The Digi-Guardians

(Note: This story has nothing to do with the real story so don’t blame me if I got something wrong. This story has a bit of Sailor Moon in it. )


Three girls entered a room where an old man sat. He looked at them.

The Old Man: Where is the fourth one?

The girl with the long, wavy black hair: We don’t know. What do you want with us?

The Old Man: The Digiworld is under attack yet again. Two evil digimon and their masters are taking over. Each master has a crest. The crest of Fire or Water. These digimon and in their Ultra form, higher than the Mega. The digidestines won’t succeed without your help.

The same girl: What is the catch?

The Old Man: One of you must sacrifice something.

The same girl: I will.

The blonde girl: No!

The black, wavy haired girl: No. Not this time. I won&#8217;t let him slip away. He deserves the truth. Only I could tell him. ::adds silently <<and give him the power>>::

Chapter 1

The Destruction Crest of Water

Yamato &#8220;Matt&#8221; Ishida&#8217;s point of view.

I stretched myself in the sun. It was the perfect end-of-school day. I was going to summer camp for a few weeks. It reminded me of that fateful summer 2 years ago. I shook my head. That was the past. It was hard enough saying bye to Gabumon, let alone thinking about it. Suddenly, I heard my name.

Tai: ARE YOU DEAF MATT?!?!?! ::runs up to Matt:: Man, you&#8217;ve been working out! I couldn&#8217;t run that fast to save myself!

Me: You ran away that fast from a dark master.

Tai: ::shoots Matt a &#8216;look&#8217;:: Matt&#8230;

It was hard to believe that Tai and I are best friends after all the fights we got into in the Digiworld. For some reason, I was the one that was having the hardest time recovering from the good-bye. Even T.K. was over Patamon.

Tai: ::looks around:: ::sees Sora:: ::grins wickedly:: See ya. ::runs to Sora::

Me: O.o

Tai and Sora &#8216;got together&#8217; after we got home from the Digiworld. I heard Jun calling out my name. I stifled a groan. Was it my fault that I was cute?

Jun: ::a little too brightly:: Hi!

Me: ::musters all his strength:: Hi. ::sprints to Tai and Sora:: HELP!!!

Tai: ::just laughs:: Seriously, Matt, why don&#8217;t you go out with her?

Me: I don&#8217;t know. Something inside me tells me that she&#8217;s not the one.

Sora gave me a strange look. But it was true. I was 13, the most popular guy, track star, and still didn&#8217;t have a girlfriend. It wasn&#8217;t that I wasn&#8217;t cute or anything, it&#8217;s just that something inside me tells me to wait. And I&#8217;m waiting.

Summer camp. Ahhh&#8230;refreshing. I can&#8217;t believe Joe came. I guess he changed. T.K. looked like me when we first entered the digiworld. Mimi decided that pink wasn&#8217;t that pretty anymore and stuck to purple. All shades. And then it happened. Just right in front of our eyes. A metal looking Devimon popped out.

Tai: No&#8230;this is not happening&#8230;

The metal Devimon: ::grins evilly:: Let me introduce myself. I am MetalDevimon, the first Ultra Digimon.

Izzy: Ultra digimon? Is that more powerful then Mega?

MetalDevimon: ::is about to answer, but is cut off by&#8230;::

Suddenly, a boy stepped into the clearing. He had long blue hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a regular T-shirt and jeans. But there was an evil glint in his eyes.

The guy: Metaldevimon! How many times have I told you this? Don&#8217;t speak unless you are told to!

Tai: ::steps up:: Who are you?

Joe: I knew that I should have stayed home!

The guy: My name is Zack, owner of the destruction crest of Water, destroyer of the Digidestines. Now I&#8217;m gonna make my words true.

Metaldevimon: Devil Cloud! ::a dark stun powder cloud hovers to the digidestines::

Kari: Oh! No!

Suddenly, a blonde girl with wings appeared in front of us. She was not Angewomon.

The blonde girl: Focus your mind with mine!

With that, she teleported us back to the Digiworld.

Chapter 3

Part 1

The Introduction of the Guardians

Tai&#8217;s point of view.


Mimi: I don&#8217;t get it. Who are you really?

It was about an hour since we got teleported. As we entered the world, the blonde girl motioned us to a cave and spoke of nothing. Willingly, we followed. Out of the cave came a black, straight haired girl that didn&#8217;t have wings.

The blonde: Where&#8217;s Tracy, Lucy?

Lucy: I don&#8217;t know. Shortly after you flew off, Crystal, she left. You know that I don&#8217;t have enough power to stop her.

Crystal: ::mutters something:: ::turns to face the Digidestines:: You still remember your digimon?

Me: ::is surprised:: Of course we do!

Suddenly, a cave wall opened and out came our digimon! Agumon! But we had little time to rejoice. Crystal told us the story. It turns out that Piedmon had two back-ups. They would reform in exactly 2 years. There was a boy and a girl, Zack and Zellura. They represented Water and Fire. They had two Ultra digimon, Metaldevimon and Warladydevimon. Crystal was a digi-guardian, guardian of the courage and love crest. My guardian! All along the her explanation, Matt was muttering about something. (O.o) Before she could answer Mimi&#8217;s question, a loud bang was heard.

Part 2

Why aren&#8217;t the digivices working!?!?

Matt&#8217;s point of view.

