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The Return of Something Evil (parts 9-10)

Part 9

"Where is it" Matt exclaimed. He was on the ground pacing at the time, while Tai was up in a tree with his mini telescope. The others just sat there waiting for what was hopefully good news. "We should have been there by now! I could have sworn it was.......Tai haven't you found anything yet"

"Yeah I can see the cave, it should take us about ten minutes to get there" Tai estimated still looking in the direction of the cave.

"OK then get down here we need to go now" Matt shouted up to the other boy.

"Hay hold on a sec.....I think I see someone" Tai said.

"Is it TK" Matt asked. 'Please let it be TK'

"No" He replied. "It's...I think it's Kari, and the other digimon"

"Kari, what about Mimi and Joe" Sora wondered.

"No, I don't see them" Tai answered. "Well, if their digimon are there then they must be around there somewhere" Izzy reasoned.

"Lets go they could be hurt, or lost, or something" Biyomon worried.

Then Matt looked at the rest of them and fear crossed his face. "Or they could be" He began "In the cave"

The others simply stared at him, they knew this was a possibility. They still had no idea what was in there and Joe and Mimi of all people were not prepared to find that out for them. Izzy was the first to speck. "Who knows what's in there, I think it would be best if we were to head over there right away."

"Then what are we waiting for, Tai get out of that tree and lets go" Matt yelled up to the boy.

"All right I'm coming, I'm coming" Tai replied on his way down the tree.

"Be careful Tai, you don't want fall again" Agumon laughed.

"Hey shut up, I'm perfectly capable of climbing down from a.......Ahhh" Tai cried as he slipped from the branch he'd been standing on and tumbled to the ground.

"Tai" Sora exclaimed.

"Tai are you OK" Izzy asked.

Tai got up and blinked a few times before saying. "Yeah I'm all right"

"I told you to be careful" Agumon reminded him with a tiny smile. Tai glared at the dino like digimon and he quickly shut up, but the smile remained on his face.

"Can we go now" Matt asked angrily not really caring about if Tai was hurt. The answer he was looking for didn't seem to come fast enough so he simply turned around and began walking figuring it would help him get his point across.

"Hold up Matt, we're coming" Tai said as he and the others rushed to catch up with the blond. Once again they disappeared into the forest, not looking back as they headed for the cave.


The cave was awfully dark, then again the outside wasn't getting any lighter. Kari thought it best to keep the still unconscious Mimi and Joe inside the cave, if they were attacked she knew that it's walls would keep them safe. Still, for some reason she couldn't help but wonder if that was really the safest place for them, something about that cave just gave her a very uneasy feeling.

"Everything will be OK" Gatomon reassured her young friend once again. She hated seeing Kari upset like this, she really was to young to be taking all this responsibility on herself. But if she didn't, who would?

"I know, I know, it's just I have this weird feeling" Kari replied, looking at her friends.

"What is it Kari" Palmon asked knowing it was best that they be couscous even of the slightest problem.

The expression on Kari's face suddenly went from worried to confused as she tried to explain. "I don't know, I just feel like something isn't right, I've felt this way ever sense we found out TK was missing and not just because I was worried about him, it's something else I don't know what but its something."

"Do you think we're in some kind of trouble" Gomamon asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I...yeah I....." Kari stopped suddenly and looked around "Hey what was that noise"

"I didn't hear any noise" Gomamon said staring at the girl.

"I did" Palmon said. "It sounds like someone's coming"

"Get ready guys" Gatomon glanced into the trees. "We have to protect Kari and the others"

"Who's there" Kari stammered biting down on her lower lip. Then she saw who it was and a smile spread across her face. "Tai" She exclaimed as she raced towards her big brother and threw her arms around him. "Tai we've been looking everywhere for you."

"Glade to see you too Kari" Tai said as he pried himself free of the death grip his sister had placed on him. This wasn't really like her, to cling so to her older brother. He couldn't even remember the last time she'd done it. Tai knew right away that something must be wrong.

"Where are the others" Izzy asked before Tai had a chance.

Kari's smile quickly faded and her head immediately dropped so that she was staring at her feet. "We were attacked" She said. "Twice, Joe and Mimi got hurt real bad."

"Are they OK" Tai asked knowing how his sister felt. She had been placed in the position of the small groups leader, and she felt as though she'd let them all down. Tai being the leader whole group knew exactly how it felt to fail.

