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Mortusmon's Cloned Creatures







The light does not shine in one small, secluded building on the far west side of the Gaia Mountains.

Inside, there is a labrotory. Machinery, testing samples, DNA samples, things like that.

Along the north side of the building, on the inside, about two feet away from the wall there are eight large tubes made of what appears to be an advanced plexiglass. Inside each of the eight tubes is a single child with a breathing mask on.

All of them are fast asleep.

Or are they..........

The sun is black as it shines a horrible dark light over a green park with trees and one bench in the middle. Sitting on the bench is are two small figures. Very small. One of them is a girl, the other is a boy.

Kari and T.K..

They are staring up at the sky, at the black sun and the grey clouds. The clouds cast shadows over the already dark ground.

Suddenly, the bench splits apart. the ground beneath the two children swirls and then opens up into a black hole.

As Kari starts to fall into the hole, T.K. grabs her hand and pulls her up onto his part of the bench, but they don't last very long, and are plunged into the pit.....

Kari awoke screaming.

The sun wasn't visible, and therefore wasn't black.

"Kari?! Are you ok?!," said Tai from far to her right. She saw that she was still in the test tube. She had been there for a day so far.

A figure - Mortusmon - came down to her. He looked her in the eyes.

It was hard for Kari to look at him. His eyes were so ice....or worse.

"Had a bad dream?," he said sarcastically. She looked away from him.

"Was it a dream?," she said softly. Mortusmon smiled a more - but not really - human smile.

"Yes." She sighed with relief. Mortusmon walked back down to where Tai was. Tai just happened to be shouting his lungs out to Mortusmon, insulting him and trying to get out (Tai had been doing this ever since he first got pushed into the tube and had nearly sucessfuly escaped at one point.). Of course, being the cold-blooded liar that he was, he didn't care what Tai said to him.

For that matter, he didn't care what anybody said to him.

"Tai, will you ever cease to yell? It makes me think there's a misquito around here." Tai's yells did not cease but instead, they got louder. Joe sighed.

"I feel sorry for Sora."

"Why?," Kari asked.

"Because she's right next to Tai."

"Oh." Kari wondered exactly what Joe meant, but she didn't question him again.

For the day(s) that they had been there, the group of eight had heard constant banging and alot of mechanical sounds coming from a room just across from them. If only they could get out and find out what it was.

It was keeping Matt from sleeping at night.

I just can't believe what a letdown I am.

I should have told them, "Guys! Get out of here! Now!" before I said hi or told them to get me out of here!

Now they're trapped, too.

I'm a loser.

A nothing.

Nobody likes me.

There's not a single person in this entire crummy Digiworld - or real world - that likes me.

Not even T.K..

There is Nobody who likes me.


Matt punched the wall.

"Matt, don't kill yourself," said Sora from his right. He looked at her with a totally letdown expression on his face.

"But it's all my fault."

"What is?"

"The fact that you guys are trapped here with me."

"It is not! We were stupid to let our guard down when we saw you."

"But I should have told you as soon as I saw you to run away. It's all my fault, you know it is!!" Sora didn't say anything. Matt had one fist on the wall to the tube and the other hanging uselessly at his side.

"Matt?" Matt looked over to his left, at his little brother.

"Yeah, squirt?"

"It's not your fault. Every time something happens, you take the blame, or Kari does, or Sora, or Tai. Especially when it's not your fault." T.K. was looking at Matt with such innocence on his face that Matt couldn't reply with a no to what T.K. had just said.

He only cracked a small smile before Mortusmon was standing before them in just the right spot so that they could all see him. Mortusmon was smiling. Glowing.

"You know all those sounds coming from the room over there?" They all responded with simple yeses. "Those are coming from that lab over there, where I am currently - actually, currently done - constructing a certain something."

"What's the 'certain something'?," Tai asked hotly.

"It's rather simple," Mortusmon said, smiling darkly. "A cloning and creating machine. For Digimon and humans alike."

Every single kid looked at him, horrified at the fact that he had in his mind the plan of cloning them.

"You're sick!," Sora said.

"Cloning people or anything is impossible, with the slight exception of pigs and sheep," Izzy said.

"If you tried to clone me, I'd turn out looking horrible!," said MiMi in disgust. Mortusmon shook his head.

"Don't worry about yourselves. Only a fool dares try to clone a human." All eight sighed with relief.

"I'm only going to clone your Digimon, and not even the same as they are now." All eight looked up again, horrified.

"No! Patamon won't let you!!" All the kids started to yell at Mortusmon.

"Nobody clones or changes something! It's stupid! Biyomon won't let you!"

"It's technically impossible! And besides, Tentomon's DNA code - if he has one - is way to complicated for you to figure out!"

"Agumon'll Digivolve and toast you!"

"You can't clone Gabumon! He's the only real friend I ever had!"

"Gatomon is a champion; she'd never let you do anything mean to her!"

