Love vs. Jewels

AN: A salute to the final episode of digimon! It came out today, the 24th of June. A thirty gun salute! No, not at me! ARGH!!!

"Hello, this would be Izzy speaking, for DKG80 who is under fire at the moment. Anyway, last time, Sora awoke in the Realm of the Dead and met the other dead digidestined and digimon. They all have fun together there. We certainly weren't having any fun here! MetalSeadramon shot a River of Power at Matt, and it looked like he would die, but the Hat of Fate allowed T.K. to run ten times faster and knock Matt out of the way and to take the blow himself. We also encountered Metaletemon and Piedmon, who killed Kari and I. Matt and Tai encountered Vernemon, a data digimon that was on evil's side at the moment. However, they were able to defeat him, and we were all saved! Prodigious! We found ourselves at home with our digimon. When school started, a girl named Julia was being controlled by a Piedmon back from the dead! Julia could sing and turn everyone into slaves, and she gave hypnotic seltzer to the little kids. Fortunately, I was able to shoot her. Unfortunately, I think that she'll be back!"

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon (WAHHH!) What I do own is Julia. Please ask to borrow her before writing her into your script.

Part 1


Piedmon stared at Julia.

"You failed me. It will not happen again. Go."

Julia, under Piedmon's control, nodded and left.

Izzy was on the telephone, talking to a kid named Walter Snyde, who was on vacation somewhere in the U.S.A. Izzy had just finished talking to Walter about the Julia Song problem that they had had.

"No way! Anyway, have you continued work on your mathematical probability tests?" asked Walter.

"Nope. I'm hoping that there will be a battle soon, so I can test my theories on math with other factors. How goes your work on the particle disrupter sub atomic shock absorber kickback eliminator ... laser cannon?" asked Izzy.

"Great. I'm hoping to finish it soon. I just need to fine tune the kickback eliminator. A gun that powerful has a powerful equal and opposite reaction, and I don't ant to be sent flying by the power of physics!" joked Walter.

"Haha. For more important matters, I heard that you can communicate with the digiworld, and have temporary control of the Wizardmon army. Is that right?" asked Izzy.

"Yes, In fact, speaking of the army, I have to finish perfecting that cannon, " said Walter.

"Bye then." Izzy hung up, opened up his laptop, and started to work. His mathematic equations grew more and more complex, until he accidentally overloaded his computer, and shut it down. Right before he rebooted it, he realized that he had left some important papers in the school science lab. But it was 9:00 P.M. He didn't know how to pick locks that efficiently.


"Hello, Jim Kido. What is it?" asked Jim as he picked up the phone.

"This is Izzy Koushiro. I need to talk to Joe."

"Okay." Jim got Joe. He also handed Joe a long slim package.

Izzy told Joe what he needed, and Joe agreed to help him. On his way to the school, Joe unwrapped the package to find a card saying Happy Birthday! and a crowbar. It was a joke -- he and Jim liked to buy each other weapons for their birthdays. Still, Joe couldn't love his brother.

Izzy and Joe met outside, when they heard someone running up behind them. Aulig Note, the new girl. Izzy was still amazed--she was as pretty as Julia, who, though evil, was also very cute.

"Hello. I forgot my homework, so I was seeing if there were any unlocked doors." She said.

"I'll pick the lock, and then you two can grabbed your stuff." Said Joe.

When Izzy had gotten his papers, he noticed Aulig standing behind him.

"You're cute." She said.

"So are you." Izzy responded.

"Too bad that I'm evil." She said. She took her emerald necklace out from beneath her shirt, and fired it at Izzy. He went flying into a wall. She threw an energy net around him before he could get up.

"This'll sap your energy for three days before you die. Bye!" She said, and started for the door.

Joe entered the lab, looking for Izzy. Aulig grabbed him from behind, and sang a melody.

Because of his hands stuck behind his back, he couldn't cover his ears. Soon he was completely hypnotized.

Right when Izzy figured out that Au was the elemental symbol for gold.

Gold wasn't a jewel, but it was pretty close.

And Julia had been known as the jeweled singer.

Part 2


No one was able to get into the science lab next morning. Someone appeared to have stuck a crowbar into both sides of the doorframe. Because the door opened inside, no one could get in!

Kari was worried about Izzy. Joe had been acting recently like he was hypnotized again. She voiced her concern to Matt.

"As much as I'd love to kill Julia for what she's done, we've got no proof. The only one who's outside the law is hypnotized." Was his response.

The school talent show was coming up, and Kari was working on her gymnastics. She was doing a double with T.K.

Right in the middle of a flipping act, she heard the phone ring. Since she was a former army general, it didn't startle her. She cut short her routine and answered the phone.

"Jewels are great. Love is greater. Jewels can get things. Love can get better. The more jewels you have, the more you might get. The more love you have, you'll get more I bet." The unidentified caller hung up.

Kari shrugged, dismissed it as a prank call, and restarted her gymnastics.

In the U.S.A., Walter wondered whether Kari had gotten the point of the message. He had agreed with Izzy that Julia would be back, but if he just told her what to do, well, he just was too mysterious for that.

During the talent show the next day, Kari and T.K. were a great success. Kari went off into the hallway to chat with T.K. while the last act--Aulig's--was performed.

"You're good T.K. You're very good at gymnastics." Said Kari.

"You are too!" Said T.K.

Aulig had a singing act (duh). Kari suddenly noticed that the audience was silent.

She dashed off to the science lab and attempted to break the door down.

"Help me T.K.! Izzy's trapped in here!" She said.

Aulig rounded the corner. Right at them.

Part 3

Julia's love

"My singing should bring out the dormant potion inside you two, you know." She said, advancing on them.

Kari threw caution to the winds and blasted the door down with her blaster. T.K. and Kari ran inside the room, hoping to free Izzy before getting hypnotized.

Aulig grabbed a device from a lab table, and having not a clue as to what it did, hit a red button.

A blue beam shot out of it and trapped T.K. in a stasis field (AN: For those of you who don't know what a stasis field is, it's like a force field, but everything in it is frozen in time).

Kari jumped at Aulig, and they had a brief struggle over the device. Aulig, not having a chance to sing, picked up a bottle of seltzer and uncorked it.

Kari slipped, and Aulig fell on top of her. As Kari opened her mouth to say something, Aulig poured the seltzer down Kari's throat.

Kari stood and helped Aulig up, obediently. Izzy, who was watching all of this, groaned.

"My final task is to kill you, Izzy." She said, raising a dagger high above her head.

Izzy stared at her, not moving.

She hesitated. The Julia that had lain dormant for so long was now wrestling the jewel. As the jewel concentrated most of it's psychic powers on controlling Julia, the connection with Kari shattered.

Kari ran to the wall where Izzy lay imprisoned. She pulled out a knife and rammed it into the web. The web's energy flowed into the knife and disappeared.

Izzy gathered all of his energy just to run a few feet. He grabbed the stasis field generator from Aulig, and turned off the stasis field. T.K. fell to the ground.

Izzy gasped for air, even as Aulig stood unsteadily to her feet.

Kari picked up a blaster and shot Aulig. She again flashed and disappeared, and again, everyone was free.


Well, how d'you like it? I known that I'm being a bit mysterious about Walter, but he's the kind of guy that's mysterious. Kind of like Izzy. I also know that I'm being kind of obvious in what'll happen in my next story, but I figure I owe my readers something, especially the two nice people who sent me fan mail. But anyway, my address is, so send me mail!