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Hi everyone. "Digi-Dorks: version 3.0" is a touch slow in coming, but it

WILL be good. So in the meantime, I've decided to submit part one of my

first serious fanfic, Solitary Dreams. It's not the best, but maybe it'll

help tide some of you over till I get around to submitting the next


This fanfic takes place about six months after the end of the first season,

and Matt doesn't appear till about halfway through this, so bear with me,

all you Yama-Sama fans.

Thanks to Ucchan for being so good in getting fanfics up, and to everyone

who sends me feedback. @---}-------- a rose for all of you

my email is

write me whenever!!!!

Here goes...

Solitary Dreams, by easter

It was December, the year 2000. It had been a surprisingly cold winter for

Tokyo, and the Kamiya family (who had recently moved out of their Heighton

View Terrace Apartment and into a small home in a maily residential district

of Tokyo) was finding it difficult to keep the driveway free of snow. Mrs.

Kamiya found her only solace in the fact that Christmas - her favorite

holiday - was a mere two weeks away.

"Honey," she said to her husband one night at dinner. "Christmas is


"Mmm,hmm" mumbled the man, sipping tea and glaring intently at a blurb in

the newspaper.

"You still haven't picked up our wreath, honey," commented his wife. "We do

it every year, remember?"

Mr. Kamiya set down his mug.

"I do remember, darling. We'll do it first thing this weekend."

She smiled. Then she turned to her son, Taichi. He was, as usual, stuffing

food into his mouth at a rate that would have had a normal person gagging

and sent to the emergency room. Now in sixth grade, Tai was undoubtedly one

of the most athletic boys in his class. He seemed to take school easier

this year. That is to say, he didn't complain and procrastinate as much as

he used to about his homework. He was more responsible, not so careless.

More successful too. He was determined to finish anything he had begun.

His mother beleived he was truly growing up. Maybe the best word to

describe Tai would be independent. He was certainly capable of caring for

himself, an occasionally for others as well. He was especially protective

of his younger sister Kari.

Hikari. At nine years old, she practically worshipped her big brother. It

was he who she looked to for guidance in all the important little matters

that arose in her life. There was a very strong bond between them. And

Kari had changed as much as Tai had. She rarely cried over spilled milk,

as the saying goes. She ws no longer driven under the covers at the sound

of thunder. And, like Tai, Kari had become more responsible. She always

did her chores without being told. Kari's cat, Meeko, had enjoyed some of

the benefits of this change. Now he was being walked and fed on a regular


Mrs. Kamiya felt so proud of both of her children. They and her husband

were the sun, moon and stars in her life.

"Tai," she said, covertly passing him a few napkins. "Maybe this Wednesday

when winter break starts, you should do something with a few of your

friends. You know, hang out or something."

At the words 'hang out' from his mother, Tai dropped his fork and slowly

looked up, mouth open and obviously full of rice.

"Mom," he said, wiping his mouth. "PLEASE don't say 'hang out'. It's...

well it's a teenager word."

"But I think you should Tai." came the soft voice of Kari, who was seated

at Tai's right.

"Huh?" Tai looked at her. Kari rarely expressed her opinions, especially

those in regard to what actions others should take.

"I think you should." Kari repeated. "We both should. We should go see


At the mention of Izzy's name, Tai looked worried. For since their

edventures in the digital world (which were seldom discussed between the

eight children), some of them had grown apart. Izzy lived on the other side

of town. And in Tokyo, that's a long way away. In fact, the Kamiyas lived

pretty far from any of their digidestived friends. But Izzy had been

especially difficult to keep in touch with. He was always off in his own

world, always thinking about someting. Tai supposed he had a lot to think

about. Since the digital world, the discovery of his parents' real

identities, and, last month, his invitation from the Japanese Educational

Committee to bypass 3 years of school and go directly to Senior High. Since

he was only 11, this was a rare event. Izzy had been so wrapped up in

studying and analyzing everthing that he had grown apart from his friends.

Even the kind-hearted Sora, who only lived a few houses away from him, was

unable to bring Izzy fully out of his shell. Izzy's relationships with

everyone had become so cut off, that most of the children now called him by

his full name, Koushiro.

"Izzy!" Tai exclaimed, pulling himself out of his trance. "Wh-Why would we

go see IZZY?"

"He's our friend, right?" asked Kari innocently.

