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Tentomon Trouble

AN: It's me again! Your faithful fanfic writer. I'm getting this one out a little early. Why? Because I can.
Anyway, this comes in after my last fic, but it is unlike the others. This is a short, humor filled story. It has no part divisions, but is kind of a go-between my last fic and my next one. It will not be that long.
Disclaimer: WHY DO THEY MAKE THESE THINGS? What is the point of saying I don't own it--if I owned it, I would change it. Anyway, I don't own it! "It" being Digimon.

Beep! Beep! Beep!
Izzy and Julia woke up on the couch. They yawned, and then realized that they had a problem.
Izzy, while remembering pajamas, had forgotten to bring a change of clothes. And, if he went home, Tentomon would probably kill him.
They discussed what to do over a cold breakfast of fruit.
"I have a solution to this minor predicament. I could use my electro-teleporter to get my clothes here, and a note to my mom at my house!" Said Izzy.
"Your what?" Asked Julia.
"Electro-teleporter. It's really quite simple. It converts matter into energy that travels to the focus point, but is stable enough that it doesn't produce an atomic bomb. The workings are quite fascinating. A beam of-" Said Izzy.
"Ooo-kay. So, can I see it?" Said Julia, cutting Izzy short.
"Sure thing. I'll use it now!" Said Izzy, beaming. He jotted down a note to his mom, took out what looked like a black device of some sort, and shot a beam of something into the note. The note seemed to turn into electricity, and raced through the door.
As Izzy was punching various buttons on the device, the phone rang. Julia got it.
"Song residence, Julia speaking. What is it?"
"Hi, this is Joe. Could you tell Izzy that all of the other digidestined kids are bringing their digimon for the hobby show, so we'd like it if he'd bring Tentomon?" Said Joe.
"Sure." Said Julia.
"Thanks. Oh, and could you tell me if you want me to show that tape proclaiming that you're innocent?" He said.
"Well, duh. Of course!" Said Julia.
"Okay. Jim said that he got some tapes of you two together, and he'll show them, so I'll include mine before that. Bye!" Said Joe, hanging up.
"Jim WHAT? Hello? Hello?" Julia hung up, a little upset.
Electricity appeared to fly through the air, and clothes and a backpack materialized in front of Izzy. He went into the bathroom to get dressed, and when he came out, Julia told him about the phone call.
Izzy punched a few more buttons, and Tentomon appeared!
Tentomon said, "Ahh! Super shocker!"
Izzy and Julia dodged. Izzy held up his hand. "Tentomon, please stop attacking us! We're spending the day together in the talent show, and I'd hate to think of what might happen if you attack me on stage! Although Walter might be happy to study a dead digimon..."
He continued. "So, get in the backpack!" He grabbed Tentomon, and stuffed him in.
Their was a knock on the door, and when Julia opened it, it was Joe and Jim, along with the Ishidas. Gabumon, Gomamon, and Patamon were there too.
Joe smiled. "I showed the other digidestined the tape. They all know that you're innocent, Julia."
"Show it to Tentomon. He thinks that I'm hypnotized and was so violent that I had to lock him in my backpack!"
Jim smiled. "I see that you all have your digimon. Joe and I brought our reporter cloaks. Mine is black with squares on the bottom, and his is black with diamonds."
The two brothers took their cloaks out, and put them on. They fastened them and wrapped them around their bodies. Then they put on the hoods. They were unrecognizable.
Julia picked up a box. "I'm bringing one of my favorite hobbies, knife throwing." She took out a knife with an elegant curve, and almost gracefully threw it into a bulls-eye on a wall.
The other digidestined kids rounded the corner and joined the group. Then, a flash went off. A cloud of smoke rose in the air.
It looked like a body was being traced out of electricity within the smoke. When the body was complete, it solidified. It was a boy, about Matt's height, wearing a white lab coat over a green shirt. He had glasses.
"Hi! I'm Walter Snyde. What are you guys talking about?" Said Walter.
The group started for the school, still talking casually.
"I'm bringing in my laser cannon. Oh, and Kari, yes I finished the crest-gun. But please, let me explain how to use it so some Wizardmon doesn't blow it up." Said Walter as they rounded the corner to school.
They stopped in the science lab to pick up the laser cannon.
It looked like it would be a good day.

AN: Okay, that's it! Did you like it? Except to see more from Walter and Julia, as well as a whole other dimension soon. No more hints!
Oh yes, and I love feedback, so I'll take any you've got!