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Trails of the Heart

Part Two

By: Lady Mimi

Aly a.k.a Mimi

Edited by: ? Sorry the name has slipped.


He woke up. And his head was pounding, as if a

headache had attacked him, somewhere in his bought of

unconsciousness... Matt sighed, sitting up, gazing

around. Mimi... She was lying next to him, still


~ Asleep... when had they fallen asleep? No, it had

been Gennai... Gennai had done this. Whatever it

was... And Mimi... ~ Thought Matt.

She was so beautiful, so calm, when she was asleep.

"One kiss won't hurt..." He murmured, leaning close...

only to find that she had opened her eyes. He puttered

something nonsensical, and backed up...

She giggled, as she sat up. "Matt..."

He straightened his face, and looked back to her.

"Mimi… where are we?"

She looked about. "It... looks like we're sitting on

my front porch. Well, a porch that looks like mine..."


He nodded, as he stood up, and helped her to her feet.

"Yeah, but something is..."

Another voice cut in.

"What are you kids doing on my porch?" The voice

asked. A familiar voice, a woman’s voice… but

different, at the same time. The two turned, gazing up

at the tall, tall woman. Short brown hair, which

neatly reached her shoulders, and warm brown eyes

gazed at them.

Sora, she looked like Sora, they both realized.

Just... older.

~ What had Gennai done ~ Matt wondered...

"We thought this was another house, ma'am," Matt

replied, quickly. Well, that wasn't a complete lie.

"But… the person.. doesn't seem to live here..."

The woman frowned. "That sounds too bad... do you need

anything? A phone, or a place to rest?"

Mimi smiled at her kindness. "Yes, a place to rest

would be nice..." To rest, and to figure out what was

going on. She was sure Matt was thinking the same


"Well then, you can both come in. I'm sure my

boyfriend, or my friend, will not mind... Oh, and what

are your names? I'm Sora… sorry for my rudeness."

Mimi giggled. "You haven't been rude, Sora... We were

on your porch and all." She bowed slightly. "My name

is Michelle. And this is Michael... But you can call

him Mike."

Matt blinked, yet bowed as well. He knew just what

Mimi was doing… she could act so fast at times.

Sora smiled. "Well, Mike, Michelle, why don't I

introduce you to Tai..."


He looked over, as they entered. And the one that

looked like Tai, only… older, spoke.

"Uh, Sora… who are these kids?"

"Tai dear, these are Mike and Michelle... They're

lost. I thought it would be nice of us to let them

stay here a bit, while they figure out what they have

to do next..."

'Michelle' smiled, bowing, warmly. "Thank you both for

your kindness..."

Kindness. It wasn't just kindness. Sora saw something

in them. Something that tugged at her memories...

Faces she should know. She grinned. "Don't mind! You

two are welcome to stay here as long as you want!"

'Mike', Matt, smiled. "Thank you, ma'am..."

Sora shook her head. "Nope... I'm not a ma'am, Mike.

Just Sora will do..."

He nodded. "You got it, Sora..."

She smiled, then looked to Tai. "Hmm... Tai dear,

where did T.K. and Kari disappear to? Weren't they

watching… the... You know."

Tai sighed. "Well, they had to see a movie for some

school project, or so Kari made me believe. And so

they were left to Izzy … and then to Joe... But Joe

had to leave, he had business, and they were left with

Matt..." He shook his head. "Matt… I've never

understood him. I think he left them with Mimi, at the

flower shop. He had to rush home... something his

family had planned for him. So... best bet, is

they're with Mimi."

"We can't leave her to watch them all." Sora said


Tai nodded. "Even if she seems to enjoy the peace and

quiet... Why don't..."

Sora looked to 'Mike' and 'Michelle'. "Would you two

like to visit our flower shop? My best friend Mimi and

I own it, since my mother and father moved away... I

stayed here for college, so I run it now."

"We wouldn't mind it at all, would we Ma… Mike?" Mimi

asked, shooting him a challenging look. It was hard

not to say something that would blow their cover.

Matt nodded. "I don't mind at all… When do we leave?"

Sora smiled. "Right now..."

As they left, he looked to Mimi, mouthing, "I know

what you are up to, so stop while you're ahead of

yourself... we can't let them know..."

She mouthed back, assured of herself. "Oh really, just

try me then! I know what I'm doing... they don't know

a thing! And they won't..."

They both giggled. They were themselves again. Just,



(From here, so there is no confusion, Mimi and Matt

will be called "Michelle and Mike")

They had reached the shop, after a brisk walk. And the

small group was met with the sound of a warm voice,

humming a tune. Mimi stopped. She knew that song… it

was one she sung to herself, when she was feeling


Yet Matt walked on, so it was him that saw her first.

"Mimi..." He mouthed her name. He was sure it was

Mimi. He knew it was... She made a lovely 18-year-old,

as lovely as she was at 15, but something was

different. She was dressed in somber tones, blues and


He was amazed. He didn't know she could wear a color

besides pink...

