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Finally! Sheesh, this took forever! So, here it is, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. I have no idea who does. Don't sue me,

unless you want a pile of Monopoly money.


The Past .

By: Foxfire


Odaiba Orphanage


Saturday morning. And someone was daring to wake me up.

My name is Rachel Arita.

"Go away." I mumbled. The person promptly yanked me out of my lower bunk "I

will hurt you Jenn!"

My twin sister grinned. She knew better. The last time we'd fought, a year

ago I think, the both of us had felt cut in half. We never tried that


Where's are parents on this? you're probably wondering. Hah. We don't

have any. Four years ago someone brought us to this hellhole of an

orphanage. We don't know anything about ourselves before that. And I mean


I quickly got dressed. My crest (at least that's what the lady in charge

called them) and gadget thingy (Digivice, or whatever its called) were on my

nightstand. I put them on. Jenn was already dressed. She was holding a

lavender egg with white triangles, about the size of a cantaloupe. I had

one too, sky blue with white stars. They were some sort of toy I guess,

but we'd never gotten rid of them for some reason. They seemed to important


We went downstairs to the cafeteria. Eggs & Bacon. Not to bad. After

heaping our plates we went to an empty table against the far wall. I

watched as Jenn wolfed her's down. Its a wonder she's thin.

My mind drifted back to my dream. It had Matt in it, which is no wonder, he

's this guy at school I have a crush on. But there'd been other things.

And it ended abruptly, not because I'd been woken up.

"The misfit having visions again?" a sneering voice asked. Two dimwitted

giggles followed. I looked up at Dominique's smirking face. Casey and

Courtney flanked her. They're soul purpose in life seems to be tormenting

me. This says something about their egos, considering I'm at least an inch

taller than them.

"Have we disturbed you? Oh, we beg your forgiveness." Dominique leered.

"Go boil your heads." I growled.

"Tut tut. When your folks bashed your heads it must have affected your

brains. At least our parents didn't leave us behind because we were

retarded losers."

I was gripping the table with a grip that could crush metal. Keep your

cool. I told myself.

Dominique snatched off my right glove. There's a reason why I wear those

gloves. A very good reason.

"Oh, how cute." Dominique trilled "You love that necklace so much you

tattooed it on your hand."

"Give it back." Jenn demanded.

"I wasn't talking to you, loser." Dominique cruelly told Jenn.

That was it. They could pick on me, but not my sister.

I tackled Dominique, sending her tray flying. Holding her collar, I drew

back my fist.

"Don't do it Rae." A deep husky voice told me as I glared at Dominique's

terrified face. That cooled my temper. I snatched my glove back, and

stormed out the cafeteria with Jenn following.

I flopped down on my bunk and grabbed my egg. That's what I do when I'm

stressed. The thing seemed to calm me down.

"I knew you could change your voice, but not that well." I told Jenn "Thank

for stopping me."

"Rae," she said worriedly as she shut the door "I didn't say anything."

* * *

Present Day

"That didn't tell us much." Tai said impatiently. Rae rolled her eyes.

"Sheesh. I've got to start somewhere."

"Who was the voice?" Kari asked curiously. Bunomon smiled brightly.


Sora thought a moment. She then asked Rae to take off her glove. She did,

reluctantly. Sure enough, a tattoo of her Crest was on the back of her

right hand.

"Do you have it too Jenn?" Sora asked. Jenn nodded and rolled up her right

sleeve. The tattoo was on her shoulder.

"Okay, may we go on?" Rae said a bit impatiently. Everyone nodded.

* * *

Camp Tiowanus


Oh goody, summer camp. Oh well, at least its an entire week without the

three musketeers(Dominique, Casey, and Courtney). I saw a few kids I

recognized. Tai, Joe, Sora, Mimi, Izzy, Matt, and TK. Rae and I are sorta

friends with Mimi and Sora (I call Mimi 'the pink lady', it drives her

nuts, tee-hee). Izzy & I are in the same gifted and talented computer

class, even though he's practically Bill Gates. Matt's in a few of our

other classes.

I always tell Rae she's too serious, and then she says I don't take

anything seriously. Maybe that's true, considering I crack jokes


Tai at the moment was up a tree, literally. The other seven kids were

spread around the equipment building. Rae and I were in some clearing off

to the side. I was at my usual pastime, fiddling with the stupid

Digivice! The thing won't do anything but blink once in a while. Once I

was about to give it to Izzy, but thought better of it. Rae was just

holding her egg.

