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THAT Digimon Site

The Opinions on EVERYTHING Dejimon

Proud to be the most unnoticed controversial Digimon site on the Internet


This is the rant page... there are many rants. This is also the house of the editorials, which are the same thing sometimes... ^_^ Some are by Ucchan, some by Tora, some by Qball, some by Angel, and some by all of us, and heck, if ya really want to, we'll post some of your rants up here as well, just pick a color that hasn't been used! ^_^



Rant: A nonsensical and sometimes pointless thing written to entertain ourselves, read at own risk, you have been warned! Minimal debatability... (cause it has no point!)

Editorial: A bit more serious, like a rant, but a bit more organized and with a point, kinda like a report, but more interesting, since it's about Digimon and anime... Not debatable, this is fact! ^_^

Opinionated: You may not agree, be careful, no flames allowed if this message exists in the description. Highly debatable!



Our Jun Rant :Does your page have one? Well, so does ours! Rant. ^_^ U-tachi

Coupling Titles :Is your term grammatically correct? The meaning behind it all! Editorial. Ucchan

The Koushirou Izzy Name Debate! :What do you call him? Well...? Opinionated. Ucchan

Who Has The Biggest Hair...? :Who DOES have the biggest hair? Tai? Yama? Your pet brother?!?! Rant. Ucchan AND Tora

THOSE GOGGLES!! :Taichi's goggles: myth or fact? We all acknowledge them, but only Qball tackles the challenge that is solving their mystery! Rant. Qball

Occupation Hazard! :THE Digikids and their supposed future occupations! What will they do with their lives? Well, assuming they'll survive high school... Rant. Tora

The Sora Stereotype :An old rant from the days where I worked at ATII! I thought it was still kinda funny... Sora lovers beware! Opinionated! Ucchan 

 The Mishirou Rant : The reasoning on why we like Mishirou, and why it’s the best pairing for both of them. Editorial. Ucchan

Who gets the Girl? : An argument from the fangirl’s point of view on why she should get the guy! Rant. Princess Snickers.