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THAT Digimon Site

The Opinions on EVERYTHING Dejimon

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Palmon Evolutions


Yuramon: This lil’ baby-bubble-blower is that one baby digimon that looks like it crawled off of medusa’s skull… Or maybe like a Tangela from Pokemon if you’re familiar with that… anyway it only appears in that one flashback… (and in the Baby Boom episode with TK, but that’s not Mimi’s digimon…)


Tanemon: It’s another one of those talking plants that never leave you alone, however, unlike Yokomon, this one is cute… and only have four legs instead of fifty, and it doesn’t purr… And as all In-Training digimon, it blows bubbles.


Palmon: Ah.. the plant thing that walks and talks… who wants something like that.. I know I wouldn’t.  She is useful in some aspects. She does know about herbs and how to use them properly. She also has a useful attack unlike some of the other Digimon. But it is still a walking talking plant… doesn’t that just chill you to the bones… it does for me. It has a pink flower blooming on the top of it’s head.. Oh my God! Wait till you hear this; the thing has a tail… A TAIL.. PLANTS SHOULD NOT HAVE TAILS!! NOT EVER! That is so very wrong on many levelsshe has “claws” for fingers… if you call those fingers… she also has vines sticky out of her arms. What the freak is that for….? It also has bug eyes…. What for.. plants should not have eyes in the first place much less bug eyes.. Face it… it as in Palmon is an UGLY walking talking thing!


Togemon: IT’S A GIANT FREAKIN CACTUS!!!! WITH PUNCHING GLOVES NO LESS!!! Sorry but you have to admit this is one of the freakiest evolutions ever. The artist must have created this thing from a nightmare!!! Togemon is the champion evolution of Palmon and it is utterly useless. It ( for I refuse to call it anything but) scares me. The thing has holes for eyes and a mouth, if having empty spaces for sight isn’t satanic, nothing is. It’s attack, Needle Spray, is always precluded by a corny line because Togemon’s ‘mouth’ moves a bit too many times… it makes Togemon even worse… Also, it has a western accent.


Lillymon: This is probably Palmon’s best form. Seriously. It’s still a plant, still walks, talks, flies, and everything else but….It just looks better. It sounds better. It doesn’t make corny jokes. It has a cool digivolution scene. It’s attack, Flower Canon, is pretty decent in itself. As a matter of fact, Lillymon is even USEFUL. (gasp!) (The shock!) Personally, I think Lillymon is hot! Her wings are green like leaves which accent her very nicely considering the fact that her outfit is a sleeveless Chinese floral top and flower petals that act as a skirt. She has boots that are green and go up to her knees and daisies on the front where the boot curves to go upwards. Her gloves are very similar, they go from her elbows to her wrists and are all green except for when it actually reaches the wrists and then it turns into yellow flower petals. Lillymon wa sugoi!!!!


(Rosemon): Another of the POSSIBLE megas (in other words, the incredibly obvious choices for mega forms but just don’t show up in the series! ^_^) Rosemon is sexy, it’s scary how sexy this digimon is… She’s like a dominatrix with her attack, Rose Whip. Because of her sheer sexiness, she has fanarts of her on some of the Jap sites. I wish she’d shown up in the series…