The Dark Labyrinth

by Catgirl

*A/N: Depression Alert! (What else is new, I know) I have a passion for sad

poems. This is in guess-who's POV. Did ya guess? Matt! You know the

disclaimers drill.This is a free-verese poem dedicated to Jehana! Just

cause she loves 'em!

Twisting and turning, my heart is a dark path.

It leads nowhere, to fear and pain

pain that I have carried with me all my life.

I cannot run from it.

I cannot hide from it.

Though the labyrinth twists and turns, every path will lead to the same place.

The same heart hollowed with anger and saddness.

One day the Minotaur of darkness will catch me.

Then it will all be over.

*** Minotaur is the monstor in the Labyrinth that kills people in it.

Theseus killed it, but, I'm saying it figurativly, kay? Don't mail me all

this stuff saying "But the minotaur is dead!". It's not dead for Matt, ok?

Ucchan's sneakily hidden review within Catgirl's poem- KEWL! I love the Labyrinth story of Greek myth! Nice poem, love the symbolism! I better not do this too often, or people will start getting mad! ::sweatdrops:: -End of Ucchan's review