A thank you to all who have been here for us during our latest scare...I did not have email addresses for you all so I created a page similar to the thank-you I sent along to others. What would I ever do without my support line? Go nutty I expect...LOL. Here's our latest story...
On Sat. May 20/2000 Brittany had been complaining about some pain in her lower pelvis. That evening she called me up to the bathroom telling me she just had stinky pee...quite the understatement...it was the most foul thing I have ever smelt...ick. Browny green in colour, clouding the toilet.
I bathed her quickly and we set off for the clinic...thinking she may have a whopping bladder infection. We sat for an hour while I waited for her to produce a urine sample...figures - the one time the clinic is fast moving and here we are waiting for another reason..LOL.
Brittany finally gave me one..not what I was expecting. It was only a couple drops...of browny green slime...very thick and very putrid. Almost like feces but like nothing I had ever smelt in my life. The doc tested it on the spot and told me it was indeed feces and she thought it was in her urine. We were used to surprises, but it caught me so off guard I was close to tears.
The doc phoned her pediatrician and he suggested she phone Sick Kids right away...they told us to come in and they would be waiting for her in emerge. It shocked me and I cried a bit...then we were home and we jumped into action. Brittany fed the cats while we frantically packed and my husband got the van ready. (He had it masked off to touch up the paint). Off we went. She slept most the way, though she said it hurt.
When we arrived at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, it was like going home...it is just so familiar to us. Unfortunately we found even though they asked us to come, we had to go through the whole triage procedure. It was now after 10 pm. Yawwwwn.
Luckily we got a nice nurse who was concerned about Brittany not peeing for a few hours and rushed us through. Waiting for a room, Brittany had some more of this horrid discharge, and also went pee for them for a sample. She stank up a good radius of emerge...LOL.
Once in a room , we were seen by the on call Resident, a very nice gentle man...he got some history, and said it could be just a bladder infection, but he was going to admit her, do bloodwork and a CT scan.
When we got up to her room, it was almost 3 am...soooo tired. LOL. The bloodwork came back as an infection somewhere, but not in the urine that they could tell. The CT scan revealed that she had a pocket of fluid in a resected piece of bowel she has. (We found, through emergency surgery in Dec 98 she indeed had two sets of bowels...one had filled to the bursting point, as it drained only through a tiny hole on the side of her vagina...it perforated and they removed it all as she hung near death, leaving a small piece which is connected still to her vagina, bringing the other end to the outside of her abdomen and allowing it to heal over). They then wondered if this was the cause.
Her General Surgeon at the time was on vacation and would not be back until Teusday...this was Sunday. Nothing to do but wait. Brittany was feeling better due to IV antibiotics and roared around terroizing the staff and making lots of new friends. She was on liquids until her surgeon returned on Tuesday but it did not slow her down...LOL.
It was decided that on Thursday she would be sedated, her Cecostomy Tube changed because it was almost due and she would then be taken to the OR and they would put a scope up her vagina to take a look, and perhaps enlarge the opening to the resected bowel to allow it to drain better, if it was the cause. They found nothing and did nothing. The surgeon said that he doubted it was the cause, and said that she most likely got some feces pushed up her vagina, which sat and turned foul...yet he also said it was sqeaky clean, which left us confused.
We were told she would go for an UltraSound the next day to see if she still had the pocket of fluid. It was found that it was gone...and the head of US, who has followed her since birth said it was the cause, and was hopefully not going to reoccur. He also said he saw where the opening probably was, and that it had sealed over.
Soooo...we were finally able to go home on Friday evening...almost a week. But thankfully no surgery, except the changing of her tube which is usually a daysurgery anyways.
All of her old nurses were surprised and happy to see her again - albiet unexpectedly. She also met some new ones that thought she was adorable. Until she ran around bugging them..LOL..then they would comment on how "busy" she is...ROFL!
Well, I guess that was our vacation, though not what we expected! Hopefully it will not reoccur, and life will be quiet for a long while. Keeping our fingers crossed!
Thanks everyone for your support and cards, and gifts! The amazing power of friendship always shows through at times like these. Considering I have never met most of my supporters in person! Thanks Tigger for the surprise gift and the phone call...now I have a voice to put to you anyways..LOL. Thanks Chelle for checking up on us at Sick Kids and posting our progress while I could not. Thanks Jeanine and dd for the wonderful presents..and it was awesome to meet you! Corrina, I'm glad I was able to track you down while you and Cameron were in another hospital...gave me someone to think about..LOL. Cynthia, you are a sweetheart for the wonderful book for Brittany and I am so sorry I missed you!
Everyone take care and thanks again for everything. It's times like these that I know I am truly blessed and thankful for finding TP and getting to know you all. Luv ya'll!!
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