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I'm back and with Part One to The Chosen Children. The whole seven part series is called Unlikely Friends, but each of the separate parts is called something different. The first part is called The Beginning. Real original, ne? Please E-mail me at: if you decide to use my story. Here it is...

Unlikely Friends

The Beginning

AN~Wow! My first Digimon fan fic! Well, my 2nd if you count the prologue to this. Anyway, there is no Taito, or Mimiato or anything. This has to do with Tai, Matt, and Kat. So go read the prologue if you don't know who the hell Kat is. And if you do, well, this is about Matt finding out that he has a friend in the other kids after all.And no!he and Kat do not fall in love, capiche?

I hate how everyone assumes that!!!

Well, okay, this story has cuss words and stuff in it, so if you are like, a big Jesus fan(And there's nothing wrong with that), then maybe you should leave. 'Cause like, in the end, Kat really disses God because she's an Atheist, and the characters use the name of the Lord thy God in vain and stuff. Just to warn you. Enjoy!and send me hate/praise mail at, okay?



"Walk, walk, walk," I complained. "Is that all we ever

do in this godforsaken world is walk?!"

"Yes", Kat awnsered, walking past me. "Now quit complaining and get your scrawny ass moving."

God, sometimes I hate Kat. She could be such a

bitch! Gabumon told me that I was supposed to

complain every now and then, so here I was giving it

a shot, and she was biting my head off! And she always

acts so full of herself just because she and her snotty friends have wings and can shoot shit from their hands!

Well, whoop-dee-goddamn-doo!

Well, wait. Maybe I was being a bit harsh. Kat's friends are really nice to me, especially Erin and Justin. Of course, Erin's just about alway's nice to everyone, but was nice to know somebody besides Gabumon and T.K. cared. And Justin is teaching me how to shoot a

bow and arrow.

As for Bandit, well, Bandit was Bandit. I

didn't really expect more from her than that.

But Kat was nice to everybody except me. As of now, she was up front friendly arguing with Tai about wether Agumon or Gabymon was more powerful.

Tai. I hate him. Always flirting with Sora or Mimi

or Kat. Always making stupid decisions. Always leading us Chosen Children into trouble. I don't know what kind of drugs I was on when I cried in front of him all those times and held his hand when we were about to get

shot with those arrows.

But what I hated most about him(aside from his hair) is that he always acted like he understood how I was feeling.

As for Kat, well, it might seem like we're destined

to be best friends, what with our and our

Digimon's similar names and shit, but this was real life. Not a chance in hell.

Do you know what it feels like, Tai? Do you know what it feels like to have your dad come home drunk and know that he's getting out a bat or riding crop or some other instrument of torture to use on you? Do you know what it feels like to take the belt for your little brother

over and over again, because he's just a kid and doesn't know how to fend for himself? Do you know what it

feels like to run away and know that you'll come back or your dad will find you, and there will be hell to pay? Do you know how it feels to run from your own father

and sneak into summer camp? And do you know how it

feels to have your father try to drown you or beat you or strangle you to death?

Didn't think so, Tai.

Then, a voice whispered in my ear.

"Tai might not, but I do..."

Then, whoever it was who had spoke, was gone.

Who was it? I wondered as we stopped for the night.

It had to have been one of the other kids, but who?

"I'm gonna go get some food and firewood," announced Kat."So one of you guys has got to get off your lethargic ass and help me. Well?" She looked around. None of us volunteered. She sighed.

"Fine, I'll do it myself,"she said, and walked into the forest.

"Gomamon and I will catch some fish down at that lake we saw nearby,"said Joe.

"And Matt and I'll go see if we can shoot

something edible to eat, okay, Matt?"Justin asked me.I nodded. Anything to get the hell away from these people.

Justin and I started off into the forest. That's when I told him about the voice I'd heard earlier today.

He stopped right in his tracks. He turned to me, his voice low.

"Matt, that couldn't have been anyone normal, or any of us Guardians,"he told me solemnly. "None of us

knows telepathy except maybe Erin, but she doesn't know about your family, and her's is perfectly normal. Besides, she would've told us had she learned telepathy by now."

"So who do you think it was?"I asked him quietly,

not sure I wanted an awnser.

"Someone playing games with your mind, Matt," he

said, in a voice so urgent it scared me. "And I have a feeling that that someone isn't very nice."






