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The Return of Something Evil

By: Jade

Part 1: Wheres TK

"TK, where are you, TK" Matt shouted at the top of his lungs as he

searched franticly for his little brother. TK had been there when he went


sleep, but that morning Matt was jerked awake by nervous Izzy who told him

that his brother was missing. The digi-destend and there digimon had been

searching all day still without any idea of TKs were abouts.

" Matt we've been looking all day, maybe we should..........."

"Where not giving up Tai, TKs out there all alone where ever he is and

were not giving up until we find him" Matt exclaimed cutting off Tai mid


"Geez Matt I was just gonna say that we should go back to our camp


and rest for a little while, who knows maybe TK will come back. You


want him to come back and have no one be there" Tai suggested.

"Yeah Matt, Tais right we really do need a rest, besides im getting

hungry" Mimi added.

"And You think eating is more important then finding TK" Matt shouted


"That's not what she ment Matt, calm down" Sora said

"Calm down, Sora my brother is missing, why am I the only one who


to care about finding him" Matt retorted

"Stop shouting at everyone we care about finding TK just as much as


do but I think we all agree that we need to take a rest" Said Tai.

"Well I don't agree. We have to keep looking" Matt shouted

"Don't you two start fighting again" Gabumon warned.

" Ok don't agree but Im going to take a rest and get something to eat,

you keep looking if you want to, but you'll be looking alone. For now

anyway." Tai exclaimed walking away, all but Gabumon and Patamon followed.

"Fine I don't need you guys anyway! I'll find my brother all by my


Matt said as his friends walked away to rest."At least i know I can count


you guys to help me"

"You can always count on me Matt" Gabumon said.

"Yeah and I have to find TK, he needs me" Patamon said

"C'mon guys we'd better get back to work" Matt reminded them.

"Dont worry Matt, we'll find him" Gabumon said

"Yeah" Matt replied. "We have to"

What happened to TK, and will Matt be able to find him? Find out in


return of something evil part 2.......Coming soon