Crystal&#8217;s explanation reminded me about the last time we came and how I played my harmonica to make me feel better. That made me want my harmonica again. ::sigh:: Oh well, I gave up on that thing last year. I looked at T.K. He reminded me about how I wasb the last time we were here. I was such a fool, thinking that he couldn&#8217;t take care of himself. But even though he was older, the old &#8216;brotherly&#8217; instincts took over. I guess that this was how Tai felt about Kari.

The exposition made us run outside and see Metaldevimon.

Me: You won&#8217;t get away this time!

Gabumon: &#8220;Gabumon warp digivolve into MetalGaruru&#8230;huh? ::is still Gabumon::

Lucy: No! Don&#8217;t digivolve!

Tai: ::blinks:: Why not?

Lucy: Your digivices won&#8217;t work without the third guardian.

Joe: Who&#8217;s the third guardian?

Lucy: Actually it&#8217;s me, but in this case&#8230;::eyes wander to a spot near Metaldevimon:: Tracy?

I looked over to see&#8230;well&#8230;let&#8217;s just say I almost fell over. A beautiful girl dressed in black was floating there. She wore a black wrap-around cut-off shirt and a long black dress that slightly flaired at the end. Her long black wavy hair flowed freely to her waist. Huge black wings rose from her back. Her eyes glinted with a sign of help.

Crystal: Tracy! What happened!??!

Tracy: ::in an emotionless tone:: I obey my master&#8217;s commands.

Chapter 3

The Guardian of Friendship and Hope

Tracy&#8217;s point of view.

I was stranded there, hopeless. To let the digidestines back into the digiworld, I sacrificed my freedom and sold my soul to Zellura. Now an evil spirit entered my body, taking over. I looked at Matt.

Me: <<No, please spare him!!!>>

The Evil Spirit: <<Shut up! You&#8217;re beginning to annoy me!!! And because of that, I&#8217;m gonna destroy him first!!>>

Me: <<No!>>

She just laughed a thought-speak laugh. I couldn&#8217;t let him die. Not after what I done&#8230;I had to fight for control!!

The Evil Spirit: <<Stupid girl. Fighting for control.>>

Crystal: ::steps up in front:: Tracy, gain control of yourself!

Izzy: Can&#8217;t you fight her?!?!!?

Crystal: ::looks grim:: I can only hold her off. Seven Seas @ Tracy!

The Evil Spirit: ::blocks easily:: <<I like your powers Tracy.>>

Me: <<That&#8217;s nice to know&#8230;>> ::is still fighting for control:: ::suddenly gives a twitch::

Crystal: O.O! Tracy, come on! Fight her!

Matt: Tracy, you can do it!!!

Crystal: Huh?

Matt: I dunno&#8230;I had this huge urge to say that&#8230;

The Evil Spirit: <<Noo!!!!! ::gains control:: Don&#8217;t you ever do that!!!>> ::smiles at Matt:: Tracy is forever gone&#8230;and now you&#8217;ll join her&#8230; Dark Nebula @ everyone!!!

::a dark cloud is released and when it cleared everyone was paralyzed::

The Evil Spirit: Now&#8230;::walks to Matt:: For the final round&#8230; ::takes out her laser gun:: ::points it at Matt:: Good-bye Yamato Ishida&#8230; ::tightens at trigger::

Matt&#8217;s point of view.

I expected pain. I just laid there for a few seconds waiting for it. It never came. I opened my eyes. Huh? I saw&#8230;well&#8230;Tracy holding her hand as if she&#8217;s was going to break it. The gun was dropped. Suddenly, something amazing happened. A tiny spark lit up on her neck and out came a tiny diamond heart. Out of the heart came a white choker, which fastened itself onto Tracy&#8217;s neck. She looked like she was in pain. Then, a black shadow rose out of her. Then, the heart shone so brightly that I had to cover my eyes. As I opened them, Tracy stood there, only different. Her clothes and wings were white. Her dress was shorter. (As in Sailor Moon short) The &#8216;help&#8217; look in her eyes were gone, replaced by&#8230;well&#8230;nothing. O.K., so it was concern, but there was something about them that made you just stare at them. She was holding a long silver staff, with two wings wrapped around it. It kinda looked like Hermes&#8217;s staff, only with wings, not snake heads. One the wings were two symbols, my friendship crest, and T.K.&#8217;s hope crest. I looked into her eyes, and right away, knew that it was her that I was waiting for.

T.K.&#8217;s point of view.

I was so happy to see Patamon!!! I don&#8217;t think I felt happier in my whole life&#8230; O.K., winning a basketball game would come close. Tracy turned out to be a pretty decent person, if you leave out the fact that she almost tried to kill us. Zack and Metaldevimon disappeared after she turned. Maybe they were afraid. She was the Guardian of the friendship and hope crest. I noticed that Matt couldn&#8217;t take his eyes off of Tracy. Was he in love? Hmmm&#8230;I thought Tracy was cute&#8230;but in family-cute cute. Not girlfriend cute. She was too old for me anyway. Patamon obviously liked her, and landed on her head instead of mine. Then again, maybe it&#8217;s because of the new hat. Matt called it &#8220;the bucket&#8221;. I happened to like the hat. Though I had to admit that it did look like a bucket. Sort of. But it looks good on me. Maybe Patamon doesn&#8217;t like buckets.

Tracy told us about the two crest people. If you couldn&#8217;t stand Zack, then Zellura&#8217;s a nightmare. Warladydevimon was one of the most powerful digimon in the digiworld! Metaldevimon was only your average Ultra digimon.

Tai: So how can we get our digimon digivolve into their Ultra form?

Tracy: You must find your true crest.

