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T.K.’s Crest of Hope

By: Seth LeMaire

This story takes place after the events of Sora’s Crest of Love while the Digidestined are on the run from Myotismon.

Chapter 1

"Patamon! Patamon! Where are you, Patamon?" T.K. calls out. He is in a forest by himself looking for Patamon.

T.K. and the gang were sleeping near a forest that was about a mile north of a lake when he noticed that Patamon was not next to him. He wakes up Matt and tells him, " Matt, I am going look for Patamon in the forest." Matt says, "Hold on for a minute. I am going to go with you."" T.K. said, "Don’t worry Matt. I can take care of myself and I am sure that Patamon didn’t go far. Anyway, he is my responsibility, so I have to go find him." Stunned by T.K.’s eagerness and confidence in himself, Matt reluctantly said, "Don’t get lost because we will have to go look for you and they won’t be happy to do it. Hurry up. Okay?" T.K. smiled at Matt and said, "Don’t worry big brother, I can take care of myself and if I get lost, I’ll use my Digivice to find you. O.K.?" T.K. gives a big smile to Matt. " Go, but hurry back. I will be right here, alright?" says Matt. T.K. goes over to Matt and gives him a big hug. T.K. says, "Thanks big brother. Your the bestest big brother a kid could have." Matt says, " Just don’t let the others know that I am." T.K. turns to the forest and runs into it searching for his pal.

"Patamon! Patamon! Where’d you go? C’mon out!"

T.K. hears something to his right and turns his head in its direction. He walks around a tree and sees the source of the sound. "Pixiemon!" exclaims T.K. "Have you seen Patamon? He came in here and I can’t find him." "Yep! Yep! that’s me. Patamon, I have seen none of, but you I have. Yep, Yep! You, I have come in search of."

"Me? Why me? I haven’t done nuthin’ wrong" T.K. replies.

" I have come to help you, my young Digidestined friend. Yep, Yep. I have come to help you learn about your crest."

When T.K. heard this he remembered what Sora said when they found her.

"Each of our crests has its own special meaning. For example, Tai yours is the Crest of Courage. And the crest you have Matt is the Crest of Friendship."

"And Mine?" I asked.

" Yours is special, T.K. It is the Crest of Hope."

" I hope we can get back home." I said.

"Yeah. I remember Sora telling me that my crest was special. I felt really special after she told me that."

"You are very special. That is true. Uhm hum. You are the hope of the Digiworld and the real world. Yep, Yep!"

"Wow! I am the hope? That’s great! I need to tell my big brother. He will be so proud of me. I need to tell Patamon, too! Oh my gosh! Patamon! I forgot about looking for Patamon! Patamon! Patamon! Where are you?"

"T.K.! I am right here!" Patamon’s voice came from behind T.K.

T.K. turned around to find his Digimon and best friend flying to him. "Patamon! Did you here? I am the hope of the Digiworld and the real world."

"Wow T.K.! That’s great!" replied Patamon.

Pixiemon spoke up and said, "T.K., let me tell you why so special you are and why your crest for you was chosen and how it will save the Digiworld and the real world."

T.K. replied, "O.K., tell me."

Pixiemon continues, "T.K., the Crest of Hope you hold......."

To Be Continued...

So tell me what you think. If I have continuity errors please point them out to me.