Kari did her best to nod yes without meeting the eye's of the others, and Matt gave them all a nervous stare. "Where are they" He asked.

"They were unconscious so we put them in the cave in case of attack." Gatomon answered.

"That's what I was afraid of " The blond boy said mimicking Kari by doping his head.

"Why" Gomamon began. "What's wrong with the cave?"

"We think TK might be in there" Sora replied.

"We know TK's in there" Matt corrected.

"That's great" Kari exclaimed as her head shot back up and the smile reformed where it had been before.

"Yeah" Izzy said. "It will be when we find him, assuming who ever took him doesn't find us first."

Kari's smile disappeared once again but she keep her head up. "Do you have any idea who took him" She asked.

"No" Matt shook his head sadly. "All we know is that he's in there and that he needs us, that he needs you."

"Me" The girl looked surprised. "Why ......"

"Ahhhhhh" the sound of Mimi's scream cut the small girl off and the whole group was in the cave within seconds fearing the worst.

"Mimi are you OK" Izzy asked as they reached the entrance of the dark cavern. Mimi shot up the very moment she saw the others there letting out an ear piercing screech as she literally jumped into Izzy's arms. The shorter boy nearly fell backwards on impact. "What's the heck's wrong"

"That" Mimi stammered pointing at the seemingly bare ground from which she'd just retreated. "I woke up and that...that thing was crawling up my leg" She added. Izzy dropped the terrified girl at his feet when he saw the tiny spider at which her shaky finger was pointing.

"That things not even poisonous" Izzy pointed out and the others let out a sigh of relief, not because of the spider but because their didn't seem to be any evil digimon in site.

Joe rolled over and blinked his spectacled eyes. He'd obviously woken up as a result of Mimi's scream and was now attempting to sit up. Sora was the first one at his side to help the boy in his attempts as he groaned in agony. You could tell that he unlike Mimi who it seemed had miraculously recovered at the sight of the spider, still wasn't in good shape. "How ya feeling Joe" Tai asked as he stared down at his injured friend.

"Like I got hit a flaming bus" He replied weakly.

"Actually it was Crayomon's fire beak blaster" Gomamon reminded his weary friend.

"Oh ya" Joe remembered.

"Hey, I got hurt to ya know" Mimi exclaimed. "How come he's getting all the attention."

"He did save your life Mimi can't you even show a little gratitude" Gatomon asked rolling her large cat eye's.

"He what" Mimi wondered turning her attention to the blue haired boy, she didn't remember any of that. "Joe you saved my..."

"Crayomon attacked us and nearly killed you" Palmon explained to the shocked girl.

"Is that true Joe, you saved me" Mimi asked and Joe nodded weakly. For once the girl was speechless, had he, this boy who was sometimes afraid of his own shadow really risked his life to save hers. She looked Joe strait in the eye and knew at once it was true, her face grew solemn and all she could think of to say was "Thanks Joe"

The boy gave her a weak smile as Sora helped him to his feet. "I'm sorry to cut this moment short" Tai began as he noticed a pale face Matt staring into the dark cavern. "But we really do need to find TK, and I think its gonna take us all to save him."

Izzy nodded and said. "Tai's right, we have reason to believe that he's in this very cave"

"He is in there" Matt said coming out of his silence. "I know he is"


"Perfect" Devimon said as he was once again staring at the crest of hope. The power it possessed had grown weak moments after the dark digimon had taken it from an unconscious TK. It had been a difficult process but it seemed that Devimon had in fact succeeded in corrupting the crests power, he knew now that it would work to his advantage. If what he had estimated proved to be true he knew that by the days end he would have achieved his mega form.


They entered the dark cave, Matt once again in the lead with Gabumon at his side. Patamon flew above Agumon and Tai who were right behind Matt. Gatomon was walking a few feet away from Kari who was next in line with Izzy and Tentamon not far behind. Sora trailed behind, she and the other digimon helping the still weak Joe and Mimi (she wasn't really feeling as good as she had seemed to be earlier). None of them said a word, none of them dared for they could only imagine the dangers ahead of them.

Izzy was the first to feel the ground underneath his feet move. For a brief moment the others looked as though they thought it were an earthquake but Izzy knew better. He knew it was only the ground settling, but what he didn't know was that the tiny 'quake' had in fact been strong enough to bring some small rocks down all around the young girl in front of him.

