Waiting for Death

by Catgirl

disclaimer: sigh. You know the drill. You've got a brain. I don't own digimon.

A/N: This is based around annonomity. You aren't supposed to know who it is

till the end, so read it,don't skip to the end. I will write a sequel, I'm

just not sure where this is going, so please, hang in there!

"Paging Dr. Tachika, Paging Dr. Tachika. Please report to the emergency

room , Dr. Tachika."

The 13 year old boy let his eyes wander around the white room. There

wasn't much to see. A bed on which he lay. Some machines that were keeping

him alive.

"Paging Dr. Sakiyama, Dr. Sakiyama. Please report to room 22B." The

teenager closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to shut out the hospital

noise. The noise that was a constant reminder that he was in the hospital.

That he only had a short time to live. He opened his eyes. The doctors had

bluntly told him that he was going to die. They couldn't even gaurentee

that he would live to see another day.The thought that he could die right

now, on the spot, chilled him down to his very bones. He closed his eyes

once more, letting his mind wander back to a few hours ago. Hours he wished

he could have back. It was raining heavily. He had been heading up to the

corner store. It had been raining so heavily that a car had accidentally

skidded off the road. When the car slipped back on the road it had been out

of control. The boy had been walking along when blam! The car had hit him,

sending him flying along the sidewalk. Painfully, He remembered lying,

semi-concious on the cement while a crowd gathered. People were shouting.

"What happened to him?"

"Oh my God! Someone hit him!"

"Call 911!"

"Does he have any identification?"

Eventually, somebody called an ambulance and they found his wallet with

identification. The boy opened his eyes to stare at the stark white ceiling

of the hospital room once more. He had previously been thinking about after

life. Where did you go when you died? Did you go to heaven or hell or did

you just lie in pitch blackness? The thought that creeped the teenager out

the most was the idea of having to relive the car accident over and over

for the rest of eternity. To have to see the car coming again and feel th

pain of lying on the cold cement, in the pouring rain in a pool of his own

blood. These were all scary toughts, but somehow, death didn't seem real to

him yet. He didn't believe he was going to die even though he knew he

would. His thoughts were interrupted by a doctor coming in and checking

the heart moniter.

"Well, no flat line yet, eh kid?"

"Great," The boy thought bitterly, " I'm about to die and this guy thinks

it's funny!"

"Seriously, How do you feel?" The doctor asked.

" Like shit, but what do you expect, I just got hit by a car, remember?"

The boy responded impatiently.

The doctor's face tightened.

"Right," He said quietly," Well, I'll come back in little while. Just buzz

the nurse if you need anything, right?"

The boy nodded numbly. The doctor's words from hours before were all too

fresh in his mind." There's too much internal damage. You'll only live a

couple more hours, maybe a couple more days." This was followed by a brisk

"I'm sorry". Oh great. He's sorry! I'm gonna die and he's sorry! the boy

thought. All of a sudden, it hit him like a ton of bricks. He really was

going to die. It wasn't a dream. He would be dead in a couple of days, max.

His live, or lack of, would not be the same. Matt Ishida was going to die.

Hope you liked it! I hate it when people leave ciffhangers, so now it'd my

turn to torture you! Oh, and don't flame me cause Matt's dying. This is not

the end! Plenty can happen in Part 2!