorrowful look and cleared his throat,


when Agumon said that in order for him to Digivolve, he needed to share my

life force?"

Tai paused to watch the group nod in agreement, "well, Gabumon De-Digivolved

because Matt’s life force is, well..."

"No..." Joe shook his head. "That can’t mean what I think it means. He

can’t be


Izzy’s eyes wandered through the woods, to the cliff’s edge, and to the

rock wall.

‘Where were the others?’ he desperately thought. Then, Izzy realized


"Gabumon hasn’t De-Digivolved back into Tsunomon, which means Matt’s life


could still be present."

Tai took on an optimistic tone, "I hope that’s true." He looked down at


digivice to locate the rest of his friends. There was a glowing red blip to

the north of

their position. Turning to Gabumon, Tai asked "Can you travel?" The weary


replied with a nod. Tai then turned to the group and gestured with a hand,

"They’re over

that way...let’s go! We need to help our friends!" Tai and the group began

to move

forward, while Gabumon was being supported by Gomamon and Tentomon.

"You go ahead," Gabumon weakly urged to Tai. " Matt."

Tai fixed his blue eyes on the Digimon, "I promise," he tried to

courageously say.

Tai and Agumon sprinted forward to their original position, hopefully not

too late.


Birdramon swooped under another flaming blast by Gatormon, using her keen

vision to search for a weak spot. ‘There has to be a way to stop him,’ she

grumbled to

herself, ‘we’ve never lost before.’

Helping Birdramon on the defense, Togemon released more needles on the

elusive gator. Once again, the needles made contact, then bounced off the

scales like

useless toothpicks. Togemon kept glancing over her shoulder to see if Mimi

was OK,

‘take care of yourself, friend,’ the giant Digimon hoped.

Mimi was never really into being brave and helping out others, it just

wasn’t her

style. But deep down inside, beneath that pink-barbie-ditsy-girl exterior,

lay the heart of

the keeper of the Crest of Sincerity. Mimi would never let a friend get

hurt, sacrificing a

broken nail in the process if need be, even though she would never admit to


"TK!" Mimi called out, "TK, are you all right?" Mimi reached the young


side, where Patamon was frantically trying to get TK to open his eyes.

Gently laying a hand on TK’s hat, Mimi whispered to the quivering boy,


all the chaos surrounding them, "please TK, it’s not safe here." She just

realized how

mother-like she sounded...her? A mother? The thought brought a small smile

to her

face, ‘that would never happen,’ she thought.

TK finally raised his head slightly, revealing tear-streaked eyes.

"Matt..." the

small boy said weakly.

Patamon huddled close to TK. The small Digimon had severe guilt weighing


his heart for failing to protect his friend. And Matt had suffered the


Mimi helped TK into a sitting position and checked him for injuries.


only scratches and soon-to-be bruises, she drew the quivering boy into a

tight hug. "It’ll

be all right. You’re OK," she crooned quietly.

At that moment, Green Fire went blazing by overhead of the group. Mimi

glanced over her shoulder to see Gatormon charging toward them.

"TK, Patamon, RUN!" Mimi ordered, shoving the group on their feet and


them forward. She never thought of herself as the leader-type, but in this

instant, Mimi’s

only concern, for once, was the safety of her friends.

Gatormon emitted more green fire from his tooth-filled mouth as he ran past


exhausted Birdramon and Togemon. "Prepare to be toast!" the Digimon


running after Mimi.

"You shouldn’t play with fire!" came a loud voice from behind Gatormon.


turned to face the voice and saw the re-Digivolved Greymon towering over


"Yeah Greymon!" Tai shouted from behind the giant Digimon.

Only a slight flicker of fear passed over Gatormon’s eyes which was quickly

replaced by a sinister grin, "you cannot defeat me! My armor is

invincible!" Gatormon

opened his mouth for another attack, "Green Fire!"

At the same time, Greymon used his attack, "Nova Blast!" The two forces

met in

mid-air and the Green Fire was quickly dissolved, allowing the Nova Blast to


Gatormon’s jaws. The flames scorched his mouth, sending him cowering


cringing in pain.

Noticing that Gatormon was nearing the edge of the cliff, Greymon swung his


and knocked the Digimon over the side. Gatormon’s screams could be heard,

until they

grew quiet, and finally stopped.

