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Trails of the Heart


By: Lady Sara/Mimi

Edited BY: Dana Chan


Disclaimers: I don’t own Digimon it belongs to Saban

and Toei.


Quick Summary: It does not follow the show. It is

like where digiworld and the real world can cope with

each other.

Part one


"Hey Sora!" Tai called, waving at the girl, as she ran

up to him.

She smiled, warmly, as she replied, "Hey Tai! So how

was the soccer match?"

Her mind was on other things as well. Just think of it

all. A few months ago, we were still in the

digi-world. But now… everything is different. Back to

normal. But still ... it was different.

He grinned, as he replied. "It went pretty good, just

not a lot of action. Matt was pretty good too..." He

shook his head slightly. "Speaking of Matt where did

he go?"

She shrugged, giggling slightly. "How am I suppose to


He nodded, sheepishly. "You're right..."

Yet, speaking of Matt, his voice cut in. They both

looked to the source of the voice...

"Sorry Tai, I had to pick up T.K. and Kari" They

nodded, as T.K. bounded past his brother to give Sora

a hug. She smiled, and patted him on the head, as he

went back to his brother.

"Hey Tai!" Kari Yelled.

"Hey Kari, how’s was your day?" Tai asked as he gave

his little sister a hug.

"Pretty good!"

Kari then backed away as was now next to T.K. Just

smiled as they stood next to Matt who was watching

Sora and Tai.

Matt grinned. Yet his mind was on other things.

~ Boy... they'd make a perfect couple. But only if

they'd admit to each other how they feel. ~

Because it was obvious, by the looks they shot at each

other. Obvious to all… except them.

Before he could speak, another voice cut in.

"Hi all!" Izzy said with a slight wave. He and Joe

were walking up to the others.

"Did we miss anything?" Joe asked, smiling.

~ Boy, was it ever good to be back. ~ Joe thought.

He had never realized how much he missed it here...

Matt chuckled. They were almost all together. Except

Mimi. And, thinking of Mimi...

"We better go check on Mimi. She’s probably having too

much fun watching all of the digimon at her house."

Matt said with a slight laugh. Sarcasm was evident in

his voice. Yet still...

~ Mimi, if I could only tell you how I feel. After

what happened a few months ago. I wonder if you feel

the same way...? ~

He knew he could only wish.


Two Months ago.


"Matt are you okay?" Tai asked, worry evident in his

voice. Matt shook his head, feigning that he was all

right. Yet as he spoke...

"Yeah, that digimon was pretty mean, but... owww!" He

hissed in pain, holding his arm close. It hurt. Why

did it hurt so much?

"What’s wrong Matt?" T.K. asked, as worried, as Tai

had seemed. Tears trembled in his eyes. "Matt...?"

Matt didn't want to answer. Yet he had to.

"It's just... My arm and chest really hurt. But...

it's nothing." He winced a little before trying to get


Lying never felt good. And now… it hurt more than he'd

ever wanted it to.

"No… you better sit down." Sora said, trying to take


~ It was for his best interest. He looked like he was

in such pain. ~ Sora thought

Matt shook his head. "Really, I'm..."

A new voice spoke up, one that surprised them all.

Because it was a voice they'd never have thought could

try and take control of a situation. At least,


"Move out of my way." Mimi said, pushing past Izzy and


She smiled, despite the fact that neither of the boys

seemed too happy.

Matt looked up at her, eyeing her intently. She

smiled, and helped him up... by the arm that wasn't


"Matt, you really should come with me... I can help

out." She said, softly, as she helped him up.

He was confused. "Go where?"

"You really need to have these wounds tended..." She

replied, in a soft


His eyes widened. ~ She DID know! But how? ~

And the shock was clearly evident on his face.

Gabumon walked over the two. "Matt? Do you want me to

go with you?"

He snapped out of it, and shook his head, smiling. "No

that’s okay... You stay here and watch T.K. for me."

He just smiled.

Gabumon nodded with a smiling, moving towards the

young boy. "Alright!"

Mimi smiled, helping Matt from the camp. The others

watched. Intrigued. Yet no one spoke up. And soon,

other conversations popped up.


The two ended up near a stream, and Mimi helped Matt

sit down by a large, shaded tree. Mimi knelt beside

him, taking hold of the first aid kit, which she had

placed there. He watched her, as she opened it up.

This was a side of her he hadn't seen.

And then he spoke. "How did you know? And why… are you

so prepared?"

She looked up, blushing slightly.