Sora: I don&#8217;t get it. Isn&#8217;t this the real crest? ::holds up her crest::

Crystal: ::giggles:: That&#8217;s just a copy. ::holds up a bunch of love crests:: I have a million others just like yours. And they all work!

Matt: Where can we find the real crest? ::still hasn&#8217;t taken his eyes off of Tracy::

Tracy: The real crest lies in the heart of the person. Until you prove yourself worthy of the crest, it&#8217;ll never come out. ::sees all the disgusted faces:: ::laughs:: Oh, no&#8230;it&#8217;s not part of you heart. It&#8217;s in you soul. It&#8217;ll reform into a crest outside your body and allow you digimon to digivolve to its Ultra stage.

Izzy: Very cool. My biology teacher would love this. Part of a soul&#8230;

Joe: Here we go again&#8230;

Kari: ::looks at Gatomon:: Well, should we try it?

Gatomon: I&#8217;m in it as long as you are.

Tai: So what are we waiting for?!?!?! Let&#8217;s go kick Metaldevimon&#8217;s BUTT!!!!


Chapter 4

The True Crest of Courage and Love

Izzy: One question Tai. Where are we going?

Tai: ::blinks:: Good question. ::looks at the guardians:: Where are we going?

Crystal and Lucy: ::looks at Tracy::

Tracy: ::sighs:: It&#8217;s a long and dangerous trip. You can&#8217;t fly so it might take a few days. Maybe even weeks.

Matt: Can&#8217;t you just zap us there or something?

Tracy: I have rules to follow. ::looks at the setting sun:: We might as well start tomorrow.

Tracy&#8217;s point of view.

I was still awake during midnight. Matt reminded me so much of his old spirit. Please let him accept his fate my goddess. I was here to awaken the true Yamato and to serve my goddess. I was forbidden to speak my goddess&#8217;s name. I don&#8217;t know about Crystal of Lucy, but I had rules to follow. If I didn&#8217;t, I could just snap my fingers and all evil would be gone. My goddess taught me that the easy way is usually the forbidden way. ::sigh:: It was hard to be powerful and not able to use it to the full extent. Crystal knew she couldn&#8217;t beat me. Lucy could only produce small fireballs. That&#8217;s why she only plays defense when we&#8217;re in battles. I sat up and decided to go for a quick walk.

I was almost a quarter of a mile from the cave when I heard a rustle. I spun around to see&#8230;Matt?

Me: Matt? What are you doing here?

Matt: ::thinks quickly:: Nice night for a walk&#8230;?

Me: Un huh&#8230;so&#8230;

Matt: So&#8230; ::thinks <<Man! This is the first time that I&#8217;m speechless with a girl&#8230;come on Yamato&#8230;think, think,think&#8230;>> Do you know Patamon?

Me: ::blinks:: Yeah, he and I are old friends.

Matt: Old?

Me: You remember your battle with Piedmon?

Matt: How can I forget?

Me: I was there. ::sees the look on Matt&#8217;s face:: Matt, I&#8217;m everywhere. As long as the wind is there, I&#8217;m there. I know everything air touches. ::adds <<I hope>>::

Matt: ::thinks <<Oh! No! Does she know that I like her!??!!?>>:: Uhhh&#8230;.

Me: Don&#8217;t worry. I never read minds. <<yet>>

Matt: ::relaxes about 3 hairs:: (then again, maybe it&#8217;s the gel)

Me: ::turns and walks away, wind blowing in her face::

Matt: ::turns red:: <<She&#8217;s beautiful&#8230;>> <<I need to think of better conversations>>

Me: ::turns around:: Do you believe in reincarnations?

Matt: ::is a bit started:: Yes&#8230;why?

Me: Who do you think you were in your past life?

Matt: <<I think that I was with you>> Uhh&#8230;::grins:: A king. Maybe a warrior.

He was definitely the one. I recognized the pride when he said king. I sensed something in the woods. I turned around to see Patamon.

Matt: ::sees Patamon:: Um&#8230;I think I&#8217;ll go back now. Bye. ::walks away::

Patamon: ::blinks:: O.K., bye Matt.

Me: Patamon, what are you doing here?

Patamon: You know that he likes you?

Me: ::picks up Patamon:: Oh. Then again he was once with me.

Patamon: And if you don&#8217;t pick up his hints anytime soon, he&#8217;ll never be with you again.

Before I could respond, we heard a loud explosion by the cave. I was about to run to the cave when I was surrounded by purple looking vegimon.

Patamon: Be careful, those are Purplevegimon. They have powerful vine whips! I have to digivolve!

Me: No problem. ::the hope crest on her staff starts to glow::

&#8220;Patamon digivolve to Angemon!&#8221;

Me: Draco blast! ::an oversized dragon made of stars form from her staff and wipes out a few Purplevegimon::

Angemon: Heaven&#8217;s Wrath! ::wipes out a few Purplevegimon::

Suddenly the PurpleVegimon retreated. Out of the woods came 15 Darktankmon.

Me: Leo Barrel Collision! ::small, yet powerful, barrel galaxies come shooting at the Darktankmon:: ::manages to wipe out 2:: ::cringes::

&#8220;Angemon digivolve to MangaAngemon!&#8221;

Mangaangemon: Gate of Destiny! ::wipes out 10 Darktankmon::

Me: ::blinks:: Not bad.

The other 3 Darktankmon: Volcano Blast!

Me: ::runs in front of MangaAngemon:: Silver Mirror! ::reflects the 3 attacks wiping out the rest of the Darktankmon::

Mangaangemon: ::un-digivolves back to Patamon::

Patamon: We have to get back!