The threat now gone, Greymon De-Digivolved, along with Birdramon and

Togemon. All three were extremely exhausted due to the close call they


The group exchanged relieved glances, until they spotted Sora crouched over

Matt’s still form.

TK’s eyes grew wide, "Matt!" he cried, running in his direction.

Knowing how bad the circumstances were, Tai held TK back, the young boy

struggling in his arms.

"My brother!" TK exclaimed, tears streaming down his face.

Tai whispered to Mimi, who was standing at his side, "you and Palmon keep


here, he can’t see this."

Mimi nodded and collected the bawling boy in her arms as she watched the


run over to Sora. Palmon and Patamon stayed with her, instinctively

protecting their


When Tai reached Sora’s side, he gasped at the site of Matt’s condition.

"Oh no..." Biyomon gasped, making eye contact with her human friend.

Sora had tears in her eyes as she spoke, crouched over Matt, "he’s...he’s

lost a lot

of blood. I...I’m not a doctor...I..." a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Tai kneeled down next to Sora and put a comforting hand on her shoulder,


you did a good job," he glanced at Matt’s still face and sighed, "you

probably saved his


Sora looked up into Tai’s eyes, then quickly returned her gaze to the

ground, "for

now...I don’t know if he’ll be OK."

Agumon and Biyomon exchanged glances. They both suspected what conditions

Gabumon would be in.

Sora just realized that she had forgotten... "the monsters! We have to go

find Izzy

and Joe!"

"We’re here..." came a quiet voice from behind the group. They turned to


Izzy silently standing there with Joe, Gomamon, Tentomon, and the weak


‘I wonder how long they were standing there,’ Tai thought, then turned his

attention back to the situation.

Gabumon was staring at Matt the whole time. The Digimon wished there was

something he could do for his human friend--if only he had been

there...Gabumon closed

his eyes in frustration and swallowed, if only he knew how to help Matt now.

The group was silent for a long time--no one knew what to do, this

situation had

never happened before. They had always won their battles...but at what


Of all people, Joe stepped forward and knelt beside Matt. He examined the

paleness of Matt’s skin and the amount of blood on his shirt and on Sora’s

hands. After a

few silent moments, Joe spoke "well, I think that he can be moved. He

doesn’t have any

broken vertebrae, although he probably cracked a few ribs. I don’t know how

the head

injury will effect him, let’s just hope there’s no swelling. We need to

send a group to

find herbs which could be used to reduce the burns, and we can make a

stretcher out of

wood and leaves..." Joe paused for a moment, realizing for one brief

moment, he was

actually the leader. He had read many books on the human anatomy along with


books about how to treat burns and diseases. He smiled inwardly, thinking

that, after all,

he did live up to his Crest. His friends could always rely on him to make

things right.

Turning his gaze to the group, specifically Gabumon, he added, "Matt’s going

to be all

right. It might take awhile, but he’ll be all right."

There was a joint sigh of relief as the group trusted Joe’s judgment, then

split into

sections to gather materials.


Night had fallen on Myotismon’s castle as he sat in his throne room. The


Digimon ground his sharp fingernails into the wooden seat, waiting in

anticipation for the

Terrible Trio’s return. He grinned to himself, widening his dark purple


Digi-Destoned were probably destroyed already. All he needed now was the



After a few moments, Myotismon heard footsteps approach and saw the three


of glowing eyes enter the room.

Myotismon stood and addressed the group, still grinning, "I am guessing

that the

fight fared well?" But when the three stepped toward him, he saw the

terrible condition

they were in. Eyes narrowing, Myotismon’s gaze darkened, "you did defeat

them, didn’t


Octomon cleared her throat, as she gingerly stood on her one good leg, "um,

master...well, we uh..."

"WELL?" grumbled the impatient Myotismon.

Sharkmon sighed and decided to just say it, "master, uh, we...didn’t win."

"WHAT?!" Myotismon furiously threw red bolts of energy in all directions,


gave you one simple task! They’re just children! FOOLS!"

The Terrible Trio ducked from Myotismon’s onslaught, cowering in fear.

"Well, we did hurt one!" Gatormon said, defensively.