Suddenly as the world had stopped turning Izzy realized what was going on. The movement had caused what looked to be a small rock slide which was at that very moment descending upon young Kari. "Kari, look out" The boy screamed as he rushed towards the frightened girl. Kari just stood there frozen in place. No one else could see what was happening, or at least not comprehend, none that is except Izzy who continue toward the girl until he had taken her place under the falling rocks.

Before she even realized what had happened Kari found her lying on the ground next to the very shocked Gatomon and Tentamon. Then suddenly her dark eye's went wide with horror as she noticed the huge pile of stone and dirt that now lay before her. That's when the stunning realization of what had happened came to her. "Izzy no!" She screamed as she shot up from her spot on the rocky floor and ran to the rock pile which reached all the way to the ceiling. Frantically the girl began digging through the rubble.

"Izzy, oh no, Izzy are you OK" Tentamon exclaimed as he to began to dig. The other all ran to the pile as well.

"Are you guys OK over there" They faintly heard Sora ask causing them to realize that the situation with Izzy wasn't the only tragedy that had occurred, now they were separated as well. Sora, Mimi, Joe, Palmon, Gomamon, and Biyomon on one side of the cave in and Tai, Matt, Kari, Agumon, Gabumon, Gatomon, and Tentamon on the other, with Izzy trapped somewhere in between. (Wow can you say run on sentence?)

"We're fine, but Izzys trapped under these rocks" Tai shouted so that the kids on the other side could hear. "What about you guys"

"Were fine" Sora called back. "Just a little shaken up is all"

"OK" He yelled. "But we have to get Izzy out of there" Then in a softer voice he turned to his sister and asked. "Kari are you OK" She nodded meekly and continued to dig.

'We don't have time for this' Matt thought to himself as he helped in the dig. 'TK needs us we have to find him' But he couldn't say that, it was impossible to say in there current situation. He was very worried about Izzy but something inside him kept saying "Time is of the essence you must hurry, you must hurry or you'll never see him again" Matt fell to his knee's and swallowed hard 'What am I supposed to do' he thought 'I can't leave Izzy like this but TK might be dying' Now he was shacking, solely out of fear for his little brother, that voice in his head kept saying "Go he needs you, you must go now, you must go now, you must go...." "Stop it" Matt screamed covering his ears as if that could stop the voice from specking to him. "Stop, I have to help Izzy now I can't go yet I can't"

This odd little out burst received mixed signals from the others, they didn't know weather to ask if he was OK or keep there distance. "Is everything all right over there" Sora called apparently hearing Matt's cries.

Tai didn't quit know how to answer that so he looked to Matt for it. "Um...Matt are you OK"

Matt continued to shake but brought his head up to stare at the brown haired boy. "I, I don't know...I just have this terrible feeling, something just keeps telling me that I have to go and find TK now or, or....I don't, I know I have to help Izzy now. But this feeling, it just won't go away"

"'t worry guys, we're OK" Tai called back, though he knew it was a lie. Matt remained as he was and somehow Tai knew he was right, but Izzy, what about Izzy.

"Go" Tentamon said though it was hard for him. "Go and find TK, the others and I can help Izzy but you need to go"

"Are you sure" Gabumon asked a little surprised.

"Yes," Was his reply.

"Thank you Tentamon" Matt said as he stood up still wobbly. "We'll be back" "Real soon" Tai added.

"And TK will be with us" Patamon said.

"We promise" Kari threw in as she to stood ready to go.

"I know" Tentamon said giving them the closest thing he could to a smile. "Go now" The others nodded and with that they were off once again.


Still isolated by the darkness TK got a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he knew wasn't out of hunger because for some unknown reason Aruromon had shown up and feed the boy. He'd said something about him not being able to die before his master's plan was complete, but he really couldn't focus on what the digimon had said. He was having trouble focusing on anything, now is body was stiff from sitting in this unmoving position and basically kept his eye's closed. What was the point of keeping them open if he couldn't see anything any way?

Then he heard the voices, at first he thought he was imagining them but the they grew louder and louder. 'Please don't let it be Devimon' He closed his eye's tighter fearing the worst, Then suddenly he heard it. It was as if he were in a dream because what heard wasn't possible, was it.

"TK" Matt said as he rushed to the side of his little brother hardly noticing the state he was in.

