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Hey and what’s up!? This is our first fan fic! Hope you enjoy! Part 2 will be here soon, so don’t freak out. We’re working on it as we speak…or type. The DigiWorld will never be the same!

Chapter 1

Ring, ring!


Ring, ring!

"I don’t wanna go to school."

Ring, ring!


Ring, ring…Hi, this is the Izumi residence. I’m either not answering your call, or I’m out, having a lot more fun then you are. Leave a message at the sound of the beep…BEEP! "Hey, Izzy, you there? Izzy? Izzzzzzzzzzzzzzy? IZZY!!!!" Matt’s voice bellowed. Izzy jumped out of the bed at least ten feet in the air, and bashed his head on the fan.

"OW, !%@!^#!&#!@^%$~" he swore. Then he reached out for the phone and yelled into, "WHAAAAAT?!!!"

"Hey, did I catch you at a bad time?" Matt’s innocent voice asked.

"No, I always get up at 3:00 a.m. to dance around my phone in my underpants just to wait for your call!" Izzy grumbled into the phone.

"Whatever. I really don’t care what you do in your spare time. Anyway, do you still have your digivice?" Matt’s voice inquired.

"Digi-wha… oh, yeah, the digivice." Izzy yawned, reaching under his bed. He shoved past his CD-ROM’s and his Computer Programming Weekly magazines to find his digivice. He pulled it out and was suddenly flooded with painful memories of the world he had left behind. "Yeah, I found mine." He yawned again.

"Is it just me or is it active?" Matt questioned.

Izzy stared at the sky-blue digivice. Indeed, it had activated itself. The little bars that had indicated a Digivolution were flashing on and off. "That’s weird. It’s like a digital anomaly."

"TK, shut up!" "But I need to talk to Kari." "I have to talk to Izzy now. You can talk to your girlfriend later!" "SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" "Whatever, TK. We believe you." Izzy smiled, remembering the similar arguments the brothers had had before. "Anyway, I tried to call Tai and the others but their phones aren’t working."

"Or maybe they were asleep, just like me, three minutes ago." Izzy scowled, still bitter about the rude awakening.

"No, actually,…shut up TK!…all the electrical devices in the city are dead. It’s a good thing my dad had this cell phone. How come your phone is working? SHUT UP, TK!" Matt hollered, amidst protest by the younger brother.

"Oh, my phone works on infrared beams that hook up to the motherboard of a satellite that orbits the earth at approximately 95.86 degrees on a vertices of…" Izzy began.

"Yeah, whatever, I don’t really care. The clocks here are going crazy too but only the digital kinds. TK, for the last time, BE QUIET!" Matt hollered. Izzy looked at his clock. The time was now 6.8:3.56 pmam! What was going on?

"What time is it, anyway?" yelled Izzy over TK’s whining.

"10:05!" Matt roared.

10:05! He was late for programming class! After telling Matt to meet him in the park, ("SHUT UP, TAKERU!" "I HATE THAT NAME!") Izzy ran into the kitchen, shoved a waffle in his mouth, blurted out a thanks, and ran off into the sunrise…then ran back because he was still in his boxers.

* * *

Izzy trudged back, disappointed. Because of the power outage, class was canceled. He sat down on a park bench, pigeons at his feet. Izzy was 18 and he still found the park to be a great place to concentrate. The gray pigeon that was chewing at his shoe climbed up on the bench. Izzy looked down at his shoes. Still the same brand, the lightning bolts looked worn. Obviously, they weren’t the same kinds he was wearing before, in DigiWorld. The pigeon stared up at Izzy’s face. Izzy gazed back. Then, a camera flashed and the pigeon flew off. Startled, Izzy turned around to see Matt and TK. TK was busy on the cell phone, while Matt walked towards the bench.

"Hey, Izzy, it’s been a while." Matt sat down on the bench next to him.

"So, Matt, did you bring the you-know-what?" Izzy whispered under his breath.

"Yup, and the others are coming too." Matt added, handing him two digivices. Both were going crazy. Izzy looked at his own. The reaction was the same. Then he saw a gangly figure approach and without looking up Izzy knew it was Joe.