"Ah hah!" I exclaimed. The little screen now displayed three words.

It is time.

"Time for what?" Rae asked skeptically. Both of our Digivices began to


"Time to enter the twilight zone." I said ominously, and we both laughed.

Then we both heard awed voices. We peeked through the bushes.

An aurora filled the sky.

"Its too far south." I heard Izzy mutter. Without warning, what looked

like seven small comets blazed straight for the ground. The impact covered

the seven with snow.

A bubble of light came out of each crater. Tai grabbed the one floating in

front of his face. The others followed in suite.

"What are they?" Sora asked no one, opening her hand. I suppressed a gasp.

In her hand was a Digivice. Rae and I started to come out of the bushes


-What looked like a huge green wave reared up. The nine of us had barely a

chance to scream before we covered.

"What is going on here?!" I demanded as Rae and I spiraled away from the

main group. We hit a turbulence in the green mist. It started to pull us

into different directions.

"Hang on!" Rae shouted, as we hung on to each others hand.

"NO!" I screamed as her glove slid off her hand. Rae fell away from me, and

I was left clutching her glove.

The mist ended, and I was falling through thin air towards land!


"Wings." A voice similar to my own said.

"No DUH! Wings would be nice!"

"Than say it!"

What the heck. But my voice came out calmly, and said-


My back felt veryyyyyy weird to say the least. I pumped my wings and-

MY WINGS!!!!?????

Sure enough, two glimmering magenta fairy wings were protruding from my


"This is some bizarre dream, right?" I asked to no one.

"Nope." The voice in my head told me.

The wings had slowed my fall, but the impact still knocked me out.


I plummeted towards the small hunk of land below me. And screamed at the

top of my lungs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a mostly stable human being, but I was going to die.


"Fly, Rae." The same voice that had stopped me from punching out Dominique's

lights spoke to me again.

Fly? That'd be great but I can't.

"DIGITAL WINGS!" I shouted. What the heck? I hadn't planned on saying

that. Then why had I?

I finally opened my eyes (I never remembered closing them), and saw I was

falling slower. Awkwardly, I looked over my shoulder. A pair of white and

brown falcon wings were there.

"Flap harder!" the voice urged.

"I'm not exactly experienced!" I shouted back hotly.

Twenty feet to the ground! Man I was working those wings.


I hid the ground hard and passed out. And I was still clutching my egg to

my chest.



"Jennifer? Oh Je-nni-fer!" A childish voice sang.

"What?" I muttered crankily. Then I opened my eyes.

Two amber eyes looked back. Two eyes on a pink face. I face belonging to a

creature that was sitting on my chest.


I was up before you could say 'yo'. I dug my hand into my bag, looking for

my pocket knife, and realized that something was missing.

The egg.

"What did you do to my egg?!" a demanded from the pink cat-like creature.

"Nuhtin. I hatched, that's all."

Authors Note: Yes, I know In-trainings don't come directly from Digieggs,

Just bear with me here.

"So you hatched from the egg I've had since I was seven." The creature

nodded vigorously. It then banged its head with one red boxing glove.

"Where's my manners? My name's Kitmon. I would have still been in my baby

form, Toramon, but I couldn't hatch in the real world, so I digivolved

inside the Digiegg."

"Could you run that by me again?" I asked, overwhelmed.

"Otay! Where's my manner's? My name's Kitmon. I would have still been-"

"I was kidding Kitmon. But what's this thing about digivolving?"

"Its what we Digimon do when we go to the next level. Right now I'm an

In-training, then I'll be a rookie, then champion."

"Ah. So that's what you are, a Digimon."

"Mmhh. Digital Monsters, Digimon."


The sound of a very large creature coming near froze me to the spot. It

took all my self control not to yammer like an idiot when I saw what the

creature was.

A huge red and green dinosaur.

"Its Tyrannamon!" Kitmon exclaimed in her childish voice. "He's a hot

headed Digimon, and his 'fire blaster' will burn you!"

"That's a Digimon?!" I shouted hysterically.


"Fire Blaster!" Tyrannamon shot a ball of fire from his mouth.

"Lookout!" Kitmon, stronger than she looked, knocked me over as the fire

ball flew above us.

"Bubble Blow!" Kitmon puffed up and spat a few pink bubbles at the monster.

