Author's note : This is a prologue to my "Pixie Makato, the Ninth

Digidestined" story. I wrote this right after Part One was finished, and

I came up with it overnight. HOORAY FOR ME!!! WOOOHHOOOO!!! So, sit back

and read this piece of work. Enjoy!!!

My Story

(:written by Jessa Balcita:)

A young woman slipped out of her bed and put her robe and slippers on.

She kissed the man with her on the cheek. He smiled in his sleep.

It was a stormy night. "I hope the lightning doesn't wake him up." 23

year old Pixie Makato thought to herself. She walked out of the double

doors onto the balcony and sat in a chair.

She looked back at her husband, sleeping. She admired his strong

features, his blue eyes, his blonde hair, his broad shoulders, his

sensitivity, his friendship, his attitude, his good looks. "I can't

believe I got married to my first love." Pixie thought, smiling.

"We were so young, pretty crazy, too. " Pixie smiled. "It's so strange

to how we met. Yet, I love this man, Yamato 'Matt' Ishida." She thought

as she closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair.

She had a flashback of a blonde boy her age and the young 11 year old

she once was. The boy was Yamato. They were holding hands, spinning

around in a circle, laughing. They fell to the ground. The sounds of

joyful glee faded as the flashback ended.

"Those were the days. I remember how we met." she thought again,

opening her eyes to the dancing silvery rain. The sky glinted with

another flash of lightning, then thunder.

"Someone would've forgotten how themselves and their lovers met. But I

still remember clearly." Vivid images flowed into her mind. A thought ran

across her mind, "This is how it happened. This is my story. "


Pretty corny, eh? Maybe not. I think it's sorta good. Well, I gotta

run. I'm in a hurry. Take care and BUH BYE!!!

Jessa Balcita