You know you're too obsessed with Digimon when.....(the continuation) -by


More obsessions! Yes, I am again guilty of a ll of them! Really! I am! Blah

blah, disclaimer stuff, you know, do I have to say it?

1. If someone asks you if you are dating anybody you say "Yes, __________"

( fill in with a name of a digidestined)

2. During class you catch yourself humming the theme song to Digimon.

3. You have cried at more than one digimon episode

4. You write stuff like this.

5. Digimon occupies your thoghts 24/7/365.

6. You think that Digimon should have it's own soundtrack.

7. You have imagined making out with a Digigdestined more than once.

(Matt!! oops!)

8. You have read practically every digi-fic ever written.

9. You wish you could marry a digidestined.

10. You go phsyco when somebody says that a certain pair of digidestined

kids belong together that you don't agree with that everybody is afraid to

go near you.