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The Chosen Children



Prologue~This series is about four new children plus the Digidestined.

I am going to pick out certain eps and include the new kids in them, but for now, this is the prologue. Enjoy, minna-san!

The four new characters are called The Guardians of the Digidestined, and are sucked into the digital world when Gennai appeared on Bandit's laptop computer, telling them of their fate. They discover their own Digimon, although later they learn that they can transform into these cool winged forms to defend the Digidestined they have been sent to protect.

Their full names are:

-Justinian Yonago(Justin)

-Erimiya Tsugara(Erin)

-Bandira Sappora(Bandit)

-Katsura Hikone(Kat)

They later gain their Fusion Crests, the combination of their protectee's crest color and symbol. Justin is sent to protect Mimi and Sora, Erin is sent to protect T.K. and Kari, Bandit is sent to protect Izzy and Joe, and Kat is sent to protect Tai and Matt.

These are the Fusion Crests:

-Justin's~Sincere Love: A green heart

-Bandit's~Reliable Knowledge: A purple cross

-Erin's~Hopeful Light: A pink sun thingy

-Kat's~Courageous Friendship: A blue sun

Justin is Greek; he grew up in Greece until his dad left the family, then he and his mom moved to Japan, where his mother married the man Justin calls his dad:Mr. Yonago. His real father he never speaks of, and only Kat and Erin know his real last name. Justin really hates his father for leaving he and his mother, altough he'd never tell her that. When he first moved to Japan, he didn't have any friends until his mother hired Kat as his tutor for English, she knowing lots of Latin. Then Justin was introduced to Kat's best friends, and is now one of the most popular guys at their school. He has the lookds of a traditional Grecian: black hair, black eyes, chiseled features, etc., etc.

Bandit is a not-at-all-what-she-seems type of character, appearing sweet, innocent and studious on the outside, but is really a wild party girl on the inside. She earned the nickname Bandit from all the pranks she pulls around town, most of which get blamed on Kat and Erin. Bandit's most famous prank was flushing cherry bombs in the Porta-Potties downtown. In the digital world, she carries around stink bombs and firecrackers. She has medium length brown hair and violet eyes.

Erin has a major crush on Justin, and tends to be a bit boy-crazy. She is responsible and mature most of the time, other times she and Kat go out and have a rip-roaring adventure. Erin loves to talk, and is very good at physic abilities, yet she lacks the power of telepathy. However, she is good at telekineses and divination(moving objects with your mind and foretelling the future). She has short, curly auburn hair and emerald green eyes. Erin lives with her mom and dad and her little sister.

Kat is probably the most unusual character of them all. Her parents died, leaving her an orphan under the care of a bitchy foster mom and an abusive foster dad. Her foster father, Mr. Aida, one day insulted Kat's real mother too much, causing her to slap him across the face. This set him into a rage, running after her, threatening to kill her. Kat ran to a tree and someting wierd happened. She jumped ten feet in the air, grabbed a branch, swung up and under, landing on top of the branch she'd just grabbed. Then, she ran up the tree. Pretty wierd, huh?

From then on, she's always had superhuman gynastic's abilities, never understanding why until she was able to transform. All the guardians have special powers, Erin, the physic powers, Kat's gynastic's, Justin's bionic vision, and Bandit's sense of smell.

Anyway, Kat is a lot like Matt, in the fact that they both have messed up families and serious emotional issues, and also in the fact that they both are too arrogant and stubborn to show their emotions. Kat makes up little nicknames for everyone but her best friends. Her father died when she was three, two years before Justin's own father ran off. Her mother died four years ago by, which Kat learned later, the Digimon's attack at Heighton View Terrace. Tai feels guilty because it was a Greymon who destroyed the bridge, even though it wasn't his...

Kat has unusual hair, it's jet black and reaches her knees. She also has grey eyes that are always somber or arrogant, depending on her mood.

The Guardians all have attacks of their own, each being able to shoot out darts from their hands. Justin's is Freezing Dart, Erin's is Cutting Dart, Bandit's is Sparking Dart, and Kat's is Flaming Dart. Their Digimon in the same order are (in rookie form): Glorymon, Redtailmon, Esrohmon, and Gabymon. They can Digivolve, but they don't do it very often, since the Guardians have attacks of their own.

Does that sum it all up? This is the end of the prologue, wait for the first story to come out. Send me E-mail at, OK?