"Why can't you just let Palmon go? Any clone of her would end up looking ug-LY!"

"It's not fair of you to capture helpless - well, not really helpless, but still - Digimon like Gomamon and then clone them! And change them!"

Mortusmon watched with malicious glee as the children yelled at him. Finally, once all the yelling had died down, one small voice came out.

"What are you going to do?" Mortusmon looked at them all. And then spoke. Which they had not anticipated.

"Well, you see, I'm going to take each of your Digmon and send them through the cloning machine. Their DNA will be taken and then used. I myself will then engineer the DNA so that it turns out being exactly who I want it."

"What do you have in mind, exactly?," Sora asked. They all nodded their agreement in the question.

"Well................I will not only make engineered clones of the Rookies in general, but also of their evolved forms. Such as DeathMagnaAngermon." They all gulped. MagnaAngemon was strong already, and if there was a dark form of him........

"Then there would be BlackGarudamon, SpikeWarGreymon, SteelMetalGarurumon, BladeAngewoman, IceMegaKabuterimon, ViralZudomon, and ThornLilymon."

"Those don't sound too bad."

"Their phsyical appearance, along with their attacks, will be changed. Greatly. Now then, if you'll excuse me, the Digimon DNA has been taken, and I must go now....."

Matt watched the dark kid walk away.

He suddenly saw that his vision was blurring up. He was going to cry.

No! I swore to myself so many years ago that I wouldn't cry.


But he couldn't help it.

And as soon as one tear drop found it's way from his right eye down to his crest, it was absorbed by the crest.

The Crest of Friendship......

As his crest glowed, he continued to feel the icy tears fall down his cheeks.

His crest glowed even more and more...brighter and brighter, until it finally reached an extreme point.

The other kids had to shield their eyes.

The entire tube that had Matt trapped exploded outwards, and Matt found himself standing. He collapsed down onto his knees almost instantly because he had been floating for five days, counting today. He ripped the breathing mask off his face.

"Matt! You escaped!...Your crest was glowing so hard." He looked over at Sora, who was smiling like crazy. He smiled back.

He got up and went over to Tai first and pulled open the door to his cage. The liquid came flowing out along with Tai.

He did the same for Sora and T.K. before the door to the lab on the other side of the room flew open and in came Mortusmon. He was looking a bit out of breath, as if he had been running. As soon as he saw Matt opening Izzy's cage, his eyes grew wide.

"What happened?!," he said crazily.

"The Crest of Friendship can work even when it's not near the Digmon, just as all the others can! You forgot about that, didn't you." Mortusmon stared at them until Matt had freed Joe, MiMi, and Kari, and then he held one hand out, palm facing them. A ball of black light with purple lightning shimmering around it appeared.

"Don't make me hurt you. You're just way too valuble to destroy, but I will do it. Trust me." The look in his eyes hurt Matt, along with everybody else, but mostly Kari, who stumbled forward. She was caught by Tai who helped her up.

"You won't hurt us."

"I will. I am not like any other dark Digimon you have ever faced. If I want to hurt you, I will."

"No you won't."

"Matt, what are you DOING?!?!," Sora said. "You'll get us all killed!!"

"He won't hurt us. We're, as he said, are way to valuble to him to be hurt. So he won't hurt us."

At that moment, Matt was hit by the ball and flung back into the wall. It stung, not too badly, but the crash against the wall hurt his back. He lay against the wall as T.K. and Joe tried to help him up. Mortusmon was glaring at them, another ball formed in his hand.

"I told you to trust me on that one." Matt opened his eyes and glared just as coldly at Mortusmon as he already was. The two of them were locked in a staring match. The Mortusmon put his arm down.

"I'm going to let you watch me put my final plan into action. I was going to save it as a secret, but now would be a good time for you to see them...." He walked back into the lab. The kids followed.

Inside was pretty blank, except for some tubes exactly like the ones they had been trapped in, and more than eight of them, too. Only they were a bit bigger.

There was a huge machine in the farther corner of the room with a conveyor belt on it.

"What's that?," T.K. asked.

"You'll see in one second." And then, one second later, a loud sound came from the machine.

And, from the top of one of the tubes, a rather large, strange figure came from it. It looked like WarGreymon, only he looked.......different. Through the plexiglass, it was hard to see him.

The same thing happened in another tube, only this time it was Garudamon. Then MetalGarurumon, and so on. Until there was a copy of two Megas and eight Ultimates. Then there was eight Champions. Then eight Rookies. And that was it.

"What....are.........those?," Tai asked shakily.

"Simple," said Mortusmon. "These are the copies. And now you get to meet them in person."

It was ten minutes later that they were standing in a rather large, metallic room. On one side, there was Tai, Sora, Matt, T.K., Izzy, Joe, MiMi, and Kari along with their Rookies. Even Gatomon had un-Digivolved to Salamon.

On the other side was Mortusmon with all of his copies.