Me: ::holds Patamon while running back to the cave::

The view was disastrous. All the digimon were fully digivolved but were just laying as if dead. Crystal was also very weak, but still fighting. Lucy stayed close to Joe and Mimi as if she wasn&#8217;t weak herself. I was attempted to run to them when Kari through a stick at me. Halfway, the stick was electrocuted. Uh-oh. I looked at Crystal. No! Another blast was heading to her, but she didn&#8217;t see it. I squinted. What was Tai trying to do? No, it can&#8217;t be! He jumped in front of her getting blasted himself.

Sora: NOOOO!!!!!! ::suddenly starts to glow::

Crystal: ::is pushed out of the way:: TAICHI KAMIYA YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!

Tai: ::is blasted to a tree:: ::suddenly starts to glow::

Wargreymon: ::blinks:: ::suddenly starts to glow too:: ::feels the energy::

&#8220;Wargreymon digivolve to Ultrawargreymon!&#8221;

Garudamon: ::starts to glow too::

&#8220;Garudamon digivolve to Phoenixmon!&#8221;

&#8220;Phoenixxmon digivolve to FirePhoenixmon!&#8221;

Ultrawargreymon was about the same height was Wargreymon, just with more metal and muscles. FirePhoenixmon was red and had bigger wings.

Tai: ::stops glowing and sinks back unconscious:: ::is poked by a bright glowing object::

Sora: ::runs to Tai:: Answer me please!! ::smacks him:: ::is suddenly bopped by a bright glowing object:: ::looks at the thing:: The true love crest? ::looks at Crystal:: ::realizes that she looks different:: Crystal?

Crystal had transformed. She wore the same clothes that I was wearing, only that they were blue. She held a huge blue trident in her right hand.

Crystal: Yeah, that&#8217;s the love crest all right. ::walks over to Tai:: ::pokes him:: *poke*

Tai: ::jolts up:: AHH!! That tickles!!!!

Matt: ::sniggers::

Metaldevimon: ::is very angry:: Darkness Beam! @ Ultrawargreymon!

Ultrawargreymon: ::jumps out of the way:: Ultra Terra Force! @ Metaldevimon!

Firephinoxmon: Fire Comet! @ Metaldevimon!

The attacks caused enough damage to make Metaldevimon back off. Zack then came out and stepped in front of Metaldevimon.

Crystal: Oh no you don&#8217;t! Seven Seas @ Zack! ::swings her trident and seven streams to water, each a different shade of aqua, unknown amounts of pressure, come rushing to Zack::

Zack: Darkness Teleportation. ::disappears before Crystal&#8217;s attack could strike him::

Before he left, I saw that glint in his eyes. Even while I was evil, I never noticed it before. That glint was too familiar. It could only mean one thing. Chaos.

Chapter 5

The Guardian of Sincerity and Reliability

Lucy&#8217;s point of view.

Zack just disappeared. Just like that. I wish I could do that. But I wasn&#8217;t powerful enough. No one knows why I don&#8217;t have my true power yet. Maybe it&#8217;s because I don&#8217;t have a goddess. Either way, I can&#8217;t really protect Mimi or Joe. I feel so helpless. Their digimon are even more powerful than I am! Will I ever gain my real power?!?!?! I looked at everyone else. They were all tired. The electric shield came down after Zack disappeared. Tracy came running to &#8230;well&#8230;Matt actually, holding Patamon. She let Patamon go and he flew off to T.K. I sighed. Matt was lucky. With a powerful guardian like that, it&#8217;s hard to believe he&#8217;d even get a scratch. After Tracy quit questioning Matt if he was O.K. or not, they went to T.K. For a kid, T.K. had a lot of guardians. Tracy then looked at Tai for an explanation.

Tai: Zack attacked while we were sleeping. Matt woke us up and our digimon digivolved.

Tracy: ::feels a bit guilty:: I shouldn&#8217;t have left you guys.

Patamon: ::lowers eyes:: Same.

T.K.: It&#8217;s not your fault Tracy, Patamon.

I guess they didn&#8217;t understand. We were the digi-guardians. We were supposed to protect them. Help them. Tracy didn&#8217;t exactly make the best impression by running off like that. I wonder where she went.

Suddenly, a winged dragon appeared.

Agumon: AHH!!! That&#8217;s Gigaseadramon! ::tries to digivolve:: Tai! I&#8217;m too weak.

Biyomon: Me too.

Tracy: ::steps up:: You guys stay back. We&#8217;ll handle this. ::holds up a diamond heart::

&#8220;I am Tracy ---, created to end the Golden Twilight, and Queen of the Heavens!&#8221;

Her dress suddenly unraveled to reveal tight black leather pants, flaired at the bottom, and black heals. Her wrap-around shirt unraveled and a black leather cut off tank -top. A bracelet, shaped like a cobra, appeared on her right arm. The diamond heart was fastened onto a choker and onto her neck. In her arm was a huge bow. In other words, she looked like a cross between a warrior and a teenage punk.

Crystal didn&#8217;t transform. She just fought as Guardian Crystal.

Tracy: ::draws back her Diana Moon Bow:: ::aims:: ::fires at Gigaseadramon::

Gigaseadramon: River of Darkness @ Tracy!

Crystal: Arctic Subzero Illusion!

The River of Darkness attack managed to block both of Crystal and Tracy&#8217;s attacks.

Tracy: We can&#8217;t fight him! He&#8217;s in the same elements as we are!

