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The Best Moments of Sora's Life… hehehehe…

Umm my last fic was incredibly dumb and im in a bad mood so ill pick on Sora in this fic plus this goes by how real kids would act ....

Name mae

title : down with Sora...

::this will take place during "garurumon"::

**while running from the monochromon**

Sora:hurry up Tk!

Tk:shut up sora.


Tk:You herd me,jeez youre more of a ditz than Mimi!

Mimi:Don't you dare compare me to that-

Tentomon:Mimi watch your languge!Its not Sora fault shes so stupid!

Sora frezzes Sora:huh...

Tai:Come on Sora youre slowing us down!

tai used to be so nice to me...

Biyomon:agumon you think you have it bad, i get stuck with HER!

Palmon:She makes Mimi look like a genius!


Matt(to gabumon):youre the wolf man!

Sora:i dont get it.

Matt:you wouldn't stupid @$$

Sora : but, but-

Izzy: yeah one of the many things you dont have...

Tai:thats cold::laughing::

Joe:youre like the forth wheel of a tricycle::shakes head::you dont really count.

Gomamon:Good one Joe i knew you had a sense of humor!


During biyomon gets firepower...

Sora:Its hot..

Matt:duh sora!

Tk:I dont think that bad smell is my shoes...Sora you have bad body odor!

Matt:Quick someone get some deoderant!


Biyomon digivolve to birdramon

Birdramon:Meramon get the one in the helmet and leave the other ones alone!

Sora:AHHHHHHHHH!::running away::

digidestined+digimon:Yay!we got rid of Sora !!!!::all laughing except Tai::


Tai:Sora are you okay?

Sora:Back off Tai!I dont need you capping on me to!

Tai:I'm not here to make fun of you.


Tai **sits down next to her**:I cant make them stop making you feel bad you know nobody listens to me, except you.

Mimi:Tai where are you!Tai!

Matt:Tai!Tai!.. Oh who really cares where he is or his girlfriend!

Tk: they are both dense lets go we can't wait around for them forever!

Matt:lets go.

::tai thinking::do we really need to bring Sora with us ? she did fall for that act about me liking her i mean who would?oh well when we get back home and theres more bad digimon ill get some other kid to take her place.



Tai and Matt are fighting as usual

::sora sitting in a corner by herself::

Tk:Me and Kari are going on date bye!

tai and matt still fighting

Sora: Didn't you hear what they said what kind of big brothers are you!

Tai&Matt tie up sora and throw her off a cliff and continue fighting.

and they live happily ever after