Fifteen minutes later, Justin and I dragged a good sized deer into our camp(AN~I don't condone the killing of deer, but hey, the kids gotta eat). While Gatomon

and Gabumon were off skinning it, and cleaning it, I

talked to Gabymon until Kat got back.

"How do you do it, Gabymon?"

"Do what, Matt?"

"Put up with Kat day in and day out. I can't even stand 5 seconds alone with her!"

"She's not so bad, Matt. She is a good and loyal friend,and an excellent leader of the Guardians of the Digidestined."

"But that's just it. Everybody looks at her and sees a perfect person. Just like Tai. Am I the only person

who sees them for what they really are?!"

"Maybe. But everyone notices their mistakes,too. Maybe you're the only person who doesn't see them for what they really are-and the good friends they can be."

"Huh." I pondered this thought long after Gabymon had left.

"And to awnser your question, Matt, it takes

lots and lots of patience."






Ten minutes after my talk with Gabymon, Kat came back, carrying firewood;which she dumped into a neat circle of stones T.K. and Kari had arranged; and a bunch of wierd fruits and vegetables Palmon had said were safe to eat.I watched her light the fire using her Flaming Dart, and I watched her cook the fish while I poked at the fire with a stick.

"Hey, Drachenfire, ya pyro!"she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?!" I asked, irritated by her once more. "And

who the hell is Drachenfire?!"

"You",she said simply. "Get your skinny ass over here and

help me with this shit, okay?"

"What the hell is Drachenfire supposed to mean, anyway?"

"Drachen is German for dragon, hence Drachenfire means dragon fire. Since you appear to be a die-

hard pyromaniac, I figured the name was fitting, just like everyone else's."

"So what are the others called?"

"Tai is Sonic, Sora is Tails, Mimi is Lint-for-brains, Izzy is Prodigious, Joe is Benadryl-defficient, T.K. is Freddie, and Kari is Flossie."

"Freddie and Flossie?"

"Bobbsey Twins. Ya know, those lame-ass books the editors had the nerve to call stories?"(AN~No offense

to anyone who reads the Bobbsey Twins. I don't like 'em.)


"Well, Freddie and Flossie are the youngest set, the ones who always manage to wreack havoc and be adorable at the same time. Like T.K. and Kari,ne?"

I laughed in spite of myself and helped Kat cook

the rest of dinner in silence, not believing she had been so nice to me. We finished just as everyone else got back from whatever the hell it was they were doing.

"Dinner smells great, Oniichan!"cried T.K.,

bouncing over to me.

"Thanks, squirt," I replied, using the old nickname

I had given to him a while ago. It was wierd.

Following the years of the digital world, I was

fifteen, and so were the rest of the kids but Justin, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, T.K., and Kari. Justin and Joe were sixteen, Mimi and Izzy;fourteen, and T.K. and Kari

were nine. But we still used nicknames and T.K. still,well,idolized me(not to brag, of course.). Even Kari didn't do that with Tai anymore.

"I'm bushed,"yawned Sora after dinner was over,stretching her arms over her head. "I'm going to bed."

"Me too," added Mimi, sleepily.

One by one, the others said goodnight,and were

fast asleep in their sleeping bags, that is, except for me, Izzy, Kat and Tai. We stayed awake, doing nothing really.

Tai was leaning against a tree, eying Sora up while she slept. Jesus, if I was a pyro, then Tai was definitly a pervert. How disgusting.

Izzy was doing someting-or-other with his computer, but this was not a shock. Even after the defeat of the Dark Masters, he was still forever loking for a way to contact Gennai, insted of finding us a way home.

Kat sat across from me, her legs stretched out languidly in front of her, soaking in the warmth of

the fire. From my point of view, the flames were leaping up at her chin, the firelight dancing across her face. She wasn't really doing anything, in fact, she seemed lost in thought, if that were possible, with her tiny brain.

Suddenly, she looked up and glared at me for no apparent reason at all. What a wierdo.

"Flames are licking ya like the devil, Matt," she said, quoting a line from The Blair Witch Project."God,

that movie sucked."(AN~It did! No hate mail,please, this is just a story!!!)


"My, you're talkative tonight," she droned sarcastically.

"Christ, I might as well be talking to a brick wall for all the intellegence I get out of you."

Tai snickered to her right. I rounded on him.

"What are you laughing about, Sonic?! Twenty to one says your bigass hair is smarter than you!" I got up and stormed off before he could counter.

"Touchy, touchy!"he yelled after me.

"What did I do?" I could hear Kat ask innocently.