"It's just... I saw you in the fight. When the evil

digimon hit you. I was worried."

She fidgeted with the kit, opening it, pulling out

some of the herbs.

"Palmon… she showed me some of the helpful herbs.

Isn't that nice of her? Now I can help you… Matt."

Matt nodded, thankful. "I'm glad you didn't tell

anyone… Thanks."

She smiled. "You're welcome. Now, take off your


He blushed, oddly, and she giggled. "Silly, I need to

have it off so I can see your wound."

She really had been paying attention. He did so,

wincing slightly at the pain of moving the wounds.

She shyly traced along the line of the cut. It was

long, from his right shoulder, to his side. Long, yet

not deep. That was good. Gently, she took one of the

herbs, snapping it to reveal the insides.

"This may sting..." She warned, brushing a bit of it

onto some cotton, from the first aid kit. She pressed

it softly to the cut, and brought it down.

He winced. Yet the herb's juice softened the pain of

the cut. He was surprised when she was finished. He

hadn't even felt as she bandaged it up.

"You weren’t kidding about the stinging were you?" He

said, smirking. Yet he was thankful. "Thanks, Mimi..."


She looked back at her first aid kit, blushing, and

not wanting to look up at him. "Your arms hurt to?

Which one is it?"

He nodded. "Yeah... my right arm."

She lifted her gaze. Yet not to look at him. She

looked at it, examining it carefully.

~ Nothing seems broken. Maybe he just sprained it...

Boy is he handsome with out his shirt on. What am I

saying? I better tell him what to do with that arm

just in case something is really wrong with it. ~ Mimi


Her cheeks were burning brightly. She hadn't expected

her thoughts to take a turn like that. Yet they had...


"You should where it in a sling maybe for a couple of

days... Oh yeah, you can put your shirt back on." She

grinned. "I'll make the sling for you, I'll be right


She took some of the items from the first aid kit, and

walked over to the stream. She knelt, working quietly.

And silence fell...

He put his shirt on, yet not quickly. He watched her

back. And finally, he spoke.

"Ah, Mimi?"

"Yes?" She answered, softly.

"Where did you learn all this stuff?" Matt asked, the

curiosity bursting in his voice.

"My mom is a nurse and my dad is a doctor. So they

taught me a few things on how to survive with out

them." She closed her eyes tightly.

Thinking about them made her miss them. She swallowed,

and a tear slipped down her cheek. She brushed at it,

opening her eyes...

Little did Mimi know that Matt had walked up toward

her, and now right behind her.

"Mimi, I..." He stopped. He could hear her sniffling.

She was trying not to cry. She really was... It just

wasn't working.

She nearly leapt to her feet. That voice had come from

right behind her!

~ Oh no, he’s right behind me. I better not let him

see that I’m crying. Should I admit my feelings to

him? No I better not; he probably likes Sora just like

Tai does. ~

She sighed. She was sure she was right. Yet she

paused, as he spoke...

"Mimi, ...are you crying?"

She felt movement behind her, and before she knew what

was happening, an arm had wrapped around her waist,

and she had been turned around. In Matt's hold. Her

eyes were wide, as a he tilted her chin up with his

hand. The look in his eyes...She just couldn’t help

but be let guided to him.

"Mimi what’s wrong?" He asked, his voice sincere.

"Oh nothing, I always get this way." She grinned. She

prayed he would buy it. Yet he didn't.

"You don’t need to tell me anything if you don’t want

to, but I’ll be here if you need me. Okay?" His voice

was soft. Gentle and kind... and she just nodded.

And then she realized that his face was close to hers,

so very close to hers, and that he was getting closer.

And she… she knew she was leaning closer to him. She

couldn't help it... His breath, she could feel his

warm breath, tickling her lips.

And then they kissed.

She wasn't surprised more shock then anything… She

merely lifted her hands, winding them around his neck,

leaning close, yet not enough to irritate the wound on

his chest. But that didn't seem to stop him. Even at

the thought of pain, he pulled her closer. He had


~ I can’t believe this is happening! Is this real or a

dream? If it… if it's a dream, I don’t want to wake up

ever. ~ Mimi thought. Hoping. Praying. ~ Please... ~

Sora had seen it all. She couldn't help it, and had to

follow. And she smiled. She was glad the two were

being this close. She'd noticed Mimi's looks before.

This was good for the girl...

And T.K. She heard him walk up behind her. And his

eyes were intent on his brother’s back.

"Uh! Matt?" He asked, shock on his small face.