Matt: What do we do!?!?!

Tracy looked strangely at him. It was like she was trying to get him to do something. Well, I had to do something! GRR&#8230;

Me: Fireball!

Gigaseadramon: ::blocks attack:: Pitiful.

GRRR&#8230;that made me mad. Suddenly I felt calm and quiet. I realized that Tracy and Crystal fell silent. Their eyes were closed. I then felt it. The energy. It was surging through my veins.

Me: FireBall! ::a huge ball of fire is launched at Gigaseadramon::

Gigaseadramon: ::is surprised:: ::is hit:: ow*

Then , with no control, I held my hand above my head and a blood red stone appeared. I began to transform. My clothes were the same as Guardian Tracy&#8217;s, only my dress was longer. Kind of like the dress that Tracy wore when she was evil. My clothes were also red. I held a short pole with a golden hand attached to it. The Hand of Glory.

Me: Flame Arrow! ::a fire swirls around her as it forms a powerful arrow that heads toward Gigaseadramon with incredible speed::

Gigaseadramon: ::is hit:: AHH!!! I&#8217;ll be back! ::explodes into broken pieces of data::

I heard a loud &#8220;phew&#8221; and felt my energy drain. I was again in jeans and a tank top. I turned around to see Tracy and Crystal both looking pale. I cringed.

Me: Does this mean that it was you who gave me that power?

Tracy: Sorry. Yeah, you won&#8217;t gain any power until you get a goddess.

Me: ::sigh::

Joe: ::stares:: Any one want to explain?

Chapter 6

The True Crest of Knowledge and Light

Part 1: The Words of Death

Kari&#8217;s point of view.

We were tired. And hungry. I hoped that we wouldn&#8217;t get attacked anytime soon. Gatomon was sleeping peacefully beside me. I couldn&#8217;t sleep. I was troubling with questions. Why didn&#8217;t I have a guardian? Where were Tracy and Patamon during the last battle with Zack? And most importantly, does T.K. like me? O.K. so that&#8217;s a bit embarrassing. But it was true. I liked him but I don&#8217;t know if he likes me. I looked over at him. He was sleeping with Patamon sleeping on his head. Well, hat. I liked his hat. I didn&#8217;t care if it looked like a bucket or whatever, I liked it. I had this sudden urge to go into the woods. So I did. Just after the cave disappeared behind me, I saw Izzy.

Me: ::is surprised:: What are you doing here?

Izzy: ::puts a hand to his mouth:: SHH!! Listen! Do you hear that?

I heard it. A tiny voice saying &#8220; Kari, Izzy, where are you?&#8221; was calling out.

Izzy: ::runs to the voice:: OMG!!! Look Kari!

I ran to him. He was pointing to a tiny crystal. The voice came from the crystal. Somehow, it sensed that we were there.

The crystal: Kari, Izzy, I must tell you this before he arrives! Only in the essence of heaven will death do part! Now go! Tell the others! ::disappears::

Izzy: He? Who is &#8216;he&#8217;?

Me: I dunno, but something tells me to get out of here.

I was right. Suddenly, a green flying snake came out of the woods. We ran for our lives.


Tai: That makes seven batc- AHH!! ::sees the monster:: Agumon, wake up!!!

Agumon: ::wakes up:: Oh, no! That&#8217;s Greenmambamon!! He has a poisonous bite!!!!

The digimon got ready to transform, but the oversized digi-snake was too fast. It soon bitten T.K.

Me: NOO!!!!

Matt: ::even bigger: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy: ::somewhat smaller than Matt&#8217;s: NOOOO!!!!!!!

MangaAngemon: That&#8217;s it! Gate of Desti- ::is hit by some attack::

We fought and fought. But we were losing. Our digimon were still too weak from the last battle and they un-digivolved to rookie form. Then I heard it again.

The Crystal: Don&#8217;t give up! Use your heart!

I saw a crystal just floating here. I looked around to see if anyone noticed. Tracy was staring at the crystal as if it was gonna kill me. The crystal vanished.

Tracy: No! Come Back! ::mutters: death::

My crest suddenly began to glow. I turned around to see Salamon. She was glowing too. Izzy&#8217;s crest was also glowing and so was Tentamon.

&#8220;Salamon super-warp digivolve to ArchAngewomon!&#8221;

&#8220;Tentamon super-warp digivolve to UltraKabuterimon!&#8221;

UltraKabuterimon: Giga Electro Shocker!

ArchAngewomon: Light of Faith!

The attacks thoroughly destroyed Greenmambamon. But T.K. was still dying.

Part 2: Michael

Matt: ::is crying:: Is he still breathing?

Sora: ::feels his heart:: Yeah.

Mangaangemon: ::un-digivolves to Angemon::

Tracy: ::is also crying:: This can&#8217;t be happening.

Me: ::hides tears:: Tracy, who was that crystal?

Izzy: Yeah.

Tracy: ::is surprised:: That was the crystal of the fourth one.

Izzy: She said something about heaven.

Crystal: What did she say?

Me: ::repeats the words:: Only in the essence of heaven will death do part.

Angemon: I guess that this is it.

Matt: NOO!!! He can&#8217;t die!!!!

Angemon: ::blinks:: I didn&#8217;t mean that. ::feels everyone staring at him:: ::sighs:: ::removes his mask::

It was stunning. Angemon without his mask. I had to get a picture. My digital camera was posed. When the masked was lifted, clear blue eyes shown. Angemon had a handsome, flawless face. I dropped my camera. Tracy just dropped. We all looked at her.