"Yeah!" Octomon added, "They all are pretty wiped out now."

"I’m not sending YOU failures out again!" Myotismon frustratingly growled.


then had an idea. His plan hadn’t completely failed, he would go after the


Digi-Destoned himself.

"LEAVE!" He gestured to the three, who then ran out of his room.


sat in his throne, regaining his composure and thinking over a strategy.

"Sleep well,

Digi-Destoned. It’s the last night you’ll ever have..."


He was running from a dark presence. Clawing his way up a hill, he began


sprint, but his legs would not go anywhere. Sensing the approaching evil

behind him, he

whirled around, only to see Myotismon standing over him. "Divided we

fall..." the dark

Digimon grinned menacingly. Myotismon raised a claw and brought it down

with fierce

speed upon him...

Matt’s eyes shot open to complete darkness. He calmed his breathing as the

memories of the dream flooded into his consciousness. His eyes focused and

adjusted to

the darkness, realizing that he was staring at a rock ceiling above him.

‘Where am I?

How did I get here?’ he thought to himself.

Frighteningly, Matt noticed that he couldn’t move. He slowly turned his

head to

see a campfire, which was what was giving off the light. He turned his head

to the other

side and saw the exit to the cave he was in...a cave, that explained the

ceiling. ‘It must

be night,’ he thought, ‘but where...’ Craning his head up, Matt experienced

a sharp wave

of pain which throbbed through his skull. He put his head back down, and

when the pain

died away, he once again raised his head. He saw his friends sound asleep,

laying around

the fire. Next to him was Gabumon, curled up and snoring slightly.

At that moment, he recalled the occurrences of the day...they were fighting


particular annoying Digimon, TK was running, there were missiles, and he

shouted out a

warning to his brother...

Staring at the rocks above him, Matt tried to remember what happened next,


no success. Deciding to take a daring move, Matt moved his fingers, then

his arm, then

placed his elbow on the ground and tried to sit up. Pain shot through his

left side, and he

stifled a cry as he fell back to the ground. Laying there for a few

minutes, he heard

footsteps approaching from outside the cave and then a voice..."Matt?" he

heard a male

voice ask. A face appeared above him, and he realized that brown eyes were


down at him, concerned, yet relieved.

"Izzy?" Matt croaked, realizing that was the first time he actually spoke

in who

knows how long. His throat felt dry and sore--much similar to the desert

they were in not

too long ago.

"Hey Matt," Izzy whispered, placing a hand on Matt’s forehead, "how do you


Matt closed his eyes for a second, assessing his injuries, and only one

word came

to mind... "Like crap," Matt said quietly.

At that, Izzy smiled. Now he knew Matt would be OK.

"What happened," Matt questionably gazed up at Izzy.

"From what I heard, you took a hard hit from Sharkmon," Izzy explained.

Matt suddenly remembered Octomon shoving Izzy off the cliff, "but you


Izzy smiled again, "thanks to Kabuterimon, we all remained in one piece.


monsters are gone, too."

"And TK?" Matt suddenly tried to raise his head and spot his younger



"Hey, take it easy," Izzy whispered, gently holding Matt’s head down, "TK’s


But you got pretty beat up."

Matt glanced at Izzy, and noticed he was favoring one arm, "you too," he


"Oh, well...I’m fine," Izzy protested, "just can’t type as fast now. I was

out on

night watch with Tentomon, when I heard your unfortunate attempt to get up."

Matt smiled at this, despite the pain of his injuries. He had never seen


actually use sarcasm before--it was kind of a relief. To Matt, Izzy always

seemed to be a

computer geek with no time for fun. But that ‘computer-geekness’ had saved

them more

times than he could remember.

Izzy was trying to have a positive exterior for Matt to see, but inside, he

was so

relieved that he could have hugged the conscious boy on the spot...well,

almost. Izzy had

enough problems back home, and on top of being stuck in a strange world, he

didn’t want

to lose a friend. The circumstances in the Digiworld never seemed so real

until now. At

this moment, more than ever, Izzy wished to be home. But could he leave


behind? That Digimon proved to be a formidable companion, with much

knowledge of

this place. ‘I’m sure the others feel the same way,’ Izzy thought, glancing

at his friends.

