Cheat codes. We've all used them at one time or another.
Personally, I do not usually use cheats when I'm playing
an actual game, but I think they are very useful for when
I'm testing a map I've made with the map editor. That being
said, here goes.
Cheats for Armageddon's Blade
- nwcdarthmaul: gives you 10 Black Knights in every empty slot
- nwcpadme: gives you 5 Archangels in every empty slot
- nwcquigon: gives your hero +1 level
- nwcmidichlorians: gives you 999 spell points and all spells
- nwcpodracer: unlimited movement for hero
- nwccoruscant: totally build up your town (I do not recommend using this, as it can mess up your saved games)
- nwcr2d2: gives you all war machines
- nwcwatto: gives you 100000 gold + 100 of all other resources
- nwcrevealourselves: reveal entire adventure map
- nwcprophecy: reveal Grail puzzle map
- nwcchancecube: full luck
- That's all we know right now!!
Cheats for Restoration of Erathia
- nwcfleshwound: gives you 10 Black Knights in every empty slot
- nwcavertingoureyes: gives you 5 Archangels in every empty slot
- nwcigotbetter: gives hero +1 level
- nwctim: gives you 999 spell points and all spells
- nwccoconuts: unlimited movement for hero
- nwconlyamodal: totally build up your town (I do not recommend using this, as it can mess up your saved games)
- nwcmuchrejoicing: full morale
- nwccastleanthrax: full luck
- nwcsirrobin: instant defeat (i don't understand why this is a cheat)
- nwctrojanrabbit: instant win
- nwcshrubbery: gives you 100000 gold + 100 of each other resource
- nwcantioch: gives you all war machines
- nwcgeneraldirection: reveals entire adventure map
- nwcalreadygotone: reveals Grail puzzle map
Cheat Codes for The Shadow of Death
- nwcagents: 10 Black Knights in every empty slot
- nwctrinity: 5 Archangels in every empty slot
- nwcneo: gives hero +1 level
- nwcthereisnospoon: gives you 999 spell points and all spells
- nwcnebuchadnezzar: unlimited movement for hero
- nwczion: totally build up your town (I do not recommend using this, as it can mess up your saved games)
- nwcmorpheus: full morale
- nwcfollowthewhiterabbit: full luck
- nwcbluepill: instant defeat (I still don't get this . . .)
- nwcredpill: instant win
- nwctheconstruct: gives you 100000 gold + 100 of each other resource
- nwclotsofguns: gives you all war machines
- nwcwhatisthematrix: reveals entire adventure map
- nwcignorenceisbliss: hides adventure map
- nwcoracle: reveals Grail puzzle map