Tracy: ::stammers:: Michael?

Angemon: Long time no see.

Tracy&#8217;s point of view.

It was impossible. Michael? But he was dead. Well, as dead as an angel could be.

I had this huge urge to kneel down in front of him to show my respect.

Angemon: Don&#8217;t kneel.

Me: ::turns red::

Matt: ::looks at Angemon:: ::looks at Tracy:: Am I missing something here?

Angemon: ::looks at T.K.:: ::a tear slides down his face::

Suddenly, the tear became a star and floated to T.K. It entered T.K.&#8217;s body. T.K. then woke up.

T.K.: Huh? What happened? Angemon? You look different. Hey! Where&#8217;s you mask?

Angemon: ::smiles:: ::puts his mask back on::

Crystal: I don&#8217;t get this. You never told me about a Michael person Tracy!

Me: ::feels a bit spaced out:: The fourth one was right. Michael is basically da angel. Of heaven. The tear came from him and drove death out of T.K.&#8217;s body.

Matt: ::narrows eyes:: Wait&#8230;do you two know know each other?

Angemon: ::turns red:: Uh&#8230;no&#8230;not that kind of know.

Mimi: I&#8217;m lost.

Joe: Me too.

Me: ::blushes a bit:: We know each other Matt. But we don&#8217;t know each other.

Matt: Ahh&#8230;

T.K.: ::blinks:: You understand them?

Angemon: ::puts helmet back on and un-digivolves to Patamon:: ::falls asleep::

Tai: I&#8217;m confused.

So we were all a bit confused. I had so many questions to ask. How did Michael survive? Why Angemon? Why digimon? I mean, why Earth when he could choose heaven? I knew just the person to ask.

That night after everyone was asleep, I snuck away. I used a small blue cube to locate where we were. Perfect. We were near the ocean. I walked to a cliff. I sat there. And waited. And waited. Some twenty minutes later, a guy dressed in leather appeared.

Me: Finally, what took you so long??!?

Ares: O.o Well, a busy god like me has many things to do.

Me: ::glares at him:: I&#8217;m not in a good mood. I need you to answer some questions.

Ares: ::rolls his eyes:: Why don&#8217;t you ask Athena or someone else?

Me: Because they&#8217;re sleeping. Knowing you, you&#8217;d probably be out late causing trouble!

Ares: ::turns slightly red:: ::grins:: XD I always liked you. Your pretty, fresh, funny,-

Me: ::glares at him some more:: And taken.

Ares: And why!?!??! What does he have that I don&#8217;t?!?!!?!?!

Me: You want a list?

Ares: Ouch! Straight through the heart!

Me: Anyways&#8230;why is Michael here?

Ares: O.o Haven&#8217;t you heard? It&#8217;s the latest crush &#8211;ow* ::is kicked by Tracy::

Tracy: Seriously Ares, why? You&#8217;re the one who knows everything that happens!

Ares: ::rubs shoulder:: I really don&#8217;t know. You&#8217;ll have to ask Zeus. Maybe Poseidon. Sorry. ::disappears::

I was desperate. I closed my eyes. It was all coming back to me.

Chapter 7

The Beginning of an Ending

*Flash* There was my guardian archangel, Aneil. He was standing in front of another archangel that looked very superior.

Aneil: May I introduce you to the heavenly Michael.

Michael: ::looks at Tracy:: ::raises an eyebrow:: You don&#8217;t look like an archangel.

Me: I&#8217;m not.

*Flash* Michael was hurt after the battle with the harpies.

Me: ::kneels down by him:: You alright?

Michael: I&#8217;ll survive. Hey, you&#8217;re stronger than you look.

*Flash* It was our last battle with the demons. We were losing. The last thing I remember was&#8230;

Me: ::sees Michael fall to the ocean with two broken wings:: Michael no!!! ::is distracted by another demon so she couldn&#8217;t save him::

I shook my head. That was the past. I had to get over it. We defeated the demons with help from some &#8220;friends&#8221;. Ares was right. Poseidon would know how Michael got out. I stood at the edge of the cliff. I lifted a thin, blue sword. And waited. Suddenly, the water swirled up and formed the shape of a god.

Poseidon: ::is surprised:: Tracy?

Me: ::kneels down:: I have a question.

Poseidon: What&#8217;s the matter?

Me: How did Michael escape?

Poseidon: ::smiles:: No one really knows. Here&#8217;s how I heard it. Some mermaids found him and took him to a nearby island. But it was too late to save to body, so his soul ventured off.

Me: But why Angemon??!

Poseidon: My guess is that he wanted to protect some one special. T.K. was is closest source and his digimon was an angel. So he took Patamon. ::disappears::

Me: I get it.

Ares: ::reappears:: If you only paid that kind of respect to me.

Me: Go away Ares.

Ares: Fine, be that way. ::disappears::

I walked back to camp where the others were awake. Matt looked concerned.

Matt: Where were you?

Gabumon: Yeah we were starting to worry.

Me: I&#8217;m fine. Patamon, we need to talk.

Lucy: It&#8217;s not about&#8230;aww&#8230;Tracy, lay off it, will ya?

Me: ::shakes head:: You weren&#8217;t there Lucy, so you wouldn&#8217;t know. ::picks Patamon up and walks to the woods::

There I transformed back to Guardian Tracy. I held up my staff.

Me: Do me a favor and digivolve Patamon.

&#8220;Patamon digivolve into Angemon!&#8221;

Me: Hello Michael.

