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Sleepless in Digiworld

It was another night in Digiworld. All the digimon

set up for camp and easily fell asleep. But Matt

wasn’t near to sleeping, he decided to play his

>harmonica for awhile until he would eventually fall

asleep. He walked away so he wouldn’t wake the


Mimi had trouble sleeping as well. She felt odd

being back at the Digiworld. What is going to happen

now? Gennai said that the new evil is worse than

Myotismon. Are the digimon ready for another battle?

Then she heard Matt playing his harmonica. She

decided to go visit him for a while. She got up

silently and quickly, careful not to wake the others

and she walked toward Matt.

Matt was resting his back against a tree while

playing his harmonica. His harmonica playing has

improved from practice. He heard a dry leaf crunch

under somebody’s foot. Startled, he turned to face


"Hi Matt." She greeted.

"OH, hi Mimi. Did I wake you?"

"No. I was having trouble sleeping anyway." She sat

on a rock. "I didn’t mean to disturb your playing.

You can keep going now. I like to hear you play."

She smiled up at him. "Go on, play a song for me."

"Okay." He smiled back and reached his harmonica to

his lips. He played a soft melody, a ballad.

Mimi closed her eyes and daydreamed about her and Matt

dancing. She daydreamed he was twirling around and

then he reached out to kiss her. She puckered her

lips, forgetting it was a dream.

Matt saw Mimi puckering her lips. He smiled and

brought down his harmonica. Then suddenly, Mimi’s

daydream was real. Mimi opened her eyes to see Matt

kissing her. He sat back and began playing again.

Mimi was a little disappointed when he pulled away.

She took her pink hat off and looked at him. She

breathed in deeply. Matt had his eyes closed. She

wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure what to say.

She turned around and her shoulders began to shake.

She cried softly.

Matt opened his eyes and saw Mimi crying. "Mimi,

what’s wrong?" He asked.

"I’m confused." She mumbled.

"’Bout what?" He pulled off his gloves so he could

stroke her hair. Mimi’s hair was incredibly soft. He

could sit her and stroke his fingers in her hair for

hours on end.

"I dunno. I’m not exactly sure." Her crest of

sincerity began to glow.

"I think I know what you mean." His crest of

friendship began glowing too. "I understand how you

feel Mimi. But I don’t know what to say." He turned

her to him. "Look at me." He said.

Mimi reluctantly looked down and away. She closed

her eyes.

"Look at me, Mimi." He repeated, his hand cupped

around her chin. He pulled her face up at him.

"Matt I—I’m not sure what to say." She said

thoughtfully. "I’m scared, scared for the digiworld

and our friends." Her crest glowed brighter. She

pulled off her gloves and used them as a handkerchief

to dry her eyes. She cried again.

"Mimi, don’t worry. Our digimon won’t let anything

happen to us." He took her gloves away and took the

tears away from her eyes with his lips. "Trust me."

Mimi suddenly felt warm. She leaned to Matt and

reached her hands to his hair. She pressed against

him and said. "I don’t know what to say."

"Then don’t say anything. I know how you feel." His

heart began pumping a thousand times a minute. He

cupped her face in his hands and brought his face to

hers, brushing sliding his lips across hers. He

breathed hard and moaned softly. Mimi closed her

eyes, holding his head firmly, her fingers twirling

strands of Matt’s hair. Kiss me again…she thought.

As if reading her thoughts, Matt pulled Mimi closer

and kissed her again, longer this time. Blown away,

Mimi laid down by the kiss, surprised, yet impressed.

She kept her hands around his face, then slid her arms

around his neck. Matt wrapped his arms around Mimi,

holding her tight because he didn’t want to let her

go. Then Matt pulled away, but kept holding her and

looked her over. Searching for something to say, but

the words would not come out.

"Matt…OH Matt," Mimi sighed. She reached for him and

returned the kiss. Softly at first, then hard, almost

violent. But Matt didn’t seem to mind. He had

feelings for Mimi all along. Almost the way Tai had

feelings for Sora.

Then when the kiss was over and both were entirely

breathless, they panted and wheezed and sighed. They

looked at each other deep in the eyes. So this is

what love feels like Matt thought, sliding his finger

across Mimi’s cheek. Breathing hard, Matt finally

found some words to say.

"Oh Mimi." He mumbled. "You’re so beautiful. I

think you’re the sweetest girl I ever known."

"Oh come now." Mimi said. "Sora’s more thoughtful

than me!"

"So? She belongs with Tai." He kissed her on the

forehead. "And you belong with me. I don’t want to

ever let you go."

All the kissing has left Matt and Mimi sleepy. Matt

pulled away from Mimi, but held on to her hand. He

laid down on his back against the tree he was leaning

against before. He pulled her down to him and kissed

her softly on the lips. She shuddered with excitement

and laid her head down on his chest. Then they

eventually fell asleep.