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The Spear Butt
by Stephen Francis Wyley 
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A spear butt or shoe was a metal ferrule which was attached to the base of a spear shaft, which could have been used for a number of purposes such as: to counter balance the weight of the head; or to make it easier to stick into the ground; and in one source it is suggested that it even could have been used as a substitute weapon.

Figure 1. Examples of the Greek 'Sauroter' Figure 2. Spear butt from Sardis

The spear butt has been used since Ancient times. The Greek term for a spear butt was 'sauroter' which was proportional to the length of the head of the spear but was normally shorter (see figure 1.).

An extant conical spear butt from Sardis (Turkey ?) from the 6th century B.C. was made from a sheet of iron, it had a length of 7.7 cm and a diameter at the aperture for the shaft was 1.5cm (see figure 2).

The design of spear butt which appears the most often is a cone which would have been shaped from sheet metal. The only other different spear butt design from the Medieval period is from a late 10th - early 11th century Byzantine ship wreck1 . This supposed spear butt appears to have a central spike flanked by two smaller lobes and the base consists of a ring surrounding the base which I suspect was used to attach it to the shaft (see figure 3.).

So far I have only found one example of a spear butt from Medieval Europe, its from a 9th century warriors grave in a pagan cemetery at Kilmainhan - Islandbridge outside Dublin. The spear buutt is the typical conical design and is approximately 10cm long and 2cm wide at the aperture for the spear (see figure 4.).

Figure 3. Spear butt 
from Byzantine shipwreck.
Figure 4. The spear butt from Kilmanihan
- Islandbridge outside Dublin.

In conclusion, the most often used design for a spear butt was a conical shape and proportionally shorter than the head. I have not yet discovered the weight of the extant examples or if there are any other examples of other design in Europe. That will take further research, if anyone has any further information could they please write to me.


Graham-Campbell, J.,The Viking World, 1980.
Nicolle, D., Saladin and the Saracens, 1987.
Tarssuk, L.& Blair, C., The Complete Encyclopedia of Armour and Weapons, 1982.
Waldbaum, J. C., Metalwork from Sardis, 1983.

1 Nicolle fails to note any further information about this Byzantine shipwreck. The shipwreck is in fact the Serçe Liman1, an 11th Century Byzantine Shipwreck (excavated by the Institute for Nautical Archaeology, University of Texas.


Serçe Liman1, an 11th Century Byzantine Shipwreck (excavated by the Institute for Nautical Archaeology, University of Texas (picture of an extant spear butt)

Spearbutt - An Addenda

ARCHAEOLOGY. Arms and Armour: Classical and Hellenistic Weapons (picture and description of an extant spear butt)


This page was last updated on the 21st May 2002 

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