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This is a photo of Jerusalem taken from the Mount of the Olives taken by an unknown photographer.


Jerusalem from the sky

Maps Of Jerusalem

Virtual Jerusalem Tour

Castles on the Web

 Site O is a group of people from around the world that share an interest in fortifications and artillery. Some are authors on the subject, some are connected with Universities and teach it and others are simply fascinated with it.

Other web pages on fortifications by the Author.

A Dictionary of Military Architecture
An Aerial View of Masada
Anglo-Saxon Burhs
Bibliography of Military Architecture
David's Tower, Jerusalem
Drawings of Aspects of Military Architecture
More Pictures of the Theodosian Land Walls
Siege Warfare, The Art of Offence and Defence
Shiro, A Japanese Castle
The Walls of Ankara
The Defences of Constantinople
The Town Walls of Conwy
What is a Castle?

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