'Matt' TK opened his eye's, it was him Matt was really there right beside him. This meant he wasn't dead, though he wasn't really in the best condition either. His brother had bandages on both arms as well as left leg and he looked extremely worn out. Not that he had any right to talk because he knew no matter how bad Matt looked he probably looked twice as bad. "Matt" he said weakly.

"Yeah TK it's me" Matt replied then noticing the chains said "Hey Agumon you think you can get these chains off"

"Sure" The digimon answered as he headed toward the brothers.

TK looked around noticed who all was there. Tai, Kari, Gatomon, and Gabumon stood close together all of whom wore a big smile on there face. TK knew however that this wasn't yet the time to celebrate. There was still the matter of Devimon. "Matt there's something I need to tell you" He said staring at his older brother.

"You can tell me later TK right now we have to get you out of here" Matt said before the boy could explain what was going on. At the moment all he cared about was the fact that they'd finally found his little brother and getting him free. "OK Agumon go ahead. Just try not to fricassee my little brother while your at it"

"All right" Agumon replied. It only took a few of the dino like digimon's Pepper breaths to free the boy. Matt grabbed his small hand and helped him to his feet.

"Matt there really is something you guys need to know" TK said with a cough as he struggled to stay on his feet.

"You can tell me when we get out side OK" Matt said.

"Not if you never leave" Boomed a strangely familiar voice.

They all as froze as they saw something emerge from the shadows. "That's what I was trying to tell you" TK said, Then he saw the creature to whom the voice belonged and a look of total hock crossed the boy's face. The monster standing before them wasn't Devimon, it was something bigger and definitely more powerful. "Hey your not..."

"Devimon, no boy not anymore" The monster said evilly.

"But how" TK asked, the others were to shocked to say a word.

"It was your very crest my boy which helped to achieve my mega form as Metaldevimon" He laughed wickedly. "And the weaker your crest glows the stronger I become. And now for the final step in my plan, I know that your crest will cease to glow only in the case of your death so I'm afraid that this is good bye"

"Everybody digivolve" Tai shouted finally thinking of something to say.

"Agumon warp digivolve to.......Wargreymon"

"Gabumon warp digivolve to.......Metalgarurumon"

"Gatomon digivove to.........Angewomon"

Patamon hesitated a moment and looked at TK not sure weather the boy was strong enough for him to digivolve. "Go on Patamon" TK said knowing what the small yellow digimon was thinking. Patamon nodded.

"Patamon digivolve to.......Angemon"

And with that the battle begun. All four good digimon aimed there attacks at the newly formed Mega but all of them were easily dodged. "Is that really all you've got" He laughed. "Take this, Ring of evil" The attack sent what looked like a dark cloudy smoke ring from Metaldevimon's hands which expanded all around him hitting all four of the other digimon in one fatal swoop. All four crashed hard into the wall of the cave.

The kids gasped, they couldn't believe how much the monster had already weakened their digimon. Then Metaldevimon turned his attention to the to the four present digidestind and an evil smile spread across his dark face. "Dark Light" He roared out his second attack. "Time to say good-bye TK" He said as the red beam was aimed at the already weakened boy.

Part 10

TK's eye's were wide with fear as Metaldevimons attack was headed strait for him. Even if he tried to move he knew that in his state it would do him no good, the attack would hit him either way. Matt looked up and stared in horror as the dark light was fired at his little brother. 'No' He thought 'Not when we've finally found you.' Kari, who was right beside her brother buried her head in Tai's shirt, she couldn't watch her young friend die. And Tai who held his sister tight couldn't seem take his frightened eyes away from the fateful scene.

"No!" Matt exploded as he pushed his brother out of the attacks path much the way Izzy had for Kari earlier that day. TK and the others could only watch as Matt felt the full force of the dark light.

"Matt" TK and Tai screamed in unison. Metalgarurumon heard the scream and immediately jumped back into action while the other three good digimon tried comprehend what had just happened.

"Metal wolf claw" Metalgarurumon attacked the evil digimon.

"Dark light" Metaldevimon shot back as he once again dodged the on coming attack. The attack hit the wolf like digimon and sent him flying into the cave wall. Wargreymon watched as his dedigivolved all the way back to Tsunomon. This wasn't surprising considering the force of the attack he'd received and how badly Matt had gotten hurt. Now it was his turn to attack the dark digimon who stood before him.

