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Salutations, my readers and writers! I'm Easter (yes, the same Easter who wrote Digi-dorks and Solitary Dreams), and I'm here to be your fanfiction webmistress for the time being until Ucchan-sensei comes back.

Welcome to page 2 of the Fanfics. We received an overwhelming (literally) amount of fanfiction, that we had to make two pages, and I'm sure we'll soon be making a third for all these great stories! If you're planning to submit, the same rules apply here as on page one. We accept stories about anything Digimon-related, of any genre (read: Comedy, action, romance, you name it...). The only thing we no longer accept is Yaoi/Yuri fanfiction, and no hentai either. If you don't know these terms, you're probably not a Yaoi/Yuri/hentai writer. Also, we can't accept stories less than one page in length. There just isn't enough room. So please keep these rules in mind, and keep sending in fanfiction!

Also, I'd like to get somemore fanfic art from you guys, I'll try to put more up!

Please return Yama-sama when your done ^_~ Enjoy the page!

It's here...

MORE STUFF TO TELL YOU GUYS! I'll post my updates right here!
Updates: 9/29 UPDATE!!! No news from the desk of Easter today, but I think I've FINALLY got the right order for DKG80's stories. There was a lot of confusion before....
AND, we have a new author. Let's all welcome Jerome to our circle. *golf claps* He's got two stories up today.
I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update, I know there are still authors out there who've been waiting patiently for their stories to be put up. I'll try to have it done A.S.A.P. for all of you.



When Darkness Calls

The Story

YAY! My very first posted fic! Anyway, the title is a pun on Ashi-sama's (even though it has nothing to do with her fic, I just like the way it sounds), but this fic centers around Koushiro instead of Yama or Tai. I hope you like it!


Cathedrals of the Mind

Part One

A musically inclined fic that centers solely around Yama-sama! Very angsty, very good. It delves into the mind of the cool one and gives us a good look at what one might find there.


Trash Day 2

The Episode Mod

Remember when Matt disapeared? And when one of them said,"What if he was kidnapped by Puppetmon?!"
Take a wild guess on what this fic's about!

The Second Prophecy

The Story

When a second prophecy is sewn into the fates of the Digidestined, they suddenly must fight for Matt's life as well as their own. Very VERY good. Read this one if nothing else!

The Story of the Temple


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

The Great Digimon Temple was the first key. Then they realized that they weren't the only Digidestined that ever existed.


The 2nd DigiDestined

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Okay, I'll admit when I first saw this fic, I was pretty skeptical, but after seeing how hard Anna worked and what she [put into this story, I found out, it was really good. Probably the best new set of digidestined story I've read. 25 years into the future, the Digidestined meet up after a time, and the title should clue you in from there... ~_^ Keep it up, Anna!

AUTHOR:Tsuno Pikash

Arigato, Oniichan

The Story

Sniffle... I love it... it's cute... it's angsty... it's... GOOD! Read it, it's a before the digiworld fic about Matt through Takeru's point of view... I LOVE IT! Read it! ::sniffle::

Fateful Nights

The Story

A very angsty, surprising, realistic, peaceful and descriptive story by Tsuno Pikash. It's really all of those, I couldn't take my eyes off it!!! TK is reflecting on his big brother years after a horrible accident...


New Allies

Part One

KEWL!! This story combines aspects from a lot of sides of Digimon. Mostly, I think it's just spiffy. Of course I'm predjudice, any story with Wizardmon in it is cool in my mind. But read it yourself!

Heart of Ice and Flame of Courage

Part One?

This is a SAP fic, Tai/Sora for anyone who wants to know. Foxfire takes a different approach than from her other stories: no new characters, no bizarre plots, but still a GREAT story. For Taiora fans...

The Past

The Story?

The story of twin sisters, Rachel and Jennifer (a.k.a. Rei and Jenn), who were there when the original digidestined got to the digital world. Their powers are slightly different than those of the other children, though. This is definately for those of us who love action stories!


You Know You're Too Obsessed with Digimon When...

The List

The List An extension

A top ten Obsessions list. Kewl Idea! Okay, Fanficcers, send me more of these!!! And an extension!

