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Teens Trapped in Time

AN: Hi! As you have probably guessed, this is about teens trapped in time (duh). Anyway, I decided I'd have a contest. I can't give out any prizes, but I'll mention the people who get it right (before I say the answer) in my stories. I will try as hard as I can to remember to avoid just saying what it is somewhere. The question is:

Vernemon's badge had a 's' for space. Julia's emerald's badge had a 't' for thought. Jim has an 'i.' What does it stand for?
Hint: Ignore what I said in the outakes story. That's outdated.
Hint: Both space and thought can be both good (he needs his personal space) (think it through) or evil (lost in thought) (Not enough space). Jim's can be both good and evil also.
Final hint: If you replaced the 'i' with a 'k' you'd have a different world with the same meaning.

Got it? Good.

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon.

"Local genius and army agent Walter here. Last time, Julia and I found out that we were the last two of the fabled digidestined (as far as we know).
We were forced to travel to the digital world to find out what problems were ailing it. It looked to me like my army had started fighting again with the vampires, as shown by the battle scarred areas. Songmon and Labmon found us, and turned out to be our digimon. At a stop, Jim, who had come with us, stole one of my time machines, and went back in time. I took Matt and Joe back with me to stop him, but he beat us everywhere! The digidestined, who had been wrapped in time so that they wouldn't experience changes, came to the rulers castle, to find that the digidestined of this time were all very different from our time, from slaves to slavers to mercenaries to dead! Fortunately, I figured out how to collapse the partial universe. Julia and I had our crests glow, and they helped us long enough for us to go back with my time machine to the real universe. This is better than any sci-fi novel!"

Part 1
Teen Decides To Dive

Walter fingered his crest. It had held off a crazy T. K. long enough to get back to the real universe. As real as this universe was anyway.
Tai was, if at all possible, more interested in the crests then he!
"So, your crest glowed when you were not giving up. Hmmm. What's another word for 'not giving up?'" Mused Tai.
"Try getting a life, guy. Perseverance, my dear Tai." Matt said aloud. It was strange. Mimi, Kari, and Matt seemed to be getting very tense lately.
Izzy was looking worried, distracted from his computer more easily than ever.
"Be quiet." Snapped Tai. "Okay, Walter has the crest of perseverance. Julia, you were dodging Mimi's attacks--."
"Which is a lot easier than it looks, if both sides have armies--." Kari began.
"Oh, be quiet, little smarty. There's no need to drag the other digidestined into this war. Just because I'm the master vampire and you're the Wizardmon general--." Mimi began.
"Mimi's a vampire? Ahhh! Save me!" Julia ran behind Joe.
"ANYWAY, Julia was dodging Mimi's attacks, then her crest glowed--."
"And that was that? The crest of dodging? Tai, you may be on the roam, but I'll bet you forgot your brain at home." Matt quipped.
Tai sighed. "I'm going to be forced to take violent actions against you, Matt. You can sure be sure of that." He prepared his fists.
Matt shrugged. "Alrighty. Fists only, no weapons, kicking or biting. Choose your backup for your mess-up. Oh, by the way, I've figured it out. Julia's got action, that's no doubt." He didn't seem to get the sarcasm.
Kari ran between them. "Matt, you have to save your strength for your Obida station. Tai, we will need to leave from unforeseen complications."

(AN: The rhyming stops here.)

Tai rolled his eyes. "You're supposed to be my sister. I'm supposed to tell you what to do."
Kari smiled. "Fine. Tell me not to attack. I command Matt, Izzy, and Walter. I can order them to beat you to a pulp, then I'll leave with my troops."
While this was going on, a hand snuck from behind a tree, and grabbed Joe. It yanked him into the shrubbery surrounding the path.
Joe wrenched himself from the figure's grip. It was Jim! Jim ran off into the trees, leaving Joe to give chase. In his haste, Joe forgot to call the others.
In his haste, he tripped and cut his knee.
In his haste, he slammed into Jim.
In his haste, they tripped and fell off a cliff.
Thinking fast, Jim tried to fire his time machine. It slipped, and flew into Joe's hands, as Joe was above Jim. Joe hit the button, and vanished.
Running out of options, Jim tried his homemade one. He vanished--but where?