"Terra force" The digimon shouted as he exploded with energy directed at Metaldevimon. This time he didn't have time to get out of the way and the attack hit him in the stomach causing the dark figure to slam backwards into the dark wall behind. Still the monster was unfazed. He emerged from the pile of rubble that had formed around him within seconds and found himself running back toward a somewhat surprised Wargreymon.

"I'll destroy you" Metaldevimon exclaimed "Dark light" The attack hit Wargreymon square in the face. He hit the ground with a mighty thud and remained there unmoving.

"No, Wargreymon!" Tai shouted as he watched his friend lay still on the rocky ground. He wanted to run to his side but he was still holding Kari and Matt lay unconscious only a few feet away. 'How did this get so out of hand' He thought. 'How could I let this happen'

"Angemon stop him!" TK shouted as he raced towards his brother. "You did it before I know you can do it again"

Angemon nodded at his small friend and got up ready to attack the monster. He was a little worried, sure he'd beaten Devimon before but that had been an extremely close fight, and this was his mega form, could he really beat his mega form. He knew he had to try, he couldn't let TK or the others down, but the fact that he'd just taken down two megas did give him a little cause to worry.

"Hand of fate" He shouted as he raced towards the dark digimon.

"So we meet again, you might as well give up now cause this time you will not be victorious" Metaldevimon laughed as the angel came at him. He quickly moved out of Angemon's path once again dodging his opponents attack.

Suddenly Wargreymon got up and was back in the battle. "Mega claw" he shouted as he attacked an unsuspecting Metaldevimon from behind. Once again Metaldevimon slammed into the wall, this time it took a few seconds for him to regain his composer. That few seconds was all that was needed for Angewomon to join the fight and point her bow and arrow at the monster.

"Celestial arrow" She shouted. This attack also hit the evil digimon, it came down and land on his back. Metaldevimon let out a painful cry before getting up and staring angrily at three good digimon before him.

"Ring of destruction" He exploded, the dark ring expanding until it reached to wall on all sides. Wargreymon, Angemon, and Angewomon were once again thrust into the wall. "Dark light" he shouted out his next attack before other digimon had any chance of moving. All three were hit causing Angemon to digivolve back to Patamon. "Dark light" He shouted again this time it was Wargreymon who dedigivolve into Koromon.

Angewomon knew she was in trouble, there was no way she could beat this monster on her own, she could barley move let alone fight. What could she do, she couldn't let Kari down, she had to think fast but she didn't have much time. She could see that Metaldevimon was about to attack, she could see that the situation was hopeless, she could see that there was nothing she could do, but what she couldn't see was the totally unexpected attack that was about to be aimed at Metaldevimon.

"Horn blaster"

"Flower cannon"

"Wing blade"

"Vulcan's hammer"

The attacks seemed to come out of nowhere, but they were just in time and just enough to stop the monster before he attacked the weakened Angewomon. Angewomon flew up to meet the friends, and the five remaining digimon watched as their enemy hit the ground, maybe there combined attacks really could beat him. For a moment Mentaldevimon didn't move but they knew that he wasn't yet beaten, they knew that this was the perfect time to attack.

"Flower cannon"

"Vulcan's hammer"

"Horn blaster" "Wing blade" "Heavens charm"

The attacks all hit the dark digimon at once and the others could tell that he was very much weakened. Still he got up and looked bak at the good digimon before him. "Dark light" He shouted, but the attack came out much weaker then before. All of them easily dodged. They knew now that they would win, that Metaldevimon was just to weak to continue the fight.

Angewomon smiled as she stared down at the helpless digimon and shouted "Celestial arrow" This last fatal attack caused a huge cloud of smoke to surround the evil digimon. When the smoke cleared Metaldevimon was gone.

"You did it Angewomon, I knew you could do it" Kari exclaimed with a huge smile.

"We all did" Angewomon replied as she and the other digimon dedigivoled back to there rookie stages.

"And Izzy your OK" Tai said happily as he and Kari ran over to meet there friends.

"Alive yes" Izzy began. "OK, that's debatable." The others smiled at this, but there celebration was cut short when they heard TK's sorrowful cries not far away.

"Matt" Tai said softly as his face suddenly went from an ear to ear smile to a fearful frown.

"What is it guys" Mimi asked worriedly. "Matt, he got hurt" Tai stammered.