I Wish I Were You

The Poem

A Jealous sounding, depression-induced poem from yamato about tai. angsty... (On this page, the word angsty always seems to be one of the greatest compliments I can give...) ~_^

Reason for Living

The Poem

A short poem from Matt's POV. Angsty AND Suicidal.

Waiting for Death

Part One

Author's Description: An angsty fic about one of the characters as he is dying. And thank you, catgirl, for sending a description with your story!!!

The Dark Labyrinth

The Poem

I LOVE THIS ONE!!! READ IT!! IT'S SPIFFY!!! At least, I think so!


Digidestined Exchange

Part One

Part Two

A good fic about the Digidestined. They meet up with a Komodomon (he's pretty cool, though not very nice)! This fic is like several others on my page, it reminds you of reading a digimon episode (which isn't a bad thing!) but its my opinion. Read it yourself and tell her what you think!

I am Animean

The Poem

A funny poem parody of I am Canadian by Hayley.

AUTHOR: DarthSwen

While the Digiworld Turns...

The Story

This author has put together an interesting parody of what would happen if digimon were a soap opera. A one shot, but it needs to a multi-parter! It's so funny! Need more humor fics!!!

AUTHOR: Crystal Angel

A New Beginning

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

This new Digidestined introducer centers around Tai and his best friend Tina and the misadventures they have at camp and at becoming digidestined...

Crystal Angel's Poems

The Poems

Matt and TK poems, title is self explanitary. ^_~

AUTHOR: Cooldas

Digital Disaster

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

A humor fic. YAY!!! Its pretty funny. The title was taken from Tuqei's Digital disaster fic, In it, the digidestined get switched. How? just read..

AUTHOR: Kaylee

Destruction of the Worlds

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

A dramatic story, set nine years after Season 01. The kids are having some troubles, TK in particular, he's gotten involved in some nasty dealings and the consequences are dire. This leads into an even more complex plot as the story furthers... ^_^

AUTHOR: Garuru-girl

Unlikely Friends

Background Information

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Hey, I like this one! It concerns some new stuff, but instead of making the new stuff important, this author jumps into the well-written story with background information as a side note. VERY WELL DONE. I applaud. Kind of funny, too. ^_~ Another Fic I've noticed with the name Kat. Is this the official fanfic-writer's Ninth Digidestined name now? Or is it just a good reference to fallenange13's fic? Oh well, read this one!

Digimon Insane!!!

The Story

Digimon on Jerry Springer. Scary AND Funny. A humor fic. If only she hadn't paired Jyou and Mimi. I can't stand that couple (It's not even a big part of the story, and yet, it ruined the whole thing for me... sigh...)

Anime Goes Nuts

The Story

Monster Rancher/Digimon crossover! This is a HILARIOUS humor fic, my (Easter) favorite story by Garuru-girl. She's sort of... venting through a fanfic. It's a rant-fic, if you know what I mean. Not for those of us who are easily offended by swearing, but very VERY funny...


Drawn Shade

The Story

Incredibly angsty and sad Yama-sama story. He's reflecting on his feelings, he meets and old friend, and finally a nightmare forces him to make a very important phone call... Kakku ii......



Prologue? Before it Began...

Part One The Beholder's Wish

Part Two Together yet apart...

Outtakes Space Outtakes

Part Three Enter Evil

Part Four Love Vs. Jewels

Part Five Izzy's Love

Part Six Tentomon Trouble

Part Seven Find That Time!!!

Part Eight Teens Trapped in Time

Part Nine A.I. spells AIIIIIIIIII!

Part Ten Mysterious Attacks

Part Eleven NEW!!!

Part Twelve NEW!!!

Part Thirteen NEW!!!

*Easter holds up a "We Love Humor Fics" sign*

This is sort of a funny drama story. It's a Comedy/Drama. It's a DRAMEDY, that's it!!! Anyway, it all begins when the prophet Gatomon visits a small Digital village and begins the legend of Nicemyotismon. ^_^ I'm pretty sure it's in the right order this time.

A Love Story

The (Love) Story NEW!!!

The Digidestined - old and new - have their eyes on each other, and it results in some pretty serious comedy... if there is such a thing.

AUTHOR: Seth LeMaire

TK's Crest of Hope

Part One

TK is told by Pixiemon that he is the hope of the two worlds.