Part 2
This Teen Just Might Die

Joe reappeared in what looked like an army base. In fact, it was the Wizardmon army base, but Joe didn't know that. He looked around, and came to a briefing room. He heard voices.
"Sub-general Matt, your duties are to patrol area 35. No wandering in area 51. That's for alleged alien specimens (AN: Yes, that was bad).
Something occurred to Joe. He looked on an outdoor calendar. Yes, he was right. This was the day that Matt found Izzy on a mountain.
But Izzy was in area 46, not 35. What was going on?
Jim walked up to him. "Okay. See if you can beat this. I snuck into the planning room and changed Matt's area for today, so Izzy will never be found! Ha ha ha!"
Joe smiled. "Bet you ten bucks that I can change Matt's area."
Jim laughed. "By what? Proving your from the future? How? Oh, and I'll raise you to twenty bucks."
Joe smiled again, this time grimmer. " Taken. Watch me work!"
Joe walked into the briefing room just as Matt left. The Wizardmon briefing Matt looked up, fell over in shock, recovered, and pointed his blaster at Joe. "What are you? Who are you? What are you doing? Speak!!!"
Joe smiled. "I come from the future with proof. I have a message for you."
The Wizardmon didn't flinch. "First the proof."
"Very well." Said Joe, smiling triumphantly. "Do you have a T.V. set? I can play a videotape of Matt when he's much older than this."
The Wizardmon called over an intercom for a T.V. set. Joe inserted his recordings of Matt.
They played back, and showed many many scenes. The longest bit was when Matt and Joe were together at Digitamamon's restaurant.
"Okay. I believe you." Said the Wizardmon. "What's the message?"
"That Matt must search area 46 today. There is someone there that he must pick up." Joe responded.
"Matt might not be aware of his new area. I'm going to kill you both." Called Jim, from the top of a stairwell. He threw a bomb down.
Joe thought fast. Very fast. He picked up his crowbar and batted the bomb. The bomb flew almost all the way back to Jim before going off. Jim smiled, waved, and teleported forward in time, trying to get to the present.
Joe looked at the Wizardmon. "I must go. He's crazy and wants everyone dead. I have to save the world. It was a pleasure meeting you. Bye." Joe teleported too, knowing Jim's objective, back to the present.

Part 3
This Guy Cannot Fly

Joe reappeared in what looked like a graveyard.
The graveyard.
Joe picked up a newspaper. Still a few years too early. The machine ran out of power midway.
Joe saw his past self and Sora run from the church. He then saw Bakemon shove Birdramon and Ikkaumon out of the church.
Joe saw everything play out like it should. But wait! When Joe was chanting, Bakemon wasn't getting weaker--even with Sora's helmet!
Joe sighed. He'd have to help his past self. "Bakemon lose your power. Bakemon lose your power. Bakemon lose your--"
"Joe regain your brain." Jim walked up to Joe. "How about a little combat? Saving your past self won't help if you die in the future!"
Joe, having no choice, picked up his crowbar. Jim drew his broadsword. They went to it. Clang! Clong! Cling!
Sora thought that she heard a sword fight from behind them, but was too preoccupied with Bakemon against Ikkakumon and Birdramon that she paid it no heed.
Joe was losing when Bakemon was defeated. The crack opened up in the grou nd.
Right under Joe's feet.
He fell through, seeing the black gears fall down around him. He grabbed the time machine, and, hoping against hope that it had enough power, hit it.
He vanished.

When he reappeared, he was falling.
Off the cliff.
In the present.
Joe thought quickly. Then, since he was still holding his crowbar, used it to latch onto the cliff. He though he saw something reappear beneath him, but he was preoccupied with climbing.
When he reached the top, he saw the other digidestined come looking for him. He waved, and they saw him. Matt smiled.
"I'm usually in the right place at just the right time. Like, for instance, the day I met Izzy my scouting assignment was changed at the last minute. Apparently, some blue haired guy from the future had appeared and said that my sector had to be sector 46."

AN: Another fic done. Hurrah! The next one will be really long (unless I can get any new ideas for between this one and the next one). I'll try to remember to not write in what Jim's badge is. Feedback please! I beg you!