"Sure." Tai consented.

"Well, it's been such a long time since we last saw him." said Kari. "We

should go say hi."

"O-okay." Tai said reluctantly.

"It IS a good idea." their mother put in. "On Wednesday you can take the

bus to Izzy's district. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No thanks, mom." Tai said. "We'll be okay." he looked down and picked at

his food.


That night Kari walked into Tai's bedroom. Some moonlight shone through the

window, barely enough to see by. Before proceeding, the girl listened to

hear Tai's steady breathing, signifying that he was asleep. Once she was

sure of that, she walked over to where his computer was and began to rummage

through the drawers where he kept his disks and cd's. Then she moved to his

dresser. The girl thouroughly searched ever compartment, but couldn't seem

to find what she was looking for. Eyebrows knitted with perplexity, she sat

down on a pile of children's books. As she was worrying, a small light

cought her eye. It was not coming fron the window, but from the top of

Tai's unorganized heap of dirty clothes. The corners of her mouth twitched

into a smile, and she tiptoed over to the pile, grabbed the cource of the

light and silently leapt out of Tai's room.

She had not been gone 5 seconds, when Tai awoke with a start. He sat up and

anxiously stared out the door of his bedroom, as if expecting something. A

tense minute passed. When Tai finally laid back onto his pillor, he stared

at the ceiling for some time before he let sleep fall on him.


It was Wednesday morning, and Tai was waiting outside the door of his house,

with a bag full of food and some games slung over his shoulder. He was

wearing cargo pants, a blue sweater, and a dark green jacket. In his pocket

he carried enough money to pay the subway far for him and his little sister.

He was waiting for Kari now.

"I'm here, I'm here!" the small girl cried happily. She wore a white

turtleneck and overalls under her pink coat.

"Let's go," Tai said sullenly. The boy hadn't been looking forward to the

trip. It was almost like going to meet a stranger. He had no idea how Izzy

would receive them. Maybe he wouldn't want to see them. He might send them

away. Maybe he'd tell them never to come back. Maybe he'd-

"Tai," Kari interrupted his thoughts. "Are you all right? You look


"I'm fine." Tai answered coldly. But since that nightmare...

It was a dream in which he and the others were back in the digital world.

They were gatheres around what seemed like a big fountain. And there was a

ninth person among them. It was a girl, maybe two or three years older than

himself. She was talking to all of them like they were old friends. Tai

remembered her eyes most of all. They were very pale and a bluish-green

color. Her eyes were enormous and framed by long, dark lashes. But what

was most striking about them, was the clarity you saw. It was like you were

seeing into her world, you understood her entire life in a moment. Tai

thought he would never see eyes like hers as long as he lived. As they

were talking with the girl, a dark shadow fell over the place they were

standing. What happened next was confusing. A bolt of light flashed from

the darkness, straight towards Kari. Tai yelled as he thought it hit his

little sister. But the next thing he knew the darkness had gone, and Kari

was standing, alive and well. It was that ninth person who had taken the

attack. She was lying on the ground breathing with difficulty. The other

children rushed around her. TK was crying. Tai screamed up to the sky, but

no one was there...

"Tai?" Kari asked again.

They were at the subway station, waiting for their bus.

"Yes." Tai answered. "I'm fine, Kari."

Since that dream, Tai couldn't seem to talk to anyone. He didn't want to.

His friends at school and his family asked what was wrong, but Tai couldn't

explain it to them. So he'd been trying to keep to himself. And Kari...

Tai kept telling himself it wasn't real, only a dream, but... every time he

looked at his sister he felt hatred burning inside him; real hatred. It

scared him, such a strong feeling against his own sweet sister. He wanted

to scream at her, that it was her fault that girl was dead. Yet he had to

fight against that instinct. After all, it was only a dream. What could

Kari know about it? And what did that ninth person mean to him? Nothing,

of course.

"It's our bus, Tai." Kari touched her brother's elbow. Tai raised himself

with a half-hearted smile at Kari, and walked to the bus. He paid their

fare and the siblings took a seat towards the back.


Tai looked at his little sister, but her face was pressed against the

window, watching the world outside.

"Huh? Who said my name?"

"It's me, Tai." A tall boy, about Tai's age, sat down in an empty seat

across the aisle from Tai. His blond hair was wildly askew and he wore a

black jacket with trademark blue jeans. The look eminating from his angular

blue eyes just said 'cool'.