First, all the Rookies ran out. It was Agumon vs. SpikeAgumon, Biyomon vs. BlackBiyomon, Gabumon vs. SteelGabumon, Patamon vs. DeathPatamon, Tentomon vs. IceTentomon, Palmon vs. ThornPalmon, Gomamon vs. ViralGomamon, and Salamon vs. BladeSalamon.

Each of the copies matched their name, mostly. SpikeAgumon was a blueish shade and had spikes on him, leading from his head to his back and his attack was Spike Breath. BlackBiyomon was quite black in color and her attack was Spiral of Chaos. SteelGabumon was silvery and had the attack of Silver Blaster. DeathPatamon was many different shades of grey and black and had the attack Winds of Death. IceTentomon was light blue and had the attack of Ice Shocker. ThornPalmon was covered in thorns (she was still green but the flower on her head was wilted and black) and used Spiked Vines. ViralGomamon was a red shade and attacked with Disruption Claw. Finally, BladeSalamon was totally white all over and attacked with Flying Blades.

This battle raged on for what seemed like forever. Mortusmon had disabled the Digivices and crests, therefore disabling all Digivolution.

Then again, his Digimon couldn't Digivolve, either, which was fair.

So, as the battle continued to go on, the real Digimon got really tired. However, the copies had nearly unlimited energy, and therefore were kicking the other Digimons's butts.

In the end, Mortusmon locked up all the Digidesined separate from their Digimon for the night. They were all tired themselves.

The next day, it was the battle of the Champions.

SpikeGreymon looked a heck of alot like the Greymon that Etemon had sent out against them, only this one was quite blue. Plus he had spikes and attacked with the same attack as his Rookie form, only stronger. BlackBirdamon looked exactly like Birdramon, only she was black all over and her attack was the same as Rookie and stronger. SteelGarurumon had three tails and was silvery all over and used Silver Blaster. DeathAngemon was extremely evil looking. He had the regular six wings, only two were black feather wings, two were black dragons wings, and two were black fire wings. Other than that, he looked exactly like Angemon, only shades of black and grey and he used the attack Black Lightning. IceKabuterimon was a solid ice (and living) form of Kabuterimon, using the attack of Ice Shocker. No different than Rookie. ThornTogemon looked like a dead cactus and was covered in spikes instead of thorns. She used the attack of Spike Throw. ViralIkakkumon was furry and deep red with his horn covered in the pattern of a black gear, and he used the attack Black Gears. Finally, BladeGatomon was totally medium grey and had the same cold eyes and used the attack Blade Claw.

As before, the battle raged on, and Mortusmon's copies won. Again. They kept on suceeding, more so and more so.

And once again, they were locked up and separated for the night.

The next cold day, they were sent into the battle of the Ultimates.

SpikeMetalGreymon looked like MetalGreymon, only he was a very deep blue in color and used the attack SpikeGigaBlaster. BlackGarudamon was solid black, almost like a shadow, and use the attack Dark Phoenix. SteelWereGarurumon was entirely made out of silver, looking almost like a star, and used the attack Silver Star Smash. DeathMagnaAngemon had to be the strongest there. He had eight wings - two black feathers, two black dragon, two black flames, and two made from moving, live, black lava - and was entirely shades of black and grey and white and some blood red color and used the attack Blade of Death. IceMegaKabuterimon was a living ice sculpture with colors of red and dark green to him. He used the attack Ice Lightening. ThornLilymon looked like Lilymon, only she was black and olive green and wilted looking. She used the attack Wyrm Cannon. ViralZudomon looked so much like Zudomon it was almost hard to tell the difference. But he had a darkly colored shell and his hammer was split into two hammers, which could both use, at the same time, Hammer of Thor. Finally, there was BladeAngewoman, who was black, and her wings were completely silver and the silver seemed to be moving. Other than that, she was completely black, like most of the other Digimon were. She used the attack of Undeworld's Flame Arrow.

That was probably one of the most ferocious battles, seeing as MagnaAngemon and DarkMagnaAngemon fought long after the other Digimon and almost killed each other.

That night, before all the kids drifted off into sleep, Matt spoke.

"Our Digimon are so tired that we can only have one more battle. And we can only have two of ours battle."


"MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon."

Finally, the day of total destruction came.

SpikeWarGreymon and SteelMetalGarurumon came face to face with the real Digimon - WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.

SpikeWarGreymon was many hues of blue and his armor was black. The large plate on his back had no symbol of Courage on it. Instead, it had skull on the back of it. And SteelMetalGarurumon was a dark shade of silver and his armor was a lighter silver. His wings were green and working well.

The four Digimon stood face to face, prepared to battle, with Mortusmon, smiling on one side, and the Digidestined frightened on the other.



What is going to happen now?

Will Mortusmon's copy Digimon defeat the real things, and then have the Digidestined destroyed?

If you wish to know, find the next scroll.......