It had no affect.

"Ah!" she yelped as Tyrannamon swung his tail towards her. It missed by


"Hey! You!" I yelled at Tyrannamon, trying to get him away from Kitmon "You

over grown bad breathed foul tempered-"


I never saw the tail. The impact rattled my bones and knocked me back

several feet.

"Jennifer!" Kitmon cried. Dazed, I saw my Digivice light up with an eerie

light. The light washed over Kitmon, and she glowed.

Kitmon, digivolve to..Katamon!

Where Kitmon had stood, a creature that looked like a cat standing on its

hind legs stood. Its ears were much larger and had sky blue tufts on the

ends. White gloves were on the three clawed paws. Its eyes were green,

standing out vividly against the white fur with pale sky blue stripes. The

tail was long and thin, and had a tuft of fur the same color as the ear

tufts on the end.

The light dissipated, leaving me staring at the cat.

"Tiger Claw!" Katamon cried, slashing the air, and three orange stripes left

by her claws knocked into Tyrannamon. He stumbled, but got right back up!

"Fire blaster!" the monster fired point blank.

"NO!" I shouted, running to her. She'd been trying to protecting me. Now I

had to return the favor. All I was focused on was protecting her. If I

hadn't been so transfixed, I would've noticed the mark on my shoulder

burning with a shimmering white light. The light traveled down my (right)

arm, and to my hand. A flood of glittering white light exploded from my

glowing palm towards Tyrannamon.

"STAR SHOCK!" I shouted (not having a clue why). My attack pushed back the

fire, sending it on its owner. Katamon recovered from her shock and joined


"Tiger Claw!"

With a roar Tyrannamon dissolved into dust. I stood there, breathing hard.

Katamon looked at me, awed and curious.

"Jennifer," she said "You're part Digimon."

It wasn't a speculation. Wasn't a guess. She was sure.



"Uhhhhhh," My head felt like it had been split in two. Slowly and

painfully, I opened my eyes. I was lying on my back in what appeared to be

a forest. Out of curiosity, I felt my back. If I had had wings, they'd

would've been crushed. Nothing was there.

I sat up. Beside me was a crushed sky blue and white eggshell.

My egg.

I swore. It must have broken with the impact. Slouching, I let loose a big

sigh. The forest, I could now see, ended abruptly about twenty feet away.

Probably a cliff or something.

Something rubbed against my thigh. I was standing in a flash.

The creature that had rubbed my leg blinked up at me. It looked almost like

a reindeer. Its legs were positioned so its belly was on the ground. The

legs were short, and there were no hooves, just little paws with no claws.

The antlers were short and chubby, and it had small ears on either side.

Its cute smile and bright blue eyes made it undenyingly adorable.

I relaxed. The thing wasn't much bigger than my egg had been. "You're so

cute!" I exclaimed. It smiled and blushed.

"Thanks!" he said in a cute childish voice "M'name's Bunomon, and you're

Rakel, right?"

"Rachel," I corrected, grinning despite myself. "You can talk?"

Bunomon smiled brightly "Yup! Everything's gonna be otay now that you're

here!" he exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

I sat back down and picked him up. "What do you mean?" I asked. Bunomon

shrugged. "I dunno exactly."

"What am I doing here?" I wondered, out loud. Bunomon looked at me

curiously. "To help restore peace to the Digital World." He said very


"Digital world? I'm in computer land? Great. Where's Jenn when you need


"Whose Jenn?" Bunomon asked.

"My twin sister."

"Oh. Otay!"

I sighed, stood up, and started to pick up some dry twigs. Bunomon followed

at my heels.

"Whatcha doin'?" he demanded. I laughed. He was just too cute.

"Getting fire wood." I replied, picking up a few large branches "So we have

light once it gets dark."

I piled the wood in a star shape, and pulled out my matchbox. Bunomon

looked on in awe as I struck a flame. He reached for the orange fire.

"Don't!" I exclaimed and he drew back his paw. "Careful, you'll get burned."

He nodded, a little shaken.

The fire blazed up satisfyingly. Now if only I had some food...

Bunomon rubbed his stomach. "Boy, I could use some fish."

"Fish?" I inquired. He nodded. "There's a stream over there," he gestured

toward the forest. I nodded.

"Let's get some food."

The stream was within sight of the campfire, and teaming with sleek silvery

fish. No matter how hard I tried to catch one, it would slip from my hand.