"Izzy! Matt! TK! TK? TK? TeeeeeeeeKaaaaaaaaay! TK!!!!!!" Joe yelled. TK looked up.

"Hey, Matt, it’s Joe. And Izzy! When did they get here? What am I doing here?" TK inquired in bewilderment.

"We were going for a walk, remember?" Matt reminded.

"Oh, me and Kari are going for a walk tomorrow!" TK shouted.

"It’s Kari and I, first of all, and secondly, where are the others?" Joe asked. Still thin and wiry, Joe still wore the same glasses from the time they went for summer camp. His blue (!) hair was as ruffled as before. However, there was something different. Then Izzy spotted a golden glint in his ear.

"You pierced your ear!" Izzy exclaimed as Joe blushed.

"Well, it was more of a rebellious deed rather than a fashion statement." Joe remarked. Sora popped out of nowhere, followed by Tai, and Kari, who was also on the phone. Izzy sighed. TK, too, had entered his own little phone zone, and was unresponsive.

"Hi, everyone! OH MY GOD! JOE! YOU PIERCED YOUR EAR!" screamed Sora in horrified delight. Joe turned a tomato red.

"Cool!" was Tai’s only comment.

"Hey, it’s Joe! And Sora! And Izzy! And Matt! And…TK." Kari said, suddenly lowering her voice. The two kids walked off together.

"They’re more lovey dovey than…than…lovey doveys!" Tai smirked, disgusted.

"So what’s up and why do we have to bring the you-know-whats?" Sora spoke under her breath.

"Let’s wait for Mimi to get here." suggested Matt. Sora sat down on the bench along with Matt. Her lucky blue hat was on the ground, on which Matt decided to rest his feet. While Sora yelled at him, Izzy began to reminisce about the DigiWorld.

"You know, Izzy, Mimi isn’t that bad, is she?" Tentomon asked.

"What are you saying?" Izzy asked, only half-paying attention. Typing away at his laptop, he was engrossed in his research. Tentomon took this to his advantage.

"Hey, Izzy, do you think Mimi’s hot?" Tentomon suddenly asked.

"Yeah, she is. She’s the sunshine on a rainy day and…I mean…uh…you didn’t hear that!" Izzy glared, suddenly snapping back into the real world. Tentomon started whistling. Then he stopped.

"You really like her, don’t you?" Tentomon inquired.

"Well…okay, she is hot. I concede. But if you tell anyone, you are so dead, and your carcass will roast with a side of mashed potatoes." Izzy threatened. Tentomon sank back into the shadows.

Izzy snapped back into reality when he saw everyone looking at him.

"You okay Izzy? You had this glazed look in your eyes." Tai questioned.

"Yeah, I’m fine. Just remembering DigiWorld." Izzy mumbled. The others grew quiet, remembering their own experiences in DigiWorld. Then Mimi came flouncing by.

"Hi, everyone! Cool earring, Joe!" Mimi sang out. Joe blushed once again. After greetings were over, the problem at hand was discussed.

"Do you think that the power outages and the digivices have anything in common or is it a coincidence?" Joe questioned after the situation was explained.

"It is logical to believe that the phenomena with our digivices and the loss of power in the district have some correlation with each other." Izzy pondered. "However, we cannot outrule the chance of a mere coincidence. Scientifically speaking, the idea of a coincidence is more probable due to the fact the DigiWorld gate has been sealed forever. I suggest an expedition into the power plant, to investigate the possible chance of a rupture in the gate."

"Huh?" was everyone’s response.

"In layman’s terms, let’s drive to the power plant to see if the gate has opened." Izzy explained patiently. The others nodded in unison, and headed toward their cars, ready to embark on another adventure. Little did they know, they were being watched…

<How was that? This is my first fanfic. Hope y’all like it. Sorry Izzy has such a huge part, but he’s my favorite. Yamato will have a bigger part later on. NOTE: Joe is not referred to as Jyou, and TK will not be called Takeru most of the time. In fact, no Japanese names will be used all the time. Bye!>

<yo, what’s up? I’m the editor over here. Eye kan spel gud, write? Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fanfic. For all you Matt fans, don’t worry. Your cute blond hunk will be more present in the rest. Love ya’>