Looking down at Matt, Izzy just realized that the boy fell back asleep. He


and walked back out of the cave to rejoin Tentomon and tell him the good



Another morning awoke the Digiworld, bringing with it new adventures and


It was now Sora’s watch outside the cave. She squinted her blue eyes as


warm rays of sun bathed her face. Under the circumstances, she still

managed to get

some sleep, feeling much more rejuvenated. Sora glanced down at Biyomon,

who was

beginning to fall back asleep. ‘Well, whose to blame her? After

Digivolving so much

lately, It’s a wonder she’s even standing,’ Sora thought to herself. Her


wandered to Matt. She was ecstatic to hear that he had woken up last night,

and she

wished she could have been there. But now he was slumbering quietly,

‘probably not for

long, once TK wakes up,’ Sora smirked to herself. Hopefully, within a week

or so, things

would slowly return to normal. This group had become a close-knit family

over the past

few months, she didn’t want this friendship to change.

Leaning her back against a rock, Sora realized that they would probably

have to

stay in this cave for quite some time. This probably wasn’t the best place

to be, being so

close to Myotismon’s castle and all. She shook her head and tried to

relieve the stress of

the previous events, ‘don’t worry about that now,’ she thought, ‘just enjoy

the peaceful

morning.’ She then frowned, wondering what dangers this morning would



Tai slowly opened his eyes and yawned strongly. Glancing at the entrance

of the

cave, he could see a dim light shining in. "Great, morning..." he mumbled

quietly to

himself. Tai rolled over on his side, to see Agumon still sound asleep, his

back leaning

against the wall, and his snout resting on his chest. The cave was silent,

except for the

chorus of snores form the humans and their Digimon. Understanding that all


Digimon were probably exhausted, Tai let his friends sleep, and sat up to

add more wood

to the fire.

After the fire had grown to a reasonable height again, Tai walked over to


on Matt’s bandages. He saw no more bleeding, although the dressing would

have to be

changed again, due to Joe’s instructions. Staring down at the unconscious

boy, Tai heard

a quiet voice ask "Is he OK?"

Tai jumped at the sound and turned to see TK standing behind him. "Hey,

kid, I

didn’t know you were awake, he whispered."

TK blinked his tired eyes, "I had a bad dream and couldn’t get back to

sleep," he

walked to Tai’s side, staring down at his brother.

Tai saw TK’s pained expression, "hey, Matt’s gonna be fine. Izzy even said


woke up last night." Tai remembered when Izzy awoke him to excitingly relay

the good


TK’s expression brightened, "really?"

"Yeah," Tai placed a hand on TK’s hat, "but we better let him and the


sleep for awhile."

TK nodded his head, then turned his gaze to the ground. He absently moved


pebbles around with one of his shoes and quietly said, "I’m sorry Tai."

Tai squatted down to the young boy’s height, "what for, TK?"

TK raised his eyes, "for getting Matt hurt. If I had listened, none of

this would

have happened, and.."

"Hey," Tai cut TK off, "It wasn’t your fault." Tai never really knew what

to say

in these situations, as he recalled Sora’s outburst not too long ago.

Matt’s words echoed

through his head then, ‘just let her go, Tai’ he had said.

TK was silent as he once again became interested in the pebbles on the


Tai was about to once again try to encourage him, when he heard a scream

from outside

the cave. Heads shot up within the cave, accompanied by sleepy eyes.

"What was that?" Palmon asked tiredly, watching as Tai ran out of the

cave. The

others soon followed after him.

Outside in the bright light, Sora and Biyomon were backed into a corner on


rock wall. The group’s gaze then turned to see Myotismon standing before


"Get back!" Sora warned.

"Oh great..." Gomamon rolled his eyes, "can’t we at least go through part

of the

day without having to fight someone?"

Myotismon noticed the others presence, and turned to face them, "ah...If it


the rest of Digi-Destoned...Although I see you are missing a few members,"

he noticed

that Matt and Gabumon were not in view.

"Don’t worry about them!" Tai said defensively, "we can still get rid of


Agumon, Digivolve!"

Looking at Tai with alarming eyes, Agumon regretfully said, "I can’t Tai,

after all

the fighting we did yesterday, I’m too tired!"

The other Digimon agreed, wishing there was something they could do.

