Brittany & Shadow - Our Two Babies!
I don't know who wanted a kitten more, Brittany, or Daddy, but eventually I gave in! They really had to twist my arm you know...LOL! Well, he was worth it. A tiny grey bundle of fluff. I was afraid his older roommates might pick on him. I was wrong...HE picked on them! Hissed everytime they came near, and sent them running. Big ol' chickens. Eventually, everything settled down...a couple days into his new home, he remembered how to purr, and we were totally in love. If that's what you call waking me up 6 times a night just to lick my nose...hee hee. He has more character than any cat I've known..what a sweetie!
Here is Shadow ALL growed up now. And he IS really grown up....large.

Here is Molson - he's the old man of the house now. He gets his lip curled up sometimes and I couldn't resist a funny picture :)

And don't forget Boo Too, our dear departed Yaboo's namesake. More commonly referred to as Baby Boo, or just Baby. Yah, he think's his name is Baby. Oh well. LOL.

And, the three stooges together. I think Brittany helped them pose for this one. LOL!!

Though these two you will catch cuddling from time to time :)

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