But there she was.

Mimi walked up behind him, and stopped again in her

tracks, at seeing herself.

"Is that..."

Matt was in shock.

Tai and Sora looked back. "What's keeping you both?"

Sora asked, with a grin.

Matt or ‘Mike’ got ‘Michelle’s’ hand and went inside.

They still had shock written on their faces on sight

of the elder woman.


She looked sad. 'Mike' never knew Mimi could be sad…

yet the older woman was indeed sad, it was an air that

hovered about her. She stopped humming, as she heard

the small group walk up behind her. She smiled...

She too saw familiar faces, yet disregarded it as

symptoms of a saddened mind... That's all. Especially

because she was sure she saw his face... that was just

her imagination.

"Hello… Sora, Tai... who have you brought today?" She

asked, smiling.

Sora grinned. "Oh, Mimi... you make it sound like we

do this all the time..." She giggled, then waved

towards ‘Mike’ and ‘Michelle’. "Mimi, this is Mike,

and this is Michelle..." Nothing else was said. It

felt right having them there. Maybe she wanted to have

children one day... maybe that’s why it seemed right.

Mimi smiled, and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you


"It’s a pleasure to meet you miss also." ‘Mike’

smiled and gave a slight bow, as well ‘Michelle’ did.

‘Michelle’ saw Gennai motioning her to come with

‘Mike’ to come towards him. So she slowly stood up

and asked, "Is it okay if we look around for something

for my mother?"

Mimi just smiled, "Go right on ahead."

Then ‘Michelle’ grabbed ‘Mike’s’ hand and took him

towards where Gennai had motioned her to go.

(No more "Michelle and Mike" it's now just Mimi and


Mimi pulled Matt toward the small tree section of the

store. She was obviously heading for something, but

Matt didn't see it.

"Where are you going?" He whispered.

"To Gennai!!" She whispered back.

"Gennai? Huh? Where?" He asked with a confused look.

Mimi looked at him exasperated. "You mean you don't

see him?"

Matt shook his head, confused. Mimi pointed to a small

clipped tree. Matt almost fell over laughing. Gennai

was hiding on a flowerpot, and about the size of an

aluminum can. Mimi crouched by the plant.

"That’s Me? What happened? What am I wearing??" Mimi


Matt smiled. There she went again.

"A lot has happened in this future, Mimi" The old man


"You mean I'm destined to lose my fashion sense?" She

asked frantically.

"No, no, no. That’s why you’re here. You have to keep

this from happening. Come with me."

"What to you mean come with you? Are we supposed to

turn to munchkins and retreat to your world of House

plant Ville??" Matt joked.

"No," Gennai answered simply. The old man looks at

Matt shocked. "I'm coming up there!"

"What? And shock the pants off Sora and Mimi?" He

raised his eyebrows. Gennai sighed. "I give up. You

two need to meet me in the back room of the flower

shop in 5 minutes. There I'll tell you what I can.

Make sure not to let these people know who you are!!!"

With that, Gennai disappeared.

"Notice how that guy never tells you anything you

really need to know?" Matt asked, turning to Mimi.

The older Sora walked up to them. "What are you to up

to?" She asked.

"Oh nothing!" Mimi insisted frantically. "Just looking

at this really cool dirt!" She lifted a handful of

soil from the pot. "See!"

Sora nodded, and looked at her strangely.

"Yeah..." Matt cut in, "Well... we're going to

consider our search for the perfect flower... see ya!"


He pushed Mimi along. Mimi turned back to him.

"Whew! That was close!" she said.

Matt nodded. He looked at Mimi for a moment. He had

this really great urge to kiss her right this second.

Matt just pushed that thought out of his head. He

didn’t want to get distracted.

"Yeah it was really close! We better go the back."

Matt just replied with a smile.

They walked in comfortable silence till they reached

the room. Mimi stepped forward and looked inside and

was shocked at what she saw. She slowly walked in to

see all of their digimon. Matt also was wearing the

same expression.

Gennai stood in the middle of the room. He looked at

Mimi and Matt. "Now I'll tell you more." He said, his

face somber.

Mimi was worried. What had happened to her? Why was

she so.. so.. depressed? Matt looked at Mimi. He could

tell she was nervous. To tell the truth, he was too.

He turned to Gennai.

"Tell." Matt said to the old man shortly.

Gennai nodded. "You this dimension that Mimi

didn't have much luck with life after returning to

this world... and neither did the Matt.. and well..

that's what happened. You see we asked you to come

here to help heal their broken hearts. There is more

to it but I think I should let the digimon explain the

rest of the story."

They turned to see the digimon. They looked very weak

and out of shape. Each digimon stood up to look at

Matt and Mimi. They gave them looks of hope that they

could set things right and bring back a romance that

was stolen.

To be continued in part three


What did you guys think?




~*~ Lady Mimi ~*~

~*~ The Lady/Princess who stole the rebel's heart. Matt and Mimi Forever

and Always ~*~