Ok...I don't own Digimon or the song Who do ya Thinku are. I just put that in the fic cuz that matches Tai and Matt perfectly! it's a song fic.NOTE: Matt and Tai are singing.

Who Do you Think You Are?

Tai: You say you're cool and you're strong

You say you'll lead and i should tag along

But would you cry, (huh) you'd be a mess!

If it was Mimi that you wanted to impress

(Mimi blushes)

Matt: You say you're brave, without a doubt

But it's too late to tell me that you won't ditz out!

Spacey things that you've said

Prove that you've got moon rocks rolling in your head

Both: Who do ya think you are?

Tai: Who do you think you are

Matt: ya say your the best by far

Both: Who do ya think you are?

Tai pushes Matt...Matt falls, Matt gets up and pushes Tai....

Matt: When its time to stand and fight

You'd rather rather flirt with Sora all day and night!

(Sora blushes tomato red)

And when you're scared, you run back home

Solving every problem with a ice cream cone

Tai: You're all talk, non stop

You think that its so cherry in the leader spot

You say your way never fails

Well I might as well stay home and eat some slimy snails


Matt and Tai start argueing and the rest could only shake their heads in despair. Nobody can stop Matt and tai from fighting.

Matt tries to punch Tai in the stomach but he misses hitting the ground.

Tai then tackles matt to the ground.

At this moment Sora comes and pulls Tai away from Matt and Mimi pulls Matt away from Tai.

Matt sits next to Mimi and she tries talking to him and Sora does the same.

Matt and tai look at each other all teary eyed...

Tai and Matt: I hope you know today it doesn't show, you are my friend (you are my friend)

That doesn't mean that when we had it we won't go at it again and again!

Matt and Tai gets up and walks over to each other and everyone sighs...

Tai: You've got brains...but I've got guts!

Matt: If I'm a pain well you're a clutz!

Tai and Matt: Oh it's insane how we drive each other nuts!

All: It's true!

VOX Breakdown...

Tai: Who do you think you...who do ya think you are...

Matt: Who do you think you are yeah yeah...

Vickering and nagging

Matt: I can't belive we chose YOU as leader

Tai: Well I should be! (puffs up chest)

Matt: But you're sucha jerk!

Tai: Oh yeah and you...

Matt: That's nothing compared to how bad you sing!

Tai: I don't sing bad!

matt: Do too!

Tai: Do not!

Matt: Do too!

Tai: Well I'm leader and that's that

Matt: Well why should I listen to a ditz like you!

tai: Well cuz I'm the great Taichi kamiya..bearer of courage!

Matt: If you think you're great you're goggles must be on too tight!

Tai: My goggles are on fine!

Matt: Whatever.


Ok so my fic may be corny. I love the song Who do ya think you are...if you have the Lunarock CD..you must have heard it before.