Angemon: ::sighs:: Michael is gone Tracy.

Me: Not the way I see it.

Angemon: When Michael was reincarnated into my&#8230;well&#8230;gears, he became me.

Me: You mean he&#8217;s really gone?

Angemon: I&#8217;m sorry. He is. ::un-digivolves to Patamon:: ::leaves Tracy::

Me: He&#8217;s gone. He really is.

I walked back to camp looking shocked. Then again, I had to accept destiny, and live with it. Who knows? Angemon might just re-discover himself.

Chapter 8

The True Crest of Sincerity and Reliability

Matt&#8217;s point of view.

I was worried about Tracy. Ever since Angemon removed his mask, she seemed sort of uneven. One night, I woke up with a start. I saw Tracy leave. I followed her into the woods and into a clearing.

Tracy: ::drops:: ::starts crying:: How could he?!!??!

Me: O.O ::rushes over to her:: Don&#8217;t cry!

Tracy: ::looks up startled:: Oh. Hi Matt. ::has tears in her eyes::

Me: ::kneels down beside her:: You really care about him don&#8217;t you?

Tracy: ::looks into Matt&#8217;s eyes:: You don&#8217;t get it. He was my idol. I loved him like a brother, a relative. We agreed to defeat the demons together. Ever since he died&#8230; ::starts to cry even harder::

Me: ::smiles a bit:: ::warps an arm around her:: Don&#8217;t cry.

Tracy: ::is surprised:: ::looks into Matt&#8217;s eyes once more::

It happened so fast. The next thing I knew, I was kissing her. And it lasted a long time. She finally pulled away.

Tracy: ::blinks:: ::blushes:: Umm&#8230;I&#8217;ll go now&#8230; ::quickly stands up and leaves::

Me: ::blinks:: Wow. Very nice. ::is a bit dizzy:: ::stands up and walks after her::

T.K.&#8217;s point of view.

Michael? Angemon? Huh? I was confused. But from the looks of everyone&#8217;s tired face&#8217;s, this was not the time to ask. So we went to sleep. I woke up in the morning to find pancakes. Yumm. As I took a batch from a plate, I realized that Tracy and Matt were staring at each other. (O.o) Did they like each other? I looked at Kari who was busy explaining to Gatomon what pancakes were. Did she like me? I was a bit embarrassed to admit it. I&#8217;m not like Matt, who is great with girls. I&#8217;m the shy type. ::sigh:: I wish that I could be more like Matt.

After breakfast we walked some more. Gatomon un-digivolved to Salamon. It was boring until we saw it. It was a huge black castle.

Tracy: Zack and Zellura&#8217;s lab. Let&#8217;s go in.

&#8220;Agumon super-warp digivolve to Ultrawargreymon!&#8221;

&#8220;Biyomon super-warp digivolve to Firephinoxmon!&#8221;

&#8220;Tentamon super-digivolve to UltraKabuterimon!&#8221;

&#8220;Salamon super-digivolve to ArchAngewomon!&#8221;

&#8220;Patamon digivolve to Angemon!&#8221;

&#8220;Angemon digivolve to Mangaangemon!&#8221;

Joe and Mimi were about to digivolve their digimon but Tai held them back.

Tai: We need them for backup.

Joe and Mimi: ::nods an O.K.::

Suddenly, Metaldevimon flew out. He looked big. Huge. Wow.

Metaldevimon: Devil Cloud!

Suddenly, all the digimon were paralyzed.

Matt: o.o() This is a great first start.

Tracy: That&#8217;s it! Princess Dark Hathor Connection now!

A bright light gleamed from her crystal. When it left her, she was wearing the same clothes, only they were black and had transparent sleeves that flaired at the end. Her dress was long again and there was a pearl crown on her head. Her staff became a long twisting marble pole with two lightning bolts, arched in like two crested moons. In the middle was a glowing jade ball of light.

Dark Hathor: Universal Recovery!

Suddenly, all our digimon were healed.

UltraWargreymon: Thanks.

Metaldevimon: grr&#8230;Ultra Energy Drain! ::a blackish light shoots toward the digimon::

The attack hit the digimon at full force. Hathor managed to block the children and Crystal blocked Gomomon and Palmon. The other digimon un-digivolved to rookie form, other than ArchAngewomon, who un-digivolved to Gatomon. They were laying down, hopeless.

Hathor: You battle Crystal. I have to protect the others!

Crystal: Fine. Water Dragon Blast!!!!@ Metaldevimon!!!

Metaldevimon: ::is hit:: ARG!!! Ultra Energy Drain!

Crystal: ::crumples:: Can&#8217;t&#8230;move&#8230;

Tai: ::looks mad:: Joe, Mimi, it&#8217;s up to you!

Joe looked determined. I watched Joe and Mimi glow as I was holding Patamon. Come on Joe and Mimi. Light up. And they did.

&#8220;Gomomon super-warp digivolve to Archmarineangemon!&#8221;

&#8220;Palmon super-warp digivolve to Orchridrosemon!&#8221;

Archmarineangemon looked like Marineangemon only with armor and was larger. Orchridrosemon looked like Rosemon only with an huge white orchid on her back like a bow or something.

Archmarineangemon: Double Tsunsami Wave! @ Metaldevimon!

Orchridrosemon: Orchrid Bomb! @ Metaldevimon!

Those attacks took care of the metal Devimon. Zack stepped into view.

Zack: I&#8217;m not finished! Physic Elimination!!!

