Anime Goes Nuts

A Digimon/Monster Rancher Crossover

AN~Another crazy idea of mine, once again produced on a day in which I had too much shit to do and too little time to do it. This is an unusual crossover, because most people write about Digimon meeting Pokemon, and a lot of people don't know what Monster Rancher is. This story is brought to you by the pyscotic brain of garurugirl53, author of such various fics as the Unlikely Friends series and Digimon Insane!!!

Why anime going nuts? Because I can just see it, unlike the concepts of Sorato and Mimiato, Taito being another story(think, 'The Crest of Friendship'). Anyway, enough of my own messed-up opinions. Also, why Monster Rancher? Well, I really like the show, plus a lot of the characters on MR are like the characters from DM. Enjoy the story, folks! Oh, and there's language and violence, just like all my other stories:P



*It is a typical day in the world parallel to Earth, with the Digidestined spending a day in camp, not walking for once, and the rebels walking, as usual*

Genki: This is so boring! Why the hell do we have to walk every goddamn day?!

Holly: But Genki, you were the one who said if we didn't get moving, than we would never defeat Moo.

Genki: Damn! She's right!

Mocchi: Chi!

Genki: Who the hell asked you, ya stupid pink duck!

* they walk away*


Tai: Hey, Sora, do you think my hair's too big?

Matt: We don't think, we know.

*Mimi giggles and Matt shoots her an annoyed glare*

Tai: Hey, jerk, I wasn't talking to you!

Matt: You're the jerk!

*they start fighting*

Sora: Tai, stop it!

Mimi: Matt, stop it!

*Izzy is typing away on his computer*

Tentomon: Izzy, what are you doing, Izzy?

Izzy: None of your goddamn business, ya overgrown digital freak!

*Tentomon looks at the computer screen*

Tentomon: What are you doing tapping into the United States' internal database! That holds the secret to America's whole foundation!

Mimi*who has stopped the fight with help from Sora*: In English, please?

Tentomon: Izzy's planning to overthrow the American civilization and turn everyone into Communists.

Matt*walking over*: Really? Cool. As long as my hair doesn't get messed up.

*Mimi smiles at him and moves closer to him*

Mimi: Me, too.

Matt*sweatdrops*: Uh...

*he runs away, Mimi in close pursuit*

*Sora is helping Tai nurse his wounds*

Tai: So Sora, does my hair look big?

Sora*sweatdrop*: Um...

*Genki and Mocchi come bursting through a bush, Tiger and Holly in close pursuit*

Genki*stopping*: Who the f*ck are you?!

Mimi*running up to Holly*: I love your hair! And where do you buy your clothes?!

Holly: My village. That's where I get all my stuff..

Mimi: Where's your village? What are the fashions and the prices like?

Holly: Last time I checked, the prices were fairly reasonable, but I haven't been to my village in three years, so I don't know the latest fashions and I sure as hell don't know where my village is.

Mimi: Damn! I need new clothes!

Palmon: Me, too.

Sora*who has walked over to them*: Hey, Palmon, where the hell did you come from? You haven't been here all day. You're not in this story. And why the f*ck would you need new clothes? You don't even wear clothes!

*Palmon runs away crying*

Mimi: You don't have to be a big bitch about it, Sora! Christ, just go make out with Tai and leave us alone!

*Sora is about to punch Mimi when she thinks better of it and goes to implicate the plan Mimi has given her*

Sora: Hey, Tai, c'mere for a second...

*Tai and Genki are arguing over whether or not a hat is cooler than goggles*

Genki: My hat is in the zone!

Tai: My goggles are smokin'!

Genki: My hat is good for grabbing some ass-I mean, air, yeah, air.

*Tai looks at him suspiciously and Genki sweatdrops*

Tai: Pothead...

*T.K. and Kari are playing with Mocchi*

Kari: Let's play Tag!

T.K.: No, Hide-and-Go-Seek!

Kari: That game is so lame!

T.K.: Not nearly as lame as you!

Kari: Am not!

T.K.: Are too!

Kari: Am not!


*anime vein appears on forehead as Mocchi Cherry Blossom Blizzard's T.K. and Kari away*

Matt*running over*: You pink feathered son-of-a-bitch! What the f*ck do you think you're doing?!

*Matt sicks Garurumon on Mocchi*

Genki: Where in the hell is Mocchi?!

*Garurumon burps and a few pink feathers fly out, along with some orange-colored scales and a metal shackle*

Tai: Agumon!

Sora: Biyomon!

Genki: Mocchi!

*Izzy and Hare are concocting fiendish plots to take over the earth*

Izzy: I say we break into the federal arsenal in Washington D.C. and use all of America's weapons against them!

*he laughs evilly*

Hare: But we all know Cuba and Russia have more than the US.

Izzy: Hmmm... you're right. Perhaps we should form an alliance with Fidel Castro and Boris Yeltsin. With their help, we can take over the world, then when the dust has settled, give them the boot.

Hare: Sounds like we have ourselves a plan.

*they both run their fingers across their throats before giving the thumbs-up sign*

Izzy and Hare: Mwahhhhhaaaahahahaha!

*Golem jumps off a cliff since no one is paying attention to him and he hates being alone*

*Garurumon uses his Howling Blaster on Tai, Sora and Genki*

*Izzy and Hare are fried to hell when Izzy's computer blows up because he left it on during a power outage*

*Joe and Suezo are talking about how important it is to be careful*

Suezo: I tell Genki over and over again that we should all take a break before somebody gets hurt, but does he listen? Nooooo!!!!

Joe: Me, well, I tell 'em to be careful, but the only one I really give a damn about is Mimi..

*he drools and Ikkakumon blows Suezo up with his Harpoon Torpedo*

*Matt and Tiger are trying to negotiate a deal*

Tiger: If you kill Hare, then I'll kill Tai..

Matt: But they're both dead already.

Tiger: Damn! Okay, if you kill Holly, then I'll kill Mimi..

Matt: Deal.

*Tiger electrocutes Mimi with his Torpedo, and Garurumon freezes Holly with his Howling Blaster*

Joe*sobbing*: You killed Mimi!

Matt: Yeah. So?

Joe: I loved her! She was a darkness in my heart, a poison to my soul, but I loved her with all my life. Her eyes, her ha-

*he is interuppted by Pixie, who flies in, and zaps Joe with her Lightning*

Matt: That was the coolest thing I have ever seen!

Tiger: Thanks for the help, Pixie!

*Pixie floats to the ground and she, Tiger and Matt walk off into the sunset, killing whatever looks at them cock-eyed*



The End


AN~Another stupid-ass story brought to you by garurugirl53! Although I think I missed someone in the massive killing spree... Forgive me for that, people, I'm in a very violent mood today, so watch out... *growls*

All I can really say is to have a great day and keep sending me mail!!! Oh, plus, none of the things that happened in this story(well, not all of tehm at least)are my views and opinions. Everybody died because Matt, Tiger and Pixie are my three favorite characters from these shows. Believe me, I think Joe and Izzy are cool, and Hare and Genki are okay. Really. I just wrote this story to be humorous, goddammit!

*men in white coats appear*

No! Get back! Little help here, minna san!

*Garurumon enters and Howling Blaster's the crazy house workers into submission*

Arigatou, Garurusan. Suki da.