Myotismon smiled at this, "well then...this will be interesting." He

raised a hand

and bats surrounded by red light shot out at the group. "Grizzly Wing!"

"We’re not done yet!" Biyomon exclaimed, flying forward, "Spiral Twister,


"Pepper Breath, Ha!"

"Super Shocker!"

"Boom Bubble, Pow!"

The bats were destroyed with their combined forces, but Myotismon remained

unharmed. Palmon attempted to entangle him with her Poison Ivy, but he was


powerful. After a few futile attempts, the Digimon lay sprawled out on the



"You should just give up and save yourselves the humiliation!" Myotismon

laughed, swiping at the group with a claw.

The Digimon scattered to protect themselves, but there was limited cover,


they planned to jump over the mountain’s edge.

Myotismon singled out Tai and Agumon, planning to take out the leader.


one swipe, the evil Digimon sent Agumon flying through the air, leaving Tai


"Tai! No!" Sora said, helplessly. ‘This was it,’ she thought, ‘there is

nothing I

can do.’

Tai stood frozen in fear as Myotismon rushed forward to deliver the finial


His mind raced--he didn’t have any weapons to fight with because he had

always relied

on Agumon to Digivolve. The only thing he had was his mini-telescope and...


Digivice!’ Tai thought. He suddenly flashed back to when he faced off with

the evil

Leomon. He used the Digivice to drive out the black gears, which were evil.

So, why

couldn’t the Digivices be used on pure evil themselves...

Taking a long shot, Tai pulled out his Digivice, and clasp it tightly in

his hand.

At the last moment, before Myotismon struck, Tai thrust his hand forward,

and the

Digivice began to make it’s screeching noise. He closed his eyes tightly

against the

bright light which poured out from the mechanism.

Myotismon was caught off-guard when the weakling boy shot a strange ray of

light at him. He felt pain, and retreated a few steps in surprise.

Realizing what Tai was

doing, Myotismon laughed, "is that the best you can do?" He began to walk

forward, but

Sora and Joe stepped in his way and used their Digivices as well to increase

the strength

of Tai’s beam of light.

Myotismon shaded his eyes from the light as he watched in disbelief as


Mimi and TK joined the rest to form a line of defense.

The six beams of light were causing Myotismon extreme pain as he began to


up to the cliff’s edge. He wouldn’t give up yet, though. He had to defeat


"It isn’t enough!" shouted Izzy over the screeching Digivices.

Suddenly, another Beam of light joined the six, causing an unexpected


the beams joined and turned blue with a large amount of bright electricity

encircling it.

All eyes turned to see Gabumon and Matt standing at the entrance of the


Matt leaned heavily on the wall, with one hand clutching his side, and the

other holding

his Digivice outstretched. "Together we stand," Matt said in a low voice,

watching as

their combined forces sent Myotismon over the edge of the cliff.

Myotismon screamed in anger and all could hear, "you haven’t seen the last



The group lowered their Digivices and stood silent, allowing the sense of


to fade away.

Tai was the first to speak, "is everyone OK?" He looked over at Agumon,


was now standing, rubbing his head.

"I think so..." Agumon smiled, happy that they were all still in one piece.

The group walked over the cave entrance, where the tired-looking Matt and

Gabumon stood, smiles on their faces.

"Nice going, Tai," Matt smiled at his friend.

Tai and the rest of the group were grinning and TK ran forward to Matt.

"Matt!" TK gave Matt a big hug and his older brother slightly grimaced in


but hugged TK back just the same.

"Hey kiddo," Matt laughed at the kid’s enthusiasm.

Gabumon’s stomach growled, and he looked sheepishly around, "did anyone


not have breakfast?"

"Yeah!" shouted Gomamon, "Let’s eat!"

The group happily re-entered the cave to have an undisturbed meal, for

once. In

this moment, everything was as it should be. Of course, someday, they would

have to

face evil again, but for now, there was peace in the Digiworld.


Myotismon sat in his throne room, grumbling over his injuries. He had

underestimated the Digi-Destoned’s power, but that was for the last time.

His dark eyes stared down at his right hand, which was holding the cards to


the gateway. "It’s only a matter of time..." he smiled to himself, then

broke into evil




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