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Sven's Picture Gallery

Sven and Ragnar playing hnefatafl at a feast, Wagga Wagga 1993. Sven wrestling some poor soul at the 1993 Conference, Glenfield. Sven in his Knightly kit after the Tournament at the Brisbane Conference, 1995. Rick, Bjarki and Sven competing in the NVG Annual Archery Tournament (Mount Beckworth, Victoria, 1998). Sven outside his tent at the Southern Gathering, Mount Beckworth, Victoria, 1998.
A. Sven standing in front of Vlachernai's Traction Trebuchet (Version 2.) at the Australasian Medieval Conference 1999.A. B. Sorting out the rope before loosing of the trebuchet.B.
Bastile Day, Mont de Lacy, Woori Yallock, Victoria, 1999. Sven and company during the drill session at the Joint Training, Point Gellibrand, August 2000. Sven and Ragnar making a dramatic death scene at the Highpoint Shopping Centre Fencing Display, March 2000. Building Sven's Gate at the Mernda Ringfort
Sven and Loki on the film set of Troll Bridge, 2003Sven and Loki on the film set of "Troll Bridge", 2003
Nintendo Flying Wedge

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Copyright © Stephen Francis Wyley 2000 - 2004