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It's Time To Say Good-bye
- By Jerome

Authors note- OK people this story is quite sad and it paints quite a bad side to Matt's dad. If you people out there have any problems with that don't read this.
Also Disclaimer- I don't own digimon.

His every breath is weaker then the last. I sit and watch his chest move slowly up and down. When other people looked down at my brother all they seemed to see was the blood and bandages. His once blond uncombed hair, now has blood and gore matted into it. His face is like a mask, so pale and still. The doctors are saying that he is dying. DYING!! The doctors say that my brother Matt is dying!! Tears sting my eyes.
"Please don't leave me." I whisper to him.
The doctors say that he could die at any moment. They wanted to take him off the machine that was keeping him alive. Mommy wouldn't let them though.
I don't know where my dad is. He had left Matt on our doorstep one night and left. That night he had been covered in bruises and broken bones, but nothing like this!!
His eyes flutter for a moment and I think that mabe he is about to wake up. He doesn't have the strength though. His closes them again. He seems to be giving up. I think he would have if I wasn't here.
Don't die, please don't die." I say quietly begging him. I remember what happened. It had only been a few days after all of his bruises had healed from when daddy had hit him. I remember it so clearly.

Flashback- A week ago.
"Matt, don't forget to come right home after the movie. T.K. has school tomorrow." Matt's mom yelled down the stairs.
I was so excited to finally be going to a movie with just my brother. Matt didn't seem to mind taking me. They would take a bus to the movie theatre and then take another bus home. Matt and mom had made all the plans. Matt had promised to take me to the movies almost as soon as he got out of the hospital.
It was a month after we had returned from digiworld. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the giant digimon that destroyed the town, they said it had been caused by a weather balloon explosion.
Soon when we went to go pick up Matt for one of his weekend stays, we saw his face bruised. A long scratch went all the way down his arm.
"What happened Matt?" I had asked. Matt looked at me pleadingly begging me not to ask, begging not to answer. Just then daddy had walked from his room. Matt moved in front of me. He cringed when daddy started to look at him.
"Yes Matt, tell your mother and brother what happened." He had said. Before Matt could start though daddy continued. "Yes tell them how you got into another fight at school, then how you came home and daddy punished you!" He had finished yelling.
Matt's head sled down until he was looking at the floor. Suddenly for no reason, that I could see, daddy backhanded Matt in the face. Matt flew landed heavily on the ground near my mothers feet.
"You can have the useless kid." Dad had said looking at mom. "I'll drop him off tomorrow. I thought I saw a flash of hope shine in my brothers blue eyes.
The next night we heard the doorbell. When mom and me opened the door we say Matt on the doorstep. He lay on the welcome mat face down in a pool of blood. Mom called the hospital and they came and saved Matt. They took him to a room and bandaged all of his cuts and bruises. He had three broken ribs as well. They never found dad though. When they went to his apartment they found nothing.
After Matt had come to live with us, he seemed more quiet then normal. I thought it was because mom was always around. Finally when he had asked mom if he could take me to the movies, she had said yes. I was never so happy. Mom was letting just me and Matt go to the movies.
Matt went up the stairs to go get the money from mom. I waited down stairs as I had been told. Matt had asked me if I wanted any of our friends to come along. I had said no, thinking that I could have my brother all to myself for one night. Matt came down stairs money in hand, he then put it into his pocket and said.
"OK, were ready. Let's go kid." He said it with a friendly smile. We caught the bus and made it to the movies on time. Once there Matt bought me a big carton of popcorn. We watched the movie. It was good. Matt had let me pick the move. After the movie we left the theatre. We only had to walk a block to get to the bus station.
As we walked past one of the ally ways someone stepped out behind us. Matt hard the mans footsteps and stopped and turned around. There stood his worst nightmare. His dad stood there holding a club. Taking one look at Matt his face twisted into the face of a madman, one eager to kill.
"Run T.K.!, Go get help!" Matt had said pushing me.
I ran the rest of the way to the bus station. I fumbled in my pocket, looking for the quarter I always kept there. Finding it I dialed -911.
"911 Emergency, how may I help you?" The lady on the phone asked. I quickly told her what was happening. She told me that the police were on there way now. The police came and picked me up. They took me to the police station where a big man asked me all sorts of questions. Then mommy ran in. The police man said something in her ear. It seems that they had caught daddy. Mom moved closer to me and hugged me. She then looked at me looking for scratches or bruises.
"Where's Matt?" I asked. She looked as if I had punched her. Her face seemed somewhat pained.
"In the hospital." She had answered.
"Is he going to be OK?" I asked tears filling my eyes.
"I don't think so." She said quietly
** ** **
Now I look t my brothers blooded face. He has a cut wound on his forehead, that it seems no mater how tight the hospital tied it around his head blood still came out covering his face.
All of our friends came by. Each brought him a present. Sora brought him flowers. She put them in a vase on the table by his bed. Izzy left his laptop. He said that we could borrow it until Matt got better. Mimi brought flowers too. We put them in the vase with Sora's. Joe brought over Matt's favorite kind of candy. He left it next to the vase. Also he took a look at Matt while he was there, and his face paled quite a bit. He knew what I knew Matt was dying. Kari came over and watches Matt when I sleep, this is the best gift of all. At least for me. Now I know that my brother is safe when I go to sleep. saving me from the nightmares that hunt my dreams. Tai brought over a small slip of paper. It is a restraining order for dad when he gets out of jail.
I look into my brother eyes. Once again they flutter. I hold my breath and watch as this time as they open. He looks at me and tries to smile. The effort only brings him pain.
"Good-bye, T.K...." He begins. He stops and begins to cough up blood. "I'm dying kid, I'll miss you..." His voice seemed to be getting weaker.
My eyes filled with tears. My mom ran in. Seeing Matt's eyes open, she to thought that he was getting better.
Matt again opens his mouth to speak, but his last words came out as a whisper.
"I love you." I started to cry. I thought mom would do something make it all better. But when I looked at her I saw that she too was crying.
"Don't die Matt, please don't die." I said looking at my brother. He only smiled, though the pain must have been great. An hour later he was dead.
A week Later
I look at my brothers grave. Upon it was written

"Here lies Yamato Ishida.
Best friend,
loyal brother and best son."

Underneath the writing is a picture of an angel holding a rose. I look at the grave and hold up the gift my brother gave me that night. It had been during the movie, and he had just put it in my hand and said.
"Promise me that you'll learn to play one day."
Looking at the gift I could only nod because there in my hand was Matt's harmonica. Looking at the grave now I gently put the instrument to my lips and began to play. Though I'm not nearly as good as Matt was. The melody seemed to fit the moment.
Tai too went to the graveyard that night. As he grew close to the place where his friend was buried, he heard something. Looking from behind a tombstone he saw T.K. playing Matt's harmonica.
"Well Matt, you may be gone but we will never forget you." Tai said to himself in a whisper.
T.K. never knew he had an audience and wouldn’t have cared even if he did, because now the only person he played for was his friend, and brother, Matt. stopping for only a minute he said to the grave
"Good-bye Matt." And began to play again. Tai sitting close by heard every word.