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By Metal Garurumon

Yo! Metal Garurumon here. This is my second fan fic(my first, "change of alliance" will come soon) Hope you like it. It takes place after Piedmon is defeated , but before Gennai E-mails the kids.

Matt stood, looking at T.K. and the others. It was good to be together again. " Matt!" Matt turned to see the person who spoke to him. It was Gabumon, his Digimon partner. "What's up, man?" Matt asked. " You've been so silent, and I just wanted to know why." Matt thought. "I suppose I realized something after escaping that dark cave". Matt said, referring to the cave made by his own darkness. " What have you realized, Matt?" Matt smiled. " T.K. Still needs me in a way." Gabumon looked confused. " How so?" Matt looked at T.K. again and said " I don't have to protect him, but he still needs my guidance. If I hadn't helped T.K. regain hope, we would have lost." Gabumon nodded. " I'm proud of you, Matt." Gabumon said. " You conquered a lot to understand it, but you do." " Thanks, Gabumon." Matt turned to T.K. I'll be there, T.K., always! Matt thought.

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