Mimi heard his voice and as did Matt. She pulled away,

stumbling to her feet. Matt looked back, standing. He


"Yeah, T.K., what’s up?"

"Tai just wanted me to check up on you." He blinked.

"Um… Matt, where is Mimi running off to?"

"Huh?" Matt asked, as he quickly turned around... to

see Mimi running off in the distance.

"Mimi!" He yelled after here, but no answer came.

He was about to go after when Sora stopped him, her

hand gentle, yet firm on his arm.

"No, let me go talk to her." She said with simply, a

smile still on her face. "You, T.K., need to work on

your timing." She laughed, and then ran after Mimi.


Present Day


~ I wonder what happened after that... we’ve never

really talked ever since then. I have been meaning to

ask Sora what happened but oh well. ~ Matt thought…

there was a sad look on his face.

"Hey Matt, earth to Matt!" Matt blinked. Tai was

waving a hand in front of his face.

"Oh, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts." He replied

with a small grin.

They continued on their way to Mimi's.


~ All the digimon are taking their naps. Well it’s

about time. Boy, were they wearing me out. I wonder

what is taking the other guys so long. ~

Mimi sighed. She kind of felt like a baby sitter… it

wasn't that bad, but it was draining. And look at

herself. Her reflection was tired. Yet there was

something else... She paused, as she brushed her hair.


There was a very lonely girl looking back from the


And then, the sound of the doorbell brought her out of

her trance. She dropped the brush, rushing to the


"I’m coming!"

They were all of them, waiting for her. She smiled, as

she threw the door open.

"Well come on in! I have some food ready for you if

you guys are hungry!" She said with a warm smile. It

was nice to have them here.

"Thanks Mimi!" They replied... and left her even Kari

ran to the kitchen, Sora, and Matt at the door.

Sora was laughing. "Those guys, they always make me

laugh. So how are the digimon?"

"Oh Sora!" Mimi replied, giggling. "They’re all

sleeping peacefully. I don’t think they can hear since

they are out like a light." She said with a warm

smile, quieting down.

Sora nodded. "Well, catch yea later!" She finished,

moving towards the kitchen.

Leaving Matt and Mimi alone. Matt swallowed. "Hey


She turned to him, quickly. Trying to avoid catching

his look...

"Hey Matt! I guess it’s been a while since we really

have talked alone together in what? Two months?" She

asked. She giggled, slightly. "It… We..." She stopped,

blushing. She had begun to stammer.

"Yeah, uh… um... Mimi could I talk to you for a minute

alone?" He finally realized this was stupid. And

spoke, coherently. "Mimi... We need to talk. It's

okay, right? Alone?" So, who cared if he was repeating


She nodded, clasping her hands together. "Yes! I..."

She blushed. She'd caught his gaze, and their eyes

were locked on one another. "Matt… I... We need to

talk about this all."

He took her hand, and brought her out of the house.

They went to the porch swing, on the patio. He sat,

pulling her down beside him. She blushed, sitting

beside him.

Yet neither speak.

"Matt... I..."

"Mimi, I'm sorry we haven't been able to talk. I...

Thank you for what you did for me."

Mimi nodded. "Your welcome Matt. Yet I sense that’s

not all you want to talk about, is it?"

Matt nodded. "Yes, I need to tell you how I feel about

that kiss."

Mimi turned away because she didn’t really want to

hear what he wanted to say.

~ Oh no, he’s going to tell me it was a mistake! I

hope I don’t cry. ~ Mimi thought... and prayed that he

wouldn't say it was a mistake.

"Mimi please look at me. Mimi?" He asked, softly. Why

wouldn't she? He needed to look her in the eyes for


"Mimi, that kiss was.. I better say this first… I

lo.." He was stopped, in the middle of his words, as

he felt another presence. He turned away from her, to


"Gennai?" The hologram of the old man was hovering

there, away from the both of them.

~ What was he doing here? ~ Thought Matt.

"Hello Matt…Mimi." He said with a big smile, as Mimi

looked to him.

"Hello!" They both replied. Yes, it was weird. But

weirdness was something they were coming to be able to

deal with... they had done what they had

done…Weirdness was nothing new.

"I have a small test for you. I think you two are

going to have fun."

Before the two could protest, or question what he

spoke of, Gennai lifted his hand and Mimi and Matt

went down a tunnel to who knows where.





~*~ Lady Mimi ~*~

~*~ The Lady/Princess who stole the rebel's heart. Matt and Mimi Forever

and Always ~*~