Bunomon watched with a grin of amusement. Finally I gave up and flopped on

the bank.

"Urgh." I groaned. Bunomon giggled.

"Like this," he said, shuffling over to the spot beside me. A look of great

concentration on his face, he stared at the silvery surface of the stream.


With twin sudden swipes of his paws, two large fish landed neatly on the

bank. Drenching the both of us in the process.

Bunomon giggled. "Oops." We both cracked up.

The sun was only a gleam on the velvety sky when we finished eating. The

little reindeer wiped the few specks of fish off his mouth. I did the same,

and thought again that Jenn had the glove that hid my tattoo. Oh well.

Where was she?

I yawned loudly, making Bunomon more than a little startled.

"Tired?" I asked. He defiantly crossed his arms and gave me a stern look.

I suppressed a snicker.

"No." he said firmly.

"All righty then."

Before my eyes, his eyelids drooped, and he slumped forward, out cold.

Noticing he was shivering, I put him on my lap. I leaned back against the

tree behind me and looked up at the sky.

It would be a long night.



I awoke to a snuffly snore coming from my shoulder. Bunomon was curled

around my neck, sleeping peacefully. The fire was nothing but smoldering

ashes. A breeze blew across my face, making me shiver and rouse Bunomon.

"Mornin." He mumbled, yawning widely.

Click. Click.

The sound pierced the relative silence. Bunomon tightened his grip on my

neck and whimpered.

"What was that." I said fearfully. Bunomon said nothing.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

As silently as I could I rose to my feet.

And screamed.



Katamon and I walked through the forest. She was still weirded out by the

fact that I had used a Digimon attack. I was weirded out by the fact that I

was in a computer program filled with living breathing pieces of data!

At one point Katamon stopped a Digimon called a Kunemon (some caterpillar

with a horn). From him we found out we were on a continent called 'Server'.

Also that a village was nearby.

The forest ended and the desert began. A desert that seemed to have no end.

Katamon groaned.

"It can't be too far," I said sympathetically. She nodded her feline head.

After a walk that seemed to stretch into eternity we reached the village. A

village filled with pink heads bouncing around.

"Koromon." Katamon explained. I nodded, very convinced.

"Gizamon!" a Koromon bounced down from one of the watch towers. Chaos

erupted. Koromon scattered everywhere, running into their respective

houses, leaving Katamon and I standing in the empty street.

"Katamon," I said very calmly "What are Gizamon?"

"You do not want to know."

"But your gonna find out!" a scratchy voice shouted. A few dozen creatures

began stalking towards us.

"Easter bunny on steroids?" I muttered as the two of us slowly backed away.

"Well the bunnies are going 'bye-bye'." I pointed my right hand towards the

advancing Gizamon.

"Star Shock!" the white beam shot at them.

"Tiger Claw!" Katamon shouted as she joined in.

"Electric Stun Screen!" the Gizamon shouted in synchrony. Blue electricity

came from their sunglasses, blocked our attacks, and rammed into us.

"Argh!" it felt like I had jabbed barbed wire into my stomach. Katamon wasn

't much better.

The Gizamon laughed at our plight. Katamon narrowed her emerald eyes


"All right," she hissed "You asked for it."

My Digivice glowed once again, this time the light washed over the both of

us. The sensation, it was like nothing I'd ever felt. A surge of energy

and strength.

Katamon, digivolve to..Guesstramon!

Beside me now stood what looked like a girl my age dressed in black. A

jester hat (you know, with the bells)\ mask covered almost all her face.

The sleeves and ends of her pants were fringed with bells. Her eyes were

now a dazzling blue, like my own.

But the light still surrounded me.

Jennamon, digivolve to. My wings reappeared, grew larger, and changed into

eagle wings. The sleeves of my shirt widened, my shoes turned into form

fitting black boots, black gloves slid onto my bare hands. The rest of my

clothing turned purple, and a mask the same color came to rest over my eyes.

An ebony scepter topped by an opal materialized in my hand. For a finishing

touch, my hair came loose. -Lunamon!

The light disappeared, leaving the Gizamon gaping at us.

"Cool." I said, fingering the staff in my hand. Desperately trying to

ignore the fact that I was no longer in the same form, my Digimon had

changed completely and was staring at me.

"Electric Stun Screen!"

This time we were ready.

"Ace of Spades!" Guesstramon cried, flinging a glittering green ace at the

offending Digimon.