Hathor: Oh no you don&#8217;t! Draco Blast!!!!!!!!!

The attacks met in the middle.

Hathor: Now for the final match. Goddess Hathor Connection!!! ::transforms into the goddess Hathor:: Universal Reincarnation!!!!

A huge energy ball was unleashed at Zack. All everyone could do was stare at the energy ball. It was big. Suddenly, it was all over. Zack was dead. He yelled at one word. Chaos. I had no idea what it meant. I just know that I could not prevent what was going to happen next.

Chapter 9

Gone With A Kiss

Part 1: The True Crest of Friendship and Hope

Out came Zellura. She had blonde hair and narrow eyes. Next to her was a metal looking Ladydevimon.

Zellura: Mega Physic Elimination at Matt.

Matt didn&#8217;t see the attack. In fact, Zellura whispered that attack, loud enough that only the closest person next to her could hear. That happened to be me for some odd reason. It happened so quickly. Hathor leaped in front of Matt, protection him, but getting hit herself. She un-transformed to Tracy and collapsed onto the ground.

Matt: ::kneels down and picks Tracy up:: ::is crying:: No&#8230;Tracy&#8230;why did you do that?

Me: ::runs to her::

Crystal: ::runs to her but is poised in case Zellura tries something:: Tracy, don&#8217;t go.

Tracy: ::looks at Matt weakly:: I&#8217;m your guardian.

Matt: But&#8230;how can you go when I &#8230;I &#8230;

Tracy: shh&#8230;don&#8217;t be afraid&#8230;I love you too&#8230;Tobias&#8230;

Crystal: ::is startled:: ::looks at Matt:: Tobias?

Me: Tobias?

Tracy: ::looks deep into Matt&#8217;s eyes:: Yes, you are Tobias. Matt, discover your true self. You are Tobias. ::looks at T.K.:: And T.K.? Tell Michael that he was a good partner. Even though he is Angemon, he will be Michael to me forever. ::takes one last look at Matt:: One day, we&#8217;ll be together again, like old times&#8230;

Matt: No Tracy, don&#8217;t say that. Not one day. We are together, forever, I promise. ::leans over and kisses Tracy::

Tracy: ::kisses Matt for the last time::

It was so sad. Tears were streaming down my face but I wasn&#8217;t sobbing or anything. It was more like silent crying. As their lips met, a light shown between them, and Tracy disappeared. Then Matt really lost it. After 2 seconds, Zellura broke it.

Zellura: I don&#8217;t care if you&#8217;re not ready, attack WarLadydevimon!!!

Warladydevimon: Ultra Darkness&#8217;s Way!!!!!!!!@ Matt!

Then Matt did something he could never do. He blocked the attack. He just simply held his hand out and blocked it. Tai and the rest just stared at him, jaws touching the ground. So were the digimon. I felt the energy!

&#8220;Patamon super-warp digivolve to Holy ArchAngemon!&#8221;

Very cool. Holy ArchAngemon was Mangaangemon with more armor and a black helmet. I looked at Matt. He looked strange. Then he started to glow with the brightest light. It looked like he was digivolving!!! The light didn&#8217;t just outline him, it was him. He grew taller and more muscles. His blonde hair became dirty blonde and was in a wild mushroom style. In his hand, he held a staff that looked a lot like the one that Dark Hathor had but it had to more lightning bolts coming out of it like flower petals. He wore the same clothes only with a golden cape.

Crystal: O.O Tobias?!?!?!

Part 2

Tobias vs. Zellura

We all stared at him. Zellura also stared at him. Matt? Tobias? I was seriously confused. Then Gabumon started to glow.

&#8220;Gabumon super-warp digivolve to Wargarurmon!&#8221;

I can&#8217;t really describe Wargarurumon other than the fact that he looks like a cross between Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon. Then Matt/Tobias spoke.

Matt/Tobias: Go Wargarurmon.

Zellura: Go Warladydevimon.

Wargarurmon: War Ice Wolf. ::totally fries Warladymon::

Zellura: grr&#8230; Psychic Elimination!!!!!!!

Matt/Tobias: ::blocks attack:: ::holds up his staff:: Golden Zeus Arch Star Energy.

With that Zellura just exploded. Just like that. Then Matt/Tobias became just Matt again. It was very confusing.

Crystal: ::yet again: Tobias!?!??!


Kari&#8217;s point of view.

It was five days since we got back from the digiworld.

After the battle, Crystal explained who Tobias was when Matt went off for a little while. Gabumon stayed because he knew that Matt wasn&#8217;t gonna need his help for a long time. Tobias was a guy from another realm that Tracy couldn&#8217;t return to until she accomplished something. It was a secret that Crystal didn&#8217;t even know. Tracy was told that there was a Tobias somewhere in this realm and she was to find him. She sacrificed her freedom just to look at him. That was how much she loved him.

No one knows where Tracy is now. Maybe she&#8217;s dead. Maybe she&#8217;s not. I saw Matt at the campfire by the cabin. I walked up to him.

Me: ::sits by him:: Hi.

Matt: Hi.

Me: You think she&#8217;s out there?

Matt: ::looks at the stars:: I don&#8217;t think she&#8217;s out there. I know she&#8217;s out there.

(The sequel: The Next Generation. Here&#8217;s the &#8216;back of book thing&#8217;:

Matt looked at the new three chosen children. They reminded him on how he battled in the digiworld. Questions raced through his mind. Are they experienced? Did they know their enemy? Did they know the other digimon? Are they powerful enough? And most importantly, did they know the digi-guardians?)