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Okay, me and my friend were talking about all of the DBZ Jerry Springer

fanfics I see and she decided to write one about Matt and Tai. She doesn't

have a computer so I have to send it in for her. Her name's Samantha.

Tai and Matt meet Jerry Springer

Jerry: Hi people! Welcome to another episode of the Jerry Springer Show.

::Crowd aplauses::

Today we have two people who are stuck with each other and do NOT get


Their six friends have brought them to my show to see if we can help out.

Let's say hi to them, they're right here in the audience. Come on you guys,

give a wave. ::Mimi, Sora, Izzy, T.K., Joe, and Kari are sitting in the


row. Everyone except Joe waves their hands to the crowd::

Joe: I don't think this is a good idea, my mom doesn't let me watch Jerry


Gomamon: Oh, come on Joe, grow up.

Joe: But if my parents see me they'll kill me.

Gomamon: What are the chances of that happening?

Joe: If you want my opinion, pretty good.

Gomamon: You're hopeless.

Jerry: Now guys, why don't you tell me about yourselves and your strange

looking little friends.

Sora: Well, Jerry, about a week ago we were all at summer camp when these

digivices ::She holds hers up:: fell out of the sky. The next thing we


we were in this place called the Digiworld.

Jerry: What's the Digiworld?

Sora: Well, it's, uh, well, it's a digital world. When you're there you're

just data. It's our shadow world. You know Jerry, I think my friend Izzy

could explain it better than I can. ::She looks over at Izzy::

Izzy: ::Holds up his hands:: No way! Sora, this was your idea. You came up

with this so you tell Jerry.

Sora: Thanks a lot Izzy. Well, Jerry, like I was saying, when we arrived at

the Digiworld we met these guys, they're called Digimon. When we meet them

they were smaller, see, but they have this ability to digivolve and they


bigger every time. They can digivolve lots of times. You have to see it to

believe it.

Jerry: Oh, yeah, I get it. ::Doesn't understand a word Sora just said::

Sora: Well, I'd better tell you why we're here. Our friends got sucked up

into the Digiworld with us. Have you ever heard the saying, "Strong people

in a close area don't get along"? Well, these two are living proof of it.

They're driving us crazy!

All of the Digidestined in the front row: YEAH!

Jerry: Well then, let's meet the stars of the show. Matt, come on out! ::No

one appears on stage::

Matt from off stage: Come on ladies, if you want my autograph go see my


Voice: Hey, Matt! You're on! ::Matt walks out onto the stage and takes a


near a group of girls::

Matt: Hi Jerry! It's great to be here!

Jerry: Now, let's welcome our other...

Matt: Hey, Jerry, you don't need that loser on your show! Everyone just

Wants to see me. ::He grins at the girls. All of the Digidestined role their


Jerry: Sorry Matt, but we're here to solve your problem. Now, let's welcome


Tai: Hi Jerry. I'd love to talk, but I've got evil Digimon to fight. Now if

you'll excuse me...

Sora: Tai sit down! We brought you guys here to help all of us, so the evil

Digimon will just have to wait!

Tai: Sorry Sora, don't bite my head off! ::Sits down:: Hey, wait a minute,

Jerry! I was told that this was an exclusive interview! ::He glares at Matt

and then Sora::

Sora: ::Shrugs innocently:: Well, maybe I lied just a little.

Matt and Tai: You got that right!

Jerry: Now guys, tell me why you don't get along.

Matt: That's easy. This guy is a total jerk! Once we were on an island

together and this idiot beat me up because I was worried about my little


Tai: Matt, you know that isn't true! I thought we should try to get home,

And then you freaked out and attacked me!

Matt: You chased me and attacked me! ::He holds his fist in Tai's face::

Tai: Yeah!? Well, if you'd hadn't have been such an idiot we wouldn't have

fallen off that cliff!

Jerry: Okay guys, I think I know where this is going. Tai, has Matt ever

angered you?

Tai: Of course he has! Just two days ago he was supposed to protect my


sister Kari because she was the eighth Digidestined. ::Kari stands up and

waves to the crowd:: Then he let her get captured! I'm lucky she wasn't


In fact, Kari ended up saving him!

Mat: Why you little...! ::He jumps on Tai and they start to pound each


Augamon and Gabumon run onto the stage::

Augamon: Tai! We came here to make you guys stop fighting, not start

Another one!

Gabumon: Come on Matt! Be a little more mature! ::suddenly Matt lands a


on Tai, sending him sprawling across the room::

Augamon: Hey! He can't punch Tai!

Gabumon: He can do whatever he wants! ::suddenly Augamon and Gabumon start

To fight. Pepper breaths and Blue Gusters fly everywhere. The crowd scatters

As some fly into the seats. The others run onto the stage::

Sora: Come on you guys! Stop fighting!

Biomon: Yeah, Digimon don't fight other Digimon!

Izzy: What an interesting phenomenon, it seems that the feelings of their

human counterparts are effecting the Digimon's actions, either that or the

Jerry Springer Show makes everyone violent.

Sora: Shut up Izzy and help us out!

Izzy: I guess that means that my second theory is correct. ::Suddenly, a

stray Pepper breath heads straight for Izzy::

Tentomon: Izzy! Watch out! ::Tentomon Digivolves to Kabuterimon, but he

forgot just how big his Digivolved form is. He stops the Pepper Breath, but

>he is so big and heavy he breaks the floor and cracks the ceiling. Pieces


plaster and metal fall everywhere::

Izzy: You know Kabuterimon, maybe you should have calculated your mass and

height before Digivolved. ::He and Mimi dive under a bench::

Kabuterimon: Sorry about the mess, Jerry.

Jerry: ::From underneath his desk:: Oh, no problem. It happens way to often

anyway. And I thought it was a mess when we had that alien monkey on the


Izzy: Well Jerry, this time why don't you redecorate the place. Your


sense is worse then Mimi's.

Mimi: ::From under the bench:: Why you little weasel! I'll show you fashion

sense! ::Izzy screams. He runs out from under the bench, Mimi's right


him. Jerry looks at the camera while Matt and Tai are still fighting in the


Jerry: Well, I guess that raps up today's show, join us next week


::He ducks as a Blue Guster blows up the camera:: That's it! Cancel the

evil Digimon interview next week!