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Together yet apart

WARNING: This fic requires the reader to know a few basics about electricity and a very famous author named Jules Verne. If you don't, you may not understand part of the story.

"Hey, this is Tai. Last time, We were all at Genni's house. A squad of Bakemon attacked, but Birdramon saved the day! Matt kissed Sora, and for that, I tried to give him a haircut, but wound up in the realm of the insane! After escaping (and recovering from getting shot by Matt) we found out that Izzy and Kari were stuck there too! We found our way to the mountain village where Kari, Matt, and Izzy had trained, and managed to open up a portal using T.K.'s hat, Sora's handshot, and Mimi's necklace. Joe got Izzy and Kari out of there, but died blowing up the realm. Mimi died saving us from some Bakemon as well. Then, Machinedramon knocked Gomamon and Palmon off a cliff! Sora zapped Machinedramon, but fell off from the recoil. Now Piedmon just put a sword through Birdramon, so now Sora has nothing to stop her from free falling down a few miles!"

Part 1

The Realm of the Dead

"Ohhh. What a beautiful roo-hey! I thought I was dead!" Sora exclaimed, jumping out of a bed.

Sora dimly remembered falling off a cliff. She also remembered Birdramon getting killed by Piedmon. She was upset, confused, and scared.

She examined the room that she was in. The room was dark blue, and occasionally a patch of white flitted across a section of a wall. There was a nightstand on one side of the bed. It had a small door off to the other side, which she found led to a bathroom. There was another door in the front wall that she guessed led to the outside.

Biyomon, Palmon, and Gommon entered the room with trays of food. Gomamon smiled and said "Hey, you're awake! Have some food with us!"

Sora's questions came out in a rush. "Where am I? Are we dead? Are we captured? Are Mimi and Joe here?"

Joe came through the door, put up his hands, and spoke. "One at a time! First, we are in The Realm of the Dead. Yes, we are obviously dead, or else we wouldn't be here. Mimi's here too. So are all of the dead digimon. We've learned to get along -- we'll be spending lots of time together! Mimi adapted very well-she can't be beat when playing any of the other dead vampire digimon in basketball!

Seeing Sora's flabbergast expression, Joe whipped out his video camera from a hidden pocket in his shirt, started filming, and said "Hold that exact pose!"

Sora laughed and chased Joe around the chamber. Joe jumped for the main door, but a giggling Palmon stretched her vines across the doorway, tripping Joe up. Joe rolled into a huge room. The walls, ceiling, and floor were also deep blue. Mimi was shooting hoops with Devimon, and creaming him. Devimon settled down to the ground in defeat as Mimi flew a few laps around the room to let off the elation.

An explosion came from behind a closed door. Sora approached Devimon, encouraged by Joe. "Don't be scared, he'll help you figure out what that is."

Sora tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but what was that boom?"

Devimon turned and smiled. "That would be Vademon, practicing his brain drain thing on some Sukamon that 'volunteered.' He wouldn't hurt him -- though, to tell the truth, if it did work, I wouldn't be able to see a difference!"

Smoke billowed out from behind another door. Devimon responded to Sora's inquiry about it by saying. "That would be Digitamon attempting to cook a new dish."

Sora turned to Joe. "You know, I might like it here." she said.

Part 2

The remaining viruses

"Sora! Sora, please be all right." Tai was shaking Sora's still body even as it turned into dust, leaving behind her tag/crest, digivice, and blaster. Piedmon laughed evilly, and then decided to be nice and let Metalseadramon have a go. Since they were a long way above the sea, Piedmon flew off.

Matt pocketed the blaster, picked up his shovel, and started digging graves. They dug one for Mimi and one for Sora. They had nothing for a headstone, so they just put some flowers by the graves.

The digidestined climbed down the rest of the cliff and walked along the beach. They were silent. Even little T.K. was quiet.


"I have you now!" Metalseadramon reared up from the water and aimed a river of power directly at Matt. Matt was petrified.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Everything but T.K., who was rushing to knock his brother out of the way.

T.K.'s hat spoke. "T.K., this is the hat of fate. I can trade your life for Matt's. Would you like to do this?"

With no hesitation whatsoever, T.K. replied "Yes."

Suddenly, everything started again. Except that T.K. was now able to run ten times faster, thanks to the hat of fate.

T.K. tackled Matt aside. T.K. was zapped. But even as he vanished...

Digivolve into champion!


Digivolve into ultimate!


Magnaangomon fired a gate of destiny. It sucked in the attack -- and Metalseadramon!

Izzy was typing on the computer, when he made a discovery. "Er, if a digidestined's digimon is above rookie level for too long after the digidestined kid dies, then, um..."

A giant flash made every one blink. After that, there was silence. Magnaangomon was gone.


T.K. awoke in the realm of the dead to see Sora standing over him.

"Sora! Where's Matt?" he asked.

Sora sighed deeply. "I have a long story for you, T.K."


The four remaining digidestined buried everything that was left of T.K. (his tag/crest and digivice) but his hat of fate, which Matt kept.

They left the beach after a while and entered a wood. They found their way to a clearing, where Metaletemon was humming to himself. As soon as he saw them, he charged.