"Oh no" Kari remembered and ran the side of her young friend. "TK, is he all right"

TK didn't even hear the girl he was crying to hard to hear anything. "Hey TK" Matt said weakly "It'll be all right, you'll see"

"Matt are you gonna die" TK sobbed. "Please tell me your not gonna die"

"I can't really control that" Matt said with a tiny cough. "But don't worry, you can make it, you have Patamon remember"

"No, Matt, I can't, not without you, please don't leave me, please I need you" TK pleaded as hot tears rolled off his cheeks and onto his brothers shirt.

"No TK...." Matt said, he was beginning to have a difficult time breathing and his words came out slow and muffled. "You've grown up a lot....And you have our friends....and.... I can me."

"Matt please, I do need you, I do! Don't go please" The small boy cried in disbelief as he threw his arms around his older brother and hugged him tightly.

Matt struggled to put a weak arm around his crying brother in an attempt to return the hug. "Good...bye...TK..." He barley was able to say be for his body went limp and he lay unmoving.

"No, Matt come back please come back, Please" TK shouted at the empty body of his brother. His chest was throbbing and he was shaking uncontrollably, his brother couldn't really be dead, he couldn't be it was just impossible. Not his brother!

"TK" Kari sobbed still standing by her friend, the others stood around their fallen friend with tears rolling down there face's. "TK it will be all right, I promise"

"You think so do you, how naive you children can be" Came the booming voice of Metaldevimon. "Once again you just assumed I was dead, And now you will all pay for that mistake"

"'t you ever die?" Tai asked angrily.

Metaldevimon laughed at the statement. "I will not die, not until you children are destroyed once and for all"

"You killed my brother" TK screamed at the monster as if he didn't already know.

"Yes" He laughed. "And now I kill you. Dark light"

Kari's was suddenly angry and determined at the same time, and she was not afraid, not for a second. "STOP IT!" She shouted at the dark digimon, as her crest began to glow. "I'm going to let you hurt any more of my friends" Her crest continued to glow brightly until she was surrounded by an aura of pink light. A strange beam of light shot out of the girls crest and stopped the dark light dead in its tracks, It continued towards an incredibly shocked Metaldevimon. The light hit the monster in the forehead and suddenly he seemed to break apart before their very eye's.

"What is this" Metaldevimon exclaimed as the light filled his body and broke through so brightly that the kids had to shield their eye's from the glow. "NOOO!" He cried as his body disappeared before them. And with that Metaldevimon was no more.

The aura that surrounded the girl disappeared and she turned back to the others, the look on her face didn't change. "In the end only light can break through the darkness" Izzy said softly, then turned his attention back to Matt.

"He's gone" TK sniffled. "He's gone and it's all my fault"

"No TK don't believe that, he wouldn't want you to blame yourself." Tai said truthfully.

"No, that attack was aimed at me, I'm the one who was supposed to die, not him, not my brother" TK cried still hugging the lifeless body of his brother. That's when the second miracle occurred. TK's crest began to glow brightly, the way Kari's had only moments ago and the same aura of light (except yellow) surrounded the bodies of him and Matt. TK looked confused "What's happening" He asked, but no one had an answer, instead they simply gazed on in wonder.

Matt's eye's opened slowly and he stared up at his terrified brother. "What happened" He stammered extremely confused.

TK's face went from sad, to terrified, to surprised, to ecstatic. "Matt" He exclaimed as he held his brother even more tightly then he had before, "Your OK"

"I will be if I you don't suffocate me" The blond replied with a smile.

"" Mimi asked totally confused.

Izzy smile and said. "Light brought back hope, and hope brought back friendship"

"But that doesn't make since" Joe said. "It just doesn't make...."

"Who cares Matt's OK" TK said excitedly.

"Welcome back Matt" Tsunomon said happily as he jumped on the boys stomach.

"Thanks guys" Matt said still not fully understanding what had happened, not that anyone did. "Now can we get out of here"

"Yeah" Tai said. "Lets go"

The group left the cave with a newly found confidence. They didn't know what dangers were ahead of them only what ones they'd left behind. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and they knew that was true because if they could survive an experience like the one they just had, they could survive anything.

The end

A/N: Well that's it. Its finally over. You thought Matt was actually dead didn't you, I could never do that, Not to Matt he's my favorite Character!!! Anyway Thanx for reading, Bye^_^