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A Trip to the Barber

By: Rei

"No!!!" Tai shrieked. "I'm not going!!!"

"Shut your, trap, Tai." Matt snapped at him.

All seven Digidestins were dragging Tai to get a...haircut(lightning crashes, scary music plays).

"Gee Tai." Joe said, staring at the huge mass of hair. "You had to get your hair cut sooner or later."

"Warp digivolve, Agumon!!!" Tai looked at his Digiamigo for help."Now!"

The finally reached the barber after several threats from Tai to sick Wargreymon on them. The barber shop was old fashioned with a red and white pole that swirled around. There was also a faint smell of cheap hair gel.

"I only want a proffesional to cut my hair." Tai ordered. "And no hair spray because my hair is sensitive."

"Wow." Mimi said with a surprise tone in her voice, "He's almost as picky about his hair as me."

They went inside the barber shop to find Gennai there. He was wearing a white apron and holding a pair of scissors.

"What are you doing here?!?" Sora asked.

"It's a part time job." Gennai shrugged. Then he looked at Sora's helmet. "Is that a turtle shell on your head?"

Sora patted her lucky "hat."

Since Tai refused to sit in the barber chair, Palmon had to restrain him in the chair by using her poison ivy.

"Are you sure you know what you 're doing?" Tai asked.

"Um, no." Gennai mumbled so Tai would't hear him.

Gennai started cutting his hair like there was no tommorow. Tai cringed whenever he saw a piece of hair fall to the ground. Gennai enjoyed singing Oldies when he cut hair, which was getting on everyone's nerves.

After the final chorous of "I got You Babe," Gennai finished with a florish.

"What do you think?" Gennai asked.

Tai screamed bloody murder.

Tai was almost bald, except for a few misplaced patches of hair.

"Who's my next victim?" Gennai grinned evily.

He spotter Sora flirting with Tai, even though he was almost bald.

"How 'bout a hair cut to match your boy toy?" Gennai smiled.

Sora screamed and ran away.

At the end of the day Gennai rounded up the total.

"That will be twenty Digidollars." Gennai said from behind a cash register.

Joe looked through his duffel bag and in his pockets.

"Heh, heh." Joe smiled uneasily. "We have no money."

Gennai's face fell.

"Is there anyway we can repay you?" Karie asked in her usual concerned voice.

"Well there is one way.Gennai replied.

"What?" the group asked even though they were afraid to know.

Genna held up a pieve of styrofome shaped like a digivice, "Let me be a Digidestin!!!"

The group gasped.

"What do you think, Tai?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Tai said, who was too grouchy to know what was going on.

"I need a tag and crest." Gennai said.

"I have an extra crest." Izzy said, holding up tag with a crest in it. The crest had a pair of scissors pressed on it.

"What does it stand for?" Gennai asked.

"Barbership." Izzy replied happily.

"That's not a real word." Joe said looking through a dictionary. But Gennai was too happy to hear him.

"They like me, they really really me." Gennai smiled. Gennai joined the group. The Digidestins gained a friend, a smart old guy, a barber, and an Oldies singer.

"...karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chamelean!!!"Gennai sang at the top of his lungs.

"He's getting annoying." T.K. complained covering his ears.

"And of key." Matt replied.

"Tell me about it." Tai scoffed.

"He's not that bad." Mimi smiled. "And neither is your buzz cut, Sora.

The End