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The Prolouge


Such a very long time ago......

There were more than eight Digidestined.

Altogether, at least.

There were many, many Digidestined, all tests.

Tests? What tests? you ask.


Remember when the spirit inhabited Kari, and showed the children all about how they were the chosen ones?

Well, they had to run many tests to make sure that the children could survive any dangers they came upon.

In order to do that, they had to take some children and use them. Either that or create some, but they hardly ever did that.

Anyways, there was one test that included five children - Serena, Reywind, Taki, B'Shan, and Mortus.

They each were sent out with one Digimon - Serena had Kasamon, Reywind had Eaglemon, Taki had Monkmon, B'Shan had Dervamon, and Mortus had Fulmenmon - only a small one.

However, they encountered Devimon, and their Digimon had no way of Digivolving.

Serena, Reywind, Taki, and B'Shan were slaughtered.

Mortus, however, with his abnormal powers and his little Fulmenmon, were able to escape.

They went into hiding, and, somehow, Fulmenmon Digivolved into Tonitrusmon, and then again into his Mega form of Obscurusmon.

They built a labrotory and kept themselves hidden away, perfecting their work for 3,000 years, until the real Digidestined finally came into play......

Would you care to know what happened?

Find the first scroll in the tale.....