"Er, uh, Moon Beam!" I pointed the staff at them and a beam of dazzling

white light came from it.

The little rabbits turned on tails, and scurried away.

"Yeah!" I cheered as a strange yellow glow surrounded me and Guesstramon.

When it dissipated I was in my normal clothes and such, and Katamon was


"This may be strange," I told her "But there's something I have to do. Find

Rachel. Then I figure out what's up with me.



It was a spider. A large spider. A very large spider with horrendous,

clicking mandibles, and a swollen bulk covered in wiry black fur.


"AHH!" Bunomon and I screamed as it came nearer. I backed away and-

Fell off the cliff!


The ground was very very far away. Terrified, Bunomon clung to my


"DIGITAL WINGS!" I cried, if for nothing else than to save him. Thanks be,

the falcon wings reappeared. Straining them, I flapped back to the edge.

Arachnimon was still there.

"Poison Blaster!" a dark cloud of energy flew at us. This was it.

"Bubble Blow!" Bunomon leapt in front of me, directly in the path of the

poisonous cloud.


The tattoo on my ungloved hand glowed a fiery orange. It expanded until my

hand held fire.

"SUN BURST!" I screamed, firing the flame at Arachnimon. The attack was

destroyed and the spider shuddered.

A glow from my Digivice bathed Bunomon in an unearthly light.

Bunomon, digivolve to..Panthremon!

A black cat with porcupine quills covering its back now stood there.

"B-Bunomon?" I asked fearfully. The Digimon grinned.

"Still me." His voice was considerably lower.

"Poison Blaster!" Arachnimon brought itself back to attention.

"Oh no you don't," Panthremon growled.

"Poison Jab!" he leapt into the air, curled into a tight ball, and spun,

releasing quills that shot at Arachnimon.

"Sun Burst!" I added. Arachnimon shuddered, and disappeared.

"Yay!" Panthremon leapt into my arms "We did it!"

"You haven't accomplished anything yet." A sinister voice dripping hate

echoed over the clearing.

He appeared.

"Myotismon." Panthremon hissed, jumping nimbly from my arms and onto the

ground. The vampire smiled a sinister smile.

"The Digidestined will prove to be an annoyance," he said smoothly "But

you," his icy blue eyes glared straight into mine. Those strangely familiar

eyes. "You will be a bother to no one when I am through with you."

My blood froze just about then. Panthremon sensed my fear and made some

ground for me.

"You don't know who're you're dealing with," he said defensively. He was

answered by a laugh as cold as the winds of the arctic.

"Oh, but I do."

"Poison Jab!"

"Sun Burst!" I said, trying to overcome my fear.

"Crimson Lightning!"

The red beam of energy knocked aside our pitiful attacks and pinned the two

of us to the ground.

"We're.not.finished." Panthremon said painfully. My Digivice lit up again,

the light washing over the two of us. The pain vanished as the crimson beam

faded away. Myotismon shielded his eyes from the blinding brilliance.

Panthremon, digivolve to..Wizardmon!

A sorcerer Digimon now stood beside me.

The light was not through with me.

Rakamon, digivolve to. The falcon wings on my back vanished, and a long

black cloak lined with blue took its place. My hair came loose and a maroon

mask shaped like bat wings came to rest on my face. The clothes I wore

changed into a one piece red and gray outfit. -Eramon!

I looked like Myotismon.

I floated into the air.

"Crimson Lightning!" the words came out so easily. The blood colored beam

whipped towards Myotismon, who countered with his attack.

"Magical Beam!" Wizardmon's staff fired a beam of blue lightning towards

Myotismon, who simply deflected the attack.

"Grisly Wing!" a column of bats and dark energy took shape.

"Grisly Wing!" I spread my cloak and the same attack materialized. Both

attacks annihilated each other.

"You put up a good fight," Myotismon said mockingly "But it has come to an

end." Blue fire formed in his raised gloved hands. It grew larger and

larger before my terrified eyes.

Once it was huge enough to fill the entire clearing, he launched it at us.


Will Rachel and Wizardmon survive Myotismon's attack, and will Jennifer

find her sister before its to late? Find out in part two.




YES! * kisses computer screen* Its finished! Don't worry, more will come.

Dontcha hate cliffhangers? Why does Bunomon look like a reindeer?

Because he's just too cute!

All right, all right, I'm goin'.