Digivolve into champion!


Digivolve, into ultimate!


Izzy climbed onto Megakabuterymon, who took off. Metaletemon jumped on Megakabuterymon while he was still low, though.

Izzy had a flash of inspiration. "Megakabuterymon, shoot your horn buster through your back!"


Izzy and Metaletemon were both charged, but not shocked. The electricity had no outlet, so they were safe. But not for long.

Izzy knew what he had to do. He grabbed Metaletemon just as Megakabuterymon shot off another little jolt for good measure.

When Izzy grabbed Metaletemon, the circuit was complete.

Living circuits tend to hurt.


They vanished.


Izzy saw Mimi standing over him.

"Knowing you, you'll want a full explanation of what's going on so here I go." she joked.


Before the digidestined had time to recoup, Piedmon appeared!

Agumon, warp digivolve to...Wargreymon!

Gabumon, warp digivolve to...MetalGaroomon!

Salamon, digivolve to ...Gatomon

Gatomon, digivolve to...Angowomon

The digidestined grabbed onto their digimon and prepared for one wild ride as the digimon tried to dodge Piedmon's swords.

They failed.

Thunk! Wargreymon disappeared. Tai fell to the ground.

Thunk! Metalgaroomon disappeared. Matt grabbed a tree limb.

"Oof!" Kari was hit! She vanished.

FLASH! Angowomon vanished.

"Okay, that's it!" Matt jumped down from the tree limb and took out the legendary three. He inserted the heart of the necklace into an indentation in the handshot. Wires appeared and connected the hat to the handshot.


Tai pushed hard against Matt so that he didn't get pounded into a tree from the recoil.

Piedmon vanished.

So did Matt and Tai.

Part 3


Tai and Matt were floating in a bright white light.

Then suddenly, they were watching Angomon kill Devimon. But they weren't just watching. They could hear the grunts and yells. They could smell the burnt air from the attacks. They could feel the anger and fear.

They then saw Datamon fall into the virus, and Metalgreymon killing Etemon moments later.

Then came the defeats of Digitamon, Vademon, and quite a few Bakemon.

Finally, they saw the dark masters kill Myotismon and get killed themselves.

"You defeated my minions."

The death of Wizardmon came by, followed by what appeared to be some sort of purging of good of the digiworld. They watch Whamon, Pixiemon, Meremon, Frigidmon, and more be deleted.

Then they saw their friends. One by one, they died.

"I defeated your friends."

They were suddenly in a battle arena. They were staring at a digimon that looked very familiar. Tai and Matt were sure that they had seen him before. He looked kind of like Jules Verne.

Although they didn't see it (they were staring at Verne) the dead good digimon appeared behind Tai and Matt. So did the dead digidestined -- and they had their tags/crests and digivices! Joe took out his videocamera and started filming. Behind Verne came all of the evil digimon.

Verne spoke. "I am Vernemon. I believe that anything is possible. Including good or evil singly holding sway over the entire universe! I am neither good nor evil. However, since you represent good, I must represent evil. Let us fight for the universe!"

Joe rolled his eyes. "Whoever created the programming for Vernemon has a bad sense of humor. I hate studying Verne!"

Sora smiled. "Jules Verne has got to be one of my favorite authors, if not my absolute favorite."

Matt fired the blaster/necklace/hat, but missed and blew a hole in the floor. The pit looked liked it went down for miles and Matt had just blown the top off an already existing hole. Vernemon tackled Tai, but overbalanced and fell into the pit. Matt grabbed Tai and fired his weapon into the pit. The recoil was sufficient to prevent Matt from getting sucked in. Unfortunately, Matt couldn't shoot Vernemon because Tai would be in the way.

Electricity shot down from the ceiling and formed a circle around the battle area. The other digi-destined and all of the digimon couldn't do a thing to help their side!

"Let go of me, run to the other side, and zap Vernemon" Tai said.

"No! I've lost too many friends already!" cried Matt. His crest glowed.

"I'll be fine," cried Tai. His crest glowed.

"I hope you can win!" T.K. called out. His crest glowed.

"I know that you can harness enough attacking energy in order to delete your new adversary named Vernemon!" called out Izzy." His crest glowed.

"I love you Tai! Be careful!" cried out Sora. Her crest glowed.

Mimi thought out loud. "I wish that I could do something to help them!" her crest glowed.

Joe charged into the electricity -- and went flying. As Gomamon checked on the brave reporter, his crest glowed.

A light washed over Kari. Her crest glowed.

The crest light combined, and washed over Vernemon. Vernemon cried out one last time, and then was gone.

The light washed over all of the digidestined and their digimon. They glowed and vanished.

Flash! They were home.


Okay, so how'd you like the series? I'm planning on writing another one, but first I'll do a conclusion thingie. I can't quite decide what to do. I'm deciding between a funny outakes scene (which is an on-the-set error thing, like, say, there's a blackout when Joe is lost in the realm of the dead), a normal outakes scene (which is a list of changes from the original script. This is one of my top three because section three in this book was nothing like the original one. Nothing at all), and an interview with the characters about how they felt about this. Please E-mail me back with fan mail, hate mail, or help on this little concept.