"Matt!" Tai exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's me." Matt said. "What're you doing here?"

Kari crawled over Tai's lap.

"We're going to see Izzy!" she cried joyfully.

"Hey." Matt patted Kari on her head. "Guess you're bringing the little elf

with you too." Kari crawled over and sat with Matt, playing with him as if

he were her second brother.

Tai watched Matt. Six months ago, playing with an eight-year-old would have

been the last thing on Matt's priority list. But since the digital world,

Matt seemed to enjoy having younger people around. He didn't yell at his

little brother, Takeru (TK for short) nearly as much as he used to. His

friendships were stronger now. He guarded them with everything he had.

Matt was one of the few children who had not failed in keeping in contact

with EVERYONE since Digiworld. And although he still kept up his "too cool

for words" attitude, Matt didn't consider it below himself to get on his

hand and knees and play with a small child. Recently, he had taken a small

job babysitting his neighbors' six-year-old on Tuesday nights. Matt's full

name was Yamato, but it would have offended him if Tai had called him that.

"So where's TK?" asked Tai.

"Oh he's spending some time with dad." Matt answered, playing a clapping

game with Kari.

Matt and Takeru were brothers, but they lived in seperate houses, with

different parents. This was a result of their mother and father going

through a difficult divorce. It was seldom talked about by Matt or TK. Now

Matt lived with his father, who worked for a television company, and TK

lived with his mother. The brothers didn't get many opportunities to see

each other. So usually, when one of them was visiting their other parent,

they took that ime as strictly family time. It was strange for Matt to

leave the house while his brother was staying there...

"And what brings you out today, Matt?" Tai pressed.

Matt looked up, and his face took on a solemn, distant expression.

"That's kind of what I was hoping to talk with you about. I'm on my way to

Joe's house." Matt let Kari play with his keychain as he lowered his voice

to talk privately with Tai.

"I've got this feeling..."

"Yeah?" Tai said encouragingly.

"Well, for a while now I've had the strangest fear that... that.. TK is in


Tai knew how much Matt cared about his little brother. "What do you mean?"

he asked. "What kind of danger?"

"I don't know!" exclaimed Matt, falling back in his chair and letting out a

frustrated gasp. "That's what's been bothering me most of all. It's so

irrational! I have no logical reason to believe he's in danger! But this

has been so persistant...I feel as if I should be protecting him..."

"But from what?" Tai finished, biting his lip.

"Exactly. I don't know what to do. Joe's a pretty rational person, so I

thought I'd see him."

"Uh huh." Tai nodded.

"Tai... you look worried. Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Fine."

Tai regretted saying it immediately. He wanted to tell someone. He wanted

to know the answer. He wanted Matt to know that he was worried too. If

they could just all be together again.

"Have you talked to anyone else about this?" Tai finally asked. Matt shook

his blond head.

"No. Well, I'm going to tell Joe. Unless you think there's some reason I

shouldn't..." Matt looked hard at his friend.

"Oh, no. No. You can tell Joe."

"Tai, is there something I need to know?" Matt's eyes narrowed in that

suspicious look of his.

"No. You'll let me know what Joe says, right?"

"Yeah. You sure you're okay?"

"Right. Sure. Fine. Hey," Tai said. "Isn't this the stop for Joe's


Matt's head snapped up. "Sure is. See ya Tai." Matt stood up and walked

out of the bus. He didn't look back until the bus was nearly out of sight.

Back on board the bus, Kari silently pocketed the keychain Matt had given


Tai leaned back in his seat and let out a long breath. He watched his

little sister as she watched out the windows again, observing the buildings

rush by as the train went on its way.

So ends part one of Solitary Dreams, by easter

Once again, my email is

I'd appreciate any email y'all want to send. And I'm on Yahoo!Messanger as


and my icq number is 72365700

feel free to contact me whenever..........and watch out for "Digi-Dorks:

version 3.0: Digital Labyrinth"!!!! Coming soon to an "All That Is Ishida"

near you!!!!!!


ps. Has anyone here seen "Flint the Time Detective"? It's another anime on

Fox Saturday mornings after Digimon. That Merlock Holmes is CUTE!!!!!!! I

want him and Takeru in a fanfic together....heaven...
