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THAT Digimon Site

The Opinions on EVERYTHING Dejimon

Proud to be the most unnoticed controversial Digimon site on the Internet

Tentomon Evolutions

Pabumon: Pabumon is the little green blob with the pacifier in its mouth. It shows up a lot more often than the other baby digimon because well... it actually showed up in the series one time... the episode where Koushirou gets his crest to glow. But anyway, Pabumon is cute and says 'Pabu!' Also, as according to the Brotherhood, it wants to take over the world by controlling the weather... but that's only when it's pabumon... ^_^

Motimon: The Pink Gum drop with Manners...You can't get rid of it. He's always popping up everywhere with that annoying nasal voice... He won't just GO AWAY!!!

Tentomon: Tentomon is very funny. Unfortunately, because he has no mouth, he subject to random one-liners. Poor Guy. He just doesn't get a break...Tentomon is a bug type digimon. He has the fly eyes, hard shell and gossamer wings. Not to mention the crooked antennae and completely useless claw/arm things. And if anyone cares: His attack is super shocker. yay.. Tentomon is one of my favorite rookies because he's NOT AN IDIOT!!! You can tell. He knows EVERYONE! This bug really gets around. And does his homework. If its in the DW he know about it. And he owns a tree. And knows every piece of bark on that tree. We know. He said so.

Kabuterimon: YES! The kick ass bug! As far as bugs go, Kabuterimon is very cool. He has the very metallic appearance combined with the buglike attributes of the wings, legs, and mouthpiece. It is very scary and threatening and ominously powerful, as an attack digimon should be. (Surprised that the kids didn't wet their pants when he digivolved.. Of course, Jap kids like bugs...) Being a Champion, Kabuterimon isn't the most powerful thing around, but however, his attack, Electro Shocker, is a useful thing, it blows things up and short circuits electronics and provides power for Koushirou's computer! ^_^ The helmet is kinda wrong... but... oh well.. Kabu is cool.

MegaKabuterimon: ::takes a breath:: How anyone says this thing's name without collapsing to the floor from lack of oxygen is a mystery to me. Koushirou does this... I'm not sure how... Anyway, MegaKabuterimon is not as cool as Kabuterimon (mostly because of the fact that MegaKabu needs to go on a diet!) but MegaKabu is kinda cool regardless... Its attack, Horn Buster, is not as useful as Kabu's attack... It can however blow up bigger things... like say... an asteroid.... he did that! In fact, the name "Horn Buster" is the only really weird thing about MegaKabu, unless your afraid of bugs... (Then its like "GRAB THE RAID!!!!") (Yeah, the big economy sized one on the left!)

(HerculesKabuterimon): How it's name got longer is beyond me... But I refuse to say it's full name... Anyway, if you've ever seen the pics of Herc-Kabu, you know he's really huge and really kick ass... Tento's mega form kicks ass! It's got huge, multiple wings, large claws, and no 'big giant beetle' qualities like MegaKabu... Thus, Herc-Kabu is kewl!!!!!!! It's attack, Grand Horn Buster, sounds like it would be an even bigger version of the asteroid-reducing attack that MegaKabu has. In short, HerculesKabuterimon..... has a long name....