AUTHOR: DigiDiana

Future's Past

Parts One-Four

Matt quits the digidestined after a heated argument with Tai only to run into more trouble than he bargained for. FIVE STARS!

Maintained Separately

AUTHOR: Ishida

Two Worlds Mix

Part One

What a surprise, on my second page of fics and this is the FIRST pokemon-digimon crossover we've received. It's well-written and it focuses on Matt. Not a bad mix of two worlds ^_~

From Deep Within

The Story

Yama-kun relfects on his life and friends. Angsty!

AUTHOR: Evee Ishida

Matt's Oracle

The Story

Yamato searches through Puppetmon's mansion only to be confronted with... his oracle? Sort of like an extra digimon, but Kitsuine is psychic (its an oracle thing) ^_~

AUTHOR: Shadymilkman

A Second Saga

Part One

An Izzy-Mimi fic centered in the future; Izzy's 18 now, and for some unknown reason the digivices have re-activated themselves.

AUTHOR: Metal Garurumon


The Story

A short 'fic about Yamato's realization that T.K still needs him, though not in the way he had first thought.

AUTHOR: Jessa Baltica

Pixie Makato, The Ninth Digidestined

The Prologue

The Story

Another Ninth Digidestined 'fic, though a bit long and cuter than most. I mean, come on, anything that starts with the word 'Pixie' has to be cute, right ??

AUTHOR: Buttercup

A Trip to the Barber

The Story

Tai finally gets... a haircut! (Lightning crackles and scary music plays)


Death's Insincerity

Part One

Gennai tells Mimi to leave the Digidestined and the result is her death. Very Sad... Mimato implications. Sad... ;_; sniffle...

AUTHOR: Lobogurl

The Digidestined and the "french" Matt

The Story

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Matt goes Monty Python and Tai gets lucky! A humor fic! Could ya tell? ^_~

AUTHOR: Sarah Izumi

Howling Wolf

Part One

Three new female digidestined, one with a crush on Yama-kun, who has gone off on his own without Gabumon. Also, Mimi has a sister?

AUTHOR: WarGreymon77

Digimon on Hollywood Squares

The Story

The title says it all: Humor fic! I love this show!

AUTHOR: Robbin


Part One

Digimon meets Swords&Sorcery when Mage Aria and her sisters are summoned by Gennai to help the Chosen Children


Cybra's Story

Part One DemiDevimon's Disease

Part Two Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Part Three Life Before the Digiworld

Part Four Cybra, the Human-like Digimon

Part Five Welcome to the Digiworld, Junpuu!

Part Six Broken Crest

Part Seven Knowledge is the Key

Part Eight Infinite Power

Part Nine Into the Void of the Mind

Part Ten A New Ally, An Old Rival

Part Eleven Life Before the Digiworld II

Cybra's ongoing Saga about Koushirou-tachi's adventures in the digiworld! One of my faves! Angsty, funny, and well-written: something only serials can pull off ^_~ !


Carnage Catastrophe

The Story

I quote : "A strange retelling of 'It's All in the Cards'"... hey, that's one of my favorite episodes!!! ^_^ This story made me laugh out loud, and it has a very... surprising... ending!

AUTHOR: Nerrissa

The Digi-Guardians

The Saga (9 chapters+ Yeeouch!)

This story IS impressive. It's mysterious, with just a hint of Sailor Moon! ^_^ And it's got some humorous stuff in it too!

AUTHOR: Sailor Moon

Who Do You Think You Are?

The Song Parody

Hey, someone else has thought of this idea besides me, cool. This is a Digimon parody of the English Sailor Moon song, "Who Do You Think You Are?" In the SM version, Rei and Usagi were arguing, and in this parody, Matt and Tai go at it. Very funny in my opinion.

AUTHOR: Jerome

It's Time to Say Goodbye

The Story

^_~ My first new author!!! Anyway, this is a sad story by our newest writer, Jerome. It's about Matt and TK, and it sort of goes with his second story:

Matt's Guilt

The Story

Here's Jerome's second story, also about Matt and TK, and also very, very sad.

Remember to send me your fics at: The Yokomansion Domo! ^_^

Email our esteemed webmistress: Jen - Chan!



This site is STOLEN FANART FREE! But since I love fanart SO much, I'll redirect you to Japanese site: > Tir na Nog, with some of the best fanart, like the one above.