"We've got mail from Gennai!" Izzy exclaimed triumphantly

after I returned.

"Finally!" I exclaimed. "Now maybe he'll tell us how to get the hell outta here!"

"Greetings, Digidestined,"Gennai said to us in his hoarse, scratchy, voice." I have news to give to you."

"Is it on how to get out of here?"Tai asked excitedly, and in his heart I knew he was sick and tired of this place as I was.

"...I do not know." Gennai awnsered finally.

"How can you not know?!" I yelled. "You're the one giving this to us!"

"It is an anchient text that I cannot translate. I do not have enough knowledge of the languages of your world to decipher it. Which is why I am sending it to you now so perhaps all of you can figure it out."

At that instant, a picture of an old stone tablet appeared, but the letters were so worn and small none of us could read them.

"How are we supposed to figure this out when we can't even read it?"Kat asked him.

"You must retrieve the real stone tablet that Myotismon hid somewhere."

"Do you know where that somewhere is?" asked Izzy.

"Yes,"awnsered Gennai. "Another prophesy I've deciphered says that in order to find the stone tablet, the three leaders of the Chosen Children must journey over the Seven

Pools, through the Sven Pines,across the Seven Peaks, and into the Realm of Doom."

"Sounds like a real friendly place,"I muttered sarcastically. Gennai ignored me and went on.

"Once in the Realm of Doom, you must journey through the Cave of Destiny, and destroy the dragon guarding the entrance."

"Uh... Gennai?" Kat interrupted. "A-aren't dragons immortal?"

"The prophesy I am sending to you will give you instructions on what to do... I am losing... my... connection..." There was a lot of fuzz and beeping, and then Gennai was gone.

"Now what do we do?" I asked.






In the end, it was decided that Tai, Kat and I should go. This came as a suprise to me, since I didn't exactly see myself as a leader of The Chosen Children, but the others did, plus it was easier for Kat to protect us both that way.

Tai,Agumon,Gabumon,and I climbed aboard Kat,seeing as she would be flying us over the Seven Pools. From there, we would walk through the Seven Pines and over the Seven Peaks, and once we got to the Realm of Doom, well, only time would tell.

The rest of the kids stood on the beach at the first Pool, telling us our goodbyes.

"Bye you guys,"said Sora, struggling not to cry at the loss of her beloved Tai."Take care, you guys."

"We'll miss you,"added Joe."And try to stay out of trouble,ne?"

"Here's my laptop,"said Izzy, handing it to me. "You'll need the instuctions Gennai gave us. Try not to break it, okay?"

"Don't be too long,"said Mimi, not looking ditzy for once in her life.(AN~Hey! We're entitled to opinion!)"And whoever doesn't come back alive is going to be in big trouble."

"I'll try and watch out for T.K. and Kari as best as I can,"Erin assured me and Tai, as she being the Guardian of both of them.

"Bye, bye Tai!"yelled Kari."I'll be waiting here for you when you get back!"

"Take my bow and arrows, guys,"Justin told us, handing them to Kat."Matt, you're getting good at them, and Kat, I know you're a crack shot, so, use them well."

"And try not to screw up,ne?"added Bandit.Erin nudged her,and she sighed and said:"Okay! I'm worried! Be careful! Are ya happy now, Erin?" We all busted up laughing.

"Be careful,Oniichan,"T.K. said to me softly. He turned to Kat."All you guys be careful, or I'll get Bandit to beat you up, okay?" We busted up laughing again, and T.K. hugged me and Kari hugged Tai.

"Don't worry, squirt," I assured T.K. loudly. "There's nothing out there that your big bro can't handle!"

"Yeah!"agreed Tai. "Those monsters don't scare us!"

"Don't worry," Kat told them."I won't let anything happen to your brothers.No Digimon's gonna get them-not while I'm here. We'll be fine. Justititae soror fides. That's Latin.'Faith is the sister of justice.' Have faith in us!"

And with that, we flew away from our friends, not knowing what laid ahead. And later, we had a lot of adventures where we had to put aside our differences and pull together, not just as a team- but as friends...



~*End Part One*~

AN~So, what'cha think? Good,ne? Send me mail!!!!Here's the address again:

Look for Part Two coming out soon!!!!The Leaders of the Chosen Children must battle a ferocious sea monster to cross the Seven Pools.Oooooooooooooohhhhhhh...

Sounds creepy, ne? Well, sayonara and suki da for now, minna-san!!
