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The Spear Butt - An Addenda

by Stephen Francis Wyley

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Information on three more spear butts have come to my attention after a recent discussion with my colleague Peter Beatson. I am indebted to Peter for providing a copy of the document in question.

The line drawings (A,B &C) are of BTOK from Novogod, Russia from between the 10th to the 13th century.


The size of the piece illustrated is unknown but by comparing them with spear heads from the same plate it could be concluded that the largest (A) is about 10 centimetres long and the other two (B & C) are 5 centimetres and 7 centimetres long. (A) clearly shows a whole in the wider portion of the cone which could be the means of attachment to the shaft. (B) clearly shows the join of the cone where the two sides were joined together during forging. All three do not have a pointed apex therefore precluding them as part of the weapon.

These pieces support my original conclusion the "the most often used design for a spear butt was a conical shape and proportionally shorter than the spear head.

Stephen Francis Wyley


Avdusin, D.A., Arkheologiia SSSR (The Archaeology of the USSR), Visschaia Schkola: Moscow,1967.

This page was last updated on the 21st May 2002 

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